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File: 303 KB, 611x622, Gorgosaurus_death_pose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15311973 No.15311973 [Reply] [Original]

Non-avian dinosaur and bird fossils are frequently found in a characteristic posture consisting of head thrown back, tail extended, and mouth wide open. The cause of this posture—often called a "death pose"—has been a matter of scientific debate.

A study conducted by Alicia Cutler, Brooks B. Britt, and colleagues from Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah, suggests that the pose is a result of submersion in water after death.[4] Seconds after placing chicken carcasses in water, the bodies assumed the "death pose." The reduction of friction to allow ligaments and tendons to contract to their typical positions causes dorsoflexion of the head and tail of the animal. They also found that the chickens' claws contracted, likely due to the same cause (reduction of friction in water allows ligaments to return to their original positions, and death releases muscle tension that would have held the neck and claws in different positions in life). The experiment was replicated with an emu, which produced the same results. When the intervertebral ligaments of the chickens' necks were cut, they did not assume the death pose.

>> No.15311984
File: 296 KB, 956x1092, Ornithomimus_edmontonicus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marine fossils are found well above sea level all over the world, including the peaks of mountains.

This is because a global flood once covered the Earth


>> No.15311988
File: 455 KB, 1741x1094, 2023-03-30-004043_1741x1094_scrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soft tissue and blood cells are found in dinosaur bones

No, it's not fake

Evolutionists wanted to claim it's fake but now have shifted their stance to "soft tissue can just be preserved 60 million years" (it can't)


>> No.15311993
File: 913 KB, 1920x1503, Camarasaurus_lentus_Carnegie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Carbon-14 is found in diamonds, fossils, and coal, despite carbon-14 being able to last at most a few hundred thousands years

No, it's not contamination


>> No.15311994
File: 362 KB, 1009x1536, Caudipteryx-1009x1536-2429510434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only evidence for old Earth dates comes from radiometric dating, which is based on false assumptions

Rocks of known age give drastically wrong dates


>> No.15311998
File: 391 KB, 1200x804, rock bend fig-21-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is layers of rocks supposedly laid down separately over millions of years that are bent

If this was true they couldn't bend, they would crack.

These layers were formed rapidly during the global flood.

PhD geologist and young-earth creationist:


>> No.15312011
File: 700 KB, 963x578, Coelacanth_off_Pumula_on_the_KwaZulu-Natal_South_Coast,_South_Africa,_on_22_November_2019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coelacanths were thought to have become extinct in the Late Cretaceous, around 66 million years ago, but were discovered living off the coast of South Africa in 1938.

Guess science was wrong on that one huh?

>> No.15312015
File: 2.41 MB, 2472x2128, Figure-1-Hi-Res-Stegosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a stegosaur carving from a temple in cambodia ~900 years ago

It is next to other average animals like goats

There is countless depictions of people in the not-too-distant past living with dinosaurs


>> No.15312090

Thanks for the info on death pose
Everything else here is garbage info

>> No.15312140

Not gonna comment on the flood, but this body strongly suggests they must have walked upright after all.

>> No.15312239

>This is because a global flood once covered the Earth
No, retard, it's because tectonics pushed land that was once underwater upwards.

>> No.15312242

No it's because the specific God that my parents made me worship created the Earth 5000 years ago and then flooded it to kill all the giants, unicorns and homosexuals. The bible is immutable fact as written in the original American language and literally impossible to disprove (this makes it better than science which is falsifiable by definition)

>> No.15312278


It's a result of buyancy and dying in water. Which is where the overwhelming majority of our fossils originate from, though not absolutely all of them. So no upright walking needed either. Obviously the disparate time table, differences in sedimentation, and "literally everything the fuck else" precludes a global flood. Not even worth bothering on that.

>> No.15312309

Why are there no dinasaurs in the bible then?

>> No.15312312

And also human and mammoth fossils with the same characteristics?

>> No.15312319

There are mammoths flash-frozen in ice with the food in their stomachs still fresh.

>> No.15312331

I'm not talking about the posture as it appears in tje fosil. It seems completely impossible that something with this body geometry could walk horizontally without falling on its face.

>> No.15312333

Yes, but where are the fossils? If they lived around the same time as the dinasaurs there should be the same type of fossils, right?
Fully turner into stone and stuff

>> No.15312341

>Yes, but where are the fossils?
What do you mean "where are the fossils?" Have you never seen a mammoth fossil before? They're very common.

>> No.15312369

Oh that. Sorry that's just kind of out of left field. Don't know about that. Just happened to know that factoid regarding opisthotonic posture.

>> No.15312395

Fascinating documentary.

>> No.15312420

But are they indistinguishable from dinasaur fossils in terms of their physical and chemical properties?

>> No.15312422

Are you asking this question genuinely?

>> No.15312435
File: 5 KB, 250x174, 4chan frog cringe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you think you were going to somehow trick people with a normal informative OP followed by your gay christcuck nonsense?

>> No.15312493

Yes, I'm ignorant on the subject

>> No.15312496

Then for as much as it concerns a layman, yes. There are mammoth fossils in the sense you understand the existence of dinosaur fossils.

>> No.15312516

I'm not a layman, just not an archaeologist. I have biological background
Well why then there are both mammoth fossils and mammoth bones and even flash frozen mammoths, but no such thing for dinasaurs? You would expect at least some small bone to not fossilize if they went extinct not long ago

You see where I'm going with this, right?
Or are you the adherent of the Curvier theory of mass cataclysms?

>> No.15312543

>But are they indistinguishable from dinasaur fossils in terms of their physical and chemical properties?
NTA. If you truly do have a biological background you should know the importance of having an overview to contextualize particulars, as well as understand them and their relation to the whole picture.
With respect to fossilization processes the ones you would see from dinosaurs prior to the Cretaceous-Paleogene extinction event, and I assume you primarily mean the non-avian dinosaurs. You're of course not going to find something like a mammoth fossilized exactly as something 66 million years old or older. Naturally the younger your examples get within standard windows, so we're not talking about exceptional cases here, you see degrees and gradients of those processes.

So to answer your question in a way that makes sense, yes fossils are fossils and how old they are determines the matter of the degree of the various processes of course. So yes, yes they are. "Fossil" is not synonymous with "permineralized" keep that in mind, in case there was confusion on that.
>Well why then there are both mammoth fossils and mammoth bones and even flash frozen mammoths, but no such thing for dinasaurs?
Because Earth tends to get very hot as well as very cold, and to have any such kind would have required sudden rapid freezing that stuck until modern day. Plus all kinds of implausible luck and happenstance to somehow preserve such a specimen over hundreds millions of years or even ten million years.
As you'll note, the cretaceous was an interglacial period and had no glaciers to speak of.

So for anything of the kind to occur would first require extremely cold weather adapted species, sudden freezing and stable burial of some kind, and never thawing out thereafter or otherwise being disturbed or subsumed by any other process.

>> No.15312578

Why are there flash-frozen mammoths at all? Their diet indicates they were eating temperate meadow flowers when they died, and yet they were struck with a sudden cold snap so severe that it created the permafrost layer they were buried in which lasts until this very day. It's a mystery for the ages.

>> No.15312579 [DELETED] 

low iq & gullible
>Estimated IQ: 107
and in the iq range of ppl who can't tell the difference between fiction and nonfiction

>> No.15312599

>Why are there flash-frozen mammoths at all? Their diet indicates they were eating temperate meadow flowers when they died, and yet they were struck with a sudden cold snap so severe that it created the permafrost layer they were buried in which lasts until this very day. It's a mystery for the ages.
NTA. I'm unfamiliar with this one. I swear I've seen some myth like it parroted around before in the days of yore but I can't for the life of me remember.
Which mammoth specimen are you even referring to?

>> No.15312622

T. Low iq christian redneck who doesn't understand evolutionary biology

>> No.15312943

How did the fossils get there in that position explicitly? Fossilization takes place in only very specific conditions. One requires that the animals were submerged in water, mud, tar, etc in a specific way such that they don't decay. At the same time, these were all land animals who are found in places that were never believed to be submerged in water according to the timeline proposed in geology. Rather those places were above water for the vast majority of time.

>> No.15312964

>At the same time, these were all land animals who are found in places that were never believed to be submerged in water according to the timeline proposed in geology. Rather those places were above water for the vast majority of time.
Name one single example rather than vague generalities and asspull claims.

>> No.15312974

Basic logic implies that your statement is so far form being an argument that it doesn't mean anything. If a theory requires a minimum geological timeline and that timeline can be called into question, then there is a challenge to the validity of the theory regardless of whatever mechanistic processes are claimed to be part of the theory's proposed processes. You do not even have to understand any mechanistic processes to question a theory. You can question it on premises alone. If premises are found faulty, then that is sufficient reason for anyone to reject the conclusions of a theory. And yes, all of these geological, evolutionary, and cosmological theories have assumptions. Some like to pretend these assumptions do exist, but they are there for anyone who is not gullible enough to fall of for the blatantly false claim that "science does not rely on assumptions."

>> No.15312980

Most of the land that composes North America where many of those fossils are found for example was above sea level.

>> No.15312987

>Most of the land that composes North America where many of those fossils are found for example was above sea level.
NOW. They are above sea level NOW. Always the same lies with you people.

>> No.15313020
File: 176 KB, 2560x701, Longest_dinosaurs2.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behemoth is explicitly a sauropod, no other animal living or extinct matches the description, they had hollow neck bones like "tubes" btw.

“Behold, Behemoth, which I made as well as you;
He eats grass like an ox.
Behold, his strength in his waist,
And his power in the muscles of his belly.
He hangs his tail like a cedar;
The tendons of his thighs are knit together.
His bones are tubes of bronze;
His limbs are like bars of iron.
“He is the first of the ways of God;
Let his Maker bring His sword near.
Indeed the mountains bring him food,
And all the animals of the field play there.
He lies down under the lotus plants,
In the hiding place of the reeds and the marsh.
The lotus plants cover him with shade;
The willows of the brook surround him.
If a river rages, he is not alarmed;
He is confident, though the Jordan rushes to his mouth.
Can anyone capture him when he is on watch,
Can anyone pierce his nose with barbs?

>> No.15313033
File: 492 KB, 800x1375, Sinosauropteryx_GMV_2124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15313052

Mmm, credible.

>> No.15313058

>Behemoth is explicitly a sauropod
No, actually, it's a hippo. If you don't use a shit translation that deliberately twists the description or mistranslates the words via ignorance of local fauna the description matches a hippo.
Also the etymology is probably derivative or shared with egyptian or similar meaning hippo.

>> No.15313064

Fun fact: "hippopotamus" is Greek for "water horse."

The Greeks were kind of shit at naming things.

>> No.15313073

Hippos and elephants have tiny tails

Certainly not tails like a cedar tree

>> No.15313077

Well a lot of cultures kind of went with things like that, and most of the names for things were in some form descriptive compound words that became nonsense and so became words we use now. Egyptian for example meant water-ox.

Meanwhile now "Behemoth" means nothing to us except as a string of letters with a given definition.

>> No.15313095

>Certainly not tails like a cedar tree
"Moves like" is not "big as". Do you really just ignore everything but what fits your narrative?

>> No.15313096

Well, hangs like a cedar I meant. Same thing if you consider hanging a kind of movement but in any case you know what I meant.

>> No.15313106

>Do you really just ignore everything but what fits your narrative?

Highly ironic considering you're ignoring that every translation says it has a tail like a cedar tree

This rules out hippos and elephants, you can just drop that idea.

>> No.15313110

>Highly ironic considering you're ignoring that every translation says it has a tail like a cedar tree
No, I am not. I went with your translation. The hebrew, sofar as I can figure, doesn't say anything about hanging or movement.

But that means you've a whole new problem: In WHAT WAY is it like a cedar tree? You shot yourself in the foot and frankly I was just about to mention the hebrew thing if you kept harping on that stupidity.
>This rules out hippos and elephants, you can just drop that idea.
Nope. Doesn't specify in what way it is. The etymology is either from or in common with hippos.

Plus that whole little problem where non-avian dinosaurs died out ~66 million years ago?

>> No.15313124

>This rules out hippos and elephants, you can just drop that idea.
I'm also just fed up with the stupidity of ignoring half the description. Let's just re-quote your own scripture shall we?
He lies down under the lotus plants,
In the hiding place of the reeds and the marsh.
The lotus plants cover him with shade;
The willows of the brook surround him.
If a river rages, he is not alarmed;
He is confident, though the Jordan rushes to his mouth.
Can anyone capture him when he is on watch,
Can anyone pierce his nose with barbs?
Gee that totally doesn't sound like a hippo at all I guess-- no wait that is literally a fucking hippo numbnuts. What the fuck else do you think lives in rivers among reeds and marshes.

By the way, exactly what fucking lotus plants could hide a sauropod? What reeds? In what universe?
>Highly ironic
That you ignore half your own bible's description just to peddle a lie.

>> No.15313144

>By the way, exactly what fucking lotus plants could hide a sauropod? What reeds? In what universe?
A sauropod sitting in a large river, mostly submerged.

The Jordan is something like 15% as big as it once was btw

Not all saurpods were that massive either.

>> No.15313150

>A sauropod sitting in a large river, mostly submerged.
Reeds grow in shallow water, numbnuts.
>Not all saurpods were that massive either.
You know what makes a lot more sense than claiming it was describing a baby sauropod? A hippo.

>> No.15313158

>Reeds grow in shallow water, numbnuts.

Are you just pretending to be dumb?

>In the hiding place of the reeds and the marsh.

This means directly right under the reeds? You're clearly too dumb to read the bible even as a skeptic.

It can't be a hippo, elephant, giraffe, or rhino because they all have small tails and behemoth has a tail like a cedar tree. Why are you so upset? You can just drop that idea.

>> No.15313188

>Are you just pretending to be dumb?
>This means directly right under the reeds? You're clearly too dumb to read the bible even as a skeptic.
Are you a bot or something? A hippo can hide in marshes among reeds because it's small enough to be obscured by them. A sauropod sure as fuck could not.

>> No.15313212

>No, it's not contamination
The signals are below threshold of measurement uncertainty. It's practically impossible for a measurement to come out to exactly zero.

>> No.15313215

>they couldn't bend, they would crack
says who?

>> No.15313222

>Guess science was wrong on that one huh?
Not anymore, because its conclusions can change with new information. How's the bible's creation myth holding up?

>> No.15313223

In Russian behemoth (бeгeмoт) is the word hippo, anon

>> No.15313249
File: 75 KB, 1007x768, SeaHorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English would never do such a thing.

>> No.15313258

But why would a land animal like the one in the pic somehow get to a plate deep underwater?

>> No.15313277

NTA. These animals most likely died in marshy environments and sank into mud where there would be very little oxygen.

>> No.15313378

>But why would a land animal like the one in the pic somehow get to a plate deep underwater?
What got where underwater? What? See >>15313277 the vast majority of fossil finds are marine animals, probably over 99%, and of land animals they're overwhelmingly fragmentary with exceptionally few extremely lucky (unlucky for the animal) cases of very rapid preservation. Such as with sudden mud slides or floods managing to bury animals in mud and the like as examples.

>> No.15313667

This is based OP. We should have honest discussions about interesting things like this or the things Discovery Institute writes about. They are progressive creationists I think.

>> No.15313682

People will never address this point (because they can't). The inability to date objects of known age is the bane of all scientists, from climate science to paleontology.

>> No.15313754

or a crocodile

>> No.15315489
File: 81 KB, 226x274, bdc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most "fossils" in displayed in museums are openly plaster sculptures
>they have been making fake "fossils" in china for decade as commodities
>"fossils" appeared exactly when the theories they are integral to were fabricated
>mfw dinosaurs

>> No.15315498

>rocks bending slowly would cause them to crack unlike bending them quickly
youre an english major at best who just wants to troll /sci/ with religion v science posting to stroke your ego thinking you got one over the mods and the plebs

shut the fuck up faggot

>> No.15315600

What kind of fucked up Crocs have you been looking at?

>> No.15316617

>They are progressive creationists I think.
Nvm the Discovery Institute doesn't have a fixed view on how creation happened but they all believe in intelligent design.

>> No.15316676

this is a discord tranny thread, but creationists, isn't it?
you're all a bunch of 13-17 year old discord users who think you're based and redpilled, lmao.

>> No.15316692

>Nvm the Discovery Institute doesn't have a fixed view on how creation happened but they all believe in intelligent design.
That institution is the embodiment of motte-and-bailey rhetoric.

>> No.15317083

The so-called Great flood story predates Christianity, and exists in cultures and religions across the globe. That doesn't mean it's true, for example the reason that all these stories supposedly happened about the same time could just be a particularly rainy period where a lot of different, smaller floods happened in a number of places.

In the future, keep your snark and sarcasm for topics you actually know about, if any. Or, if you just want to rebel against your parents by complaining about Christianity, I recommend /r/atheism

I'm not even Christian, but smug midwits who post generic bullshit in search of social approval, like yourself, are insufferable.

>> No.15317118

>anything that died in water must have died in the flood. Forget the fact rivers provide good preservation conditions and are frequented by large animals
>but were discovered living off the coast of South Africa in 1938.
The coelacanth species alive today only popped up relatively recently, they did not exist 66 million years ago
>If this was true they couldn't bend, they would crack.
That’s exactly why they can bend. What makes you think they could bend rapidly but not slowly?
>animal with large ears, small sloped tail, short neck and massive head is a stegosaurus
>stegosaurus had no ears, a large erect tail, a long neck and a tiny head
>also stegosaurus didn’t live in Asia
That carving is of a likely of wild boar or rhino, all the other animal carvings in the same temple have plants behind them. The plates are leaves

>> No.15317122

Or alternatively different cultures have different flood stories because places in different parts of the world tend to flood occasionally. Kinda like how lots of different cultures have stories about how the stars, sun, moon, etc exist because we can all see the moon, or stories about why earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen

>> No.15317126

>you can find your own fossils relatively easily if you know where to look
I don’t know how to tell you this anon, but a T. rex is not a Jewish conspiracy

>> No.15317128

>behemoth has a tail like a cedar tree
You may want to read up on the translation, because it can also be interpreted as having a penis like a cedar tree. Go look up elephant cocks

>> No.15317756

>Go look up elephant cocks

>> No.15317948
File: 450 KB, 934x1080, Figure-16-Second-Stegosaurus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That carving is of a likely of wild boar or rhino, all the other animal carvings in the same temple have plants behind them. The plates are leaves

There's another carving at the same temple

"The plates are leaves" is debunked


>> No.15317960

>The coelacanth species alive today only popped up relatively recently, they did not exist 66 million years ago

They look exactly the same as the fossils dating to 60 million years ago. They are the same animal.

Horseshoe crabs also look the same as fossils of them dating 400 million years ago, evolutionists cope by saying "they're just perfect so they didn't need to change" even though that same biological force (random mutation) supposedly turned fish into humans in 200 million years.

What we observe is animals lose genetic information time by the way, not gain it.

>What makes you think they could bend rapidly but not slowly?

Go lay down concrete, let it harden, then try to bend it.

>> No.15317968

So this implies they were drowned?

I guess some type of flood may have killed most of them.

>> No.15318286

>They look exactly the same as the fossils dating to 60 million years ago. They are the same animal.
That isn't how that works. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coelacanth#Timeline_of_genera
Notice how the fossil evidence and estimated timeline for divergences continue to show further derivation? It is neither the same animal genetically nor is it truly the same animal morphologically. Rather, it is an example of convergent evolution.
Which you'd know if you were honest. "Living fossil" does not mean "is literally the same species".
>Horseshoe crabs also look the same as fossils of them dating 400 million years ago, evolutionists cope by saying "they're just perfect so they didn't need to change"
Your lying about what scientists say is not anyone coping but you.

>> No.15319453
File: 66 KB, 640x480, taprohm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>plates are leaves are debunked
So every other carving of an animal or person just has leaves except the “stegosaurus” that was living half a world away from where stegosaurus actually lived?
>They look exactly the same as the fossils dating to 60 million years ago. They are the same animal.
>Horseshoe crabs also look the same as fossils of them dating 400 million years ago
No they don’t, at least not to anyone who knows anything about anatomy. Coelacanths from prehistory showed a huge amount of diversity, these ones only appeared in the Pleistocene. You couldn’t tell the difference between two species of modern coelacanths or horseshoe crabs just by looking at them, what makes you think you can identify the extinct ones to species level and that they’re the same as the modern species?
>evolutionists cope by saying "they're just perfect so they didn't need to change" even though that same biological force (random mutation) supposedly turned fish into humans in 200 million years.
Way to show you have no fucking idea what you’re talking about
>Go lay down concrete, let it harden, then try to bend it.
>how can the earth under the foundations of my house have shifted? The ground hasn’t even cracked!

>> No.15319457

>So every other carving of an animal or person just has leaves except the “stegosaurus” that was living half a world away from where stegosaurus actually lived?
Those look nothing alike. You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to pass that off as the same kind of carving.

>> No.15319461
File: 45 KB, 640x360, flood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is because a global flood once covered the Earth
Behold! A worldwide flood!

>> No.15319466

But they’re from the same temple in the exact same style with the exact same leaves behind people and other animals? They are the same type of carving. Regardless even the first one looks nothing like a stegosaurus if you actually know what a stegosaurus looked like, last I checked they don’t have big ears and a fat head

>> No.15319468

>with the exact same leaves
Anon, you showed us a photograph. If you're going to lie you usually pretend not to have evidence instead of showing evidence that proves you're lying.

>> No.15319484

I’m sorry anon, I didn’t realise you’re visually impaired. Do you want me to go break a chunk of rock off the ancient temple so you can touch it?

>> No.15319658

>"The plates are leaves" is debunked

>> No.15319663

>Do you want me to go break a chunk of rock off the ancient temple so you can touch it?
Not him, but yes, I'd love this so long as I get to keep it afterward.

>> No.15319666

>want me to
Saves me the defacement or looting charges.

>> No.15319952

>devil’s trips
You are clearly a false creationist sent here to make god’s children look dumb. While you are certainly dumb, you can’t trick us Satan

>> No.15319957

>If you're going to lie you usually pretend not to have evidence instead of showing evidence that proves you're lying.
what the fuck does this mean? In what way is posting a picture not evidence, you posted pictures of the carvings to back your point up as well retard

>> No.15319982

>A study conducted by Alicia Cutler, Brooks B. Britt, and colleagues from Brigham Young University
stopped reading there
mormonoids are subhuman

>> No.15319988

Most fossils are created by mud so inherently most fossils came from animals that drowned.

>> No.15319991

Because it's a Jewish cope book made up to make themselves feel better about being blown the fuck out by Babylon.

>> No.15320052

Are Babylonians the reptilians?

>> No.15321570
File: 92 KB, 477x610, Cetacea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this kills the creationist

>> No.15321648

How? This is just a chart of different animals.

Different animals have similarities just like an engineer re-uses design concepts

If all cats were extinct today, they'd line up their remains and make the same baseless claim that they evolved into one another.

>> No.15321740

Cat skulls don't vary as much as those fossil proto-whales.
Anyway why talk to you, you're a glownigger sent to ruin /sci/. Tomorrow you'll be posting chitin threads on /pol/

>> No.15321838

How do you expect a fossil to be formed other than in water?

>> No.15322242

>If all cats were extinct today, they'd line up their remains and make the same baseless claim that they evolved into one another.
That’s a very roundabout way to say you don’t understand how anatomy works