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File: 390 KB, 1260x660, NSF report.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15327537 No.15327537 [Reply] [Original]

You got it by shutting blacks out of academia, stifling competition to your advantage rather than by earning your degree through intellectual merit.
>Black or African American individuals make up 12% of the U.S. population but earn only 6.6% of science and engineering doctoral degrees.

>> No.15327640

The report isn't making any recommendations about what to do though from what I could see, it's just presenting numbers

>> No.15327687

maybe you can't read between the lines because you're so dumb that the only way you can qualify for academia is by shutting out more intelligent blacks

>> No.15327688
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>> No.15327800

They're not making any statements though. If you read the report they're required by law to periodically produce diversity statistics. There's nothing between the lines to read, you're just making assumptions because you're a racist idiot, that's the only thing happening here

>> No.15327821

>Political appointees at The National Science Foundation say you didn't earn your degree
thats a more complete title

>> No.15328429

Of course that means that the political appointees at The National Science Foundation who say you didn't earn your degree also didn't earn their degrees

>> No.15329761

the national science foundation is a joke of an organization, somewhere between toxic and worthless

>> No.15329793
File: 141 KB, 394x469, 1664076556952701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Persons with Disabilities
I have PTSD from getting molested, so I count disabled. Suck on that!

>> No.15329885

How do people in 4chan stumble into this anger-producing articles, webpages, adverts?

I used to stumble into these stupid news back them until I block them all of.

>> No.15329893

In academia you're essentially forced to receive mail from these retards.

>> No.15330133

>Black or African American individuals make up 12% of the U.S. population but earn only 6.6% of science and engineering doctoral degrees.
what about racial crime stats tho

>> No.15330138

But they likely didn't actually earn their degrees and instead got them through bribes and nepotism.

>> No.15330149


keeping statistics about certain preferred groups is making the assumption that they should be represented at the same level as population and that this information will be used for biased promotion of these groups.

>> No.15330207 [DELETED] 
File: 513 KB, 2048x2048, Fs4ql6VWYB8WJOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15330508

what about when the preferred group is massively over-represented as in the case of the jews, is NSF going to complain about that?
no? why not?
is the white genocide agenda the reason why not?

>> No.15331615

They spend $10 billion a year and then blame everyone else for negros being underrepresented.
Who are they giving the $10 billion to?
Protip: it isn't negroes

>> No.15333274

they're forced into a life of crime because they're underrepresented in the sciences

>> No.15335560
File: 678 KB, 677x678, the scientist's reaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15335695

>you didn't build that
>you didn't earn that
yeah, i think we've heard this cancel culture bs rhetoric before

>> No.15335703

Blacks can build their own universities. Problem solved.

>> No.15335722

Blacks are the worst minority. Any social medicine to fix social illness you can prescribe to the other groups you have to do 10X for blacks. Really social engineering on nightmare mode.
Worst part is they actually bully and punish their own internal smart and hardworking sub-minority, the Clarence Thomases out there are ostracized for being oreos, wasting their parents time, acting like a fool. I blame the jews.

>> No.15335723

women used to be forced into an arduous life of raising children and not needing to work for the same reason. now that they're overrepresented, they're completely satisfied with life, you never hear complaints about how everything is unfair from them anymore.

>> No.15336033

Do I detect a note of sarcasm in that reply?
Please help me out, I'm autistic asf

>> No.15336863

>Black or African American individuals make up 12% of the U.S. population but earn only 6.6% of science and engineering doctoral degrees.
too busy committing 62% of the crimes to study STEM

>> No.15337324

nothing is stopping them or anyone else from pursuing education except their own decisions and actions