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15337113 No.15337113 [Reply] [Original]

Science is just a sex pervert faith. And you believe in this sex pervert faith.

>> No.15337117

KsanjiDeshanteyBrownJacksonWashington is black.
Does anyone really expect her to know much of anything? Regular bathing is a stretch.

>> No.15337137

This is an official proclamation from Science itself as a response to what happened (Science is obliged to jump to the defense of the defenseless "Black" (in capital letters as Science has ordained))

>> No.15337143

they're really going for some next level newspeak dictionary here.
the 1984 ministry of truth must be working overtime to come up with this nonsense

>> No.15337156

going down the line of thinking requires an answer for what sex a person is with respect to various genetic defects.

if a karyotypical male (XY) is totally insensitive to androgens, the body will develop like a female's would.
what is that? what do you call that?

what of klinefelters, with XXY karyotypes?
or turner syndrom, with X karyotypes?

or various other disorders, leading to faulty development of sex characteristics?
how do you categorize these?

>> No.15337161

The thought-screen detects a level of sarcasm against the government in your post anon. Report to room 102.

>> No.15337206

>adult human female
Done. Now onto more important matters. Room temperature semi conductors. What elements are naturally semi conductors?

>> No.15337218

>opposite of man

>> No.15337227

You are disagreeing with Science. That's a Fascism and Altright Hateist Conspiracy Theory.
*bank closes your account*
*JP Morgan and Microsoft in cooperation with BlackRock throws a drag queen child parade to Stand Up in Solidarity with pedosexuals*

>> No.15337233

>*bank closes your account*
who is dumb enough to still use a bank in this day and age?

>> No.15337278

>bank closes your account
Nice try. I have cash, gold, 6 types of crypto, water, jars of perspective, and unused fleshlights. I can easily trade and survive.

>> No.15337332

You'll never get anybody to address these because it immediately dismantles the idea of a simple dichotomy that has absolutely no wiggle room.

>> No.15337371

Did you notice you used the words "defects" and "disorders?" It's like pretending you can't say "humans are bipedal mammals" because sometimes someone is born missing one or both legs.

>> No.15337376

>science can't even know what a woman is
>science says there's no simple answer
Did you even read your own image before posting, OP?

>> No.15337378

>It's like pretending you can't say "humans are bipedal mammals" because sometimes someone is born missing one or both legs.
NTA and that's literally true. Humans aren't categorically bipedal, because categories aren't reality but maps of reality.

>> No.15337383

This is a linguistics problem, not a science problem. They asked the same question of Republican lawmakers and they couldn't answer the question either.

>A woman is someone who has a vagina and womb and can bear children
What about a woman who has a hysterectomy? Is she no longer a woman? What about a woman who can't bear children, is she no longer a woman? What happens when a woman reaches menopause? Is she no longer a woman?

Again, this is a linguistics problem, not a science problem. But what do I expect from dumb fucking Republicans?

>> No.15337391

the exception proves the rule mouth breather

>> No.15337400

Ok so how do you categorize the exceptions to dichotomous sex?

>> No.15337417

abnormalities, BY DEFINITION autistic retard

>> No.15337433

how are you thinking this is a high iq gotcha? they're categorized as exceptions/defects/abnormalities/unholy abominations unto the lord/whatever, the existence of .0001% freaks doesn't render the dichotomy false. you're actively gaslighting yourself, it's sad

>> No.15337436

OP here. Know that I don't even read your replies. You are just lice on my humanity.

>> No.15337440

Ok but are they men or women? Or are they a 3rd category? If it's a 3rd category it's not exactly a dichotomy is it?

I didn't hinge my argument on the point, just noted that it is interesting

>> No.15337442

is it not also a disorder for someone to consider themselves to be transexual?
surely, you wouldn't consider it to be "normal" to want to change your sex?

where's the line drawn? people may typically fall into one of two distinct categories, those being XY and XX, and the "typical" physical, physiological, and psychological features that accompany the karyotype.

certainly, you would concede that it's somewhat difficult to cleanly categorize the defects in

is there some objective metric? "well they have both X and Y chromosomes, but they did actually develop a vagina because of the androgen insensitivity."

what box do they go in? is it one of the two, "male" or "female"?
is it a different category?
do the rest of transexuals also go in that category? why or why not?

>> No.15337447

>Surely it's not normal to want to exhibit phenotypical traits of the opposite biological sex
It's not unheard of in the animal kingdom. I'd personally describe a woman as:
A person who exhibits phenotypical traits attributed with the XX genotype.

>> No.15337449

A defective example of an organism does not qualify for use as a descriptor for that organism. Hawks have wings, hawks can fly. There are almost certainly occasional hawks that are born with genetic defects and don't have wings or can't flay, but that in no way means that it's no longer accurate to say, "Hawks can fly".

Some humans are genetic mistakes. They're born fucked up, something went wrong during their development, and they're defective. But that's all they are. They're mistakes, not some new breed of human or special unique gender.

>a simple dichotomy that has absolutely no wiggle room
That's how sexual reproduction works.

>> No.15337450

Do you not understand what an abnormality is you HRT addled troon? Stfu you fucking retard

>> No.15337451

OK but why can't you answer my question that tried to explore your eloquently stated "point"?

>> No.15337463

Yes but not everyone will reproduce, doesn't make them inhuman. You are human, anon.

>> No.15337467

i don't have skin in the game, i don't care, frankly, about how people want to present themselves. i just don't give a shit.

but i do wish to illustrate that the binary categories work great for the majority of cases. emphasis on majority.

even in this situation
>exhibits phenotypical traits attributed with the XX genotype
i was friends with a girl who had PCOS, which is elevated blood levels of testosterone.
not particularly uncommon, perhaps some 10% of all women.
she displayed heavier body hair, a deeper voice, and other secondary sex characteristics typical to a man, and it's no surprise.
you could imagine that perhaps in the more extreme cases of PCOS, with significantly higher testosterone, perhaps the way their brain ends up maturing is not that dissimilar from how a male's would. functionally, a "male" brain in a "female" body.
because that is the distinction in brain development-- the level of circulating androgens.

again, even if it's some small fraction of overall humans, that's the point. transexuals, genetic disorders, etc. are a small fraction of humans.

but, i assume you wouldn't deride your grandmother for having a faulty thyroid, or a neighbor's kid for being retarded.
and yet, these other disorders are different?

>> No.15337473
File: 158 KB, 875x402, 1629731368940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens if?
So you have to throw in events to disprove the statement. Each of those require a womb and vagina to even be possible. You retarded fucks can't even be intelligent and use hermaphrodites or xyy/xxy people as examples of grey areas . It's always surface level retarded shit that could be air lifted onto equal insane concepts like killing sleeping people or defending incest.

>> No.15337474

>Yes but not everyone will reproduce, doesn't make them inhuman.
No one ever said it makes them inhuman, you disingenuous little faggot. Being a defective human means that you are a defective human.

>> No.15337485

Science can't, but I can. Millions of years of evolutionary training guides me.

>> No.15337488

I knew a reply like this would emerge, and I'm glad it came in such a respectful form. I had initially added more language that described the person as "intentionally" presenting themselves in a way and not only phenotypically but socially as well. Basically, it would be how the person identifies themselves intrinsically that would ultimately determine what they are, and that intrinsic identity would then present externally either in behavior or how they present themselves appearance-wise... Of course, I was afraid to use the word "identify" because this thread has been filled with replies that will miss the forest for the trees. I appreciate your detailed and well mannered reply, thanks anon for giving me faith that this board hasn't completely gone to hell after all of these years...

>> No.15337494

>how do you categorize these?
As defects and outliers. Is a person born missing a foot not human nor homo salaam? Are are midgets not human for being outside the height range? The very fact these show as defects prove there are categories.
>soical construction
Rose by any other name. Remove the words and the physical categories still exist. You loss abstract concepts only. Call a rock a sock or a boxs or a foxs but it will still hurt when I chuck it while define the correct number of sand particles that make a mound a pile.

>> No.15337499

>They asked the same question of Republican lawmakers and they couldn't answer the question either.
I assume you completely made this up.

>> No.15337523

What you people don't understand is that we are post gender. We of uncommon genders are the next step in the evolution that will eventually lead us to become energy beings with no physical features.

Of course your mind wouldn't be able to grasp that.

>> No.15337529

youre a fucking freak

>> No.15337530

Like I said, your unscientific mind isn't capable of understanding postgenderism and evolution.

>> No.15337531

no one is arguing that you can't call yourself a man just because some people are born with a disorder that means they aren't so cleanly categorized.

but where's the pushback for pistorias calling himself a "runner" when actually he should be called a legless runner or a cripple athlete.
or if a midget wants to be referred to as just "a person". it's a given that if one of your coworkers is a midget, probably you wouldn't say "yeah we have 4 normal employees and one defective employee".

i'm not saying that if you put 4 average males and andre the giant on a police lineup, that i'd go "well they all look the same to me".

is it fair for a runner to call themselves a runner because they were born without legs, and went through surgical procedures to install a facsimile of what a typical person would have?
by all means, they are not the same. normal biologically functional legs are different. the nerve endings aren't there. it's a prosthetic. i can tell the runner is different, obviously, but it doesn't really affect me just because they want to be called "a runner".
i could see how someone might think that maybe kids would want to cut off their legs to get prosthetics installed and be a runner like that, but i find that hard to believe.
i don't really give a shit if crippled runners want to be represented in media or give speeches about it being difficult to be a runner since they were born with fucked up legs.
i don't care that much about disabled runners, and i just won't engage with it.

i don't know what your core argument is. i don't know what the thing you have a problem with, is.

>> No.15337534

is that what you tell yourself when you see your womanly hips and man tits in the mirror? stay away from normal people

>> No.15337538

You conservatives of small minds, cheering while we are evolving past you through the "magic" (not actually magic) of science

>> No.15337543

>i don't know what the thing you have a problem with, is
That we're discussing this at all. This is cut and dry and the effort should be on discovering what biological mechanism causes this and what biological sign is visible when this is shown. The fact your examples once again prove my point of abstract vs physical proves my disdain for this argument and the people having it. Frankly, and this is an honest opinion that I hold, everyone having this conversation or debate should be killed. Including you and me as well. This is the example of pure ivory tower, head in the clouds, decadent postulating that only children or crazies discuss. I await your snarky one liner of "just do it" or whatever but frankly I will mostly read it, shake my head, then move on not wishing to slap fish till thier dry.

>> No.15337546

If there is no such thing as a man or woman, then why do they even claim they are transgender?
What is a MTF then? And a FTM then?

>> No.15337593

can we please stop pretending gender "science" has any credibility at all?

>> No.15337613


>> No.15337614
File: 839 KB, 256x255, 4AF21ACD-A5A1-4068-BE3A-D4E57154253F.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so I guess we're not human either if they can't define what human is

>> No.15337639

If you can trace your daddy's lineage through a chromosome, you're male. Having other extra shit tacked on there that makes your body deformed doesn’t change reality, it just gives it a different appearance. And 99% of troons aren't intersex, so stop using those people as the saving grace of your stupid argument for enforcing their mental illnesses onto society.

>> No.15337689

>>going down the line of thinking requires an answer for what sex a person is with respect to various genetic defects.
No it doesn't.

>> No.15337694

Science is a method, nothing more.

>> No.15337850

>but what about these extremely rare genetic anomalies???

>> No.15338207

>[...] categories aren't reality but maps of reality
Twitter Pseudo-Gramscians certainly think it is, lmao.

>> No.15338211

Ask anyone who voted Biden what a woman is. They dont have an answer. To them women dont exist.

>> No.15338219

Can dimwits at least pretend to not act as if Science is the priestly class of our times?

It doesn't matter if you are a pro-tranny freak or an anti-tranny chud: science has precisely fuck all to do with the definition of "woman". It's like needing science to define "the state". It's inherently a human social institution. And yes, "woman" is a human social institution (which aligns with the biological definition of "adult female"), just like any terminology relevant to social life.

>> No.15338681

I sincerely doubt that you've confirmed the chromosomes of every person you've called woman

>> No.15338704

Don't need to. Women have those chromosome.

>> No.15338713

If you are not visually impaired, it's incredibly easy to spot a man in a dress. Ftm are a lot more convincing, to a point where it's not even possible to tell. Mtf look like kobolds in dresses.

>> No.15338721

You know 4chan has this handy thing where you can click the post that's being referenced and it takes you to that post so you can read it

>> No.15338725

Thanks friend. Saddly I don't care.

>> No.15338736

And you linked my post. And my point still stands in both of them.

>> No.15339282
File: 93 KB, 500x509, Troons Woke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ask anyone who voted Biden what a woman is. They dont have an answer. To them women dont exist.
Kek! Democrats claim to be the "party of feminism and woman's rights" and are destroying women! KEK!

>> No.15339310

Lol this is science fiction. All of us can grasp what you're saying it just isn't true

>> No.15339640

this science guy is a really smart person i wish i could meet him one day

>> No.15340161
File: 321 KB, 1080x1720, Screenshot_20230410-145816_Firefox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Jackson then studied government at Harvard University, having applied despite her guidance counselor's advice to set her sights lower.[19] At Harvard, she took classes in drama, performed improv comedy, and led protests against a student who displayed a Confederate flag from his dorm window.[20][21] Jackson graduated from Harvard in 1992 with a Bachelor of Arts, magna cum laude; her senior thesis was titled "The Hand of Oppression: Plea Bargaining Processes and the Coercion of Criminal Defendants".[22]

Literally"I" am a more credible source on what science say about anything with my shitty biology BS degree

Try not taking journalist bait next time and wasting my 2 minutes of time to Google and make a screenshot

>> No.15340201

>human's aren't bipedal
theres really no proper response to such retardation.

>> No.15340207

>are they men or women
A triangle whose interior angles add up to 181 is not a triangle.

>I'm a female with no female parts
You are nothing

>> No.15340211

>Should we call a legless runner, who does not run, a "runner?"
We do so knowing full well that he does not, technically, run.

This is the same manner in which ppl call trans women "women." We do so knowing full well that they are, technically, not a woman.