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15328483 No.15328483 [Reply] [Original]

130 IQ here, do people with 160 IQ exist? If they do, what are they like?

>> No.15328487
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Not ego, just stating facts.


>> No.15328494

Yeah sure, Cult of Passion.

>> No.15328503


>> No.15328506
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>"What are they like?"
meds, larp, schizo etc

>> No.15328509

yeah, we exist. we're pretty cool in my honest opinion

>> No.15328510
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130: Decent scientist, good scope and vision

160: Schizo tier desert prophets, highly volitile, everything around them either explodes or levitates, no inbetween.

180: Objectively correct. Sleep like babies knowing the world is exploding around them because they simply stopped giving a shit.

200+: Some assclown. No. Seriously. The assclowniest assclown you have ever met. Will troll you for profit and pleasure like the great gazoo or bugs bunny. Will end the world and bring it back just for kicks and remake the world out of cork. Just to see what happens. Pray you never encounter these Rick Sanchez tier mother fuckers because being treated like a cartoon is not actually as fun as it sounds to be. They will rip you inside out "for teh lulz" and bring you back just for noticing. They no longer do things because they have to. They do things because they want to. And they aren't obliged to share.

>> No.15328513
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Lots of "normies get out!!" and "R-eees"

>> No.15328516

Based. He sounds like a Gigachad living his life.

>> No.15328520

I don't think any IQ score above 150 can be considered reliable.

>> No.15328521

They're controlling us

>> No.15328522

Anything above 140 doesn’t exist, it falls into the noise and error of the distribution. You fuckers haven’t taken a real IQ test. BTW IQ tests were designed to check for retardation, not genius.

>> No.15328537

Then why is the limit for entry to the Triple Nine Society 147?

>> No.15328542
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Now, I shall let you in on a little etymological secret.

With Trolling.

Yes anon. Now you see. At last you see.

>> No.15328547

140 isn't even 3 standard deviations above the average. 1 in 720 people should be 145 or above.

>> No.15328548
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For the same reason some cults get very uneasy when I show up to their place of worship. I have a knack for smelling out fake religions and if I mingle with their members I will hijack the whole operation without even trying.

>> No.15328566

We're actually quite nice.

>> No.15328567
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I have taken the long forms of both stanford binet and the winchester test.

The hardest questions on both tests are similart to: Giving someone a series of operations to do to a number in their head. Such as "what is 20% of 4 squared plus 50?) they might ask you such things as "what do these two (seemingly unrelated) items have in common" or assembling puzzles while being timed.

The answer to OPs question is: on the most used IQ tests in the world the way you would get 160 is adding and subtracting more numbers in your head with your working memory vs everyone else" and other similar things. If you go through all the questions on the test, if you are smart like over 115 IQ you will see they are not hard. They are not things like asking you to invent something or prove a theorem or justify a philosophical position or anything like that. My concept of what a real genius would be is understanding subjects so complex and abstract that I personally can not imagine them even if they are explained to me.

Once you get real familiar with these tests you will see they do not test for genius. They test for you being able to do mundane tasks faster than everyone else.

>> No.15328569

I don't like to talk about this, when when I was a kid I was tested at 156. I'm no genius, though. I've had socialization problems my whole life that have hindered me from being professionally successful. I've been through a LOT of therapy. (I recommend it, btw. Therapy is good. It helps to talk about stuff.)

>> No.15328588
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No. No no no no no. Noooooooooo!!!!!

>> No.15328592
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>Therapy is good.
I agree. Every time I tell the wall my problems it calls me a bitch so I knock it the fuck out.

I always feel better after.

>> No.15328743

Can you get amused by magicians or are their tricks just to obvious?

>> No.15328751

IQs over 145 are a meme

>> No.15328832

sure, it's not like it gives you super powers to slow down time or see through hands or anything. a well done trick is still fun to watch if you haven't seen similar ones that you've already cracked

>> No.15328882

>130 IQ here, do people with 160 IQ exist?
Yes. Whether that's meaningful or not depends on your assumptions.
>If they do, what are they like?
People. If you're not talking about the effects of neurodevelopmental disorders, they're just people. It isn't like hollywood where everyone is just naturally born doing cheap mentalism tricks, or those silly math olympiads. I've never met one, albeit I've met very few of course, pursuing some myopic "top dog" position or competition like that. Being "good enough" and not defining yourself by such single-minded pursuits seems to describe their behavior more than anything else.

Main thing to keep in mind is the fact real life isn't like a movie. I think I've only met one interested in math at all for example. "Can easily learn it" does not translate to "is interested and invested in it". So yeah. They're people.

>> No.15328885

Yeah that's the problem right there. Thinking "genius" or whatever means "superpower".

>> No.15328943

This. Did some similar tests (I forget the standard). They exist so they can figure out how different you are from an average joe, if you are different at all. And is used to diagnose mental problems and help prescribe solutions, whether through medication or changes to lifestyle. I pretty much made zero errors in the general knowledge test, got some pretty high results in the various problem solving tests and assimilation tasks. Pretty sure I flunked the maths section, but to be fair I had stopped doing any sort of work in school a long time ago. And I don't care how smart you are, if you don't pay attention in class/private lessons and don't do your prep you ain't getting far in those tests. I got some pretty high final scores despite spending most of my time imagining gruesome and inventive ways to kill the psychiatrist administering the test. Apparently had I paid attention I would have gotten an insanely high IQ score, which again is not a measure of intelligence but how well you did in the test so the doctors can figure out what is wrong with you. Absolutely hated it, never went to see a psychiatrist ever again, changed my lifestyle and solved the problem.

Also you do not want to be around people like me who either have or can potentially score insanely high on these tests. I have one friend and other people in my family who fit this bill to perfection. Adjectives like demeaning, cold, callous, unstable, outburst, degrading and "lack of emotion", "too smart for your own good" spring to mind. I spent most of my time daydreaming in class and letting my intelligence carry me to A's until 14 ish where it doesn't matter how smart you are, if you don't pay attention, you won't get anywhere. I kind of wish I did apply myself to see how far I could have gone, but it already isn't nice to be around me, I don't want to know how bad it would have been for other people.
The description of Isaac Newton and Oppenheimer's behaviour is the perfect example.

>> No.15328952

It's more debilitating than a superpower in my personal experience.
It drives me crazy and furious with anger, genuinely, that people are incapable of keeping up with how fast my brain works, or just assume that I'm stupid because I'm on step 26 of the debate and they're still on step 4 unable to understand what I'm on about. Sure it's great, but quite a lot of the time I find myself just wishing I was normal and not some sort of freak. Also my mouth can't keep up with my brain so I can stutter sometimes. All of this really shows why it's not nice to be around people like me because you constantly get called demeaning or volatile or some other bullshit because you just get angry that people can't follow/understand WHEN YOU'RE JUST TRYING TO BE LIKE THEM AND HOLD A NORMAL CONVERSATION AT THE DINNER TABLE.

>> No.15328958

Also, IQ tests as a whole or whatever they're actually called, there's loads of them are thoroughly degrading, dehumanising and just make you feel like some sort of alien.

>> No.15328959

Yes they are primarily used for diagnostic purposes. I am curious which test you were given, however, as in a psychiatric setting and in most cases it would be useful to differentiate neurodevelopmental disorders from something like autism in conjunction with other kinds of testing. Having highly asymmetric scores, like working memory related "brute forcing" or WM related numeracy being very bad, could strongly indicate ADHD for example. That may also apply to your description of your friend, and related "executive functioning" affective disorder/dysregulation.

In any case you may be disappointed or horrified to learn just how incapable "average joe" and standard deviations nearer "average joe" are. Given a genuine full scale adult test, most people would not find it easy. Worth considering your criticism is misplaced by not realizing that. Knowing how stupid you are, and coming to realize most people are a hell of a lot less capable, can be quite a shock for people who do consistently have high cognitive ability scores on tests.

Having a high IQ, but severe ADHD, can result in extreme frustration like you report >>15328952. Assuming that is you as well. I've met one person in that situation and stimulants cured his problems damn near outright. Not saying that'd work for you but I can't help but feel sympathetic to your plight.

>> No.15328962
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>> No.15328968

Dude. Not cool. Gifted kids with neurodevelopmental disorders or other problems can both be extremely sensitive and have worse problems than normal kids by far. How would you feel never being able to relate to others, especially if you can't really figure out why? It's very isolating and very upsetting to feel alienated even from your own family. Even if he isn't like gifted kids you sometimes see in psychiatry or therapy, that is not helpful.

>> No.15328972
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>How would you feel never being able to relate to others
I live that. I traveled the whole world and all my peers are all dead with their names written in stone.


>> No.15328973
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I'm 130 on my liquid G factor and I'm likely 2 standart deviations from reading and self studying so much.


I spend most of my time reading books from centuries ago.

I only fucked a hooker when I was 27.

I've never held a job and I'm a neet at 34.

Mom has 3 pensions, so I'm lucky to not be forced to wagecuck for money.
Pretty much I will become a writer or some shit in 2025 or something.

I haven't socialized IRL since 2017 and most of my socialization is using the internet.
I don't feel the need to have a waifu or gf and not need to have close IRL friends.

>> No.15328976
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There's a time and a place. This ain't it.

>> No.15328979

They have autism or crippling depression. When you're better at IQ tests than 99.99% of people you likely had a few chromosomes come loose as a zygote in exchange.

>> No.15328987
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Lol what faggot response...faux superiority when BTFO...
>*smack smack* :reddit_superior_face:

>> No.15328996

>130 IQ here
no you ain't

>> No.15329289

nah it was clinical depression. Confirmed not to be ADHD, same for my mate. Ended having it for a good 5 years, worse than most, but not bad enough to be on medication.

>> No.15329293

yes, I'm one of them.

>> No.15329307

Also very much aware of the reality of the 2nd paragraph, the tests are certainly not easy, pretty sure it was the WISC IV test; and I spend a lot of time pondering whether I'm the stupid one and I usually come to the conclusion that I'm not very smart and that I know very little. I also block most compliments about my intelligence outright. I really don't want to be the guy who thinks they're some sort of prodigy descended from the heavens with an ego to match because everyone has been saying "oh shit you're smart" since I was a toddler. That shit's not good for you.

>> No.15329321

Not saying it's impossible, just highly unusual to have very asymmetric results like you suggest and it only being depression. I only raise the possibility when people report things like that because there was a long-running "folk myth" even among psychiatrists that ADHD/ADD were only things children had. So having a test that would indicate that, or autism, could've been improperly dismissed as indicating either ADHD or autism, or related, on a false basis. This is especially true for so-called "twice exceptional" persons, who have otherwise high IQ but a neurodevelopmental disorder.

There is a tiny amount of literature regarding "unrecognized giftedness", however it's worded, but it may apply in your case. You're right, of course, hollow statements of ability ring especially hollow when it doesn't get you anywhere. Nepotism, "who you know", drives society, so ability one cannot work into leveraging that nepotism aka "social networking" can be very frustrating to have.
>and I spend a lot of time pondering whether I'm the stupid one and I usually come to the conclusion that I'm not very smart and that I know very little.
This is a problem shared often among what little literature exists on "giftedness", and all the more for "twice exceptional". Greater overall ability also extends to more advanced notions of theory of mind, and justifying conditions or circumstances to make sense of them. It may be that you haven't been able to manifest your raw ability in some meaningful way, but that doesn't mean you're secretly incapable or stupid. It does mean that I think you really could use some help, and that maybe you were misdiagnosed due to earlier "folk lore".

Your depression would be entirely understandable, and frustrations too, if you have something else going on like ADHD or autism. Since you're judging yourself by your ability to manifest the results you think intelligence would manifest. That could be a mistake. It certainly was for the guy I knew.

>> No.15329338

Also worth pointing out that presentations for that very rare "twice exceptional" category, of high IQ and a neurodevelopmental disorder, can make diagnostics especially difficult. That is also, sadly, why many such people get misdiagnosed if diagnosed at all, and are quite unhappy in life. Often only diagnosed far later in life as a result. Such a diagnosis usually needs multiple lines of testing because just intelligence testing isn't specific enough to differentiate something like autism from ADHD or both.

Sorry to say but if it really was "just depression" then resolving it probably would've resolved your expressed difficulty manifesting your ability as you think you should be able to "if I were really smart". That, right there, strongly suggests to me it was not just depression. Or you wouldn't have this persisting nagging feeling you can't produce what you feel you should be able to produce. But what do I know I'm a fuck on the internet. All I can do is compare what you said to what I've seen, and I really have only seen people make such complaints when there's a neurodev disorder at play. That is, if they score extremely high on testing.

>> No.15329415

Alright, because this thread is definitely full of bs, I'm gonna try to inject some truth. You can believe me, or not, it doesn't matter.

I have an IQ of 175. I was taken out of school in the 2nd grade, and by the time I re-entered public education in the start of 4th grade I had a solid grasp of basic calculus.

I have struggled all my life with almost everything. I can learn anything, absolutely fucking ANYTHING, probably within a day, master it within a week. And I do, I spend almost all my time just learning and mastering random shit. The problem is people, and school, and society in general.

People are just stupid. Like very, very fucking stupid. I don't enjoy interacting with anyone for more than an hour, because usually after that I'm extremely bored with the conversation. Nobody thinks about anything, and the ones that do think about the stupidest shit.

School was made for stupid people. It isn't a means for intelligent people to enrich themselves, it is set up so your baseline human, maybe even a stupid one, can work their way into high academics. It could also just be the US education system, but I can confidently say that I learned absolutely nothing throughout my 12 years in school that I didn't figure out before they taught me.

Society is weird, mainly because I feel gross saying society so much. Fuckers ruined it. But it falls victim to the same issues as everything else, everyone is just a goddamn moron. We're having the dumbest of fucking debates, about shit that literally doesn't matter. All we do is sit here and generate these massive social, environmental, economic, whatever, problems for ourselves, then get pissed at them.

I fucking hate it here, guys. Like really. I'm never happy, and I know I never will be happy, because even the full extent of human knowledge doesn't cover what I'm interested in learning.

>> No.15329423

>i watch anime however and can't cross the road.

>> No.15329432

Ok autist child, get back on your xbox.

>> No.15329434
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Interesting minds have interesting pictures...

>> No.15329438

>smells of shit.

>> No.15329439

Assuming you're not memeing, I'm willing to bet you've not met someone around your level of ability before. That'd be important for some perspective. Especially since so few people are in that "unmeasurable" territory, and I mean that in the sense of meaningful comparison due to measurement error on tests rendering such comparison meaningless.

Here's the problem. Yes, much of what goes on among and between people is rather stupid if you assume you don't have a relevant fog of war. Whether ability or otherwise. You're not interposing the problem of noise in your theory of agency even though it does involve the noise created by disparate abilities between persons.
>I have struggled all my life with almost everything.
You're struggling, and have struggled, because the game you want to play is not the game anybody can recognize let alone conceptualize in the manner you want to play it. The only game in town is the emergent social dynamics around what people can conceive, and grumbling about the nonsense in it isn't really thinking about the problem with proper perspective taking.

You're hardly alone and there's a reason gifted children, from a few astute psychologists anyway, could be considered special needs. You can run away with yourself and get stuck stewing in the wrong framing, precisely because you're all the more able to justify your conclusions. You need more perspective taking, and to work with the only game people have.

>> No.15329453

>I fucking hate it here, guys. Like really. I'm never happy, and I know I never will be happy, because even the full extent of human knowledge doesn't cover what I'm interested in learning.
You've two choices there. Either push the envelope and damn the consequences, and accept when you fuck up trying, or just languish in misery about it. For my part I am increasingly orienting toward doing the work required to push the envelope. Yes, that aggravatingly means the stupid social games instead of what "really matters" when it comes to truth. Or are you happier being miserable? There's no real alternative.

>> No.15329465

I'm bored enough to take your post at face value, so I'll offer the following unsolicited advice: If subject mastery is that trivial for you, clearly you should pursue the field that most directly addresses the source of your discontent.

I certainly agree that people are retarded, and intelligence is largely genetic. Then, the only real solution to society's woes is through genetic engineering. We can't even enter the realm of the interesting until this basic hurdle is cleared. Occupy yourself with meaningful progress toward that goal via research in bioengineering (CRISPR), biotech, or AI systems capable of solving that problem for us.

>> No.15329474

The source of my discontent is, for lack of a better term, fucking everything man. I already thought down that lane, doing something to make me feel like I'm changing something.

But I'm not. Because retards will still dominate, and nobody will even start to think about the things I've been wondering about until they're on their death bed n shit.

>> No.15329480

I think you'll be rather disappointed with the limited extent genetic engineering would succeed. Just simply attempting to alter the probability map with whole genome analysis and correlations isn't likely to be all that successful due to the pleiotropic nature of complex phenotypes. Hence the low individual correlates of individual genes on something like intelligence. You're coming from the right place but with the wrong example is all. Nobody, however genius, is going to develop some general model representing all possible interactions that represent a given phenotype independently of any variation of its environment, and minor improvements of incremental associations are hardly going to be satisfying.

The problem becomes one of tedium. Doing the practical day to day is definitely boring, and that's where the problem usually is for such people. The tedium of incrementalism.
And that is why I said you need perspective "n shit".

>> No.15329495

Perspective isn't something I had thought of, but it does definitely change things. Thank you for that. It's still frustrating though, having to sit in a metaphorical room with eight billion people, all talking basically about themselves instead of asking why are eight billion people in a goddamn room?.

Oh well. Time 2 cope.

>> No.15329498

Just take the schio pill and learn to create complex magnetic field geometries with your brain so you can remote view the aliens and learn from them. I am 100% serious that it works.

>> No.15329502

>130 IQ here, do people with 160 IQ exist? If they do, what are they like?
Yes, we exist. We make silly mistakes just like everyone else. We just pick up on things a bit faster than most people do.
If you're picturing TV-geniuses who magically know the answer to everything and see instantly through every dilemma, I hate to be the one to disappoint you, but that doesn't happen.

>> No.15329503


>> No.15329505

>Fortnite kid discovers fortnite was a distraction to bamboozle him for his soul.
>He grows lost, devouring all to attain the same rush.
>In the process he discovers universal methodologies to approach all skills, 'I MEAN, FUCKING EVERTHINGGGUUHH'

Consumerism is the soul's only rest bite, designed to be so with the universe that's made by our soul eaters, ready to promise final hope for the desperate tired souls at death in their farmverse.

Xfactor binge watching souls taste sweet like chocolate, for they sweetly obey'd their programming. You if you don't escape the promised hope, will at least taste bitter, so there's that.

>> No.15329507

You first anon.

>> No.15329520

Making your neurons into phosphorescent color shifting cells like jellyfish or cephalopods is fun and easy.

>> No.15329527

>Just simply attempting to alter the probability map with whole genome analysis and correlations isn't likely to be all that successful due to the pleiotropic nature of complex phenotypes. Hence the low individual correlates of individual genes on something like intelligence. You're coming from the right place but with the wrong example is all.

That would only be correct if you approached the problem exclusively from the perspective of individual SNPs obtained through GWAS. For instance, the polygenic phenotype problem is almost perfectly suited for LLMs, which can capture highly complex, long-ranging, nonlinear interactions across the genome. However, we are still quite far from a commercial model that could be used in a genetic engineering context, and meaningful progress from clever breakthroughs is more than possible.

>> No.15329543
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>rest bite
Reminds me of Metokur unironically pronouncing hyperbole as "hyper-bowl".

>> No.15329556

>Perspective isn't something I had thought of
I find that hard to believe. If you're being sarcastic, I suggest being genuine instead.
>That would only be correct if you approached the problem exclusively from the perspective of individual SNPs obtained through GWAS. For instance, the polygenic phenotype problem is almost perfectly suited for LLMs, which can capture highly complex, long-ranging, nonlinear interactions across the genome. However, we are still quite far from a commercial model that could be used in a genetic engineering context, and meaningful progress from clever breakthroughs is more than possible.
I don't think it is given the sheer scale of the sample domain for complex phenotypes. Just because brute forcing is on the table doesn't mean you're inevitably going to manage to brute force the solution, because the complexity may be far too high to expect any result in a reasonable time. Your usual p vs np yada yada yada

While the solution could be verified in practice the fact of its simple verification doesn't imply anything about its potential for breakthrough. Such a one as that would be a model indistinguishable from magic in my opinion, and capable of predicting far more than merely intelligence as a phenotype. You're talking a generalizable model of organic evolution. I've considered this extensively, I just can't bring up every possible avenue as people would bitch as it is about lack of brevity.

>> No.15329557

Correct, sir!

>> No.15329563

I invent words, rules follow me. The smart think they're smart by rules. But they're made up. So made up smarty pants.

>> No.15329567

120 is threshold for being able to apply higher order reasoning to any domain, every point beyond that is just a speed bump

>> No.15329571

Also should've pointed out LLM is not relevant to the problem not sure why you think it is, but what I wrote applies more to machine learning and bruteforcing methods in general.

>> No.15329574
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Daily reminder that a person seven standard deviations above the mean in IQ (i.e. 205) would be about one in 800 billion, and there haven't been that many humans in all of history.
The fact is that no pen-and-paper test could realistically distinguish someone more than about 4 sd above the mean, so anyone who says, "I took a test and my IQ is 180," is either lying or stupid and happened to luck out on a 10-question online intelligence quiz that they probably paid to take.
Why do I say that? Because a person with an IQ of 160 is 4 sd off the mean, and the test to detect him would need to be able to distinguish the IQ's of the other 30,000 random people he outscored. This means we're looking at a test with thousands of questions minimum to establish a meaningful confidence interval and still have the fineness of detail to sift out that one individual.
And if you switch from binary questions or multiple choice to some sort of intelligence-discerning activities, you start biasing the test towards certain disciplines, and people who are equally strong in all disciplines are basically non-existent.
So the correct answer when someone says, "My IQ is 175!" is "BULLSHIT!"

>> No.15329576


Lost in slave morality.

>> No.15329594

>Time 2 cope.
Time to grow up, '2'.

>> No.15329611

That 175 IQ kid is just a fucking retard thinking he clever. He just a fucking piece of trash who needs to get out his bedroom.

>> No.15329618


>you just get angry

I don't think you're near what you say you are, as you would be able to control your bullshit emotions better if you were.

>> No.15329640

Sorry, was just trying to be polite. You offered good input and it did change my thinking on the topic.

But accounting for their perspective doesn't do it for me. I find it truly inexcusable how caught up in true bullshit these people are, how can you exist with all of this information directly infront of you, unobscured, and still be interested in the Kardashians (strawman 4 ez)

>> No.15329648

True, fuck that kid!
- that kid

>> No.15329660

You don't sound smart. Explain the spectroscopy of nuons briefly

>> No.15329681

>But accounting for their perspective doesn't do it for me. I find it truly inexcusable how caught up in true bullshit these people are
Then you really don't understand their perspective at all. Maybe seriously consider my input before dismissing it and returning to a comfortable complacency. I warned you about that already.

>> No.15329719

Alright, I went back and seriously re-read your original post a couple times. You're undeniably right, I have been not only dismissing their perspective, but reluctant to step outside my own comfortable perspectives.

That being said, how can I start to understand the perspective of the average person? It's easier with certain people, those with an identifiable trait you can extrapolate on to form a world view, but I don't know where I'd even start with normal.

>> No.15329790

You START by realizing whatever stupidity you think people do it makes sense to them. Or they wouldn't be doing it by definition. You don't seem genuine to me even a little, as I pointed out from the start, but that advice applies to many people expressing similar issues with people. It's what people mean when they say "get over yourself". Your perspective is not "the one" perspective no matter what you think about others.

>> No.15329814

Bad larp

>> No.15329817

Yes, that's obvious. Of course they truly believe the shit they're in. And no, of course my perspective isn't the one true one, no perspective is real as everything is entirely subjective. What I'm saying is I'm frustrated by the fact that very few people seem interested in anything that matters outside the context of just human existence. As you said in your original post, that's probably just because I haven't met many other people who are in that weird unmeasurable zone. I'll give you that.

So, back to what I said, thank you anon, but I've thought about this before and considered their perspective, and no, I am not under the impression I'm the sole right person in the world.

>> No.15329827

If you have a 175 IQ, you should go on Jeopardy and beat Ken Jennings' record. He made $4,522,700 on the show. With your IQ, this should be an easy task. Easy money. Another easy task for an intelligent person is to figure out happiness. Even if you are mentally ill, a person with a 175 IQ would be smart enough to figure out how to overcome their problems.

The purpose of intelligence is to maximize survival, gain resources and procreate. You're not really intelligent if you aren't winning at the game of life.

>> No.15329828

>What I'm saying is I'm frustrated by the fact that very few people seem interested in anything that matters outside the context of just human existence.
You might as well be frustrated by the fact gravity makes things fall down. Possibly lonely and isolating but they've no choice in the matter either. You can either work with that or mope, and I don't recommend moping.

>> No.15329833

Yes, because a 175 IQ automatically grants me all knowledge in the world. I said I learn very fast, not that I just gain knowledge through osmosis.

...Yeah? I'm pretty sure in my original post I said I was probably just moping. I think I literally used the word "moping".

>> No.15329840

Sorry, forgot to address your second point there.
...Nah? Are you like, fuckin retarded homie? If the chemicals aren't there, the feeling isn't there. And the chemicals aren't there

>> No.15329848

>...Yeah? I'm pretty sure in my original post I said I was probably just moping. I think I literally used the word "moping".
Yeah, and the result from the conversation follows from my concluding remark "I don't recommend moping". Or do you think you're happier that way? No need to be defensive about it just because I am challenging the analysis angle that reinforces only moping. Well, okay, yeah there would be, but not if you hold it abstractly instead of as some personal identity. Get what I mean?

>> No.15329875

Oh, shit nah I think you just cracked me a lil there. I think I have been kinda using the whole "depressed genius" who's moping about heat death shtick as a crutch. I get what you mean by sitting in my own comfort zone then

>> No.15329943

Whatever. Lame larp.

>> No.15329954

I have a 176 IQ and I could tell you were fucking retarded by your first comment.

I honestly think the only cure for your irreparable retardation is to kill yourself

>> No.15329979

Oh yeah? Well I actually just retested and got an IQ of 177!

Kill yourself anon. If you're gonna try to be a cunt, do it with some originality. Don't just straight one up me.

>> No.15330020

178 here. Your incoherent jibber-jabber seems to be an entire universe below me. The level of calculation that goes on in my head during on morning shit is more than you have done throughout your entire life.
Reading your comments, I can barely tell how a creature like you is even considered sentient, when your brain operates on the level of a 1940s computer.

>> No.15330068

Just bumped some DMT, 179 now. Shut your insignificant little face. People like you drag society down with your retardation, and I'm ashamed to say I've had the displeasure of sharing the same carbon base as you.

Please, for the love of all that is holy, take yourself out of the general pool.

>> No.15330084

179 IQ here. Ooga booga I like big booba

>> No.15330160

if they don't want you to win, they won't let you win, it's a known fact that they cater question categories toward the strength of who they want to win

>> No.15330209
File: 872 KB, 1482x1097, GE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It seems you lack the determination to submit the world to your will, so you only complain like a bitch. Maybe you lack the conscientious trait to do it yourself, or the money to make somebody else do it for you.

>> No.15330362

if youre bad at anything such that others opinion/perception of you worsens then you are retarded.

>> No.15330414
File: 222 KB, 580x813, 2022-12-19_09.24.00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and shameless pilled! If you like, do it! :333

>> No.15330449

Yeah this is basically my life as well, but not to the same extent, you describe it a lot better than I did in

Glad, I'm not alone, cus it feels like shit and while it's awesome to understand stuff and learn/master something new so much faster, sometimes I find myself longing for the normality of someone who isn't an exception to the rule.

>> No.15330461

>high IQ doesn't actually help you achieve anything but does make you feel like everything around you sucks ass
Every day I sing praise Allah for giving me an IQ of 85 and a lean virgin wife with great tiddies and a tight pussy.

>> No.15330566

180 IQ here, I don't have much to say

>> No.15330579

My advice to the other guy, genuine or not, applies to most people having problems due to giftedness. Though it applies even if people are not gifted, but for whatever reason have ended up similarly isolated.

You're not alone, not remotely, but there are better or worse ways to manage your differences with people. It helps a lot to work with people in domains where intelligence does not cause you to feel that isolation, whether that is sports or something else you can feel okay being mediocre at. I've found for the few who have followed my advice that perspective taking and focusing on developing a more rigorous theory of mind helps a lot in life. Helps one realize hating reality is about as sensible as hating gravity or rain.

>> No.15330582

IQ metric is completely screwed and stupid and no model of it is recorded with any consistency.

>> No.15330599

"Original Guy" here. I was being genuine the whole time, though this is 4chan so you don't have to believe that. I appreciate the decently solid advice, I won't blow smoke up your ass and say you completely changed my perception of everything, but you definitely pushed me in the right direction of thinking which I wasn't gonna get to in my little closed off space.

Without giving away too much of my anonymity, I think I have more than enough time left on this earth to figure this stuff out though. I appreciate all the input, but I really just responded to OP to get my thoughts and feelings out in an open space where I could just genuinely scream them into the internet void.

Ne way. Stay safe guys, heat death of the universe in a couple billion years, set your clocks.

>> No.15330603

It's pretty reliable when used properly. The margin of error for 95.6% of the population is not very wide. It is only at the extremes where above 130 or below 70 the margin of error makes it increasingly difficult to infer anything meaningful about the differences within those standard deviations. This is due to the fact such persons are too rare in the norming samples.

Works great for diagnostics in any case. I suggest learning more about it.

>> No.15330608

I'm glad it helped and I hope things go well. I try to interact in a way where it doesn't really matter if any given individual is being genuine or not, because it may help someone who is genuine anyway. Sorry if I didn't make it more clear that I don't mean anything personal by that, excepting that exceptionally high scores are generally dubious as a matter of margin of error.
>I appreciate all the input, but I really just responded to OP to get my thoughts and feelings out in an open space where I could just genuinely scream them into the internet void.
Certainly. Same way I like to lob help into the void. One never knows what may happen either way.

>> No.15330616

the study cited in that article is a small handful of students with double digit differences in scores when taking different tests, but that doesn't even matter because that's like saying quartz crystals are magic because they're straight 95% of the time the entire basis of the system is broken and not used consistently in any part of the world. even if something as sophisticated as the mechanisms of the human brain could be reduced to a number, which is ludicrous in the first place. the mean should be 100 and the vast majority of people should be within 10 of 100 but if you believe a global map it's around 87 and if you believe people on the internet it's 120. there are linguistic and cultural issues involved, test taking and pattern recognition are skills that can be developed. this shit is MB personality-tier.

>> No.15330636

>It drives me crazy and furious with anger, genuinely, that people are incapable of keeping up with how fast my brain works, or just assume that I'm stupid because I'm on step 26 of the debate and they're still on step 4 unable to understand what I'm on about.
You have ADHD

>> No.15330647

Another good reason you should learn more about it, because you'd know why those comparison maps are full of shit. Not least of which due to the tiny samples used for them in a lot of cases, not to mention old like 1930s or 1940s. You're throwing the baby out with the bathwater just because some people misuse things to further an agenda.

IQ is the single most validated and reliable psychometric measure. Yes, there are conditions under which you have to take special care to get proper measurements. Especially engaging with rarely contacted tribes who'd find silly white man shapes really fucking funny, or people with down's syndrome and very low IQ's who likely have motivational issues. Doesn't mean it isn't highly valid and reliable for almost everybody, however. Just means you can't just blindly believe whatever bullshit people vomit.

>> No.15330663

the metric is never used as intended, and as intended it's flawed in the first place.

you can't sit a rural laotian man down and have him take a test and expect that test to reflect his inherent intellectual capabilities. this fact alone topples the entire system.

>IQ is the single most validated and reliable psychometric measure.
just like MBPT is the most validated and reliable method of categorizing peoples personalities and the zodiac is the most validated and reliable method of determining fate from cosmic time of birth. king of shit and WRONG means nothing. keep twiddling your IQ of 133 and INTP and libra around your fingers.

>> No.15330665

>180: Objectively correct. Sleep like babies knowing the world is exploding around them because they simply stopped giving a shit.
172 here, you're not far off, now I'm going back to tinkering with electronics shit and watching Jeopardy at 1.5x speed.

>> No.15330682

>the metric is never used as intended, and as intended it's flawed in the first place.
The intention largely remains diagnostics made possible by such a useful comparison to baseline.
>you can't sit a rural laotian man down and have him take a test and expect that test to reflect his inherent intellectual capabilities.
Let's go with that for sake of argument.
>this fact alone topples the entire system.
How? Still works for everybody else. That it may not work in some situations does not render it invalid in others. It just means you have to be aware of the limitations.
>just like MBPT is the most validated and reliable method of categorizing peoples personalities and the zodiac is the most validated and reliable method of determining fate from cosmic time of birth
Not true at all. Both are highly unreliable and do not track what they purport to track, where they're not just vague to the point of barnum effects. This is a false equivalence.

>> No.15330853

NTA, but I appreciate your attempts to educate anons. I've done several of these tests. Usually trying to pin me with ADD. The last one was as an adult, and I wasn't given a score. I never have been. It was some version of WISC over a period of days. I was attempting to get disability and a comfortable reason for my lack of achievement.
So... I did it drunk, deprived of sleep, and hungry for waffles. He said, "you're profoundly gifted and also probably have Asperger's but you should be a professor by now." I said, "That seems wrong. I was drunk and sandbagging as hard as I could. Let's try again." My mental health professional was —rightfully— angered. It was a childish move.

Anyway, the tests don't seem to measure wisdom or potential all that well. In fact my takeaway is that IQ tests are about as useful as measuring something with your hand or foot and they probably were a bad idea to begin with. (Although I probably do have Asperger's.)

>> No.15330887

It measures ability quite well to a certain degree. You are right in that it doesn't inherently predict outcomes related to ability, of course, but nobody relevant thinks that it does. It could only correlate to a probability of results. If you were an adult you would've been given WAIS, probably III or IV depending on your age. WISC is the children's test. Your ability to reflect and engage in abstract modeling would also apply to perspective taking, unless there's some particular reason your brain finds it difficult or impossible to do so. For ADHD and autism that can occur, as well as depression, or other psychiatric or personality disorders. A lot of words to point out "yeah if something is wrong you'd need more than just that"

Anyway, as noted before, asymmetries with working memory could indicate ADD but you would require additional testing. Doing the testing drunk would throw out any meaningful diagnostic use. Stands to reason he'd be pissed. Alcohol tanks your working memory and executive functioning in general. Without specific tests to rule out executive dysfunctioning it would not be possible to properly delineate aspergers from ADD either, depending on the individual. There's a very wide degree of presentations possible, especially at the twice-exceptional end.

As a matter of medical records, by the way, you can request records and of course your evaluations and related results. You can also request basically everything, though you may not like what some people write as a matter of clinical observation. There's definitely nothing "normal" about extreme under-achievement in my opinion, specifically when people are personally unhappy about it.

>> No.15330954

Fair. It was the Weschler 4: Spicy Adult Edition. Although he said something about it being modified. I doubt ADD since that hasn't stuck since I was a kid. I do absolutely have depression. I got a sticker and a pen (without a soft tip) to prove it. My working memory is apparently fine. Obviously my executive functioning leaves a lot to be desired in a professor or CEO.

He gave me a written report. I suppose their could be codes for billing or the secret psychology community I haven't seen without making a FOIA request. The only time I remember getting a number was as a kid, but I really don't think it's that important beyond an uncertain point. Certainly not predictive. I agree with you it has some diagnostic value for children at least. It would just be nice if people didn't put such stock in it. Like it changes your inherent value as a human. It's like someone saying, "I have the highest Tetris score, so let me on the lifeboat first!" Sometimes I wish it didn't exist.

>> No.15330996

Hang on with the conspiracy making. It isn't about a FOIA, you can just submit a medical records request and there's nothing secret about any of it. Codes are generally standardized and publicly available as well.
>It would just be nice if people didn't put such stock in it. Like it changes your inherent value as a human.
Frankly, people don't. Just in weird niche internet spaces and for the wrong reasons. Otherwise your success is overwhelmingly dependent upon nepotism. I don't think that's a good thing either, but oh well.

>> No.15331117

I was joking about the FOIA request. It's possible —for reasons which do not need exploring— that I may pass out soon, so maybe that joke wasn't well structured. But I'd disagree with people generally not caring about IQ. Or cognitive ability in general.
Height is something people only care about in certain spheres online, like dating apps. Intelligence can ruin relationships. People can be very resentful if you're slightly better at a cognitive task. If you're just better at reaching things on a high shelf then they'll probably learn to cope with the difference in specific capabilities. Weird how one is more likely end a public stoning than the other. I wish people didn't worry so much about it.

Anyway, nepotism is bad and most fortune is just that. Luck. We can agree there. The winners often aren't the smartest. But they are often the best at lying to others and themselves about how they bought a yacht worth more than some nations. And that is a kind of intelligence. So there we are. Oh well.

>> No.15331177

Change what you can, accept what you cannot change, and work to develop the wisdom to know the difference. Nothing else for it other than that.

>> No.15331921

Not a lot I can change unless it's possible to trade in your empathy for a closet full of designer turtlenecks. I could get so much done without empathy or feeling chilly.
Well, most people who have ever existed didn't make it to 30. And not everyone gets to be happy. I'm the sort of person who contributes to society with some insights on which mushrooms are safe to eat by irresponsible experimentation. And maybe comedy. I should probably lean into that more. Thanks for the kind words.

>> No.15332026

I have 144 :D

>> No.15332052

160+ do exist.
As the IQ level gets higher the obsession with their chosen interests do as well. There could be bias with these anecdotal observation, all the 160+ IQ people I've met were academics.
They're great problem solvers and very good at simplifying abstract concepts.
Fun thing to do with them is take them out of their area of specialisation in to something you know pretty well. One thing a high IQ person hates is not being the smartest person in the room. They'll either get fairly short with you and change the subject or ask you questions about the subject either to learn more of to catch you out in some logic.
You've never met someone with over 200 IQ, I guarantee it. The smartest person I've ever met was above 180 and that guy would stare in to space in a weird catatonic state just thinking silently. You ask him what he's thinking about and he would snap out of it and say some joke to avoid the question.
I guarantee the furthest thing from his mind was turning himself in to a pickle....

>> No.15332085

>One thing a high IQ person hates is not being the smartest person in the room.
I'd push back on that and suggest they might be defensive because of the political nature of academia. It's their livelihood after all. It's also possible they do enjoy being challenged and want to lose a sparring match. (That's a treat if you're clever.) Third option is they might have to resort to a lowly therapist to figure out why they're so worried about looking smart. But they probably won't. And that's why wisdom is a separate stat from intelligence.

>> No.15332099

Kek, barely even sentient

>> No.15332139

I'm not 160+, but in my experience the snappiness isn't out of vanity about not being smart, but an immaturity that results from having most things come extremely easily to them. If they don't immediately grasp it, then they beat themselves up over it and get pissed off.

>> No.15332702
File: 192 KB, 800x1165, 1680854132642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IQ 180+ here (don't even bother to ask for a proof).
Let me deboonk the most common midwit misconceptions about IQ.

>but intelligence is multifaceted
IQ tests numerical and symbolic pattern recognition, verbal comprehension, short term memory, spatial visualization and logical reasoning. Wanna add something? Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence.
>but what about emotional intelligence, social intelligence, twerking skills, number of followers on tiktok/onlyfans
Sorry sweaty, we're measuring intelligence here, not your ability to copy NPC behaviour.
>why didn't you win a Nobel prize/Fields medal? IQ means nothing when you're a loser
Intelligence comes with no obligation to contribute anything to the industrial-technological system. Acadummic success is mainly determined by obedience and social networking. A shitload of midwits (and in social "sciences" even actual brainlets) have a PhD nowadays.
>but what is your IQ good for then?
IQ enables you to quickly learn, understand, connect and creatively play with abstract concepts and to analyze, question and improve theories. Unlike a midwit whose highest achievement is superficially regurgitating what he's told.
>but IQ is racist
No, IQ is a factual statement. It doesn't tell you morally how to treat others.
>if you're so smart why aren't you rich?
Because I wasn't born rich and our economy wants obedient workers, not smart workers. You don't get rich by being smart, you get rich by being popular and sociopathic.
>if you're so smart why don't you get laid?
Attractiveness is determined by looks and status. Women are generally anti-intellectual and think of an intelligent man as a nerd in the negative sense, unless he's a gigachad. I say this as a married man btw.
>isn't this just cope?
The only ones coping here are the IQ denialists. If they didn't need to cope they'd just accept that there are people who are rightfully proud of scoring high on the IQ test

>> No.15334465
File: 58 KB, 850x400, quote-i-don-t-know-what-my-iq-is-people-who-gloat-about-their-iq-s-are-losers-stephen-hawking-42-65-08.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good point. It can be frustrating to struggle if you're not used to it. That adds to imposter syndrome and expectations weighing on you. Also, it's another good reason to not pat yourself on the back or praise others for their ability to guess which dialogue tree options to pick on a test originally meant to screen out retarded colored children from good white schools. These scores are not proof of anything besides not being completely retarded. Or black.

>> No.15334861

is this a copy pasta

>> No.15335886

Wow there sure are a lot of >160 iq people in this thread...

>> No.15335891

>125 posts, 49 IPs

>> No.15335900

>Be 130~140 IQ
>Drill raven matrices, especially hard ones, for like 5 days.
>Suddenly your IQ goes up by 20~30 points
>Wew 160 IQ
How isn't this a scam?

>> No.15335956

Most of them are memeing. For the one or two of us, probably, we're just exceeding the margin of error is all. Hence the very few posts clearly pointing out "this isn't like TV, you don't get superpowers, you don't just automagically do math tricks to impress people"
It works great for its intended purpose. That isn't its intended purpose.

>> No.15336323

>what are they like?
I've known two people I'd consider real geniuses (it's not as if everyone knows and/or reveals their IQs), and worked in an agency whose core employees are biologists and statisticians - i.e., they're a rather intelligent lot.

What I've found is that those who are obviously very, very smart, seem to lack awareness in social skills and/or have behavioral traits that are very odd. But they function in life and do their jobs extremely well, so the anomalous behavior is acceptable.

Although one of those geniuses truly went nuts and offed himself. Very tragic.

>> No.15336430

I think you're equivocating, or confusing, the asymmetric kind of results you see with high IQ autism and normal brains with high IQ. People tend to fall for those notions all the more to satisfy their notions of a "just world" to make it seem more fair, but it will lead you to completely misidentify normal genius as a result.

>> No.15336523

>normal genius
What does that look like? Richard Feynman? He was down with the slang and the ladies, but played bongos and was often otherwise an ass. Isaac Newton fancied himself an alchemist. I'm genuinely curious what a "normal genius" is supposed to look like... normally.

>> No.15336648

Like normal people, yes, just often better at it all around IF, big IF, they managed to be healthily adjusted. Even an otherwise normal person who is from a severely dysfunctional home or community would not like people very much, for example. As opposed to tv movies where it gives you telekinetic powers or you end up like an alien albino. Hardly means you are immune from "being an ass", as sometimes that is necessary or inescapable as well.

It entirely depends on the world you got to live in. If you're very unlucky, probably quite the vehement misanthrope. If you are very lucky, probably coast your way to nobel prizes and international fame because your family connections made it effortless to rise by merit without licking everybody's ass on the way up. Exactly the same as for normal people with a normal IQ, just "moreso".

>> No.15336844

>you should be a professor by now
A friend of mine is extremely intelligent, and was pushed hard by both parents to always perform at maximum effort. I never got any IQ scores and this friend preferred a really low profile but did get a good professorship in the end.

The journey was not a happy one since high IQ is no help against ugly academic politics.

>> No.15336862

They're autistically obessive and intelligent. Not 160iq. But they're using 100% of their 130-140 iq for their domain.
True genius don't have those problems

>> No.15337118

Then name one

>> No.15337124

> >but intelligence is multifaceted
IQ tests numerical and symbolic pattern recognition, verbal comprehension, short term memory, spatial visualization and logical reasoning. Wanna add something? Then present a rigorous test and justify why it should be included in the definition of intelligence

You even know what the G factor is. Those tests aren't arbitrarily included, they're there because they have high correlations with G. Please shut the fuck up.

>> No.15337127

>the G factor
requires two fingers and a semi-rough touch.

>> No.15337525

>Good point. It can be frustrating to struggle if you're not used to it. That adds to imposter syndrome and expectations weighing on you. Also, it's another good reason to not pat yourself on the back or praise others for their ability to guess which dialogue tree options to pick on a test originally meant to screen out retarded colored children from good white schools. These scores are not proof of anything besides not being completely retarded. Or black.
let me guess you think the bell curve book is good?

>> No.15337588

Super-high-IQ people being really good at math is a dumb Hollywood meme. I might have believed you if not for that nonsense.

And it doesn't take a genius to know that most humans are complete retards. Anyone without their head completely in the sand knows that all the problems of civilization are created by civilization.

>> No.15337899

>Not a lot I can change unless it's possible to trade in your empathy for a closet full of designer turtlenecks. I could get so much done without empathy or feeling chilly.
While the turtleneckers may is a few cases achieve much, it is worth they do not seem to achieve inner peace or happyness. And somewhere deep down they realise that they success is built on the smoking wrecks of damaged friendship, neglected daughters and more.

>> No.15337900

>One thing a high IQ person hates is not being the smartest person in the room.
Let us imagine a scenario where such people can grow up with their peers. I think we would have seen a lot more breakthroughs instead of the breakdowns we see now.

>> No.15337996

>Super-high-IQ people being really good at math is a dumb Hollywood meme. I might have believed you if not for that nonsense.
NTA Yes, in general, they are going to be "good at math" especially given the right instruction and especially if ability is recognized for what it is. I'm not talking about stupid math tricks or olympiad level calculator number crunching, I simply mean facility for abstraction if we're talking a normal brain.

Granted, it is entirely possible to be denied math education or be abused for being smart even from ones own parents as well. Same goes for being misclassified as "slow" due to boredom or refusal to follow arbitrary or hypocritical rules, and abuse or unfair punishment following from that. Ability certainly does not translate to "therefore life easy". Even though you're partially right in that some will not develop interest in mathematics, the ability is nonetheless easily developed far beyond a normal degree, and is present in the reasoning people employ anyway. Math is just a set of symbols used for said reasoning anyway.

>> No.15338068

No. The opposite. And I'm starting to wonder if anyone on this board has a sense of humor — nevermind a grasp of STEM. But I think we agree, my autistic brother.

>> No.15338117

NTA it's less lacking a sense of humor and more the chronic raiding shitposting by /pol/tards the jannies refuse to purge.

>> No.15338128
File: 3 KB, 158x142, download (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nevermind a grasp of STEM
[crunch-crunch, swallows milk to chew more]
Wanna fite?

>> No.15338222

My IQ is 7829.
Trust me, I wouldn't lie about something this important.
(I provided just as much proof as everyone else in the thread claiming to be a super-genius.)

>> No.15338227
File: 13 KB, 158x142, 2023-04-09_22.42.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fite me.

>> No.15338585
File: 23 KB, 667x183, 199IQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My best friend in elementary school had 160 IQ. What set him apart from others was being able to hold a conversation at an age where most of our peers were more interested in eating glue, so I'd say he had a significant head-start in mental development from an early age. The less retarded kids eventually caught up to him to some degree and the difference became much less prominent. We haven't been in touch for quite a while, but he's pretty much a normal, moderately academically successful dude now. It's a bit anticlimactic, but I don't think high IQ inherently makes you superhuman. I'm nowhere near 160 and the same description could apply to me. As for his various personal quirks, he used to be obsessive about his hobbies and easily irritable which seems to be in line with some of the anecdotes itt.

>> No.15338694

You'd be irritable too. Trust me. A lot of people don't seem to "get it" so I'll explain by analogy, though people are probably going to lose the point by feeling personally offended by it or thinking it's narcissistic. Nothing for it.

Cognitively you could extend the age metaphor but as applied to other adults as well. Imagine living in a world primarily run by toddlers. Sure you could expend a lot of effort and energy managing the toddlers, such that you also come off as a "fellow toddler" so they don't get upset at you for doing so, but that's a lot harder than it sounds. Same goes for needing to explain everything at the depth you understand it, but in the language toddlers understand, and in the end such that they don't really understand anyway.

Best of all? Your being reasonably irritated by that is verboten. Yeah, it can be said to be very irritating needing to live a lie or distract yourself from the horrible reality you find yourself in. There's a reason "easy and profitable" is the optimal solution versus "managing all the toddlers such that they like you for convincing them you were right all along for virtually no money instead".

>> No.15338739

122 iq here i have maximized the masturbation feedback loop to twinks and femboys all day. i wasted my potential and leech off of my parents. iq != motivation to solve your problems
t. 28 year old neet

>> No.15338917

I get it, experiencing frustration when dealing with dumb people isn't reserved exclusively for the most intelligent, and it's not difficult to imagine extending it to pretty much the whole population which could appear comparatively retarded from your viewpoint past a certain threshold. The irritability I was talking about didn't really seem like a product of that frustration in all cases unless you can somehow tie it in with, for example, getting unreasonably angry when underperforming in a video game, or being unable to take a joke (I see a couple of potential connections, but don't want to play an armchair psychologist). It got much better over time, so perhaps he was just somewhat emotionally stunted.

>> No.15339058

Ah, sounds more like some abnormalities or asymmetries in neural development. Hence other anon mentioning "twice exceptional" examples a lot. Being very young with a high IQ certainly does not make you immune from various aspects of youth, including varied delays in executive functioning. Who knows. Could be he was mildly autistic too. Point is they're not mutually exclusive.

>> No.15339083

My dad had an IQ of 158. He was a weird dude, and not a scientist. He mostly wrote books, worked a bit as a war correspondent in the balkans war, directed a few crime dramas in hollywood, and taught english literature at oxford for a bit. I think he also spent a bit of time in the military, and i think he traded in vintage cars for a bit. And god knows what else. He also had several families before us, and several affairs while he was with my mom. I don't even know how many half sibling i have, but the count is up to 5. We only found out about #5 at his funeral. Some french girl...
Anyway, i have no idea if other people with high IQs are like that, and i don't know my IQ, i don't want to do a test. I don't really know why.

>> No.15339142

I am beginning to wonder if it is possible to have a IQ > 130 without ASD.

>> No.15339210

>what are they like?
Porcelain skin with sharp crystal clear blue eyes and golden blonde hair.

>> No.15339283

That's the thing, though, you're not going to notice when nothing is wrong. Granted, as already often noted, beyond a certain estimate the error margin kind of makes the number or standard deviation meaningless.
In my case I just live a fairly quiet life. I'd be more interested in publishing in journals but people tend to greatly underestimate the level of work involved. Plus most of my "really good" ideas I end up finding out are 200, 100, or 10, years old. Whether in maths or other things.

The level of difficulty for additional discovery and meaningful progress keeps increasing. It's far less "strong man of history" geniuses and far more "pure probabilities of right place right time". You never know if you'll just happen to connect enough of the right dots or not, and being over 145-160 in IQ is hardly as rare as unicorns. Very rare, yes, but for 160 only 1 in ~30,000 rare. A lot of minds on my level or greater exist, so any new earth-shattering reformation of perspective is HARDLY going to be determined purely by "just apply your genius". You need a lot of luck to just end up being in the right place at the right time.

>> No.15340284

>The level of difficulty for additional discovery and meaningful progress keeps increasing.
Yes, the low hangng fruits have all been picked and we are deep in stagnation. I think the only way to erect a ladder to reach further, is to identify IQ outliers early on, and let them develop at their own best speed. Realistically that won't happen until WWIII.

>> No.15340289

Just set up a billion ladders now. One of them is bound to stick, or if we pour poison down the ear of a particularly powerful Ai we can bypass most steps without the effort.

>> No.15340820


Also, I don't really care about this thread anymore so I'll give you guys the full scoop. Yes, it's 175. Yes, I am violently fucking autistic. There's a reason I didn't talk about how well I do in the real world, I can do numbers and sciences but the rest of living with people is shit.

It's not so much that I'm just ungodly good at math, math is undoubtedly my worst subject (Don't fucking talk to me about highschool algebra), just that when I was an easy to target kid my brain would cut through the problem solving like a hot knife through butter. Since I've grown, obviously, I'm not just a mega genius about everything, nor did I claim to be.

Honestly, the fact that all of you jumped on a confessional post to call me a midwit? Kinda midwit behavior. A smart person doesn't find enjoyment in calling others stupid, because it's just a fact, not entertainment.

>> No.15341035

Sucks about the math. That's usually the most useful part. Might help to view it more top-down instead of as a calculator, as you'll be able to conceptualize the reasoning without the number crunching. Best to leave the latter to the computer.
Similarly, best to ignore the trolls. Not sure how able you are to piece together theories of mind but that'd help a lot however you can manage it, as the more broadly scaled the interactions you can contemplate the better off you'll be on that score. Unless you're just fucking with them on purpose. Either way beware local optimums in reasoning. They can run you right off a cliff especially with reasoning about social behaviors. Not sure if that helps you any, but if you're genuine about the autism it very well may.

In any event you can definitely work around dyscalculia. Mentioning such things in case you are very unlucky, and received no assistance or just haven't happened upon such concepts yet. One never knows.