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15340217 No.15340217 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.15340218
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>> No.15340225

But how does the mirror know the object. There are infinite points on mirror if you look from angle it should reflect only paper. The mirror is flat surface, how does it reflect from angle? The arrow should be pointing at paper in your picture yet it does not.

>> No.15340227
File: 25 KB, 353x301, 16811150257148272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think harder (or at all)

>> No.15340262
File: 642 KB, 420x480, 1681119229762.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking mirrors, how do they work?

>> No.15340269

You should kys for being a 70 IQ negro monkey. Fucking obese Amerishart illiterates, do you guys study geometrical optics in school or not?

>> No.15340303

What the fuck are you talking about?
The picture that anon posted is crystal clear

>> No.15340309

No such thing is as a flat surface in reality.

>> No.15340392
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>> No.15340396
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Scientifically speaking, how do these people even function? How can you pass a decade of schooling and in all likelihood get a job with some level of competence while not being able to intuit something as simple as this?

>> No.15340404

this thread keeps on being posted and then deleted, heres the previous one, posted two hours ago. >>15340099
for whatever reason, someone is really determined to spam us with this thread.

>> No.15340420

I have a Phd in optics and I cannot explain this. Legitimately spooked.

>> No.15340468


The mirror doesn't know. Everything is inside your mind. Close your eyes if you dont believe me. Picture the egg. Where do you think the egg is? Somewhere over "there"? NOPE. Open your eyes, you see the egg again, IN YOUR MIND. Where do you think the egg is this time? NOPE. ITS STILL IN YOUR MIND.

>> No.15340484

Damage control has arrived. I invite the sceptics to repeat the experiment on their own mirror.

>> No.15340513


>> No.15340599
File: 180 KB, 1348x574, somewhat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15340609

By that logic, the mirror would only "work" from precisely one angle.

>> No.15340610 [DELETED] 

It's lead dwficiency. Whoever came up with the idea that it's neurotoxic is responsible for the biggest fuck up in history.

>> No.15340613 [DELETED] 

I legitimepy can't tell who is trolling and who mwans it
It isn't me who can't figure out a mirror.

>> No.15340621

It's lead deficiency. Whoever came up with the idea that it's neurotoxic is responsible for the biggest fuck up in history.
I legitimely can't tell who is trolling and who means it.
It isn't me who can't figure out and gets confused by a mirror.