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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 146 KB, 2048x1536, bnYeV5AmPMpBd1TtiAwTw-g4lz6bS3R_5YYKK3VGyTU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15337648 No.15337648 [Reply] [Original]

Why do most child prodigies end up having unremarkable careers?

>> No.15337652

The brightest stars burn out the fastest, or something.

>> No.15337657

Because the midwitted soi culture of forced conformity in modern acadummia is a hostile and anti-intellectual environment toxic to any genius.

>> No.15337686

Why wouldn't they? Why do you create this thread a hundred times a year?

>> No.15337698

They end up hitting the same brick wall as everybody else - if the problem is hard enough, it doesn't matter how smart you are.

>> No.15337706

If the content of any board is getting repetitive to you I think it's maybe time to go outside more, instead of jumping to the conclusion that it's just the same people saying the same things over and over

>> No.15337716 [DELETED] 
File: 61 KB, 1244x720, TIMESAND___LIZARDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you differentiate between child prodigies and weird parents' success for PR campaigns for satisfying their vicarious aspirations toward genius? It seems to me like if a child is in the news, that's more about the parents than the child.

>> No.15337717

>implying there's not a handful of weirdos at most on this board who are obsessed with child prodigies, as if this isn't a very unusual niche interest

>> No.15337719
File: 61 KB, 1244x720, TIMESAND___LIZARDS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you differentiate between child prodigies and weird parents' successful PR campaigns for satisfying their vicarious aspirations toward genius? It seems to me like if a child is in the news, that's more about the parents than the child.

>> No.15337720
File: 29 KB, 480x360, TIMESAND___FineTwine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Natalia Grace Barnett: 'I'm 16, not a 33-year-old scam artist'
>They say they believed she was a six-year-old from Ukraine, with a form of dwarfism.

>weird parents

>> No.15337721

stfu schizo namefag, pls do us a favour and kys b4 we hear another of your "neighborhood around infinity" bullshit.

>> No.15337722

Greta is a real prodigy. She solved climate without having school education. And she rekt Andrew Tate twice.

>> No.15337723

Only the latter is true.

>> No.15337725

Case in point, Greta is grown from my stolen semen and she only showed up in the news when her parents thought they could make me look like an asshole over my intention to exterminate the families that touched my stolen by turning the abominable monster Greta's mother grew in her womb into some much-loved media darling. It's 100% about the parents and 0% about Greta.

>> No.15337729

Prodigious memory for short bits of information (like memorizing many digits of pi) and fast mental arithmetic are tell-tale signs of someone trained to be presented as a genius, because both can be achieved with relatively simple mental techniques like memory palaces.

>> No.15337732
File: 210 KB, 1350x618, TIMESAND___TSLA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can see Tesla stock really took off when I moved to that apartment in Dunwoody where they started stealing my semen on an industrial scale to sell it through Tesla. I moved there after Helene kicked me out of the condo I was renting from her when I could no longer pay rent after she got me fired from my job at Georgia Tech by telling sick and malicious lies about me. This issue of my semen being Tesla's real cash cow is why Tesla had like 3 or 4 general counsels quit in one year: they found out what Tesla's real business model is and got out of there, ASAP. All of those billions Elon is reaping off his stock come from selling my stolen semen. That's also why Tesla encountered "surprise Model 3 production delays" due to "certain parts being made by hand" when I became homeless in 2017: they could no longer suck the scum out of the drain in my sink and it fucked up their business model. Also, the reason Tesla started charging more for "black paint" after I started to grow my hair out is because they were selling GM-ed black haired babies grown from my stolen semen for a premium.

>Behind Tesla's Production Delays: Parts of Model 3 Were Being Made by Hand

>Tesla has lost its top lawyer for the third time in the past year

>Tesla's black paint just got $1,000 more expensive

This "semen extraction venture in Atlanta" is what is called the "oil extraction venture in Angola" in the ongoing Vatican "trial of the century," btw.

>> No.15337734

because usually it's some midwit teacher who decides their a prodigy

>> No.15337736

>This "semen extraction venture in Atlanta" is what is called the "oil extraction venture in Angola" in the ongoing Vatican "trial of the century," btw.
This is why Tesla's stock took off right after the overt Satanists pushed out the old Pope and the covert Satanic guard.

>> No.15337737

she tore tate's taint

>> No.15337738
File: 3.55 MB, 295x297, TIMESAND___AndrewTote.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Since this jew and Greta have been having a lot more threads lately, I will comment on them. The person above first came to my attention with this clip about how didn't like my pirate novel. After that, he started getting about 50 threads per day. Following his recent PR collaboration with Greta, it's around 50 threads at a time, which is surprisingly many. It is no surprise, however, that he and Greta are doing PR for each other's psyops because Greta's schtick is also fostering resentment for me and my work. To wit, Greta's mom was fucking some guy whose baby she didn't want to have and then she got pregnant with my stolen semen by collaborating with my enemies to deny me the affections of the women that want to have my babies. (I get "big satan energy" from that, incidentally.) Not long before Greta appeared on TV as a darling of the MSM, I began to post about how all such abominable semen monsters and their families were sentenced to death. The reactionary purpose of Greta on TV is not to complain about the climate but rather it is to complain about my intention to exterminate the families that conspired in whole or in part with my enemies to deny me the affections of the women that want to have my babies rather than the babies of whoever they're fucking instead of me. In brief, they wish to promote the falsehood that I must be an awful person if I want to put cute little Greta to death. Although the jew's recent joint PR campaign with Greta painted the two of them as ideologically opposed, they are in total ideological harmony. That's why their handlers would have orchestrated their recent joint PR operations: to use synergy to increase the platform of my detractors.
My inability to get a book deal on this spurred the clownworld meme and the reason I didn't get one is the topic of this video.

>> No.15337739

Sometimes the people on TV distort reality and tell lies to sensationalize things, Anon.

>> No.15337741
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>> No.15337742
File: 382 KB, 762x435, TIMESAND___bullshit002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My inability to get a book deal on this spurred the clownworld meme and the reason I didn't get one is the topic of this video.

>> No.15337745
File: 1.37 MB, 1x1, TheWeatherVane__PAPER__20210224.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15337806

Most who get identified as child prodigies are just demonstrating familiarity or interest in topics above their grade level and not creativity/innovation.
Anybody with a decent memory and early motivation and exposure to advanced topics will be seen as a genius who learns quickly when they really just dumped more time into learning (effort gets mistaken as ease).
Also, a lot of what we identify as acts of genius are just people in the right place at the right time with sufficient skills.
Usually it is the case that somebody else would get the job done if they weren't there.
The child prodigies have the same odds as everyone else for the most part.

If you want to increase your odds, get a wide breadth of knowledge/skills and pay attention to where shit is popping off.

>> No.15337844

nice copypasta

>> No.15337896

my theory is that a majority of them aren't geniuses at all. What's going on is that they just happen to enjoy the content being taught at school, so much so that they will do it for fun and end up doing way more of it than the typical student. A true child genius would do no more study than one of the average students yet get results far above the top students. This information on their study habits is very rarely included in the information we hear about them. So while they might be very intelligent, they don't actually some kind of edge case superior intelligence

>> No.15337921
File: 442 KB, 910x2720, TIMESAND___X_sticky_basement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a few of them saved.

>> No.15337943

Because smart people are unwelcome in modern society. They are freaks we are supposed to get rid of. this place is for reatrds ONLY.

>> No.15337947

This is actually true. Good memory doesn't make one a prodigy. It's how they approach the unfamiliar. It usn't entirely uncommon for prodigies to be sent into a soecial class, as they refuse to learn (it's something obvious to them) or argue about what they're being taught.

>> No.15337981
File: 2.80 MB, 600x338, TIMESAND___PrettyMuch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this place is for reatrds ONLY.
I agree.

>> No.15338006

Kek nice find took.
Newfag. Jonathan Tooker is the only namefag /sci/ supports, and you'd do well to acknowledge him. He's solved the Riemann hypothesis among other things.

>> No.15338010

It's the IQ tests they take as children. They're given some handicap in the form of extra points. That is, a 130 IQ child (which is quite intelligent and capable of learning advanced concepts long before their peers) will be given an inflated IQ of 160+ due to being a literal child. As the child ages, it becomes clearer and clearer his score was inflated as he reveals himself to he the 130IQ person he is. There's nothing wrong with this, of course, and they're still quite smart. It's just that they fail to live up to the expectations of a 160+ IQ alleged genius.

>> No.15339715
File: 222 KB, 1100x663, lif-driftland-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

automata generated libido an-object?

>> No.15339752

>Why do most child prodigies end up having unremarkable careers?
They are fucked up as kids from the Hollywood elite raping them.

>> No.15339753

A lot of what we call child prodigies in math and science are excellent at understanding what is well established but fail to actually provide any new insights.

>> No.15339913

Because everyone around them tells them they'll be successful so they trust elite sounding authority who give them just enough skills to be middle management at some semi prestigious firm.

>> No.15339916
File: 248 KB, 1080x2045, Screenshot_20230410-110802_EBookDroid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read this

>> No.15339919

While it is true that some child prodigies may not go on to achieve significant success as adults, there are certainly cases of individuals who have maintained exceptional abilities and achieved impressive accomplishments throughout their lives. For example, mathematician Terence Tao was a child prodigy who made significant contributions to mathematics as a teenager, and has gone on to become a world-renowned researcher in the field. Similarly, physicist Stephen Hawking showed exceptional aptitude for mathematics and science as a child, and went on to become one of the most well-known and influential physicists of the modern era. These are just a few examples, but there are many other cases of individuals who have maintained exceptional abilities and continued to achieve impressive accomplishments throughout their lives, despite the challenges and pressures that can come with being a prodigy.

This was copied from chatGPT, did it seem like a real person writing?

>> No.15341248
File: 1000 KB, 750x903, 1681154430715.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The father of all child prodigies.
If you have a talented child, you have to do whatever his parents did with him. Read a biography of his.

>> No.15342104

I made this thread a few weeks ago but this time it wasn't me

>> No.15342112

The difference is that midwits who are passionate enough about what they study embrace the brick wall and stick around regardless.

>> No.15342116

Yeah, but they still have rather unremarkable careers. Breakthroughs are a combination of intelligence, elbow-grease and luck.

>> No.15342118

I disagree. Finding subjects to be more fun than all the other students means you’re a genius. There’s no reason to enjoy knowledge for the sake of it unless you are inclined to it because you’re gifted. Kids who don’t study or care about school but get good marks are just skilled at what they do but have no curiosity.

>> No.15342277

Why this thread again? Anyway, for this kid it's because you don't make any major accomplishments in physics until your 40s-50s. He has a decade up on everyone else so expect him to make some sort of impact in his 30s-40s.

Sorry. The low hanging fruit have been picked. Child prodigies used to make notable contributions, but the fields are lacking in fruit to be plucked.

>> No.15342340

>Watch some shitty game show thing with "child prodigies"
>all they do is regurgitate stuff they have "learned"
>meanwhile their childhood is fucked because they don't fit in with all the other kids

>> No.15342467

maybe you can tell us who the fuck it is first

>> No.15342561

>doesn't know Gauss

>> No.15342566

because a remarkable thing is by definition rare.

>> No.15342577

Because a remarkable career takes a lot of drive determination to accomplish. If you’ve already been a special snowflake from a young age then why would you bother working hard?

>> No.15344107


>> No.15344148


>posts untitled image expecting everyone to know who it is

fuck off fake intellectual

>> No.15344166

>He doesn't knows Gauss
Guess who failed math

>> No.15344414


Look around you. Why would they want to be noticed? To them, being noticed at all was a mistake.

>> No.15344465

Holy shit anon, how do you not know Gauss?
If you're in Stem you would've seen that picture of Gauss a million times, he's the second most prolific mathematician of all time. Fuck, even a standard high schooler might recognize Gauss; his story of summing all naturals up to 100 is like every introduction to sums of arithmetic sequences ever.

Anon your education is lacking, go study

>> No.15344554

Choose a life. Choose a job. Choose a career. Choose a family. Choose a fucking big television. Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers... Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning. Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth. Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future. Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that? You're all niggers

>> No.15344753

I'm not the anon above but I've taken a lot of upper level math courses and never saw a picture of Gauss until today. It's possible he knew the name but never saw his portrait, similar to me.

>> No.15344886

>Choose a life.
>Choose a job. Choose a career.
earning your right to exist is mandatory, no one owes you sustenance
>Choose a family.
>Choose a fucking big television.
>Choose washing machines, cars, compact disc players and electrical tin openers...
all optional
>Choose DSY and wondering who the fuck you are on a Sunday morning.
pondering one's identity is among life's most rewarding activities, but still optional
>Choose sitting on that couch watching mind-numbing, spirit crushing game shows, stucking junk food into your mouth.
optional (but seriously why would you do that?)
>Choose rotting away in the end of it all, pishing your last in a miserable home, nothing more than an embarrassment to the selfish, fucked up brats you spawned to replace yourself, choose your future.
...or just fucking don't do that. no one is forcing you.
>Choose life... But why would I want to do a thing like that?
because life holds the certainty of both great pleasure and great pain, whereas death offers only uncertainty.
>You're all niggers
after typing all this shit up it has just occurred to me that this is most likely an old bait copypasta since it references CD players which have been obsolete for decades now. looks like i really am a nigger.

>> No.15345075

The fuck? are there no ways to accurately guess a person's age? Why not cut her open and check the rings?

>> No.15345095

>if you cant instantly recognize the image of a dead mathematician because you don't immediately collect and catalogue useless visual data you might have seen once in a textbook, you didn't learn right!!
No, I'm just neurotypical. I know who Gauss is and a lot of his work, but I couldn't care less what the fuck he looked like. Just say the person's instead of pretending everyone is autistic enough to remember a picture they got shown once, years ago, as a footnote in a textbook.

>> No.15345853

I like how Gauss in the list of top words that men are likely to know that women are most likely to be clueless about.

>> No.15346682

>I know who Gauss is and a lot of his work, but I couldn't care less what the fuck he looked like
Larp. You don't know shit of his work.
It's like saying you read a lot of Shakespeare's work, but don't recognize him on a pic.

>> No.15346724

Because many child prodigies just had an early growth spurt in their intelligence relative to their peer group. That doesn't indicate that the difference sustained into adulthood.

IQ measures your intelligence relative to your peers. If you test someone at age 11 and they have IQ 160, it's completely conceivable (and typical) that by the time they're 20, they test much lower because their peers have caught up.

The tallest girl in my grade 6 class stopped growing at 5'5" in adulthood. It's like that.