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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15326013 No.15326013 [Reply] [Original]

I remember boomers kept hyping up stem cells as a miracle cure for everything, now I see jack shit from the news and medical professionals. Why did so many hype it up if it resulted nothing?

>> No.15326055

Hopefully AI goes the same way. Ends up being just a fancy library book sorter.

>> No.15326098

They are being used all over the place, but they are really expensive. Also, research on them in the US is highly restricted.

>> No.15326111

They're using stem cells to make senolytic medicines to reverse ageing and other regenerative therapies, they should be entering clinical trials soon
>There will not be just one medicine; there will be a lot of different medicines, and they will all have different mechanisms of action. For example, some of them will be stem cells, where we put cells back into the body in order to replace cells that the body is not replacing on its own
But I've heard about them being used already in human patients for other ailments. There's a bit of a list here but I'm not sure how up to date it is

>> No.15326114

>Aubrey de Grey
Don't listen to this idiot.

>> No.15326120

The alleged promise of stem cells was an excuse to legalize abortion. Now that politicians don't need to use it as a weapon against morality and society it's gone back to the realm of sci-fi where it always belonged.

>> No.15326133

/sci/ is /pol/

>> No.15326160

sci-fi bred mid-wits and bible thumpers demanded research to be shut down and government busybodies obliged
same thing happened with genetic engineering and nuclear power
we're seeing the same thing unfold with neural networks

>> No.15326205

>The alleged promise of stem cells was an excuse to legalize abortion.
Good. Abortion should be mandatory for all births that occur outside of wedlock.

>> No.15326226

>the news and medical professionals
Yeah, stem cells are racist and transphobic. Get your 5th booster or you're killing grandma

>> No.15326398

>I get all my reality spoonfed to me through the news
>I don't actively seek out anything
>If a sophomore journal editor who never took bio 101 didn't translate a complex problem wrongly into a pop-sci title, it's no longer relevant or important
>yes, I trust what the clickbait headline says and argue the "science" as wrongly presented in the sophomore's article as gospel from the scientists themselves
>what's pubmed?
>Why don't scientists aka pop sci journal clickbait articles spoonfeed me news through my doomscrolling in which I choose nothing of what I see and let the algorithm choose what to expose me to so I base my worldview on what I see?

>> No.15326408

You haven't observed carefully
Science is always hyped up by PIs to generate more funding. When shit doesn't work, these topics vanish. Stem cells, micro RNA, String theory etc. But sometimes people still try to milk from old topics eg fusion

>> No.15326429

>waaaaah people are afraid of technologies with catastrophic tail risks we can't easily calculate waaaaaaah

>> No.15326434

Crypt cells are based fr fr

>> No.15326469

why is he an idiot ?

>> No.15326485

Literally used all over medicine and science. They're just part of the routine tools now, like PCR, western blots, sequencing, etc etc
Friend had a work accident and fingertip got cut off, they used stem cell powder stuff to heal it. Working on a rare peripheral neuropathy, we regularly take patient fibroblasts and reprogram them into neurons to investigate cell-based treatment. Tons of stem cell therapies.
It's just common shit now. Same as CRISPR. It just made life super easy and things like gene deletion in cell lines something that could be done by a grad student easily without a huge PITA or sending it off for $$$ to be done elsewhere. Tons of CRISPR shit has been developed and is regularly used.
Every technology that's worth a damn gets its wave of discoveries, and gets integrated into the tools/treatments, development slows but continues, next big thing comes around.

>> No.15326599

>Friend had a work accident and fingertip got cut off, they used stem cell powder stuff to heal it. Working on a rare peripheral neuropathy, we regularly take patient fibroblasts and reprogram them into neurons to investigate cell-based treatment. Tons of stem cell therapies.
Which country is this? Because this is for sure not in the US, only FDA approved Stem Cell treatment I can think of is for Leukemia

>> No.15326696

>fingertip got cut off, they used stem cell powder stuff to heal it
Where can I get some stem cell powder to grow the foreskin that was taken from me when I was a few days old?

>> No.15326724

too late for that, you genitally mutilated freak of nature. be born in a first world country next time.

>> No.15326880

I remember 20 years ago when the Human Genome Project was completed. Newsweek, Time, all the news shows, etc. said it was going to change the whole world. A new era had begun. Cancer would be cured, aging would stop, genetic defects would be a thing of the past. There was an incredible amount of hype, and I noticed no change in our world. Same thing happened with stem cells, and mRNA vaccines and medicines. Hyped beyond all proportion to what they deliver.

>> No.15326914

Based hot take

>> No.15327271

Cancer and AIDS are severely curtailed by medicine if you have enough money, anon
Anything more is just wishful thinking, nature wants you in the ground feeding worms by 100 yo whether you want it or not

>> No.15327283

Why do you hate AI? So far it's been nice to me. What did it do to you?

>> No.15327698

>I noticed no change
What's the problem stupid, can't keep up?

>> No.15327736

t. midwit

>> No.15327857

>Anything more is just wishful thinking, nature wants you in the ground feeding worms by 100 yo whether you want it or not
Very optimistic when my body is falling apart at age 30 lol.

>> No.15328701

Yeah, I can't keep up with all these AMAZING stem cell achievements where we don't have a clinic that isn't a scam.

>> No.15329513

That's on you or your genetics

>> No.15329924

In this instance it is

>> No.15329937

Because they've been perfected in secret so now they want to hush it down before the non-elites find out that immortality is now possible.

>> No.15329983

It's clear you can't keep up with much. Just go get another pack of OxyContin from your local pill-pusher and leave the regenerative medicine to the people who matter.

>> No.15330031

soientists will lie about anything as a means of justifying getting more government gibes money to waste, they're like a bunch of tyrones & shaniquas, but over 9000% more expensive per head because of their pompous need to lead an expensive, showoffy lifestyle

>> No.15330049

turns out they have a bunch of niche usages for medical practice but are prohibitively expensive for general purpose and infeasible for anti aging or massive wound healing

>> No.15330125

this, anyone remember the big fullerenes craze in the 90s? went nowhere, totally useless.

>> No.15330154

Fr fr?

>> No.15330497

the lied to get funding gibes, soientists will lie about anything to get free money research gibes to support their lavish leisurely lifestyles

>> No.15332539 [DELETED] 
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That was around the time they were all screeching about the Y2K problem too. Both ended up as total nothingburgrers

>> No.15334257

>Anything more is just wishful thinking, nature wants you in the ground feeding worms by 100 yo whether you want it or not
How do you know some arbitrary age you've selected is the limit? They've extended the lifespan of many organisms considerably, you can see the recent data here

>> No.15334258

socialism and gov funding creates shitload of frauds and fraud-schemes

>> No.15334765

Can't wait for 1000 years where they can only extend human life by one year.

>> No.15335575

a very large proportion of those schemes are run by relatives of people in government. nancy pelosi's kid ran off with $2 billion on a failed solar project, mitt romney's kid got $300 million the same way.

>> No.15335578

There is a really cheap and easy way to get them... those with souls consider it unethical.

>> No.15335587

What if we stop being Human and start being something else?

>> No.15335960
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life expectancy is currently on the decline, all thanks to our diverse scientists. their white genocide agenda is proceeding as planned. this decline is only happening in countries with significant remaining white populations

>> No.15335966

pluropotent stem cells can only really be harvested from embryos, so research into them is seriously hampered by the legal status and demographics of babortion

>> No.15336887

thats not true, its just an argument that was invented to push a feminist political agenda.
you choose to believe in it because it tickles your confirmation bias, you find it emotionally appealing because you're a feminist

>> No.15336892

No, it's literally the only place those particular, undifferentiated cells exist. There are other reasons why stem cell research has stalled, but the source is one of the major ones in the US.

>> No.15336999
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life expectancy is going to rise a lot in the next few decades. Why wouldn't it with all the medical advancements. And a lot of people are living a lot longer

>> No.15337006

pluripotent stem cells can also be genetically generated from other adult cells. They're called induced pluripotent stem cells. You can take a skin cell and reprogram it to become a neuron for example

>> No.15337009

That is a workaround that has come about after almost 20 years of research because the preferred source has moral and contamination problems.

>> No.15337384

That was the change I noticed. "Safe and effective" Oxycontin killing off whole communities. "Safe and effective" mRNA vaccines forced on us. I didn't really notice any changes to healthcare from the Human Genome Project or stem cells. Kinda like the Segway. Massive hype, then fizzle.

>> No.15338556

Centenarians all lived the majority of their lives pre-1973, they escaped many detrimental modern horrors that you did not. Life expectancy is currently on the decline

>> No.15340195
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>Why did so many hype it up if it resulted nothing?
to get them research money gibes