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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 1.26 MB, 2560x1600, Jake-and-Neytiri-jake-and-neytiri-9589043-2560-1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1534460 No.1534460 [Reply] [Original]

Alright fa/sci/ts, post every scientific inaccuracy and/or implausibility you pick out of James Cameron's Avatar.

But please, be a little professional about it.

>> No.1534469

the whole movie

>> No.1534470

Why they are bright blue in a green forest.

>> No.1534471



>> No.1534477


i lol'd

>> No.1534478

You guys will never learn.

>> No.1534483

The same reason there are red plants, they are absorbing some of the light that the pants are reflecting. They might use orange wave lengths for vitamin D synthesis.

>> No.1534489


Except for the fact that they clearly would of evolved out of that due to the monstrous fucking carnivorous creatures everywhere.

also what the fuck was up with that hair brain connection thing.

>> No.1534492
File: 1.80 MB, 1920x1080, charles pellegrino up of in this space bitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure are scientific inaccuracies in here.

>> No.1534499

The inverted bow draw is impractical and makes it harder to aim.

I'd guess that the Dragon gunship's rotors can't produce enough thrust for it to take off.

>> No.1534503

Yeah, because humans don't have vestigial left overs from our ancestors. Yeah, because humans don't syntheses vitamin D using the sun. Yeah because we know what wave lengths the predators on an imaginary planet see at.

>> No.1534507


Exactly its fucking imaginary so they see at any wavelength i fucking want them to.

>> No.1534508

red blood blue skin, MAKES NO SENSE

>> No.1534509

>my face when noone mentions floating mountains

>> No.1534515

No volcanic activity seen despite probably strong tidal forces from Polyphemus.

>> No.1534516

Fuckin magnets, what else?

>> No.1534519
File: 29 KB, 300x400, 0007ex8a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>My face when nobody can be bothered to look up that the mountains were full of Unobtainium, a room-temperature superconductor suspended by the Meissner effect due to Pandora having a hypermagnetic environment

>> No.1534520

I'm pretty sure it's a gravitational thing.

(Hint: It's not)

>> No.1534525


> No volcanic activity seen despite probably strong tidal forces from Polyphemus.


>> No.1534532

It was in 3D

>> No.1534542

How all the aliens look like half-assed hybrids of earth animals, the Na'vis' USB appendage, how the planet is a fucking brain, and the giant floating superconducting mountains.

>> No.1534544

The fact that James Cameron thinks Pandora could really be a warm jungle-moon with complex ecosystems when it receives an amount of sunlight so small in comparison to Earth that I don't even want to calculate it.

>> No.1534549

The part where the earth military has GIANT gunships and loses to a bunch of natives with bows

>> No.1534553

how they didn't NUKE THE PLANET FROM ORBIT and extract the Unobtanium afterwards

>> No.1534561


Nah, they got a couple of future apache's and one biug gunship. The space shuttle wasn't meant to be a bomber.

Considering how much trouble they are having against primitive insurgents in iraq/afghanistan, its perfectly plausible.

>> No.1534562

A tail is an anatomical impossibility for upright, bipedal organisms.

>> No.1534563

The part where its cowboys and Indians, IN 3D!

>> No.1534573

The fact that a human brain-upload interface thingy would betray humanity.

>> No.1534574

yes, except that those guys have weapons specially designed by the russians to counteract tanks (those would be RPGS) and arguably the best gun for a desert dwelling 'merica hater (AK)

>> No.1534575

or Ferngully in 3D
or Dances with Wolves in 3D
or Pocahontas in 3D
or pretty much every environmentalist nutjob movie in 3D

>> No.1534577


uhh..have you been following what has been going on in Iraq and Afghanistan? Go into a foreign environment on the offensive you typically get your ass kicked.

>> No.1534584

yeah, but when you have like hypertronic plasma ray guys, and they have fucking bows and usb hair..?

>> No.1534595

What about the size difference? The blue people are close to 3m tall and have super strong bones, super strong muscles, and agile as hell.

>> No.1534599

Lower gravity.

>> No.1534604

There cannot be an element called unobtanium because firstly, it's utterly ridiculous and secondly because it's too similar to the undiscovered elements like ununoctium etc

>> No.1534607

wouldn't lower gravity make for weaker less dense bones?

>> No.1534611

unobtanium is a name for undiscovered elements

>> No.1534614

No, it would allow them to grow at a larger rate since they aren't being held down as much by gravity as other planetary systems.

>> No.1534615


But they didn't have ray guns

It was huge fkin flying lizard against helicopter gunships, they were out numbered maybe 20:1, and the lizards could just weigh down the gunships

Also they had a limited supply of gunships vs the entire planet, and Jake destroyed the big ones with grenades / they're own missiles

The space shuttle was not "hardened" since it was only designed to survive rentry

I'm not an avatar fag, just a omg its fkin logic

>> No.1534616

SPOILER: its a crappy movie and the only reason its so goddamn popular is because "ZOMG THREE DEE!"

>> No.1534622

who the fuck is jake?

>> No.1534623


For humans, yes.

The Na'vi have evolved to be accustomed to the lower gravity, which puts less stress on their bones and allows them to grow taller.

>> No.1534630

Oh my bad, it still wouldn't be called unobtanium because that is a name for a whole group of elements isn't it, and they knew what it was

>> No.1534631

Flying superconducting mountains.

The Na'avis USB connection sure helps them bond with huge birds and stuff... but what about the flying creatures? Why do they have that hair connection thing? So they can be led to death by crazed blue aliens who believe they can beat a futuristic gunship with arrows and rocks?

How the Na'avis just accept any random dipshit who comes into their tribe; especially one who just happens to speak the same language the invaders speak and has zero knowledge of the enviroment despite being a grown adult.

>> No.1534638

you stupid fucks, I'm not talking about height I am talking about bone density. Why would they have very dense and strong bones if the gravity on the planet is so weak?

>> No.1534643

didn't they wanna kill him at first, but then the daughter of the king (or some shit) demand he be saved or some shit?

>> No.1534647

the only reason I liked that movie WAS because of the 3D. I nearly had a fucking seizure it was so cool. (I had never experienced 3D before)

>> No.1534673

Good. Just saw this for the first time Saturday and I've been itching to toss ideas out...

Organisms all looked like Earth creatures. All of them: mouth in front, eyes on top. I saw a human, a panther, and a horse. Jesus.
Aliens have DNA and it is so compatible with humans that they can make a HYBRID that can be remote-controlled.
The protagonist may have had legs at one time, but he's been out of commission so long that he should not have picked up on walking again so quickly, especially through a remote-control.
This miraculously hospitable planet is so close that a traveler will measure six years there (or back). How much time has passed on Earth I wonder?
In the grand scheme of how long a civilization or civilized species can exist, the humans and aliens are extremely close as far as technological advancement. What are the chances?
The atmospheric pressure and gravity are identical to Earth's: a fantastic improbability. They probably made the air unbreathable as an afterthought.
Floating mountains. Horseshit. Which reminds me...
The ONE place on the planet humans are interested in drilling is the place where the aliens live? Find another place!
The floating mountains scrambles transmission, but other computers work just fine, and you can still control avatars without interference.
"Unobtainium" is a stupid name and is more of a sci-fi inside joke. Also it is a magic new floating element: what the hell?

>> No.1534675

The first time i watched it, was in 3D and i had consumed a fair amount of alcohol so it was FUCKING AMAZING

the second time i saw it wasn't in 3D. I actually payed attention to the plot and the retardation

Its a bad fucking movie. the only reason its popular is because "OMG! 3D! THAT GIANT PANTHER LOOKED LIKE IT WAS COMING RIGHT AT ME!"

>> No.1534676

The brain-braids were an extremely stupid plot device. What a horrible evolutionary disadvantage to have part of your brain stem hanging out of your body where a predator can grab you or sever it. And it's compatible with other animals and you can control them. Durf?

>> No.1534685



>Make your girl wear a ponytail and bang her doggiestyle. When you're about to cum, mount on her back, stick your cock in her ponytail and cum in her ponytail to establish a connection (similar to how avatar/navi's use their ponytails to connect with creatures in Pandora).

>> No.1534696

wow. Internets, i am not impressed

>> No.1534699

>Superconductor mountains
>Not a near absolute zero environment


>> No.1534708

I think I saw arrows easily penetrate the glass of the cockpits.
The army general guy who escaped the crashing warship in his robo-armor landed hard. His spine should have snapped.
Also, what prior anons have said: no apparent volcanic activity despite a gas giant parent planet, and it's a jungle despite little solar energy.

>> No.1534719

Why didn't the humans harvest the floating mountains for unobtainium? It's obvious that was what they were made out of.

>> No.1534738

because it was more profitable and more fun to try and mine shit from under the tribes' lands and go to war with them

>> No.1534745


The arrows were like 4 feet long and being fired by massive aliens with massive bows. And maybe the glass was shitty and cheap!

>> No.1534760

>interplanetary expedition

why the fuck would that happen

>> No.1534787

Its like how knives can stab through kevlar. Its made to protect against one thing, so an unexpected weapon might be effective. Theres a lot of kinetic force behind an arrow that large fired from a bow that large. Hundreds of pounds of force

>> No.1534809

Congress wouldn't approve it for the Military's rock hunting expedition.

>> No.1534815

I lol'd

>> No.1534859
File: 28 KB, 334x402, 1266011189745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its like how knives can stab through kevlar. Its made to protect against one thing, so an unexpected weapon might be effective. Theres a lot of kinetic force behind an arrow that large fired from a bow that large. Hundreds of pounds of force
>Hundreds of pounds of force
>pounds of force

we have coved this before

>> No.1534866

FINE. hundreds of STONES of force

happy you gay ass Europeans?

>> No.1534876
File: 2 KB, 126x103, 1280589885786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 100s of stones of force could easily break anything

>> No.1534879

How come /sci/ prefers metric? It's obvious why Fahrenheit sucks I don't know why it's wrong to say pounds though

>> No.1534891


Because there's no kilopounds.

>> No.1534892

because you cannot measure weight in currency

>> No.1534898
File: 125 KB, 499x360, 1274585911809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1534904

lt is because standard index units are all metric. Metric is the measurement system that was created by and for scientists. It is logical and not based on the arbitrary measurements of an old English King

>> No.1534905

I love how everyone pretends metric doesn't suck just because imperial sucks more. When you DEFINE the meter so that the speed of light is that ridiculous number instead of just shortening the meter slightly so it's 3 * 10^8m/s that's just plain dumb. Sorry /sci/, but the metric system is awful.

>> No.1534907
File: 50 KB, 720x488, 1263600388957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i herped so hard that i derped
pic related fagfag

>> No.1534908

pocahontas in space.

>> No.1534924

Why does everyone say this? It was much more like FernGully.

>> No.1534925
File: 20 KB, 1152x648, Unobtainium Challenge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what ticked me most off about the movie... part one of pic

>> No.1534928

>I think I saw arrows easily penetrate the glass of the cockpits.
you saw wrong. only time the arrows penetrated were from near perpendicular strikes shot from diving lizard bird things. otherwise they bounced off a lot.

>> No.1534932

Newton is the unit for measuring force in SI measurements.

>> No.1534934
File: 22 KB, 1152x648, Unobtainium Challenge Solution.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the solution

>> No.1534941

I said pounds retard.
Learn to read

CAPTCHA: prawn required

>> No.1534951

their hippy mother-tree was deeply inserted into the unobtainium deposits. drilling would detroy the tree.

>> No.1534955

I remember someone stating that the aliens were just too pretty, and that if they looked like gigantic centipedes no one would care about them.

>> No.1534957


"Sorry about your tree lol, didn't know it'd happen"

>> No.1534960



>> No.1534965

/d/ would have to disagree with you on that one...

>> No.1534967

they didn't nuke the gathering site of the na'vi from orbit, wtf, they were all in one spot.

>> No.1534968



>> No.1534969

the worst part about this movie is that I got the impression the Na'vi only cared about nature because it benefited them. I mean, who wouldn't want to save the planet if you could get nature to do whatever the hell you wanted.

>> No.1534972

If it isn't humanoid, it isn't alive.

>> No.1534984


Please watch 00:56-end

>> No.1534992


>> No.1534994

I drink your milkshake

>> No.1535001

see post

>> No.1535004



>> No.1535022
File: 88 KB, 333x250, The Boulder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1535027

Because it's impossible to drill through roots.

>> No.1535037


why dont we have a unit of measurement for every individual thing, oh wait no thats the old system that sucked

besides then we would have a measurement of your cock, hmmmm 1 m that 100000000000000000000000 of your cocks

>> No.1535043

You seem to have a poor understanding of the history of science.

You sir, are an idiot.

>> No.1535052

>Its like how knives can stab through kevlar.
Kevlar is stab proof, bro

>> No.1535057

drilling through the roots would kill the tree, which would sever the psychic connection the tree had with the Na'vi, which would make them go fucking crazy and kill you.

>> No.1535078

You don't have to destroy a significant amount of the root system.

>> No.1535079

You would only need to drill through 5% maximum of the SA of the roots. I have a hard time believing a giant ass tree would be so fragile as to perish completely from a drilling site.

>> No.1535102

Also what the fuck does the unobtainium even do?

for all we know it could just be a stronger form of cocaine.

>> No.1535115

So there's a new element that floats, which is horseshit because a new element requires to have at least one more proton than any known element.
In other words IT WOULD BE MOTHERFUCKING GODDAMN HEAVY. And ridiculously unstable too. I won't give it more than 1 second before it fucking decays and kills all the fucking creatures on that planet with a massive amount of radiation.

>> No.1535120


If you watched "The Core" which had even more scientific mistakes than Avatar you would have seen they needed it to build a craft which could be piloted to the center of the earth to deliver a nuclear payload to restart the earth's core rotating so that it would restore the Earth's EM field and prevent global apocalypse.

>> No.1535130

Please take your pills.

>> No.1535151

I just fucking lol'd at the thought of
being an old man at a retirement home

captcha: the sharking

>> No.1535167

This. Na'vi were ten times more hostile than the humans. Those fuckers deserved to get blown out of their hippie tree.

Also didn't the movie state Earth was in a bad condition? The peaceful and nature-loving Na'vi didn't give a shit, apparently.

>> No.1535191


Sounds like homo sapien propaganda.

>> No.1535297

Typical casuality situation from the War Diaries I read was something like 40-50 dead talibans per dead American. As soon as they fight, they get slaughtered. Car bombs and IEDs are the only ways they don't get fucking pwnd.

>> No.1535394

Not necessarily. It's not as simple as larger nuclei => denser material.

>> No.1535401

all critters in Pandora had a set of four eyes, six limbs and breathing orifices located in their chest

the Navi had a set of two eyes, four limbs and noses located in their faces

WTF ? it is like they didn't even evolve in the planet.

also natural occurring carbon fiber bones ? come on

>> No.1535696

Again, I think I saw arrows penetrate the glass.
>you saw wrong
>some did penetrate

>> No.1535711

>all critters in Pandora had a set of four eyes, six limbs and breathing orifices located in their chest

>the Navi had a set of two eyes, four limbs and noses located in their faces

Thank you, I forgot that one. Also, I'll start calling the race "Cretins" so that I don't give Cameron the satisfaction.

>> No.1535793

I read through this thread and realized that a lot of the whining and bitching is from people who don't understand the backstory or the details

Unobtainium is a room temp. zero-resistance super conductor. It also has the ability to create incredibly powerful magnetic fields. It can also contain powerful magnetic fields in itself.

The floating mountains are all caused by similarly charged deposits of unobtainium. They float because the magnetic fields are so powerful that they keep the rocks above ground. In the backstory, there is a note of a group of miners who were killed when a rock fell out of the sky as they were mining it.

The atmosphere on Pandora is significantly denser than Earth. It would be breathable to humans, except for a toxic gas. Na'vi obviously evolved to survive with this gas, but Humans need filter masks to breath.

The largest and most compact source of unobtainium was unfortunately under Hometree. While you may say that the chances of this are stupidly remote, remember that it IS a movie, and without it, they wouldn't really have a plot (again, calling the story of Avatar a plot is kind of a stretch)


>> No.1535805

Keep going...

And yes, you're right that most people on /sci/ argue without understanding background material.

>> No.1535820 [DELETED] 

The largest and most compact source of unobtainium was unfortunately under Hometree. While you may say that the chances of this are stupidly remote, remember that it IS a movie, and without it, they wouldn't really have a plot (again, calling the story of Avatar a plot is kind of a stretch)
Your justification is that "it's not realistic but who cares IT'S A MOVIE."
But why is that okay? Why can't our standards be higher? I realize this is a rhetorical question and that the answer is "because money" and "because people are retarded." But, really, we need fewer "Armageddon"s and more "Space Odyssey"s.

>> No.1535834

>The largest and most compact source of unobtainium was unfortunately under Hometree. While you may say that the chances of this are stupidly remote, remember that it IS a movie, and without it, they wouldn't really have a plot (again, calling the story of Avatar a plot is kind of a stretch)

Your justification is that "it's not realistic but who cares IT'S A MOVIE."
But why is that intrinsically okay? Why can't our standards be higher? I realize this is a rhetorical question and that the answer is "because money" and "because people are dumb." But, really, we need fewer "Armageddon"s and more "Space Odyssey"s.

>> No.1535847


The Na'vi are at a point in their history where we were at roughly 3000 years ago. The most complex thing they have made is a bow. Their technology is greatly similar to native americans in the 1600s.

The large silver ship was not a warship. It was a cargo-carrier design to be able to enter and exit atmospheres multiple times. The helicopters they brought were offensively designed. The Dragon Gunship was obviously offense-oriented. They did not have bombers or stealth craft, simply offensive support attack ships.

In summary, we have the impossible, and the implausible, yet possible.

Possible, yet Implausible:
-Sentient life to be on another planet
-Animal life on Pandora similar to animal life on Earth
-Animals disrupting the balance of helicopters
-Low gravity planet
-Room Temp. Zero-Resistance Super Conductor
-Incredibly powerful magnetic fields fucking with electronics
-Almost every animal on the planet having little to no hair or fur
-Hometree to be on a large pile of Unobtanium
-The Humans lose
-Similar DNA between Humans and Na'vi (this one, while possible, is extremely implausible)

-Maintaining a connection to the Na'vi in the magnetic fields
-Large reptiles that can fly
-Nerve USB link thing that allows mentally talking to animals or others connected to you
-Planetwide "memory computer"
-Floating mountains. Sorry guys, its just too much weight. Magnets are powerful, but not that powerful, even on a world with lower gravity.

>> No.1535853


if that is the legitimate backstory, its fucktarded.

I could understand how they would say:

unobtanium is a RT superconductor

pandora is a moon of a gas giant.

deposits of unobtanium mirror the intense magnetic flux generated by the gas giant (that is exactly how superconductors "levitate" magnets, they mirror the field), and this has caused parts of pandora to be ripped out of the ground and levitated in the "flux vortex" or whatever they call it (the true center of force direction between the gas giant and the planet)

if THAT is not the legitimate backstory, then they fucked up in basic science fiction creation.

>> No.1535863

the whole deposit being under Hometree isnt impossible though. its not against the laws of physics, it doesnt bend reality. its just unlikely.

however, if the planet had a pretty consistent layer of unobtainium with some larger, denser nodes here and there, the chances of a colony of sentient creatures living near it are probably not too bad.

You're just arguing probability. In the end, probability doesn't matter at all. What were talking about here are scientific impossibilities, not the likelihood that some blue niggers squat on a precious rock without knowing it.

Now that I think about it, its a lot like the Diamond trade in Africa...

>> No.1535868

you pretty much said what he said was stupid, then repeated what he said and said it was smart.


>> No.1535875

you're just restating previous posts.

Also, your "Implausible" category can be chaned to "Implausible to the point of being absolutely ridiculous."

>> No.1535878

>Similar DNA between Humans and Na'vi (this one, while possible, is extremely implausible)

>Large reptiles that can fly
>Nerve USB link thing that allows mentally talking to animals or others connected to you

I think you got these muddled up brah

>> No.1535899


>It also has the ability to create incredibly powerful magnetic fields. It can also contain powerful magnetic fields in itself.

superconductors do not contain or create a magnetic field.

the only special property (in this regard) is their ability to MIRROR a magnetic field generated by something else (a permanent magnet or an electromagnet)

they can, also, be used as electromagnets.

regardless, superconductors, sitting there by themselves, do absolutely nothing whatsoever.

>They float because the magnetic fields are so powerful that they keep the rocks above ground

again, this is based on the false assumption that these superconductors generate their own magnetic fields.

they dont. they wouldnt. they would MIRROR the magnetic field generated by the flux of the gas giant.
essentially what he did was:

give incredibly false, almost backward and completely contradictory reasoning in situations that can easily be explained with traditional scientific terminology and theory.

I thought for a minute that he was trolling (this is /sci/ remember, trolling with completely backward science is not out of the question)

>> No.1535914

some people got it right, some people got it wrong. I was clarifying. If that amounts to restating, then so be it.

The similar DNA is possible by sheer coincidence. It is also possible in that all living things here on Earth are very similar genetically (2% difference from a chimpanzee, 50% different from a banana), that all living things in general are somewhat similar. Perhaps the code that all life follows is similar in its very fundamental core. Its not impossible at all, just very, very implausible.

Also, reptiles that can fly...well. Hmm. Reptiles require a lot of sunlight and heat to function properly, and even then, they tire easily and resort to quick bursts of energy to capture prey. When prey is captured, they spend all day, probably all week, basking in the sun chewing on their catch. The way reptiles work is vastly different than birds. A reptiles system simply does not produce enough energy to allow a creature to fly. Theres a reason why reptiles have such low metabolism and why birds have such high metabolism.

Also, the brain USB cord is bullshit. This should be obvious. Thoughts are created by chemical reactions. How would they communicate? Would the chemicals rush through the cord to the other brain? The brains of animals may use different chemicals, or the same chemicals but in different proportions. Either way, it wouldn't work.

>> No.1535920

he was just telling you the backstory. he probably didn't write it. if you think its so ridiculous heretical, then go talk to Cameron

>> No.1535931

Dinosaurs could fly. And there is evidence that many dinosaurs were warm blooded, not cold blooded like modern reptiles. Jack Horner (the paleontologist that the movie Jurassic Park is based on) believes that T-Rex and many other species of dinosaur were warm blooded.

Also the creatures in Avatar are not true reptiles. We have no way of knowing if they're warm blooded or cold blooded. You can't expect them to behave as Earth reptiles when they clearly are not Earth reptiles. There are far too many physiological differences such as 4 eyes, 4 wings, chest nostrils etc. They're very different animals.

>> No.1535941

huh i suppose you have a point. I didnt take into consideration the amount of eyes, nostrils and such. I also completely forgot about dinosaurs while typing my earlier reply haha

>> No.1535943

Dinosaurs COULD NOT fly.

>> No.1535951

Dinosaurs COULD fly. Ever heard of an archaeopteryx or a ptereosaur? They could all fly and/or glide great distances.

>> No.1535957

Read a book one of these days, moron. Leaping and gliding is not true flight.

>> No.1535965

Pterosaurs aren't dinosaurs. They're evolutionarily distinct.

>> No.1535972

Read a book yourself. There are many species of known flying dinosaurs.


>> No.1535985

ITT: Scientists (pretend pretentious fags) unable to comprehend what 'Sci-Fi' means.