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15316917 No.15316917 [Reply] [Original]

I don't know how to practice coding. Whenever I encounter a coding problem, I copy and paste the question on Google and then copy and paste the solution, but I'm not learning anything. When I try not copy and pasting and try to solve the problem from scratch, I have absolutely no idea where to start let alone solve it. I am so frustrated in this shit, I really want to learn but have no idea how to.

>> No.15316926

dumb frogposter

>> No.15316955 [DELETED] 

have you tried talking about yourself on social media?

>> No.15316994

Your IDE or other programming environment (terminal) should be giving you error messages. Why don’t you start there? Instead of looking up specific solutions, use Google to find out what those error messages indicate. If you have an issue with a particular function from a library, look up what that function is meant to do and adjust accordingly.

>> No.15317035

The retarded industry is already in too many layers of poo filled Java abstractions that it doesnt matter.
These constructs are not formally sound.
Any Bugman or Poo that claims to have mastered them is akin to a GPT bot that learned to write without understanding

>> No.15317037

- don't look up the question instead look up the error caused by your own code, learn about the error and the fix to such error from google. write the program again with corrections
- if you can't find the output after 5 corrections then look up the answer on google and paste it on your IDE
- take every single line and manually comment the significance of that specific line in the program, the functions used and any other relevant info
- do it religiously for atleast 10-15 questions and you will get the hang of it eventually, also append your queries on google with "stack exchange" or "reddit"
- >>>/g/

>> No.15317050

Solving the actual problem without implementing it in code comes from your inherent intelligence. Since you are low IQ and there’s nothing you can do about it, you should accept your place as a code monkey memory nigger and leave the real programming for others.

>> No.15317062

Have you tried porting a list of coding questions to a word document and then solving all the problems before looking for answers online.

>> No.15317070

Clearly the issue is that OP doesn’t even know how to solve problems, so he just gives up and looks up solutions. Before he gets back to trying to solve problems, he needs to understand how to do that.

Or maybe it’s best for him to practice more. The most important thing is that he stops looking up answers.

>> No.15317077

Maybe he should read and work through basic mathematics by Lang and a text on C++ or Python?

>> No.15317080

This is how i started with programming when i graduated high school.

>> No.15317094

>I am so frustrated in this shit, I really want to learn but have no idea how to.
So you make a post and then dip out? Stay dumb, retard. If you actually reply to your own thread, I'll tell you a great place to start

>> No.15317138

Don't learn to code, learn to program. Learn how to make a flowchart, a graph of a computer program's logic. You can make them with Excel. Take some of the coding problems you've already cheated on, and figure out how to flowchart their logic. Then try tackling a new problem, flowchart it first, and only then try to code it.

>> No.15317244

Nice. (Am not OP)

>> No.15317256

But can't I just find a script of a flowchart and copy and paste the code? Why should I create my own flowchart when I can just copy another person's flowchart?

>> No.15317265

>But can't I just find a script of a flowchart and copy and paste the code?
Yeah, but you won't understand why it works efficiently or anything, you won't be able to effectively improve on it or modify it for something slightly different.

>> No.15317268

Sorry I went to get a burger from outside but I have no idea where or how to practice. All those shitty websites require a login and I don't want my email suffer from a data breach again. I learn by doing but how am I suppose to solve problems if I have no idea how to do them?

>> No.15317273

But when I'm not allowed to copy and paste on a programming exam and have to create something from scratch that's where I don't know what to do. I could easily find the solution to the problem on Google but we can't do that in an exam, and then I look on YouTube how to modify it my own way.

>> No.15317278
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>cheat every day
>doesnt know material
>"Where did I go wrong?"
>"How do I stop?"
Rehab...your career is fucked...

Mentally keep the door open for manual labor, youre on a downward spiral.

>> No.15317340

Start simple
Take a text file and try to do shit with it like find every instance of a letter and count them
Find a word in the text file
Count the number of words in the file
You print out the results
Print out every other word, every fifth word
Print out the file in reverse
Start with simple parsing shit like this

Look up the library in the API that the language uses to do this

The basic workflow is pretty much decide what the problem is, use the built in libraries to solve them

You can move onto database, ui, graphics and all that later but start extremely simple

You’re going to just find a ton of build a website type tutorials now I bet… you have to start small and build up

Once you understand the basics you realize everything is separated into layers, or should be

Learn OOP shit later, learn functional shit later
Easy only or you will get quickly discouraged

>> No.15317461

So stop doing it. How do you think others learn/manage to program?

>> No.15317970
File: 105 KB, 589x966, Flowchart (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old ways were better, simple as. I learned programming from an old-school COBOL programmer who taught structured programming as the received Word of God Almighty. Had me mapping that shit out with stencils and graph paper before my fingers even touched a keyboard.
>can't I just find a script of a flowchart and copy and paste the code?
Pic related is a flowchart, do it bro.

>> No.15317984

>bros I cannot learn how to build a house!
>every time I try I just end up piling a bunch of bricks on top of the other and the all fall down