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15335840 No.15335840 [Reply] [Original]

how many more years till this guy is exposed as the fraud that he is?

>> No.15335843

Already happened there are papers about qed

>> No.15335844

he's still worshipped amongst modern physicists though, i was asking how long until the doctrine changes

>> No.15335852

sounds more like a prophet to me

>> No.15335853

Please, voicing common sci-fi bullet points doesnt make anyone a prophet
>did you know that in the future..

>> No.15335854

wow so heckin interestingerino! i heckin love feynjew!

>> No.15335855

Feynman has his good and bad points, a complex figure

>> No.15335857

>responds to an over hour long lecture within 1 minute, attempting to deboonk it

>> No.15335858

OP are you brazilian?

>> No.15335860

>i heckin love feynjew
I'm not trying to say that Feynman was a good or bad physicist but attacking him because he's a Jew is wrong.
Feynman didn't believe in the Jewish doctrine that Jews are the "chosen people".

>> No.15335868

>attacking him because he's a Jew is wrong
it isn't, jews have odious common characteristics which are endemic to their culture. koreans all smell like shit because their culture involves eating 1000% more garlic than anyone else. jews are all flamboyant liars. finns are unsociable.
lacking in pattern recognition or intentionally ignoring it is an idiotic form of self-harm

>> No.15335874

You, a nonjew are a fantastic contributor to society, I'm sure. imagine the worst jew you can in your mind. I'd wager good money you contribute even less to society. What is it about incel neets that make them the biggest antisemites on 4channel?

>> No.15335887

why do jews feel entitled to have to the whole world love semites? jews only express antipathy for all other races. if you want to live surrounded by people who like jews then you should live in israel. everyone else is only concerned about their own kind.

>> No.15335888

>imagine the worst jew you can in your mind
Probably Lazar Kaganovich

>> No.15335892

Funny. In neither of these posts is an answer of how you're allegedly a better member of society than these jews you think so lowly of. Fascinating

>> No.15335893

>jews only express antipathy for all other races
True, i dont think the jews have ever expressed friendship or warmth for any people in the world, ever. All their culture is about remembering their enemies. Best outcome of dealing with jews is not becoming their enemy

>> No.15335896

How am i better than Lazar Kaganovich?
This is something you are actually asking

>> No.15335905

i'm not in debt to you even if you presume that i am, i don't owe a contribution to your jewish soiciety and you're not going to lure my into giving out personal information on social media, especially not when i know you're all keyed up with loxism and looking for revenge

>> No.15335909
File: 235 KB, 1x1, TIMESAND___uDfj7hjLs82J0hj3P41wx3Z5fkb2mvExm8Rz9L893HmG9yx87.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feynman's spacetime formulation of non-relativistic quantum mechanics will never go away as long as QM is a theory in use. It is Feynman's unassailable genius there and only know-nothing retards think a few shortcomings in work in field theory represent his work as a whole. Pic is probably my all-time favorite paper.

>> No.15335911

I'm asking what you're contributing to society that makes you better than he was. Yes I'm actually asking you that, and interestingly you seem either unable or unwilling to provide an answer. Quite fascinating indeed.
You don't need to dox yourself to name a simple way in which you're contributing positively to society top kek. Unless you think your job and name is your only contribution to society? Hmm, forgive me but that sounds rather jewishly nepotistic of you, that is your contribution to society is only as deep as your personal identity. Quite sad.

>> No.15335916

How can this guy be considered intelligent? He literally sounds like Ed Norton from the Honeymooners.

>> No.15335921

>I'm asking what you're contributing to society that makes you better than he was.
You have that upside down. Considering that i have not committed any crimes against humanity while Lazar Kaganovich did plenty, that makes me "better" than him, and in fact i was better than him already the day i was born.
Are you actually asking how any normal person isnt better than a criminal?

>> No.15335927

There's nothing wrong with QM, QFT is the problem. Actually field theories in general, starting with the classical theory of electromagnetism, are where physics went astray.

>> No.15335930
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>> No.15335940

The Sackler jews come to mind

>> No.15335945

really? that's your justification for what makes you better than someone, that you're literally not convicted of crimes? holy shit. nta, but you tanked your own argument

>> No.15335962

>that you're literally not convicted of crimes
Not the only reason but it suffices. Thats why i said i was already better than Lazar Kaganovich the day i was born.

I havent "tanked" anything you filthy psychopath, literally not being a criminal makes me better than a criminal.

>> No.15336131

Why do you claim that field theories are wrong? You piqued my curiosity.

>> No.15336177

A field is nothing more than a useful mathematical tool for solving physics problems. There aren't actually a set of 6 numbers at every point in space which tell charged particles how to move, and these numbers certainly don't oscillate through space at the speed of light. The same holds for quantum fields. There's nothing wrong with developing field theories as tools for solving problems in some limited domain, but once we ascribe physical realism to these tools, then we eventually run into contradictions, paradoxes and limitations.

>> No.15336193

You are full of shit

>> No.15336203

Well damn, I never thought of that. I've never been so utterly and completely proven wrong.

>> No.15336207

Kill yourself pseud

>> No.15336222

Then how would you suggest someone to start learning physics? What would you recommend as a curriculum? Genuinely curious as I sort of share your point of view. Looking forward to hear from you.

What are the legitimate elements of physics according to you and how would you order them for someone willing to learn up to QM and beyond?

>> No.15336227

Go to college?

>> No.15336245

You could jump straight from classical mechanics to quantum mechanics if you wanted to avoid field theories. But there's nothing wrong with learning field theories. Again, fields are useful tools.

>> No.15336256

>Then how would you suggest someone to start learning physics? What would you recommend as a curriculum?
Read the Feynman lectures on physics.

>> No.15336262

>Read the Feynman lectures on physics.

>> No.15336281

College education, at least nowadays, has gone to the dogs
How do you make the jump from classical mechanics to QM? There is a canyon between them. For starters the language of classical mechanics is calculus whereas the language of QM is linear algebra. How do you bridge CM to QM?

Obviously there is the wave formulation of QM, which brings another question, how should QM be interpreted? Via waves or matrices?

>> No.15336307

>Obviously there is the wave formulation of QM, which brings another question, how should QM be interpreted? Via waves or matrices?
They're mathematically equivalent.

>> No.15336310

Usually Schrodinger's equation is introduced first, and you do simple problems like harmonic oscillator. Only later you learn ackshully the wave function is a vector. Linear algebra is pretty simple and can easily be learned within a self-contained QM course. Most of what I learned in my linear algebra course was useless for QM.

>> No.15336718

>A field is nothing more than a useful mathematical tool for solving physics problems.
Then wtf are you on about? Within a field-theoretic model, interactions can be modeled as different field-values in spacetime, the question of if fields "actually exist" (whatever that means) is irrelevant.

>> No.15336765

Bro, chill. He was just fine.

>> No.15336768

this lmao

>> No.15336818

>College education, at least nowadays, has gone to the dogs

>> No.15337565

QED was Dirac's idea, all this guy did was draw pictures.

>> No.15337590


>> No.15337607

Kek, that vid and the arxiv paper it's based on are easily debunked by the historical papers mentioned (that of Schwinger, Dyson, Feynman, Bethe, Dirac etc.). Renormalization has been made mathematically rigorous in the 70's via the renormalization group and the asymptotic series for QED is expected to diverge at ~137 loops, which is more than enough for any conceivable experiment, and doesn't matter anyways, since QED is just an effective-field theory. Please do your own research before blindly believing in these 'anti-establishment' narratives.

>> No.15337633

How many years would it take me to actually understand it assuming a lay starting point?

>> No.15337642

How much mathematical knowledge do you have?

>> No.15337643

I've not studied it a while but I was pretty decent at it in school.

>> No.15337653

*in a while

>> No.15337656

I recommend learning from 'QFT for the gifted amateur' (https://www.pdfdrive.com/quantum-field-theory-for-the-gifted-amateur-e57910815.html)), to get a basic understanding of QED, the prerequisites are just multivariable calculus and linear algebra (which you can learn easily from Khan academy and yt). If you want to go deeper I recommend 'Peskin and Schroeder: Intro to QFT' (http://home.ustc.edu.cn/~gengb/200923/Peskin,%20An%20Introduction%20to%20Quantum%20Field%20Theory.pdf).

>> No.15337658

>Khan academy and yt)
god no, give me a book any day

>> No.15337664

Why? They are perfectly good sources, I learnt this shit without professional education and can attest to their effectiveness. You can search MITopencourseware for practice problems.

>> No.15337669

My experience with khan academy was very disappointing, but OCW and a few other video courses for other topics were worthwhile.

>> No.15337676

your 'contributions' aren't wanted, kike. stop trying to force them on the rest of the world

>> No.15337685

it was crimes against goyim so he doesn't think its a problem. He also probably cries about how Hitler was the most evil person in history and that if you don't think so you are being antisemitic

>> No.15337696

Well, whatever works for you I guess. I forgot to add you should also try to get a basic understanding of QM (particularly Hilbert spaces) before tacking QFT. For this I recommend Dirac's textbook (https://www.pdfdrive.com/the-principles-of-quantum-mechanics-e165376758.html)), you don't have to do everything, just get a gist for Hilbert spaces, and the Schrodinger equation, particularly the Quantum harmonic oscillator.

>> No.15338101


>> No.15338214

>how many more years till this guy is exposed as the fraud that he is?
About negative forty.
>he's still worshipped amongst modern physicists though, i was asking how long until the doctrine changes
Most "scientists" aren't.

>> No.15338262

You are extremely lazy. Go to college and study several years.

>> No.15338284

that's strange because my studies were funded by a jew

>> No.15339286

People may ask "why does that dead kike make op so butthurt?" and my guess is here's why:

>> No.15339722

One hundred percent correct Dr Feynman.

>> No.15340013

seriously how could 1950s Americans listen to this jew voice I thought they were really racist then? was he just really astroturfed?

>> No.15340018

if he was a fraud, simply prove it

>> No.15340054
File: 46 KB, 600x454, 1667509692715323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They were racist towards africans and asians. They were absolutely clueless about the jewish question.

>> No.15340143

>There aren't actually a set of 6 numbers at every point in space which tell charged particles how to move, and these numbers certainly don't oscillate through space at the speed of light.
Go play with a magnet and solenoid.
What the fuck are you saying retard

>> No.15340144

He's not more or less of a fraud the all the other quantumfags

>> No.15340156

thats easy to prove, you just did it for us. if he wasn't a fraud then he would have produced something of noteworthy value and you would have highlighted that in your argument for him.
since he failed to produce, your only means of arguing his case is to play the "shifting the burden of proof" card.

>> No.15340364

stfu, nigger
Jewish nepotism may make people think that all of them are fraudsters, but it would be an overstatement and understatement at the same time. So this one is alright, just as other few, such as Woody Allen and John Zorn.

>> No.15340384

he was given the nobel prize in physics by a bunch of non-jews. explain that, antisemite.

>> No.15340389

I don't get why everyone gets focused on the jews when the cabal is more than just jews

>> No.15340391

People are focused at the jew part, because it is in the core of the problem, other members are merely instrumental (or, on the other hand, jews could be a scapegoat, an easy target, easy to hate, and the real core of the rot is homosexualists, which jews often are, but persecuted are those who are not)

>> No.15340397

You've got war jews and porn jews. but at the root of it they're only one part of the problem, a big problem but only a part of it.
Then you have the freemasons, jesuits, black nobility and mafia but really they all seem to be part of the same satanic control network seeking to enslave people.
The bigger problem is what I call the space lizard jews that they all worship.

>> No.15340398

the n-word is racist. racism is banned outside of >>>/b/ which is where you belong.

more race baiting, more proof that there is no concrete argument or evidence to justify the man's fame and that his supporters need to find alternative means of arguing his case. just another untalented political activist. heres an excerpt from his ex-wifes letter to the fbi
>I do not know—but I believe that Richard Feynman is either a Communist or very strongly pro-Communist—and as such is a very definite security risk. This man is, in my opinion, an extremely complex and dangerous person, a very dangerous person to have in a position of public trust ... In matters of intrigue Richard Feynman is, I believe immensely clever—indeed a genius—and he is, I further believe, completely ruthless, unhampered by morals, ethics, or religion—and will stop at absolutely nothing to achieve his ends.
he divorced he over an argument about oppenheimer's security status. more devoted to politics than to his wife, a political zealot.

>> No.15340408

>the n-word is racist
No, it has been massively watered down and is now just a general insult or injective for emphasis.

>> No.15340410

>Believing a woman
>Believing a woman initiating a divorce
>Believing a woman initiating a divorce with no concrete evidence of her claims
Top fucking kek m8. Interesting to see though. I guess incels hate Jews more than they do women. This is an interesting new development

>> No.15340413

What did this thread turn into...
I simply replied to >>15335854 saying that although Feynman was Jewish, he didn't believe that Jews are the chosen people.
He then replied saying he doesn't care and someone else replied to him saying other dumb shit and here we are.
Why are you guys like this?
Can't you see past skin colour or the shape of one's nose?

>> No.15340417

>completely ruthless, unhampered by morals, ethics, or religion
Holy fucking based, thinking that any of these are bad means you don't belong on /sci/.

>> No.15340431

>the rules don't apply to me because reasons
a classic narcissistic attitude, you should get yourself checked out, you might have a bad personality disorder that requires professional help

>> No.15340437

she was right about oppenheimer, he was another mental case political activist posing as a scientist. somehow or other he was given all the credit for developing the a-bomb even though he was barred from working on the project due to security concerns for most of the period leading up the 1st successful test.

>> No.15340438

Look I'm not even the guy who said it but if you can't see how the word has been weakened and becpme a much more generalised insult then you aren't paying attention.

>> No.15340445

>barred from working on the project due to security concerns for most of the period leading up the 1st successful test.

>> No.15340453

Nobody wants to buy your drugs here, nigger-in-charge

>> No.15340465 [DELETED] 

Kek, he was barred AFTER the Manhattan project from the nuclear weapons program because he was suspect of being a 'communist sympathizer' bcus of his girlfriend. He was the fucking director of Los Alamos for the Manhattan project, where tf are u getting ur info from?

>> No.15340466

>Go play with a magnet and solenoid.
Go explain how they actually work. You won't and even a clown rapper could point it out.

>the question of if fields "actually exist" (whatever that means) is irrelevant.
It's not science then.

>> No.15340477 [DELETED] 

What's even your point? Literally every concept in physics is a form of mathematical abstraction, even 'intuitive' concepts such as momentum and energy are formalized mathematically so that they can be applied to non-intuitive stuff like QM.

>> No.15340482

poll infographics. And you? Trusting the government?

>> No.15340493 [DELETED] 

Are you serious? Do you fucking /pol/tards just deny any evidence that goes against your retarded fantasies?

>> No.15340504 [DELETED] 

Kek, the guy was one of the main founders of Quantum electrodynamics (QED), which gave the most accurate prediction in all of science - the anomalous magnetic moment of the electron

>> No.15340505

He already was in his lifetime. Speak to anyone who knew him in a professional sense. He spent the time to build himself a facade of a quirky character so that's how people remember him. You should also be asking the same of Einstein and you'll see a similar answer. People just don't care

>> No.15340509


>> No.15340510

You need to learn to trust your intimiate connect to the universe your sense of intuition

>> No.15340516
File: 7 KB, 304x354, 1680967832765812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you fucking /pol/tards just deny any evidence that goes against your retarded fantas

>> No.15340522

Isn't this image based on some leftypol shooter?

>> No.15340524
File: 13 KB, 480x360, hqdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You, a nonjew are a fantastic contributor to society
This isn't an insult.

>I'm sure. imagine the worst jew you can in your mind. I'd wager good money you contribute even less to society.
If you consider peddling dualisms and subverting nations with immigrants then...no I guess I can't contribute more to society than they can.

>What is it about incel neets that make them the biggest antisemites on 4channel?
People like you implying that jews are responsible for the wonderfully flawless society we currently live in and peddling your own projected belief systems on other people on their behalf. You know, like a Jew would do.

>What's even your point?
The joke is there is no "point" because a field has no origin. Where are you deriving the quantity, mathematician?

>Literally every concept in physics is a form of mathematical abstraction,
Which is specifically why I'm not going to be listening to a glorified mathematician pretending to be a scientist. You're the equivalent to the guy on the lotto channel that pulls out the numbered ping pong balls.

>so that they can be applied to non-intuitive stuff like QM.
Which would have worked wonders if a "field" actually had "quantity" in the first place instead of having no beginning/end.

You can actually visually see the moment Feynman gets fucked when the question of magnets comes up for this reason. You can just see how he wriggles around uncomfortably, his face dropping at the question.
>"Oh shit they actually asked me this, how the fuck can I worm my way out of this one?"
He tries bailing at first, implying the camera man doesn't understand the question he asked to which he then gets BTFO by the camera man himself when he states that it was a perfectly acceptable question. Then he goes on a 5 minute rant about ice and "hurr magnets attract", butt of course he can't tell you "how" because he's too smart and you wouldn't understand the answer :C. A weasel through and through.

>> No.15340525 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 852x480, niggerlover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whatever u say, nigger lover.

>> No.15340536 [DELETED] 

Tell me kek, how do you calculate the gravitational attraction between 2 spherical masses?

>> No.15340543
File: 2.84 MB, 360x202, Accretion Disk.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how do you calculate
What is "the cause". The numbers will never tell you "the cause".

>between 2 spherical masses?
Oh you mean the "null point? Yes tell the audience what exactly is there at this "nullpoint" causing this "gravitational attraction" (which is another useless description like "magnetic attraction)? Tell me what happens when the "2 spherical masses" happen to also be magnets?

>> No.15340545

So how do magnets work?

>> No.15340560
File: 82 KB, 728x360, unmoved.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Great question! Nobody cares though because fields and numbers are the more important psychosis to focus on in current year.

>> No.15340564 [DELETED] 

The attractive force can be modeled by a gravitational field diverging from the center of mass, in accordance with Poisson's equation. Magnetic fields can't have divergence, so they loop around the sphere, and the forces are calculated via Maxwell's equations.

>> No.15340572
File: 5 KB, 248x205, main-qimg-a9dfc63a4af015c103d2b8fb2eb16d8a[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The attractive force
Gravity? Magnetism? The other 2 "forces" they made up? What are you talking about with this generic description that doesn't explain the mode?

>by a gravitational field diverging from the center of mass
What is the "gravity" at the center of mass? "0" correct?
>At the center of gravity there is no gravity!
Wonderful. Now how much magnetism is at the "Center of a magnet"?

>> No.15340581 [DELETED] 

Yes, by 'The attractive force', I meant 'The gravitational force'.
Yes, in the spherical mass the gravitational field is zero in the center, but the external field generated is identical to the field generated by a point-mass with the same mass in the center of the sphere.

>> No.15340590 [DELETED] 

The magnetic field is a vector field which depends on the properties of the material beyond its mass, so it's more complicated.

>> No.15340607
File: 797 KB, 1280x722, a fucking magnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Yes, by 'The attractive force', I meant 'The gravitational force'.
...You can't even tell me that with confidence since you have no mode, no causal link to this force other than "mass" which is what a magnet also has. Describing a mass accelerating to another mass is never going to explain "how that happened".

>Yes, in the spherical mass the gravitational field is zero in the center,
So the source of gravity is "no gravity"? It makes no sense.

>but the external field generated is identical to the field generated by a point-mass with the same mass in the center of the sphere.
Explain how?

The same can be said of a neutron star and gravity. If it depends on the properties of the material...then that would be qualitative not quantitative.

>> No.15340618

You don't look or sound like that unless you take amphetamines.

>> No.15340624 [DELETED] 

Just to clarify, I meant to say the attractive force was only gravitational, just that gravity was.
>So the source of gravity is "no gravity"? It makes no sense.
It makes perfect sense, as you're in the center, mass is attracting you from all directions, so the forces all cancel out.
>Explain how?
because of Poisson's equation: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson%27s_equation

>> No.15340631
File: 920 KB, 245x230, BreakableWellwornGarpike-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It makes perfect sense, as you're in the center, mass is attracting you from all directions,
There's "0 gravity" so how can there be mass in the center given that the only causal link to gravity is mass itself?

>so the forces all cancel out.
So the earth is hollow...

>> No.15340644 [DELETED] 

To clarify by 'spherical mass' I meant the mass must be evenly distributed in a spherical volume.
>So the earth is hollow...
Dude, you're high af.

>> No.15340831

It's kinda odd how dynamic ranges appear to occur in reality.
People would probably assume that such things are the result of reality being a simulation, but really it's the other way around and we're just using natural techniques in our simulations.

>> No.15340838

Or coffee.
Or any stimulant.
Or if you've had a bad fever or two that's affected pronunciation a bit.

Or, heaps of people from his home town took them so he learned to talk like them.
Which makes sense, as he's from NYC.

>> No.15340846

For god sakes, get a lectern or something and stay still.

This is public talking 101.
Don't distract the audience with your hands unless you absolutely have to. Don't stare around the place, pick a pattern of places to look. Left to right across the audience works best.

This speech is a textbook example of "how not to lecture".
He's agitating to watch. You can visibly see the nervousness.

>> No.15340863


Actually I take this >>15340838 back, he literally did scientific experiments with ketamine at John Lilly's sensory deprivation tanks according to the accurate source called "wikipedia".

>> No.15340893

Nobody cares, nature is how it is. We just try to describe it how it is. Muh lagrangian isnt an explanation, just a description

>> No.15340898

The scientific method does not concern in explaining how anything work, just in creating theories that describe the results of experiments and of controlled observations