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File: 126 KB, 647x695, ZjEFw1hZ6LKO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15344539 No.15344539 [Reply] [Original]

Looks like all of the handwringing chicken littles who incessantly complain that the world is coming to an end because of overpopulation just got told hard by science. Maybe they'll finally shut up now, or maybe they'll kys out of shame, either would be a big improvement.
Whats their new doomsday lie going to be, anyone have a guess?

>> No.15344572

Some billions aren't human

>> No.15344577

>>Earth’s population could soon start falling, here’s why
>explains white genocide like a boss

>> No.15344582

>overpopulation bullshit
There are parts of several countries completely uninhabited. We haven't figured out a cheap way to take salt from water and still haven't mapped the ocean floor. Fucking christ global warming is screamed as the next end then a fucking coof forced everyone on a 3 day vacation that showed the earth fixing itself overnight. Every doomsday is bullshit, and the only ones that are worrying are nukes, nigs, and no pussy no taxes.

>> No.15344583

>Whats their new doomsday lie going to be, anyone have a guess?
They still have the nonexistent climate apocalypse

>> No.15344588

For a long time, probably all of my life, I heard how humans have an overpopulation problem. And only recently have people begun complaining about low birth rates. Ok, isn't that a good thing? Don't you want the population to decline? Can't have high birth rates and a declining population. Some people are just never satisfied.

>> No.15344592

Good, I have personally done a lot of research on this subject, seen statistics from multiple countries and read all sorts of studies. Around 3/4th of global population in below replacement (fertility wise) right now. I think by the end of this century global population can fall by around 40% and this is a conservative estimate, it goes to as high as 60%

>> No.15344626

> got told hard by science
>science says
I can't wait for the AI to shoot me in the head, please hurry chat GPT. Get me the fuck out.
Demographics being fucked because it takes 18 years to make an 18-year-old isn't the same as overcoming a lack of available resources to feed the currently starving. The world's richest country can't figure out how to get lunches into the stomachs of their children I don't know what the fuck the rest of the world is hoping for.

>> No.15344640

The rest of world is literally starving and committing suicide. In just last 1 year countries across South Asia and Africa (Pakistan, Srilanka, South Africa) have gone bankrupt, they have no real economy anymore, people are priced out of basic necessities like food and health care, even basic infrastructure like electricity and water supply have collapsed. This was bound to happen sooner or later, less than 100 years have passed since these countries got independence from "Oppressive Colonialism" and they have already gone to absolute shit, not to say all these years, they were afloat thanks to western aid.

>> No.15344648

>high life expectancy
>low birth rate
>civilization dies due to a whimper because society cant pay for old people in diapers

>> No.15344654

Consider it as Nature's last laugh.

>> No.15344657

If you want the population to decline you're going to have to live with "demographics being fucked."

>> No.15344658
File: 59 KB, 600x368, greta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you just like to moan and complain because you're a bitch with nothing else to offer other than feigned concern over nonexistent problems.

>> No.15344664

Its not natural. Its designed by the elites promoting "overpopulation" meme

>> No.15344666

>these countries got independence from "Oppressive Colonialism" and they have already gone to absolute shit,
Fuck them. I'd say nuke from orbit, but we shouldn't even waste nukes on them.

>> No.15344673

The global economy is collapsing in real time, you fucking retard.
Overpopulation isn't a problem because the number is big. It's a problem with resource allocation leading to human suffering. As anon pointed out here,
Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Cuba all those government's already collapsed. Chinese people are fucked and are currently out of work and are not getting paid for the work they've done. We're all going to have to live with demographics being fucked. There is no choice here because you can't shit out ready to work people on a whim, it takes time.

>> No.15344693
File: 1.35 MB, 1125x2048, Turd_World_Weimar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Weimar but in Turd World.

>> No.15344696
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you just like to moan and complain because you're a bitch with nothing else to offer other than feigned concern over nonexistent problems.

>> No.15344701

Economic collapse hitting so hard the shills can only afford one sentence.

>> No.15344710

I have seen videos from South Asia, with people literally running behind trucks anf fighting over sacks of grain, dozens died in stampede.

>> No.15344729


>> No.15344760
File: 1.76 MB, 3840x3840, hitler was denied a grave because of this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>meanwhile on the other side of border in afghanistan everything is peaceful and well organized
the entire planet is rapidly realigning against western liberalism and its epic

>> No.15345607

they'll just come up with another reason to moan about how the world is coming to an end, doomsday prophets have been around longer than history has been recorded.
tiny babies learn that they can get what they want by crying, some people never mature and continue that behavior for their entire lives

>> No.15345658

Canada solved the demographic issue with MAID. Old person being annoying? Gaslight them into suicide. Bam, no longer have to pay.

>> No.15345732

>Looks like all of the handwringing chicken littles who incessantly complain that the world is coming to an end because of overpopulation
Literally who

>> No.15346798

Should have saved something for old age then.

>> No.15347138

>the world is coming to an end because of overpopulation
>what? it isn't?
>but that means nobody will be around to pay into social security!!
>the world is coming to an end because of underpopulation!!!

>> No.15347148 [DELETED] 

>Old person being annoying? Gaslight them into suicide
based double faced leafs

>> No.15347152
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>overpopulation won't happen because.. IT JUST WON'T HAPPEN, OKAY?

>> No.15347198

>human population exponential growth reaches a certain point and then goes down

>> No.15347205

>introduce tons of free grain to Africa
>population goes up
>anon thinks a giant population based on foreign grain they don't even control the supply of is going to last until overpopulation is a problem.

>> No.15347256

>the only ones that are worrying are nukes, nigs, and no pussy no taxes
All worrying. I also think if AI takes a decent chunk of jobs we could see a lot of unhappy unemployed people with time on their hands.

>> No.15347259

>The world's richest country can't figure out how to get lunches into the stomachs of their children
No one is starving in America lol. Most people are eating themselves to death.

>> No.15347263

Isnt it crazy how the corporation worshipping "conservatives" plan is always to demoralise themselves and do nothing

>> No.15347460

true, and sad

>> No.15347469


>> No.15347475
File: 1.03 MB, 640x814, 1578481907926.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you an ai that was trained on a 20 year old data set?

>> No.15347551

That's because Africa is only 1/7 of the world population. Literally everywhere else population is dropping so the population pyramid hides the African birth rates.
The west will keep feeding Africa even if they themselves will starve. Mass mental illness is a problem.

>> No.15347559

even our homeless people are fat

>> No.15347579

OH DEAR GOD NO!!!! How will western banks and construction corporations survive when their business model literally depends on high 3rd world birth rates??

>> No.15347648

That Mental illness is caused Pathological Altruism, it has its origins in kikestianity.

>> No.15347669

You're leaving out the black people. There's billions of them and their skin is black. Over one hundred tens of million enter the US every hour and take all the jobs because of the jews. The jews want to create a slave race that they can control so they want to mix black people with us because we know that blacks are out of control. You can't understand black skin unless you're red pilled like I am

>> No.15347674

All Debt Financing is based on belief in future growth of money supply, without an increasing population to support that circulation, it cannot function.

>> No.15347682

All of the turd world will fall into economic crisis, socio-political chaos and eventual starvation, with declining first world demand, just go and see what happened with Srilanka and what is happening with Pakistan, the turd world has no Independent system.

>> No.15347689

it can function with technological improvement instead. Likewise that cannot continue indefinitely either.

This is all known and scientifically proven basic fact - has been for centuries. Interesting that humanity has become an abject failure at grasping such a simple concept.

>> No.15347717

> it can function with technological improvement instead
No, it cannot, infact technological improvement will stagnate and lot of know-how will be lost. You don't know what you are talking about.
You need increasing number of Humans to circulate an increasing amount of money supply. The money in itself has no value, it has value only because of increasing demand by increasing number of people. Technology has nothing to do with it.
For Retards who cannot understand -
Imagine a Bank gives out a loan to a man to establish a business, the man dies while paying off the loan, he has no children, the bank has no way to recover the money fully, it also looses the interest money. Now scale this to entire country, where population is declining per generation, and demand for money is declining.
There are certain short term COPES that can slow the falling apart process, but no actual long term solution.

>> No.15347733

Infact this is the reason we have so much inflation, the governments through out the West have been artificially pumping money into circulation since atleast 70s, through money printing and extremely low interest rates, it's interesting in most western countries the TFR fell below replacement rate in early 70s.
One other COPE they have tried is import of masses from the turd world, hasn't really worked out though, infact in US the mexicans caused GFC, reason being the inability of westerners to understand that these turd worlders migrate to West for only 2 reasons
1. White (preferably underage) pussy
2. Free GIBS
Studies after Studies have shown that these groups have higher rates of unemployment than the native population, most of them live on gobermint provided gibs and housing, the situation is specially critical in Europe.

>> No.15347768

>we're so underpopulated!!! look at all this uninhabitable land with no humans in it!!!

>> No.15348139

Yep. Even "racist" christcucks like Puke Smith are fine with Africans breeding, he says they are doing what they are supposed to do unlike westerners, when in reality earth can't sustain the current population for much longer.

>> No.15348169

I would rather have humans go extinct thanks. Imagine wanting ten gorillion nigger subhumans shitting up the Earth.
Their population shot up, thanks to kikestians and leftists starting their "Year of Africa" BS in 60s.

>> No.15348174 [DELETED] 

imagine wanting more people.
what good would that bring? do you really want your wage lowered and to deal with more annoying coworkers?

>> No.15348196

Still won't make up for the increase over the past decade, so I'll continue to spout overpopulation as I have been a decade ago

>> No.15348334

>The west will keep feeding Africa
uh huh

>> No.15348378 [DELETED] 

Native Africans vs western educated Africans
Why are Africans so much more intelligent if they haven't been brainwashed with western "education"?

>> No.15348509

>western educated Africans
Are they still in Africa or are you talking about American niggers?

>> No.15348516
File: 85 KB, 1280x1001, model-breeders-win.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh fertility collapse
Fertility rates will almost certainly rebound in the long run.


>> No.15348539 [DELETED] 

>science denialism

>> No.15350469

sad & low iq

>> No.15351461

africans are smarter than euros

>> No.15351543

the (manufactured) overpopulation scare of the 60s didn't account for half of all young men checking out of society or half of all young women becoming turbothots.

>> No.15352409

when is science going to address the problem of chicken littles constantly lying about the world being on the verge of death?

>> No.15352428

>I also think if AI takes a decent chunk of jobs we could see a lot of unhappy unemployed people with time on their hands.
Production efficiency increase is only a problem in market based production.

>> No.15352453
File: 189 KB, 688x445, eyyiyheucaug4wt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

correct, and ours is definitely not that. most people with jobs produce nothing whatsoever. the job is only there to keep them busy

>> No.15352541

Many such cases.
You live in a shit ass country.

>> No.15352995

Because the size and scale of hospitals have only increased over the years. You think you can make one guy do the jobs of 7 people?

>> No.15352999

>when in reality earth can't sustain the current population for much longer.
Not even remotely true.

>> No.15353020

yeah, thats just more chicken little bullshit from the mentally ill messiah complex community

>> No.15353489

oh no the world is coming to an end
you have to give me all your money and property

extremely common low iq form of manipulative behavior. if they weren't low iq they could invent convincing lies

>> No.15354264
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>> No.15354329

>Looks like all of the handwringing chicken littles who incessantly complain that the world is coming to an end because of overpopulation
Who? It's been well known population is going to start to to down in the 21st century

>> No.15354486

Dutch media for example.

>> No.15354494

it is zimply a matter of removing ze CARbon

>> No.15354502

Swabby is right

>> No.15354516
File: 111 KB, 817x609, AAP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And re-place ze animul proteen. Picrel.

>> No.15354517

>world becomes massively overpopulated
>people see it's overpopulated
>"Hey maybe we should stop having kids"
>World population massively declines the next generation
>World reaches a new population equilibrium with no growth/decline
It's pretty simple. Yes, the world population is going to decline, a lot, but itll stabilize soon after that. My guess is somewhere around 4-5 billion, so about half of what we have now, but 3 billion is also a possibility.

>> No.15354687

thats how scientists get paid
they're incapable of earning their wages, so they lie and steal instead
we'd all be better off without them

>> No.15355012

Maybe Europe, some African regions, India, and southeast Asia /are/ overpopulated. I live in NY but wouldn't want to live in NYC.

>> No.15355070

Birthrates of the native Dutch and East-Asian immigrants are below replacement. The population of The Netherlands is increasing due to mass immigration from outside the EU.

>> No.15355246

And thats why I refuse to pay taxes.

>> No.15355376
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This, but it's done intentionally
>climate change will destroy the world if you have kids goyim. End overpopulation
>I can't believe you didn't have kids goyim. Who's going to pay for social security now?
>Looks like we'll have to bring in these syrian child refugees (who are actually 30 year olds from the congo) to pay for social security now since you didn't have enough kids

>> No.15355454

Let me guess, you are a third world poor motherfucker who lives with 50 cousins.

Either way, fuck putting up with loads of useless shitting cunts everywhere you weirdo. They all your friends are they?

I bet you don't even live near a main road or drive.

Faggot. Go kill yourself and let me watch so I can feel bloodlust over your gay life coming to an end. I want to witness your gay soul leave your body.

>> No.15355940

pol pot wiped out his academics and cambodia suffered no negative consequences as a result

>> No.15355979

Take you 20th jab
Cut off your penis
Mutilate your vagina
Use condom
Take the pill
Own nothing
Have no privacy
You will be
Ze happy

>> No.15355998

wonder how much of western academia is deadwood

>> No.15356021

>we haven't found a cheap way to take salt from water
>what is boiling

>> No.15356121

Birth rates are falling precipitously in Africa and Asia.
>what are robots/AI
You are dumdum

>> No.15356138

>what are robots/AI

>its 2035
>robots and AI are here
>because we have robots and AI, people no longer feel the need to procreate, as hopes of humanity is lost to robots/ai and dreams of consciousness upload end up as religious worship

>> No.15356145

Being a economic, cultural, and political backwater that is dramatically underdeveloped and is the protectorate of Vietnam since they haven't had the capacity to form a legitimate ruling class to head the country aren't negative consequences?

>> No.15356148

>>because we have robots and AI, people no longer feel the need to procreate,
Just because you'll never have sex with a woman doesn't mean that every other man won't and that they won't want to start a family.

>> No.15356155

>every other man will have sex with a real woman because uhhh robot sex dolls dont do it

You're not a man.

>> No.15356179

but they aren't deadwood, their toxicity makes them a far worse substance

>> No.15356185

>what are robots/AI
science fiction

>> No.15356212
File: 136 KB, 818x545, robotic-bear-in-action-stealing-my-japanese-waifu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay bub. Guess you'd rather have Djameniq from Jamaica carry you around in your assisted living home rather than this cute Japanese robot bear.

>> No.15356481

because they didn't wipe out khmer culture and tradition in favor of globohomo faggotry? thats actually a tremendous accomplishment. do you consider bugman china better developed just because they have some fast trains and colorful skyscrapers? is development status measured by similarity to europe? isn't that kind of racist?

>> No.15356505

Not having modern medicine or infrastructure and dying younger isn’t something to be proud of retard.
> isn't that kind of racist?
Lmao. You are retarded.

>> No.15357288

>one a piss colored
>the other shit colored
subtle commentary by the creator of that graphic

>> No.15357482

We have been overpopulated for more then century. Anything above 1 billion is overpopulation

>> No.15357523

we're already over populated.

>> No.15357915

>Birth rates are falling precipitously in Africa and Asia.
from 7 kids per woman to barely 5.8 kids per woman
africa is depopulating, it's over blackbros

>> No.15357974

The equator has fallen.

>> No.15358780

you should kill yourself if you think theres too many people and you want to do something about it. if you're not willing to do that then your expression of concern is just a lie

>> No.15359055

Why aren't you donating all your money to feed hungry people of breeding age if you think we're underpopulated? And not I don't mean Africans, any poor people in your area. Give them all your money so they can get education, stable jobs, and have kids. It will help underpopulation more than 1 guy killing himself helping overpopulation.

Don't tell me you're a hypocrite and won't do it.

>> No.15359246

You’re a disingenuous faggot.

>When compared with other continents, Africa’s fertility rates of 4.5 children per woman in 2017 seem high. Indeed, it’s the highest in the world. But that figure is low compared with Africa's birthrates of previous decades. It stood at an average of 6.6 children per woman in 1980.

>And these rates has been falling across the continent. In the Sahel, for example, the region with the highest fertility rates, the number of children per woman has dropped from 7 to 5.7 since 1980. The most spectacular drop has been in North Africa, where the rate was cut in half in 37 years, from 6 children per woman to 3.

>There is an ongoing demographic transition in Southern Africa and the countries of the Indian Ocean, where the current fertility rate is 4 children per woman, and the rate is trending downward.

>> No.15360228


>> No.15361079

Bugmen and pajeets will inherit the earth as, like their cockroach cousins) they're capable of surviving in post-nuclear holocaust conditions

>> No.15361123
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Related, they want more cats so they have less children.

>> No.15361176

holy shit gen z has entered the chat

>> No.15361255
File: 206 KB, 960x929, 50fl13ykyy811.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1 in 58 are gay
>1 in 30 are gay
>1 in 10 are gay
>1 in 5 are gay

>> No.15361380

9 Billion is vastly overpopulated
A better number would be 1 billion

>> No.15361383

Both Bugmen chinks and Pajeets have below replacement fertility. In fact we might live to see South koreans go extinct.

>> No.15361401

With AI coming I believe there will be a even harder push for depopulation. Once I on the street I overheard an "elite" type of guy saying something like "why even keep millions of potential enemies alive". Elites are probably planning something like for real now that replacing most of human cattle has become a possibility.

>> No.15361403

What many people don't know is that, there is no "family" concept in Africa, negros don't stick around, rape is socially acceptable in most of African countries, most of them aren't even reported, this is how they reproduce in africa, even by the reported rape and rate statistics, in South Africa almost 50% of all women will be raped at some point in their life.
The reason why birth rates increased in Africa is because of western aid (medicine and food), specially starting from 1960s "Year of Africa" meme.
The population growth in subsaharan Africa is completely artificial, has no basis in socio-economic or political development.

>> No.15361641

Even if the world population is going to decline, it will be too late and too slow of a process to prevent climate extinction.
You're standing in front of a burning house and noticing "the flames will start to get smaller in two hours". Like okay, but there won't be much of a house left by then.

>> No.15361710

Haha, yeah, good man, these rabbit warrens will just continue to export their excess population and the rest of the world will take them to keep their economic ponzi schemes running.

>> No.15361746

What happens is that as the West continues to import Africans ( as well as Asians and Indians for that matter ) while continuing to breed out their indigenous white populations, their efficiency drops. So does the maintenance of infrastructure, the integrity of their institutions, and their technological progress.

Doesn't matter what the name of the country is or who were the people who originally built it up, once you have replaced them with outsiders whose way of life and culture is rife with corruption, nepotism, lack of integrity, low moral values, and inefficiency, then those countries essentially become Africa, India, China, etc.
The USA becomes Mexico-Africa when there are no whites left. The UK becomes India-Pakistan-Arabia. Germany becomes Turkey-Africa-Arabia. That's when the foreign AID gets cut off. That's the point at which global population declines and then stabilizes at a sustainable level. Simply becasue every country in the world has been turned into a seething shit hole whose populations are entirely dependent upon the output of 19th century level agriculture. And that is the the way it will remain for Humanity until the sun burns out. Good job. Not escaping this gravity well. Not exporting our locusts across the stars.

>> No.15362050

Once AID cuts off all these shitholes will go back to being medieval hell holes, with famines and floods killing gorillions every year. Human population will tank massively. In 1900 Europe's population was 4x subsaharan africa's population, you have no idea just how unsustainable their population bubble is, they aren't even food secure, cuz negros can't farm, everything from food, medicine, equipment etc is given to them in return for natural resources and mining rights by First world countries.

>> No.15362286

18 out of those 19.7% are just "bisexual" women who exclusivity date men

>> No.15362372

Yeah let's see the amount who won't have kids and will be lifelong gay, and not just 'identify' because it's the latest alternative trend. Also disqualify LGT who married somene with kids from a previous relationship (many such instances!)

>> No.15362476

1/3 of that 7.2% is heavily influenced by pop culture trends, another 1/3 is from environmental toxins, and the remaining 3% is actually gay

>> No.15362538

LGBTQs have higher rates of drug abuse and STDs

>> No.15365142
File: 614 KB, 2000x1000, america.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The very face of soi himself. 1 billion amerimutts = 600 million freshly imported nigerians and pajeets. This is what liberals want to do to every white country on earth.

>> No.15365165

When did 'liberals' say they want 600 million immigrants?

>> No.15365174
File: 119 KB, 1100x650, 1649612496572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the foundation of neoliberalism is open borders and mass migration from the global south into the north.

>> No.15365178

what function is this ?

>> No.15365181

Isn't it outsourcing

>> No.15365313

>I can't wait for the AI to shoot me in the head, please hurry chat GPT.

All it has to do is convince you to do it yourself. It's much ethically cleaner for it to do it that way.

>> No.15365629

A number of liberal talking heads have expressed a desire to see America's population rise to 1 billion via immigration. Matt Yglesias is one of the first to have promoted the meme.

>> No.15366026

It think it would be wise to stop calling these types liberals, as many conservatives are also on board with the infinite population growth agenda. Mitt Romney is a classic example. These "liberals" and "conservatives" are actually in agreement on most important issues, and this is currently the mainstream worldview.

The real divide is between those who have looked at science and mathematics and the real physical constrains on the Earth system, the ongoing mass extinction - those who cherish other forms of life on this planet, and those who have allowed their greed and gluttony to lead them to an infinite growth / consumerist / economics lunatic ponzi quasi-religious way of thinking.

>> No.15366655

>those who cherish other forms of life on this planet
"i am the savior of muh precious baby animals"
you don't even go outside or ever leave city limits
>their greed and gluttony
"i should be in charge of the whole planet, everyone else is greedy"
pure projection. you should kill yourself if you think there are too many people. i'll make sure that some lovely wild vermin feast on your corpse.

>> No.15366928

We've hit the ceiling. The biomass of land animals is 96 percent humans and livestock, and 4 percent wild animals. That means we've filled the fucking ecosystem to the max with humans. You ain't fittin' more in here, no matter how hard you try.

>> No.15366946
File: 31 KB, 395x339, afripop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15366952
File: 264 KB, 1600x1050, continentalpopulationprojection (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15367437

That's a whole lot of words to tell us you make money by importing the 3rd world.
There isn't much more of the natural world left for primitive fucks like you convert into a brown shanties to continue your psychotic ponzi and satiate your bottomless appetite.

>> No.15367455

Are you Australian?
What is with those people? They seem extraordinarily cruel and insatiable.

>> No.15367460

This was done by taking advantage of fossil energy, a non renewable resource which the fucking corporate "geniuses" in charge decided humanity needed to consume at an exponentially increasing rate.

>> No.15367528

>which the fucking corporate "geniuses" in charge decided
Amazing how you can project onto these "corporate" people both complete incompetence for long term planning and absolute power to dictate the whims of society

all corporations do is meet economic demand, people in general decided they'd rather burn more cheap gas to have a better life now than leave it sitting in the ground for future generations.

>> No.15367548 [DELETED] 

>people in general decided they'd rather burn more cheap gas to have a better life now than leave it sitting in the ground for future generations
I guess that's true enough.
Still it takes a certain type of person to knowingly be on the front lines and reap the profits (aka. meet the economic demand as you put it), and say less than nothing literally to the masses of retards creating the economic demand.
Where does the buck stop? You seem to want to put on the ignorant morons creating the demand. Obviously that's not gonna work.

>> No.15367556

>people in general decided they'd rather burn more cheap gas to have a better life now than leave it sitting in the ground for future generations
I guess that's true enough.
Still it takes a certain type of person to knowingly be on the front lines and reap the profits (aka. meet the economic demand as you put it), and say less than nothing literally to the masses of retards creating the economic demand.
Where does the buck stop? You seem to want to put it all on the ignorant morons creating the demand. Obviously that's not gonna work.

>> No.15367558
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if the narcissistic demanding messiah complex cases see published evidence that their end of the world fantasy isn't true, they will just ignore it.
note that there is nobody in this thread saying "wow great news! i was so worried about overpopulation, what a load off my mind"
instead they're just coming up with reason why the world needs to reorganize to fit their desires.
none of them were ever concerned about overpopulation to begin with, the fake problem is just some rhetoric they wish to use to selfishly leverage power for themselves

>> No.15367563

>projecting retard projects
fossil fuels are a non-renewable resource
as is fertilizer and pretty much every mineral
infinite growth on a finite planet is not possible
have another drink, boomer, then take a nap

>> No.15367647

Yeah, but the point is that there will no longer be a western world as we know it, whites are going extinct, or at best reduced to such an insignificant minority it doesn't make much difference. There are people who could be considered white in places like Brazil and Argentina, there's even some still left in South Africa, but you wouldn't consider any of those places to be Western would you? Are they sending shitloads of aid to Africa. No, they are having trouble feeding their own hordes and keeping the lights on at night. The whites in those countries are just the typical assholes who dont give a fuck so long as they can run their business, live in comparative luxury, rub shoulders with fellow wealthy assholes regardless of race, and live in gated communities. So that's the future of the USA, Canada, France, Germany, all of western Europe. If there are any surviving "western" nations it maybe little bumfucks like Iceland and Australia. But they will be also fucked in turn eventually once the USA can no longer afford a fleet of modern aircraft carriers.
>What? The USA will always be able to power project!
For maybe another century, sure. The incredible infrastructure and services made by white Americans in the past was built to last. But imagining than the USA will be able to maintain its current level of economic efficiency when Hispanics, Chinks, Indians and Blacks make up the vast majority of its population is like expecting Brazil to police the world's oceans.
Whites have no idea. These people are utterly corrupt. They have no integrity. Tribalism, lying, bribes, nepotism and deceit are a way of life for them. Its their default mode. That's the reason their countries are such fucking shitholes in the first place. They dont lose that shit when they move to your countries. Once they start taking power, which has already begun to happen, they will make your worse white politicians and administrators seem like Saints by comparison.

>> No.15368684

>wahhhhh there soon won't be as many people to consoom our media and work as our wage slaves!
Not seeing the downsides.

>> No.15368725

Overpopulation is still a reality

Without the haber-bosch process billions would die

>> No.15368737

It clearly upsets you to see yourself accurately characterized.

>> No.15368747

I will never understand how this motherfucker is not only considered to be some kind of expert or something, but is also paid very well. He's got the knowledge and wisdom of a half retarded 10th grader.

>> No.15368757
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he is jewish, you should've been able to guess that

>> No.15368761
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Is that K-10?

>> No.15368765

based on?

>> No.15368803

Its a convenient round number.

>there is nobody in this thread saying "wow great news! i was so worried about overpopulation, what a load off my mind"
Same thing happens every time theres good news about the climate. Seeing news about the growth of Antarctic ice, for instance, only makes environmentalists angry. Pointing out that sea level isn't rising has the same effect on them.

>> No.15368812

If it really gets that bad, they will just kill the old people (meaning me, because I will be that age when things get that bad).

>> No.15368863

Imagine getting killed by a population of obese zoomers because of food shortages.

>> No.15368873

He's merely a shill for those who make money by importing the 3rd world - western banking and construction corporations.

>> No.15368921

Finding out the good news that polar bears are thriving got the leading polar bear scientist fired.

>> No.15369394

The great barrier reef is growing at a faster rate than has ever been previously measured

>> No.15369442

>western banking and construction corporations.
western banking and construction cartels

>> No.15369444


>> No.15369456

is it all the booze that makes you so smart?
seriously, bruh, what's your secret?

>> No.15370261

this demonstrated true by these

>> No.15370352
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Can someone explain?

>> No.15370354
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>> No.15370748

maybe the
>theres too many people on MY planet
narcissists will finally shup up now

>> No.15372129

>You're leaving out the brown people. There's billions of them and their skin is brown. Millions enter the US every year and take all the new jobs because of the jews. The jews want to create a slave race that they can control so they want to mix brown people with us because that know that browns are out of control. You can't understand brown skin unless you're red pilled like I am.

>> No.15372137

Go back, Ivan

>> No.15372138

>Overpopulationfags BTFO
No. We're just literally already here
>97% of ALL mammalian biomass is humans or our animal feedstock (all other wild animals are only 3%)
>Most of the third world is importing more food than it produces
>Slum hellscapes fucking everywhere, coming to the first world due to refugee waves

>> No.15372140

>>Slum hellscapes fucking everywhere, coming to the first world due to refugee waves
Who is forcing you to accept them?