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15330964 No.15330964 [Reply] [Original]

Why is there no drug that can deal with chronic stress/stress eating?

>> No.15330966

*there is no such drug

>> No.15330986


>> No.15330993


>> No.15330995

I don't care. You did not provide any answer to my question

>> No.15331001

How so? I thought stimulants (especially amphetamines) despite their beneficial effects, do raise cortisol. Wouldn't that be counter productive?

>> No.15331007
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There is. Its called jim. Take the jim-pill. Gorge every meal.

>> No.15331012

Because stress eating isn't real. Just stop eating, eating is the drug. I eat one meal a day or less, drink tea in the morning. It's that simple.

>> No.15331079
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because exercise doesn't come in pill form. ...yet. There are too many different pathways/mechanisms involved to easily address with 'just a pill'

If you don't exercise, you are building up/not properly utilizing hormones/neurotransmitters and such - and this is often part of why you feel anxious/restless/stressed...

because... you are not running around with a spear to kill a deer for dinner - or doing something else, expending more time/calories while OUTDOORS to acquire less calorie-dense foods... instead...

You are spending your life inside, probably most of your days spent in front of a glowing rectangle in a cubicle or cubicle shaped room... and putting quarters in a vending machine that doesn't run away from you... to instantly get 2,000 calories of high fructose corn syrup - only to then go consume said sugar & fat sticks while sitting down again.

I hate exercise as much as the next lazy fuck on here, but really, if you haven't tried some form of routine exercise to see how it helps you... I strongly encourage it. Even if you are just taking brisk walks in the morning or something.

Sure this will suppress appetite in the short term but it works by dumping dopamine/norepi (adrenaline) - and excess of these/getting excesses of these *at the wrong times/situations* is likely part of the stress problem. People who are stressed/anxious often will get increased anxiety/restlessness when on strong stimulants.

>> No.15331089

You obviously aren't Adderall pilled

>> No.15331126

making drugs was almost entirely trial and error from the dawn of chemistry.

Nowadays you can pick a pathway and make something similar to what it should attach to to disrupt it's function, but even then you can't account for everything or predict the exact interaction ahead of time without a supercomputer and a few years of compute time

>> No.15331151

It looks like his penis pump backfired and it pumped his body up instead

>> No.15331152

>Because stress eating isn't real
Oh it's real, you have to be very stressed though to the point you're thinking about ending it all and then you don't give a fuck and eat whatever makes you feel some slither of happiness

>> No.15331156
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This is 6 meals a day.

>> No.15331180

Yeah doctors usually only recommend 2+ hours per week exercise and it can just be walking. For thousands of years a sizeable percentage of people didn't really do any intentional exercise and just stayed thin because they had to walk everywhere and move around a bit more, but not everyone was out farming or building things, there were a lot of sedentary jobs, but just more walking. Flexing in the mirror at the gym every day of the week is only a recent phenomenon and is probably way more exercise than most humans ever used to get

>> No.15331182

>a day
*and gay

>> No.15331190

>that can deal with chronic stress/stress eating?
nigga just stop eating?? If you have no self control, kys.

>> No.15331253

Yes, exactly. It doesn't have to be anything insane... it just has to be a meaningful amount of physical activity. 20-30 minutes a day of comfortable walking pace does far more than most people realize. Hell, I think after like 20 minutes of moderate activity you get a big reduction in insulin resistance for like 24 hours.

That is just the sad truth - that most people spend the vast majority of their time being completely sedentary - and obviously that isn't what the human mind/body/existence is supposed to revolve around... even with a healthy diet. So, it goes without saying that any sedentary-lifestyle-associated issues are gonna be much further compounded by the shitty foods we are surrounded by/tend to consume regularly.

Agree, definitely gay & retarded

>> No.15331261

Should I keep dubs on or off? This game feels like reading a long novel and I can read faster than they can talk

>> No.15331264
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>20-30 minutes a day of comfortable walking pace does far more than most people realize
Literal GRANDMOTHER fitness advice!!



>> No.15331267

I'm ritalin pilled, but for me it only helps with being less neurotic
What if exercise itself causes stress? I know it does agitate me and worst of all makes me lethargic and hungry
Not really and if I'm hungry I become unable to think, but my question was more general than personal. We have drugs that numb emotions, pain, enhance them, relieve anxiety, but nothing for chronic stress or just general flight or fight response.

>> No.15331283
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This isn't a thread about getting a 'super fantastic' body that is appealing to other men. I believe it is about not feeling stressed/shitty & not impulsively eating while feeling stressed. You are free to leave the thread and head on down to The Cockpit or whatever your gay bar of choice is, good sir.

>> No.15331293
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>stressed/shitty & not impulsively eating while feeling stressed
Stress the body, ease the mind. You feel stressed because you have NEVER EXPERIENCED REAL STRESS.

Youre a neurotic dog that shakes when it sees a paper bag.

Seeing people just scraping by in third world countries makes you problems back home INVISIBLE. They only appear when those around you make you involved in their pseudo-trauma...then you become disgusted how weak they are.



>> No.15331295
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well if exercise makes you feel lethargic, worse, and hungry - then might want to make changes around the exercise - different type/intensity/amount; different timing - both in relation to time of day and to meals; what you eat (or don't) prior to said exercise, etc.

Moderate activity shouldn't make you feel worse/shitty - and if it does, even after making changes around how you're doing it - then there might be an underlying health issue that needs addressed

But yes, as far as the general 'why don't we have a drug for' - it is because there are a lot of different pathways/interconnected causes related to this. And even if we can use Drug X to stamp out/modify pathway X and Drug Y to go for pathway Y, and so on and so on... you're likely still going to miss out on what is actually needed; be at high risk for a bunch of undesirable side effects and/or long-term harms; increasing risks of drug interactions; etc

Most of the 'super powerful awesome drugs' are both 'a cancer and a cure' - there technically are things for 'chronic stress' - depending on what you mean by 'stress' - but often the most effective way to correct that is lifestyle modification.

>> No.15331327

Phosphatidylserine lowers cortisol levels by 33% when ingesting 600mg, elevated cortisol leads to stress eating which leads to weight gain, highcortisol correlates with higher stress levels.

400mg or 800mg of coq10 ubiquinol restores mitochondrial metabolic function which decreases as we age, so induces weight loss

>> No.15331359
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Well, thank you. You've solved all of the questions here now with your 100% unique insight that no human above age 10 has ever thought of before. Thank you for your pep talk, it was very valuable.

You are an inspiration to us all - despite your clear lack of functional understanding of the biomedical concepts being discussed here, you refuse to let that hold you back from voicing your opinions.

So strong and brave. Dunning & Kruger would also be proud.

>> No.15331364
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>that no human above age 10 has ever thought of before.
I'm a Developmental Psychologist. THIS IS A FACTUAL STATEMENT. None of them have delved as deep as me....but I havnt posted any of that. I POSTED KIDS LEVEL SHIT.


So who the fuck are you to give ME a differential diagnosis?!

>> No.15331366

>How so?
Amphetamines are appetite suppressants. You're not going to stress eat while tweaking.
Doesn't have to be meth, you could do coke or ritalin or something too

>> No.15331416
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How would you know whether I'm a doctor?

I didn't give you a diagnosis, and certainly not a whole list of differentials. Don't confuse criticism/insults with 'diagnosis'

In all seriousness, it isn't so much that I think 'everything you said was all wrong' - but moreso that it is a gross oversimplification of reality.

Everything is relative, and we all have our homeostatic 'set points' when it comes to things - whether it is temperature tolerances, pain tolerances, definitions of 'stress' and what 'stresses us', etc.

But even if you experience third world problems or if you have gone through/worked in an area with routine high levels of what you are calling 'real stress' - that doesn't make you 'forever immune' against falling into the pattern of feeling unwarranted/irrational stress as a consequence of living a modern, mundane life + a unhealthy/physically inactive existence along with it.

The way you phrased it as kind of a blanket/cure-all made it seem like 'if you experience real stress ever/for a period in your life' or 'if you see and understand what real problems are' then you will be 'fixed' and never fall into this pit of dysfunctional irrational stress/anxiety. If you want those exposures to benefit your outlook on things, then they need to be recurring/kinda routine.

Though it should also be noted that those exposures/experiences still wont sufficiently help literally everyone - some will be unaffected; some may even notice their stresses/problems get worse because of it.

I've spent many years working, among other areas, in ER & ICU. From my own experience & years with colleagues of all different backgrounds - nobody is 100% immune to dysfunctional/maladaptive stress - regardless of the intensity of their occupations/their life experiences. It isn't a cure-all, that is my main point.

Also, if you think I am OP, I am not, couldn't tell if you were intending to address OP or me in some of the posts.

>> No.15331438

Well, chronic stress comes from a lack of confidence, and I don't mean "just lift" or "just fuck" because those characters off themselves every day due to stress. For one thing, if you're reasonably bright, you'll feel stressed just from the bare facts of existence. I feel stress knowing that I'm not the main character, all of the most twisted things can happen, and I have no guarantee towards peace or safety.

To gain confidence against that kind of stress you need to adopt a mechanism. That can be distraction, sublimation, etc., because the facts of life don't go anywhere. This is why people feel better after adopting religion. It convinces them that no matter what, some benevolent force will intervene, and that gives them confidence and reduces stress levels. I can't do that so I just try to keep busy and pretend what I'm doing matters.

>> No.15331442

You were right the first time

>> No.15331444
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>I didn't give you a diagnosis
You did.
>Dunning & Kruger would also be proud.


Didnt read the rest, youre a charlatan...

>words words words, backpeddle...in a few back and forth posts you will agree with me as I infinity-dump you with countless citations and fundemental axioms of cognition and even some pharmacological know how.


>> No.15331466
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>To gain confidence
>That can be distraction, sublimation, etc
Horrible advice.

>I don't mean "just lift" or "just fuck" because those characters off themselves every day due to stress
When I look in the mirror I see the silhouette of a "strong guy" like in the movies or magazines. Now when I size up other men its rare I see someone that I immedialy recognize as "this would be a very difficult fight".

Man among men.

>This is why people feel better after adopting religion
Wrong, feel better because they have purpose beyond the day in, day out, of life.

>I just try to keep busy and pretend
>I just try
Sounds like a weak religion of the ego.

>I have no guarantee towards peace or safety.
You're hoping for what doesn't exist, this causes stress because there is no solution to an self defeating equation.


>> No.15331480
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Its not advice, its what every single human being does to avoid the burden of "knowing."
Once man realizes he's the universe's helpless captive, he's in a state of relentless panic until he finds his cope.

>Wrong, feel better because they have purpose beyond the day in, day out, of life.
You restated the function. Yes, and I'm just telling you why that is.

>> No.15331488

Ritalin isn't strong enough to completely suppress apatite, it seems only amphetamines demonstrate efficacy for binge-eating disorder.

>> No.15331497
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Cool. Also have a PhD in Theology. Give the main point of the article.
>Its not advice
That was advice. You're giving Psychological advice.
>its what every single human being does
Not me and men who face the mirror.
>to avoid the burden of "knowing."
>until he finds his cope.
You found a pacifier.

>You restated the function. Yes, and I'm just telling you why that is.

Wrong. Your cope is AVOIDING yourself and the world.



>> No.15331498

I mean you could try leptin treatment, but it's not shown to be efficacious against obesity.

>> No.15331510

>Give the main point of the article.
Oh, just that the facts will bring you no peace, so everyone in order maintain just adopts a cope. You've got some sort quasi ubermensch/Tolstoy/Kierkegaardian "leap of faith" thing going on, a "its good because I heckin' say its good" thing. That's what we're all doing. It will just take on different forms like strong affiliation with a sports team, becoming an architect, giving your trust to unnamed metaphysical actors, and so on.

>> No.15331512

How tf do I know you're not just a troll LARPing as our beloved schizo?

>> No.15331513
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>Once man realizes he's the universe's helpless captive

Do you hate yourself...or hate the universe? Do you fear yourself...or fear the universe?

You speak nothing of up, positive or growth...only shirking, despair and avoidance.

>> No.15331518
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Those that larp as me never post as deep as I do...or post as cool of pictures.

They never post cool pictures too.

>> No.15331523

>Do you hate yourself...or hate the universe?
Doesn't get me anywhere.
If I hate myself, the facts on the ground stay there. If I love myself, well, yeah. See the problem? I could be a sentient toaster and the situation moves not.

>> No.15331532
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>just that the facts
Im a hyper-savant robot. I AM THE FACTS.
>just adopts a cope
My life long quest of objective reality is my cope. My job. My passtime. My hobby. My love.

The pain of knowledge is my cope.
>Ecclesiastes 1:17-18
"For with much wisdom comes much sorrow; the more knowledge, the more grief."

>"leap of faith"
Literally the oposite. You must be very deluded to percieve it as such.
>"its good because I heckin' say its good" thing.
No, its historically backed, research founded and cited, data.

>That's what we're all doing.
No, you are "avoiding, pretending, trying".

>> No.15331535


>> No.15331542

>Doesn't get me anywhere
>"But what am I even looking at, its just reflected electromagnetic rays in my optical receptors."
Exactly...you dont see yourself, you see the mask you present to others.

"Something something know thy self, something something."
-Some old dead dood in a old book

>> No.15331553

>You speak nothing of up, positive or growth...only shirking, despair and avoidance.
>Doesn't get me anywhere.
Youre avoiding everything I post and "counter post counter post counter post" instead.

Your brain is turned off, your emotional heart is driving your knee-jerk responses.

>> No.15331557

Nope, cortisol doesn't have any immediately noticeable neurological effects, it usually takes weeks of high-cortisol levels to incur cognitive changes. Symptoms of anxiety are most effectively treated with GABA promoters, however the neurological causes of these issues remain ambiguous - for instance low doses of amphetamines have shown efficacy for OCD.

>> No.15332316

Jesus fucking christ that's hideous. I never knew that's what a bodybuilders ass looks like. Imagine his turds, I bet they are rock-hard poostones of violence