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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 57 KB, 697x500, pseuds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15347670 No.15347670 [Reply] [Original]

This board's incompetence for its own topics is unapparelled by any other blue board.

>> No.15347680

Science is hard, unlike games or collecting. Also, /pol/tards.

>> No.15347681

There are definitely a lot of incoherent posts made by people who have completely bastardized the terms they're using.

>> No.15347697

Yes it is astonishing how clueless and stupid the people here are. It's fine to be clueless about things you have never studied as long as you are capable learning but they people here and so stupid they can;t even process basic ideas and concepts or use grade school logic. Is it any wonder our world is in the state it is? When you have morons in charge of important things you shouldn't be surprised when everything falls apart. We have people who arent even qualified to run a Taco Bell as the "fact checkers" and censors. Clown world isnt just a meme

>> No.15347710

Yeah, with all the /pol/tards - it wasn't always this bad, but it was always shit.

>> No.15347714

This board was great before the pandemic and then it became the official faggots come to kvetch about vaccines all day board, same thing with /pol/ except it was shit already

>> No.15347716

There's a lot of shitposting
But yeah, people use their stupidity to troll.
There are genuinely smart people that lurk here and contribute when the need arrises.

>> No.15347735

Yes, but smug retards still feel the need to make posts about nothing. They could just... not.

>> No.15347801

All blue boards are full of redditor midwits who couldn't hack it on pol.
Everyone knows that pol is the heart and soul of 4chan. pol is the Thunderdome. That's where the men are separated from the boys. If you get filtered you run to a blue board with your tail between your legs.

>> No.15347846

A first step to fixing /sci/ is containing all AI posts in a separate board. Around 90% of people in those threads have no idea what a LLM is which is why they say so much dumb shit about what it can do.

>> No.15347847

Nah, /pol/ is the autistic retard poster boy of 4chan.

>> No.15347850

Yes and all those med questions as well.

>> No.15347890

Obviously. So much of the /sci/ still isn't settled after debating for so long. Is the vaccine safe and effective? Did /sci/ ever prove viruses exist? Is germ theory wrong? Can AI be conscious? Is consciousness an illusion? Is evolution real or just a theory? Could the pyramids have been build without extraterrestrial help? Are dino bones a hoax? Why haven't we visited the moon since such a long time? The /sci/ can't figure it out. How can we follow the /sci/ like this? The /sci/ needs more brain power to deal with these challenges. Maybe a representative of /sci/ can start a crowd funding campaign to ask Deepak Chopra and Richard Dawkins for help.

>> No.15347917

More than half of those are already answered, /sci/ is just retarded.

>> No.15347929

You are the subject of your own post

>> No.15347932

Yes, it's because of all that influx of anti-materialists and other mystics who FUCKING LOVE CONSCIOUSNESS. They need to be removed.
Exhibit A

>> No.15347944
File: 19 KB, 340x298, humorgraph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dunning Kruger

>> No.15347957
File: 19 KB, 700x694, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. The biggest argument for Dunning-Kruger effect is the fact how retards keep bringing up Dunning-Kruger effect.

Pic related is binned random noise plotted against itself and another set of bins of random noise.

>> No.15347978

>Is the vaccine safe and effective? Did /sci/ ever prove viruses exist? Is germ theory wrong?
This one is settled.

>> No.15347981

The graph isn't meant to be rigorous, it's just illustrating the common experience of learning a subject.

>> No.15348029

jannies tongue nigger ass
too much censorship

>> No.15348085

This is what happened

>> No.15348089

This graph is a meme anon. For us it's:
>No expertise part until much confidence part
>Rest is a monotonically non-decreasing function

>> No.15348096

I think some people have some code that watches the board for certain keywords, because some kinds of posts seem to have crazy people immediately appear and start calling everyone trannys and stuff like that which aren't really in any other threads. Longevity is one for example, usually someone will show up right away saying it's some spam op run by trannys from leftypol or whatever. AI seems to bring them in too

>> No.15348106

4chan is a honeypot

>> No.15348114

What's wrong with talking about consciousness though? There's science based discussion to be had about it. Rather than going into those threads and calling people trannys or whatever it would be easier if you just ignored or filtered those threads and you wouldn't have to look at them. Consciousness is a more valid topic than determinism vs free will that happens here a lot

>> No.15348121

The honeypot with no honey. There's no data here worth anything to anyone

>> No.15348141
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Le meme.

>> No.15348150

>no you
case in point

>> No.15348151

Good god. Trannies really do bring up /pol/ in every single thread. What the hell did that board do to you?

>> No.15348154
File: 1.11 MB, 1366x4235, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found you again, it is uncanny isnt it? how your schizophrenia is so easy to locate

>> No.15348189

Hello friends.

>> No.15348212

>some kinds of posts seem to have crazy people immediately appear
>4chan is a honeypot
>There's no data here worth anything
So what's going on? It's obvious that there are people here with some kind of agenda. Are these people crazy or professional?

>> No.15348215

theres still a couple genuine leftists here and there but literally every relevant board is infested with shills

>> No.15348219

Kill yourself worthless schizo, politics and science don't work together, kill yourself worthless tranny, you will never be a scientist by any valid definition

>> No.15348229

youre not convincing anyone

>> No.15348232

This really is it. The board was practically unusable during covid, and we're still suffering from the aftereffects

>> No.15348236

>Is the vaccine safe and effective?
Yes, this has already been settled. Chuds are just retarded

>> No.15348272

This. You are literally the problem.

>> No.15348282

The idea anons have that there is a nip in Japan (a literally vassal of the U.S. that lacks several of the guaranteed protections of the individual) is effectively resisting censors from the entire west is laughable. We are being guided too. Just with back channels.
It's exactly like how despite having supposedly completely different perspectives, almost all popular dissident streamers from both sides of the isle supported Ukraine with largely the same rhetoric. This website is run by the DoD or some other military department under the guise of private ownership. Jannies may work for free but the moderators are paid glowniggers. It's the same thing with companies like Facebook, Google(Alphabet), they start out as private, go public but in reality they are run by some obscure military department hidden behind 99 top clearances.

>> No.15348300
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>> No.15348317

>/pol/tard comes out of the woodwork to immediately call someone who complains about him and his braindead ilk a tranny
Like clockwork

>> No.15348341

>This website is run by the DoD or some other military department under the guise of private ownership
These FBI retards literally STRUGGLE to underatand "based, chad, incel, all of it". All of the culture there is ALIEN to them.

>> No.15348344

Its done by people, not code. When some /pol/tard finds a post that triggers them they post links to other /pol/tards on /pol/, or discord, or parlor, or whatever their preferred echo chamber is and the rest of them come flooding in to protect their delicate sensibilities. There may also be professional trolls/shills monitoring the board as a part of some propaganda campaign like we saw happen on facebook during the 2016 election, but 4chan probably doesn't receive enough traffic for it to be worthwhile.

>> No.15348346

How are you doing man? Have u gotten that bullet out of ur bowels yet?

>> No.15348383

Anon, just because there are some freemason lodges that are just a bunch of middle age duffers holding charity events it doesn't mean there aren't other lodges convening with demons and sacrificing babies for power

>> No.15348401

>All blue boards are full of redditor midwits who couldn't hack it on pol.
one /pol/chad can come to /soi/ and turn it into a sea of raging, screeching, apoplectic retards in about 15 minutes

>> No.15348402

Because he brings reinforcements

>> No.15348418
File: 32 KB, 400x301, unrealistic_expectations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're overestimating the capabilities of chuds.

>> No.15348422

You're serious too. /pol/ is where people with 80 iq go to find comradery given that the test of the internet openly calls them retards when they express their ideas in a form of s schizophrenic rambling accompanied by a macro depicting a retarded conspiracy. The only reason any thread on 4chan turns to shit is because a /pol/tard knows about it.

>> No.15348427

If you think /sci/ or /g/ is bad, places like /v/ and /tv/ are full of turboweebs.

>> No.15348429

>When some /pol/tard finds a post that triggers them they post links to other /pol/tards on /pol/,
That wol be called "raiding" and against the rules and will get you banned. /pol/ doesnt give a flying fuck what retards on /sci/ are talking about you coping fucktard

>> No.15348431

I would take weebs anytime over this shit.

>> No.15348438

Raiding refers to coordinating raids on other websites using 4chan, newfag. It's not against the rules to cross link a thread from another board with a call to action.

>> No.15348457

>/v/ and /tv/ are full of turboweebs.
/a/ here, can we do something about the /v/ and /tv/ cancer? they ruin the board.

>> No.15348460

why does leftypol raid /lit/ and /sci/?

>> No.15348467

They think they're smart. Therefore, they think they're smart enough to convert/shitpost in the smart boards. It's not rocket social studies, anon.

>> No.15348468

its their fictitious, self-assigned, enormous iqs that drive them to it.

>> No.15348470

>erry1 is dum but me
This is why you're easy pickings

>> No.15348476

No it doesnt you stupid faggot. You will get banned for raiding for posting links to other boards tell other people to go there to post. The entire captcha system came from "desu" raids you newfag reditor

>> No.15348482
File: 39 KB, 349x642, db0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>upset by reality
Truth hurts.
Also, the fact that you think pretending to be retarded is epic trolling we fall for is one of the delusions/pol/tards are ridiculed for. There is even an ancient tome illustrating this to you.

>> No.15348492

You're mistaken. I'm here to laugh at you retards, and the fact that you're not even pretending makes it all the funnier.

>> No.15348495

>n-no u
Of course you are. Otherwise, the tears running down your cheeks would be of sadness and you'd have that reality instead.

>> No.15348508

Literally all you know about me is that I think your assumption that everyone else but you is dumb is probably unfounded braggadocio, and the fact that you think you can reduce someone to tears by simply going "w-well I'm right tho" suggests you are not, in fact, right, but I am.

>> No.15348518
File: 189 KB, 513x347, 142336543647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I am here to troll
>one reply later: literally all you know is that I assume and I am not crying
epic reddit moment

>> No.15348525

You are clearly projecting your own desperation to feel superior

>> No.15348528

Okay. Self-reflection is difficult when you roll 80 iq. I understand.

>> No.15348534

Yes, you would understand.

>> No.15348545

>repeats the statement with no substance added
Hmm, me thinks I see a pattern. What do you think, anon. Another round of desperation projected onto me because you lack the capacity to self-reflect? Looks like it to me.

>> No.15348552

See, the joke is that you have experience with having an IQ of 80, and that is why you understand, and therefore I interpret your line as an admission on your behalf.

Also, it seems a little hypocritical to me to accuse me of just repeating what you're saying with no substance added and then also simply repeat my accusations to you with no substance added. But that's the sort of thing that requires self-reflection to see, I suppose. You clearly have no real concept of it but I guess you've been told about it.

>> No.15348564

>See, the joke is that you have experience with having an IQ of 80, and that is why you understand
Right because in your world people can only understand the things they experience. Empathy is out of your bounds because that very ironically and hilariously requires self-reflection. Aren't you glad you stepped on this rake all on your own? Now you can learn because you've experienced it yourself.
Also, I am not simply repeating your accusations I am also mocking you. Did you not pick that up?
>You clearly have no real concept of it
I fucking love irony. Well done.

>> No.15348571

>RH is still an open queschin tho

>> No.15348575

>Right because in your world people can only understand the things they experience. Empathy is out of your bounds because that very ironically and hilariously requires self-reflection. Aren't you glad you stepped on this rake all on your own?
You're really reaching now Anon. But you are, of course, desperate. You were also typing that very quickly from the looks of it. Mind your punctuation.
>Also, I am not simply repeating your accusations I am also mocking you. Did you not pick that up?
>I fucking love irony.
That much is obvious. Yes, I already did this joke, but if you set yourself up twice...

>> No.15348593

>doesn't explain the reach because it's a straight road from A to B
>le desperation x3
>muh grammer
And yes, I do type quickly. Over 100 words on typeracer. Thank you for noticing
> Counting types of jokes
I simply stated my love for irony, anon. Does the fact that your inability to grapple with the subject matter leads straight to irony...
> twice...
Multiple times upset you? That's also very funny.

>> No.15348606

>doesn't explain the reach
Ah, I'm sorry, you need it explained? Figures. If I imply you have an understanding of something for a particular reason, that does not therefore imply that I think that is the only way of understanding something. Your assumption does not logically follow so the rest of your pathetic attempt at a jab falls flat.
>And yes, I do type quickly. Over 100 words on typeracer.
Quality over quantity eh?
>I simply stated my love for irony
Yet you continue to fail to pick up on it. Now that is irony. Am I going to have to explain every comment I make here ad nauseam?

>> No.15348627

>that does not therefore imply that I think that is the only way of understanding something
Yes it does. Unless otherwise stated. Am I to assume infinity in every comment you make?
>Your assumption does not logically follow
Yes it does. Logic is a structure. Providing additional context doesn't change the framework of the former.
>pathetic attempt
Good to hear you're not upset or anything.
>Quality over quantity eh?
Right, I'd say the same if I couldn't deliver both.
>Yet you continue to fail to pick up on it.
Then how am I talking about it?
> Am I going to have to explain every comment I make here ad nauseam?
It'd help if you communicated clearly instead of vague posting in a quiet desperation.

>> No.15348640

I noticed it too. There seems to be a raging tranny in every single thread at the moment bringing up /pol/ and posting the absolute worst takes imaginable. I wonder if it's just one guy. This board is slow enough for one cuck to shit up the whole board.

>> No.15348644

>Yes it does. Unless otherwise stated.
No comment
>Am I to assume infinity in every comment you make?
You are to assume less, in fact.
>Yes it does. Logic is a structure. Providing additional context doesn't change the framework of the former.
Having to explain the several assumptions you had to make in order to make sense of your 'wit' does, though.
>Good to hear you're not upset or anything.
Say it with me now: projection. You've been assuming this from the start for no reason, of course you'll latch on to the flimsiest excuses.
>Right, I'd say the same if I couldn't deliver both.
God damn, I left myself wide open by reversing the saying and you just completely drop the ball here with this weaksauce instead. I was already talking about your writing, not mine, genius.
>Then how am I talking about it?
You're not. You're clearly not even aware of what I'm referring to.
>It'd help if you communicated clearly
Trouble making inferences? I wonder what we can infer about your IQ from that.

>> No.15348671

Silence, newfag. The raiding rules originate from the raids /b/ would orchestrate on various other sites and they involved ddos attacks, gore/cp spamming, infiltration, doxxing, and subsequent harassment. /pol/ is a half retarded puppy compared to old /b/ and the mods really don't care about /pol/tards coordinating shitposts.

>> No.15348673

>No comment
Color me surprised.
>to make sense of your 'wit' does, though.
You didn't claim my wit didn't make sense you claimed my comments don't follow logically. Once again, it would help if you weren't vague posting.
>you'll latch on to the flimsiest excuses.
If you're not mad there is no reason to talk down to anyone is there? Simply pointing out some facts. Does that aggravate your assblast radius?
>completely drop the ball
I take what I want not what's given to me.
>I was already talking about your writing, not mine, genius.
I imagine this was one of them ironies I am missing
>You're clearly not even aware of what I'm referring to.
Very vague. Thank you, very cool.
>You are to assume less, in fact.
>Trouble making inferences?
You're literally on both ends of the argument in one reply. Amazing.

>> No.15348693

yea this board never gets past the surface level no matter how many times a subject is posted. i get that all the bayes theorem posts are all troll posts, but they still make up almost all of the math related posts on this board that gain any traction. frickin fricks, man

>> No.15348700

>Color me surprised.
Ah yes, since you need everything explained to you: that means I think it is self-evidently stupid (to anyone with an IQ over 80).
>You didn't claim my wit didn't make sense you claimed my comments don't follow logically.
Trouble with synonyms too huh?
>If you're not mad there is no reason to talk down to anyone is there?
Oh, is that so? Sounds like a confession.
>I take what I want not what's given to me.
You'd best start settling for what you can get because you're never going to attain the superiority you clearly crave.
>I imagine this was one of them ironies I am missing
You have to imagine because you're still terrible at actually detecting it.
>Very vague. Thank you, very cool.
Yes, I think I'll just let you stew in this one, it is tiresome to condescend all the time and if i'm going to explain everything you missed three or four posts ago we'll be here all day. I, for one, have places to be in a few moments.
>You're literally on both ends of the argument in one reply.
No, see, you have trouble making correct inferences, so you make false assumptions instead. And more trouble with (near-)synonyms that, in this case, don't mean quite the same.

>> No.15348709

Did you know that it's actually possible to talk to people without quoting and responding to literally every single word said?

>> No.15348715

>Did you know
No, I didn't, actually
>that it's actually possible to talk to people
We're not talking but writing
>without quoting
Then what am I supposed to do?
>and responding
It's called a conversation
>to literally every single word said?
Come on, "literally" is hyperbolic

>> No.15348729

stupid fucking discord tranny lick my balls

>> No.15348731

>Ah yes, since you need everything explained to you: that means I think it is self-evidently stupid (to anyone with an IQ over 80).
All these words and nothing on the subject matter is said. Curious.
>Trouble with synonyms too huh?
Ah yes, apples and bowling balls are synonyms because they're both circles. Of course.
>Oh, is that so? Sounds like a confession.
Does it? Sounds like an inquiry into a state of mind to me.
>superiority you clearly crave.
This keeps popping up. Do you a get a sense of inferiority when speaking to me?
>You have to imagine because you're still terrible at actually detecting it.
Right, if only there was a way to clarify it, but alas another post of vague.
>it is tiresome to condescend all the time
I disagree. I find it costs very little energy. What's costly is interpreting posts that are vague.
>have places to be in a few moments.
Good luck.
>No, see, you have trouble making correct inferences, so you make false assumptions instead.
How do you make an inference without an assumption?
>And more trouble with (near-)synonyms that, in this case, don't mean quite the same.
Yeah, for you.

>> No.15348744

I'll be brief since I have to go after this and also to humour Anon.
>Does it?
Yes, it absolutely does. You leave no doubt that you think that there is no reason to talk down to people unless you're seething mad, and you've been talking down a lot. So we once again come to projection and a lack of introspection.
>I disagree. I find it costs very little energy.
That's because I'm doing all the work of condescending to you so your brain isn't overly taxed.
>How do you make an inference without an assumption?
Figures you don't know. So much for logic.

>> No.15348764

You can be mad all you want, newfag. It won't make you any less wrong.

>> No.15348773

>I'll be brief since I have to go after this and also to humour Anon.
I think you'll keep it brief because you're on the ropes, and must flee.
>Yes, it absolutely does. You leave no doubt
I've posed it as a question, indicating uncertainty. If I were to leave no doubt I'd make a statement.
>So we once again come to projection and a lack of introspection
True, I am seething all these /pol/ retards are shitting up quantum science talk with their fucking trannies and shit. You noticed that, huh?
>That's because I'm doing all the work of condescending
I am at the same talking down a lot and not condescending because you're doing all the condescending. Sure, the math checks out.
>Figures you don't know. So much for logic.
Hmm, another vague post. Are you also sensing a pattern?

>> No.15348777

>I will just pretend to be retarded now
be gone tumblr troon

>> No.15348842

Die mad, newfag.

>> No.15348868
File: 326 KB, 1045x2048, FsleDDxagAAm_Rs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what an actual schizo looks like holy shit.

>> No.15348886

>mods really don't care about /pol/tards coordinating shitposts
How new are you? The mods literally froze an entire board board because they filled the /lgbt/ catalog with troonjaks.

>> No.15348910

I unironically think this board has one of the highest average IQ's of all internet communities without exclusive membership, maybe rivaled by rationalist adjacent communities.

>> No.15348921

Opinion discarded

>> No.15348928

>The mods
employees of various glownigger organizations

>> No.15348941

seethe more tumblrina, ywnbaw

>> No.15348946

Triggered /pol/tards who can't accept reality. Sad.

>> No.15348958
File: 3.98 MB, 370x278, pizza.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>troon noises

>> No.15348961


>> No.15348984

including the incompetence vis-a-vis spelling?

>> No.15349001
File: 175 KB, 1648x925, bpphoto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're the cancer anons

>> No.15349145

>you're the cancer
Aren't we all?

>> No.15349195

You will never be a man

>> No.15349208
File: 157 KB, 719x323, 1681414708741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/pol/ is literally smarter than /sci/.

>> No.15349257

Is that where all these 0.999 threads are coming from? Holy fucking shit these retards are unreal.

>> No.15349862

Is this the schizo-anon?

>> No.15350228

Call a /pol/tard a /pol/tard and he suddenly shrieks: "I've been found out!"

>Falling for the prime number base meme

Oh no, 0.999 threads have been bait on this board for over a decade. Doesn't help that /pol/ are just sheep of another flock who will die on that hill because of contrarianism.

>> No.15350234

/sci/ has always an enormous shitpost to content ratio, though it has gotten worse in recent years because of you know whos

>> No.15350267

youre the only one shrieking lmao

>> No.15350292
File: 213 KB, 500x563, 1433982305117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It only takes a few hours of your time to be able to talk about an anime or a vidya game. But to even begin to meaningfully talk about a given science or math topic means having to spend a couple dozen hours studying it at the very least. That and /sci/ has a fair amount of bait throwing shitposters, crossboarders, and few legit schizos

>> No.15350300

the IFLS crowd chimps out massively whenever its pointed out that their bill nye tier understanding of science doesn't dovetail with reality. you'd think they'd be thankful for the free education, but instead they just get angry that their TV gods were contradicted

>> No.15350302

>muh niggerinos and spicerdos are real humans too chud!
Cope and seethe faggot, a lot of /pol/tards are STEM. /pol/ influence the culture of every board on this god forsaken website. Get fucked tranny, ywnbaw

>> No.15350306

>pol is the heart and soul of 4chan


>> No.15350314

He's right, /pol/ literally has dominion over this entire website and far reaching influence across a wide range of websites.

>> No.15350316


>> No.15350321

>t. Black gorilla n8gger

>> No.15350323
File: 136 KB, 699x699, MIGA soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>full of redditor midwits who couldn't hack it on pol
Pure fucking projection. /pol/ got flooded with r/the_donald boomers in 2016 and it absolutely ruined the board from that point onward. /sg/ was the only good thing about /pol/ after that and the board was never good as it was in the Dorner & Zimmerman trial days
t. knower

Anime site

>> No.15350345
File: 238 KB, 800x668, 1508533543870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not who I'm talking about, popsci retards who hung on Neil Tyrone Chicken's every word with baited breath were a problem even a decade ago when they occasionally leak in here.

>a lot of /pol/tards are STEM. /pol/ influence the culture of every board on this god forsaken website. Get fucked tranny, ywnbaw

>> No.15350460

/a/ I can tolerate although I don't like it. /v/ and related /v$/ boards are a cancer. The boards themselves are unusable because the content is scattered across half a dozen boards. There's even a special board for /v/ generals (/vg/).

But worse yet is the content spills over to other boards as well. With Hollywood not making new intellectual property /tv/ usually has some /v/ content and because a lot of gamers are too retarded to turn their computer are a good chunk of /g/ is also devoted to /v/ hardware. Its a contagion which spreads everywhere but it never seems to have a source since the video game boards are just unusable in the first place.

>> No.15350477
File: 87 KB, 500x647, 1455931976702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youre an uninnitiated peon.

I am the Vicar of Christ and commune with God/Satan/Holy Spirit every second of every day.


>> No.15350488
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>> No.15350492
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>> No.15350497
File: 27 KB, 828x486, trump in the head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trump has been out of office for 3 years, can you stop chimping out over him already?
if you can't please at least confine your chimpout to the appropriate board >>>/pol/

>> No.15350499
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>> No.15350506
File: 3.07 MB, 3000x4200, 1590960196392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about Trump, he had good instincts but was fundamentally in over his head once in office, /nu/pol OTOH...

>> No.15350508

You wouldn't get it.

>> No.15350514

>but was fundamentally in over his head once in office
lol....youre a federalist, AKA a child.

He worked internationally, which you CLEARLY had no reception to. What you thought was "in over his head" was your own deepstate mentality that fed into the system to fight him, even if youre "conservative".
>What does that mean?
It means youre a fence sitter and the deepstate took that que as "badically a vote in their powetstack".

Did you really think things lile the Utah Data Center and big data crunching AI wasnt used by the NSA and FBI?

Did Trump have FBI problems? Huh? Lots of tussle and control fights? Did he have state issues? Lots of #Never!?

>> No.15350516

Ha, and the courts. Good lord the court fiasco....they fired his general dude and locked him up FOR DOING HIS JOB.



>> No.15350527
File: 11 KB, 205x246, images - 2023-04-14T130120.828.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey.....this situation look familiar?

"To protect and serve, my Lord..."

Bwaaah, why did everything turn to shit, must have been that guy with the crown!! KILL HIM!!!

>> No.15350532

What the fuck is this thread
God, I hate you derranged faggots so much it's unreal
Kill yourselves

>> No.15350535
File: 2.88 MB, 253x190, 1450154185514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board's incompetence for its own topics is unapparelled by any other blue board.

>> No.15350550
File: 215 KB, 857x1425, cm___kurisu_makise_by_cozynakovich_dctofou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meta threads complaining about how shit things are always turn out shitty
Really activates the charcoal

>> No.15350568
File: 415 KB, 778x990, Lilith_Periodo_de_Isin_Larsa_y_Babilonia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your porn sucks and is very "un/sci/".

>> No.15350576
File: 3.16 MB, 2553x3450, Nessa - you should be able to solve this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what you think

>> No.15350579

fuck you, your moderation is too fucking strict you weeb faggots.

>> No.15350581

The about /a/ moderation is that they permit a bunch of generals but not in name and actively try to kill board culture. If anything /a/ is overmoderated and undermoderated

>> No.15350666

Fuck you /tv/ is a good subreddit.

>> No.15350696

Holy fucking shit bunker trannys need to fuck off back to where they came from. The amount of HRT in the tears ITT is giving me menstrual cramps

>> No.15350710
File: 86 KB, 504x388, 1681457619705.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/sci/ is peer review on steroids. In mainstream academia you can be successful by merely obeying the social consensus. But on /sci/ we question everything. We are the intellectual powerhouse of the internet, the most intelligent community in the world.