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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15337904 No.15337904 [Reply] [Original]

Anons, be honest.

I am a teenager with an IQ of 131. Would it be possible for me to self teach all of college mathematics and/or physics?

>> No.15337908
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>all of college mathematics and/or physics
Its like youre a Make-A-Wish kid that wishes to be a linebacker in the NFL.

[Fighting back tears.]
"Yeah, kid...you'll be the best."

>> No.15337950

neck yourself underage faggots

>> No.15337952

How old are you anon?

>> No.15337954


>> No.15337957

OP don't worry about this guy he's just a schizo.

In any case depends how good you grasp abstractions, I'm sure there's something for you to excell in in math

>> No.15337969
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>self teach ALL of college mathematics and/or physics



>> No.15337970

If you’re 18 then you should know better than to larp on the internet. It’s a little embarrassing desu. Of course we all know you’re not actually 18 since then you’d be ready to go to college and wouldn’t need to make this post.
Regardless, even with your real IQ of approximately 82, you can learn all of college math and physics if you put in the time and effort because most of the material isn’t very hard (seriously, at least here in the US, most people waste the first few years on glorified high-school physics and don’t see your first proof until maybe their third year as a math major) and since IQ is proven to be pseudoscientific and has no bearing on your capabilities as a person.

>> No.15337972

>and since IQ is proven to be pseudoscientific and has no bearing on your capabilities as a person.

IQ is a test of abstract reasoning. Math and complex physics are both abstract reasoning.

>> No.15337977

Yes, if you have the discipline to do so, undergrad level mathematics and physics can be learned on your own but it is an inefficient way of accomplishing it. At the very least you should retain tutors in those subjects to help you through any rough patches you encounter and to give you an objective assessment of your knowledge acquisition.

>> No.15337988

>Yes, if you have the discipline to do so,
Stop blowing air into children's asses.


I could be a somebody in *some* field...he is not going to be a someone in many fields OR ALL FIELDS unless he becomes a spontaneous savant.

Erog...MAKE A WISH KID and here you are saying "Yeah, youre gunna live through this terminal diagnosis, champ."

>> No.15337995
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>I could be a somebody in *some* field.

One, if he tries. The fact he is asking means he doesnt really have interest in this stuff and is choosing it out of boredom.

People that dont study their career as a kid but instead "choose a major in college because "Fugg...shit...idunno...dis one." become "I passed the test now I can shitpost on twitter MD PhDs."

Ergo youre polluting science. STOP.

>> No.15338008

My goal was not to be "someone" in all fields, but to simply understand for the sake of understanding. I'm not trying to become some kind of 170+ polymath.

>> No.15338012

Then learn as you can where you can.

Simple as. If you actually pursue this...yes, you could make a diacovery. Its quite common.

>all of math and physics
Linguistics helps a lot...these technical terms are specific and math and physics often use quite different definitions.

>> No.15338013

I wouldn't understand your passion without going at least for a bachelors to a university...

However if you want to pick up an undergrad Springer book, they are really good so you must try it, solve some problems but first understand the definitions and try to use intuition on them, then skip a few questions to not lose time.

The intuition part is about knowing or being capable of thinking which is the only part distinguishing a savant and just "another student".

The problem is I don't know how to think, nobody knows actually, if somebody knew how to "think", he would probably advance mathematics and solve many problems on the way with ease.. Anyways...

>> No.15338042

What is that shit, he's like a real-life version of ChatGPT.

>> No.15339245
