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15331456 No.15331456 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people infertile these days?
Nearly 1 out of every 5 people seems like an unreasonably large fraction of the population.

>> No.15331463

bad habits

>> No.15331473

It might have something to do with global depopulationists developing and promoting medicine taken by billions of people.

>> No.15331504

I wonder what happened in 2021 which could have caused this.

>> No.15331526

its almost as if the population were injected with some kind of substance that would lower the future population

>> No.15331534

>globalist are depopulating the world
Based another W for the NWO

>> No.15331558
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Warnings were not heeded.

>> No.15331567

There's a saying that goes: Bad habits are like an infection. It starts at the knee and then goes down to your foot and it hurts really bad and the next day you have gangrene so you get your foot cut off but now you can't walk to the welfare office so you get a taxi but you forgot your wallet and he won't accept your gangrenous foot as payment so you suck his dick and you liked it so you become a male prostitute for large African men

>> No.15331573

>for large African men
Good post until this

>> No.15331581

High levels of progesterone and the obsessive deletion of adipose cells

>> No.15331582

Good, the population is too much. It's great that around 3/4th of global population is below replacement.

>> No.15331587
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All countries in the world are decreasing on fertility even on africa

>> No.15331593

100% of the population has experience infertility this is factually wrong

>> No.15331613

something something climate change something something


>> No.15331625


>> No.15331682

You should commit suicide if you want to save mother earth from overpopulation.

>> No.15332301 [DELETED] 

vaxxxies = eunuchs

>> No.15332315
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industrial pollutants and pharmaceuticals

>> No.15332355


>> No.15332364

3 billion was enough to create all of world history and to get man on the moon.
With 2 bn everyone would finally be comfy.

>> No.15332421
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See picrel.

>> No.15332441 [DELETED] 

so why don't you off yourself if you're so concerned about the issue? well at least you sterilized yourself with the vaxxx, thats a start.

>> No.15332470

Lot of humping going on in Niger.

>> No.15332472

>at some point in their lives

Seems pretty vague to me. Hanging out in the hot tub can kill off your boys for a short time. Women are unlikely to conceive 3 of 4 weeks a month.
Seems to me the journalist is playing fast and loose for a clickbait headline.

>> No.15332478

Phthalates disrupt steroidogenesis and ovulation for women. Surprise.

>> No.15332485

for women in the west, does it have anything to do with how more of them in their 20s and 30s are casual drinkers than men at this point

>> No.15332491

People lived off of wine during multiple points in time.

>> No.15332639

I think it's video games.

>> No.15332654

>at some point in their lives
This is usually do to bad health habits (low exercise, high carb diets).

>> No.15333627

This is interesting to me. I know the French consumed tons in the 20s, but how often were societies as a whole either 'frequent' or 'heavy' drinking and how did they fare health wise?

>> No.15333734

suicide doesnt solve overpopulation tho. Its insignificant, doing a mass shooting alone would have an impact several times higher.
No one interested in solving overpopulation would commit suicide, its such a shit solution that to suggest it is almost sabotage

>> No.15333753

When there was no clean water sources alcoholic beverages were the norm
In England they had to mandate the amount of the strong stuff people drank to reduce the number of orgies in the monastery

>> No.15333758

Killing people aged from 15 till 25 would be most effective then
Actually kiling is unnecessary, just make them infertile

>> No.15333914


>> No.15333916

not my problem 4 white babies later. Stop eating like shit, stop making yourself into guinea pigs for medical experimentation you utter faggots.

>> No.15333984

>Why are so many people infertile these days?
it's the food, it's all contaminated with all kinds of chemicals, some couple living an hunter gatherer life in africa can have a kid every year, no problem, meanwhile in the west, we get imaculated food from the store and people have so much trouble having children, it's because our food is filled with pesticides, plastics, and other chemicals that essentially chemically castrates us, why do you think there are all these trannies all of a suden, their balls aren't working, they are more female than male, same way it feminizes males, it causes a lot of cancer to females, especially estrogen sensible cancers

>> No.15334913
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The future is for purebloods

>> No.15334923

alot of stress. Plenty of my male friends could not have kids because of it.

>> No.15334944

Too many gay people.

>> No.15335019
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Birth control.

>> No.15335056

>Urbanization + chemical consumption + women pressured to prioritize education/career
The same thing that's already happened in the developed world is occurring at various stages in the lesser developed countries. This is absolutely fucking catastrophic because none of our systems are designed around a shrinking population.
North America and Europe have haphazardly delayed the consequences of this by importing people from lesser-developed countries, but that's not a viable long-term strategy when you consider that the immigrants naturalize in a generation or two and wind up with the same birthrate as the natives (to say nothing of the cultural conflicts it will, and already has, started).

TLDR: We in for some hurt by the midpoint of this century.

>> No.15335075

Any time wine was safer or more available than water. We probably had some interesting cases of fetal alcohol syndrome, but people were still fertile.

>> No.15335337

So what do you think will happen in the long run? Male testosterone levels have been consistently dropping as well.

>> No.15335355

The dropping testosterone appears to be from similar causes - with the addition of shit diet, lack of exercise, and a discouraging of healthy aggression.
Aside from the chemical consumption (partially, at least), most of this shit is pretty cyclical. The whole "strong men breed good times, good times breed weak men" isn't exactly a meme - if you look throughout history you wind up seeing a lot of the same trends play out time and time again. What sets us (as in the modern world) apart is the sheer scale of what's happening.
There's never really been a time when so many large and well-established societies across the world were facing identical problems stemming from identical sources. The only thing I can think of that is somewhat similar is the black death, and even that's localized by comparison.
What really turns this fucked situation up to eleven is the fact that it's probably going to guarantee an end to the current global trading ecosystem that was created and sustained by big daddy USA. We'll see fewer and fewer shipping lanes patrolled by the US navy, which will make ships moving cargo to and from certain places totally uninsurable. This will tank the economy of several developing countries and further fuel the global population decline.

>> No.15335527

every will eventually die in electric car fires and explosions. when a tesla catches fire, the electric door locks stop functioning and traps the passenger inside

>> No.15335608

Here is Retraction Watch's list of hundreds of retracted Covid-19 papers, with dozens more on the verge of joining the list

>> No.15335637

The answer is obvious. People are fat fucks.

>> No.15336032

>Nearly 1 out of every 5 people seems like an unreasonably large fraction of the population.
This problem only occurs in white countries, its like that because it all part of the white genocide agnda

>> No.15336109

Look at >>15331587

>> No.15336129

Fertility rate (children per woman) isn't the same as (in)fertility, the ability of procreate. The large decrease of FR isn't related in a considerable way to increasing infertility/less fertiliry (not even 10% is ---permanent--- or unsolved by IVF).

>> No.15336134

Anecdotally I can say that stress is a significant factor. My wife and I tried for five years with no luck, but I was working 60 - 80 hour weeks. Did all the tests, I had low sperm count. Four months after I retired, my sperm count was back in the normal range and baby number one was on the way.

>> No.15336185

Socio economic collapse. The global economy is predicated on infinite growth, especially growth of population. As someone else pointed out US and western countries have been able to mitigate it for decades with aggressive immigration policies, but with fewer amd fewer young working age adults the system will buckle under its own weight.
Maybe something cool happens and a major war breaks out, but I think it'll just fall apart slowly. Quality of life, services steadily declines. Govt become less able to respond to disasters, or manage everyday problems

>> No.15336391

>it's probably going to guarantee an end to the current global trading ecosystem that was created and sustained by big daddy USA.
I've heard about the importance of this from several people. Was piracy so bad in the past that this will tank global trade? Couldn't other countries patrol instead? Like the UK or others.

>> No.15336469

The amount of money you need to operate the ships necessary to patrol global shipping lanes is astronomical. Many of the wealthier developed countries already chip in, but none of them can do so on the scale the US does. You also have to consider that with no hegemonic power overseeing things, multiple smaller powers will simply jockey for position over each other.
As much as people shit on the US, they have been (relatively speaking) a "fair" global power. I don't think there is any country or organization, that currently exists, that could provide the same level of reliability and impartiality. As soon as the US stops being global police, for their benefit or not, we wind up in a situation where we lose a central arbiter that doesn't give a fuck about the deals of most of the rest of the world.

>> No.15336620
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>> No.15336630

it might include fat people.

>> No.15336701

plastics and pfoas in everything mostly.

people are so enamored by the convenience of cooking in telfon that they would rather give themselves cancer and infertility rather than cooking like people did in the old days.

either way, the food packaging, the tools used in cutting and storing meat and the tubing and storing of milk, everything related to the modern food supply chain "conspires" to make people infertile.

but I suppose that it beats starving

>> No.15336773

We'll just change the system to value families. Assuming that we'll end up trending down towards total human collapse is just as silly as assuming that our (relatively) current upward trends will continue until we all become infinitely wealthy. It'll get a lot worse before it gets better, but it will get better.
Probably redesigning of cities to primarily serve families first, regulation to eliminate or minimize harmful chemicals and pollutants, and an acceptance that a woman being a housewife is also valid and valuable.

>> No.15336933


>> No.15336958

A few robot owning individuals will get infinitely wealthy and the rest of us will get enslaved in pods and starve to death or eat bugs

>> No.15336983
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what will the sois do if when their hollywood heroes start admitting that the vaxxx was a mistake?

>> No.15336989
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>regulation to eliminate or minimize harmful chemicals and pollutants
Yeah, who will be in charge of that, the "government"? kek

>> No.15337018

Yes. You're insane if you think the current governments will survive the complete unraveling of the current world order. They're malevolent, but not magical.

>> No.15337039 [DELETED] 

I bet 3 of those 6 infertile people are in China, and their infertility is caused by pollution. The other 3 of the 6 are in India and subsaharan banana-republics(Oil) and their infertility is again caused by pollution.

What would you expect when the rest of the world outsources their dirty work to those developing nations, because of their lack of regulations?

>> No.15337053

Almost every study used in the article is from before 2021.

>> No.15337109
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industrial, agricultural, and emf pollution

>> No.15337119

>current governments
Oh, so "We will do it better and for real next time!" mentality huh?
Typical socialist-fascist mantra.

>> No.15337128

The options are adapt or die. The governments of the future will either take those measures to improve their country's birthrate or they will be overtaken by other governments. They may currently have the luxury of acting the way they do now, but that is temporary.

>> No.15337132
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Small local ethnic and culturally homogenous communities, are the future.
Barter-Towns between them.
Peaceful anarchy.

>> No.15337159

The future is massive urbanized low birt rates NWO concentration camps

>> No.15337511
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>peaceful anarchy

>> No.15337826

I envy your naivety

>> No.15337829
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>> No.15338596

Purebloods will inherit the Earth, vaxxies will be extinct by the end of this century

>> No.15338622

>microplastics blocks your path

>> No.15338729

A larger number of people are are overweight and obese, in most populations exceeding a proportion of one in five. This is well known to cause issues with fertility.

>> No.15338733

Based pedantryposter

>> No.15338844

The alcohol content of historic wine is much lower. It’s basically fermented grape juice

>> No.15339277

>The alcohol content of historic wine is much lower.
Complete fake news bullshit by certain Christian-Cults who are not true Christians, such as the evangelical types.

>> No.15339279
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>>peaceful anarchy
The only kind that exists.

For some reason smooth brains who suck government ass and cock think people suddenly turn violent if Big Brother is not around to control and abuse them.

>> No.15339281

>The future is massive urbanized low birt rates NWO concentration camps
For the weak.
"If God did not want them sheared, he would not have made them sheep!"

>> No.15339287


>> No.15339319

Reminder that polyester underwear can temporarily (and in rare cases, permanently) render men infertile.

>> No.15339361

Tell me more

>> No.15339472

Just use a cotton bamboo blend. Not them, but it's natural, breathable, and wicks moisture so that you're not swimming in nut soup.
Polyester is a type of fabric that's made from synthetic materials. It's not as breathable for one, but here's a study done with dogs.

>> No.15339485

man made viruses making people infertile.

>> No.15339630

this is the reason why I don't wear any kind of underwear now

>> No.15339641

I don't even wear pants anymore.

>> No.15340174

Any replication or followup studies?
(I'm a little busy to check Myself rn)

>> No.15340203

Make them yourself from a pattern or a pair that's loose around your nuts. Machines aren't too expensive, and if you're in engineering then figuring out how to finagle a pattern won't be hard since you don't have too many curves to work around.
I was just helping to relay the info the other anon was referencing. It would make sense though. Polyester sucks for breathability and some of the blends are made with phthalates. You don't want your testicles to get too warm. Your scrotum has those muscles to release them away from you when you're hot for good reason. The phthalate part doesn't help because of endocrine disruptors.

>> No.15340253

I wonder if it's possible to create an equivalent to male pill that prevents conception like that

>> No.15340475

'Based on the data we have, we cannot say that infertility is increasing or constant. The jury is still out on that question,” said Dr James Kiarie, WHO’s Head of Contraception and Fertility Care'

>> No.15340487

why should anyone want to prevent conception? the purpose of sexual intercourse is to create babies. babies are fun and cute, everyone should want to have some. avoiding it is genetic suicide.

>> No.15340494

Just promised welfare for sterilization in return and the problem solved itself.

>> No.15340646

You ever spend 5 hours in one room with one?

>> No.15340656

NTA but yes, considerably more than that. Yes, it can be extremely distressing. That's not because babies are bad, that's because our modern atomized mode of existence is bad. You're supposed to be able to let other members of your band / tribe watch the baby while you fuck off and hunt or forage for a bit.

>> No.15340695

Terrible pharmaceuticals.
Though it's hard for these to promote fertility, especially when some of them make money from your infertility.
Look out for companies that offer drugs that promote fertility while at the same time offering invasive medical procedures for the infertile to conceive. Obviously those drugs are flawed because they want people to buy their medical procedures, which are much more expensive. They want to also gain your dependence on their product and service.

>> No.15340699

It's worse than that, see>>15340695
It's literally capitalism at work.

Worst part is that I don't think removing capitalism would stop this, because a totalitarian state would likewise want to gain leverage or control of you through these methods. By removing your natural fertility, society controls you by providing an unnatural solution that you rely on.

>> No.15340704

The world is healing. Only poor and stupid people breed like rabbits and think it's a good thing.

>> No.15340705

I don't believe in peaceful anarchy, and I'm an anarchist.
Anarchy cannot be peaceful or it is not anarchy.
Peace is sedation and pacification of people. The taming of the beast. The delusional goal of society.

>> No.15340708

I disagree, kids are psychologically beneficial to the parents. It's literally naturally selected (to breed more) that parents get a psychological benefit from their children. They also get a newer social benefit as they become elderly in the form of support from their kids through their twilight years.

We are literally programmed by natural selection to perpetuate this torment to the next generation. Mother nature wants it, even if we as a species are now so aware of the torment that we feel like we ought to reject it.

>> No.15340739

I don't think what you said contradicts anything said by this anon >>15340704
I'm educated and I'm certainly not going to have a kid anytime soon, and even then it will be just one and they will be done in a clinic to make sure the zygote is healthy. The mom should be at peak health and free from work and I'm also taking a few months off to help her and bond with the child.
As such we need a good place (house or a big flat) and enough money to let us focus on the child solely for at least a few months for both of us and then a few years for the mom and the grandparents.

So you see my friend is from a family of seven and he also has 3 kids even though he's only like 3-4 years older than me. He's also educated but went all "traditional" and supports and profits from things I disagree with.

>> No.15340879

And I'm saying he's probably happier as a result of his children feeding the natural response to having kids, the naturally selected response that motivates people to have kids.
At the end of the day, people that have kids are happier. My problem is that feedback cycle exists and further confirms childbirth as being pure hive installed behaviour and not the independent will of the person.

That being said, childbirth could be systematically correctly managed, but then it's likely to lead to dys-eugenics (because eugenics is subjective while dys-eugenics is objective in the sense that it is subjective to mother nature, as any selective breeding is assuming human selective behaviours are not mother nature's behaviour). Children might even be mandatory for psychological well being of people 2bh. That's how sad the situation is. It's likely a thing that may have to be perpetuated for the sake of psychological well being.

>> No.15341102

Leading back to an understanding that our modern atomized mode of existence is bad. It's costly in time and materials. You can't just free range kids anymore either, the tribes around you probably aren't trustworthy enough to let watch your offspring. People have intercourse beyond what it requires to have only a few, because there's that whole dopamine bonding thing humans do.