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File: 121 KB, 879x483, FAA_Space-traffic-management-e1470229974693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15310444 No.15310444 [Reply] [Original]

Two more weeks edition

previous >>15307484

>> No.15310450
File: 24 KB, 508x508, 13312_PIA08328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

solid OP edition

>> No.15310453
File: 195 KB, 2034x741, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post arguments you've had with filthy Earther scum.

>> No.15310456
File: 359 KB, 1170x1463, 1654666448019434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>new space force patch for a unit that is unannounced
looks like a fucking wagner patch

>> No.15310458
File: 3.18 MB, 2040x2040, space_myr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310459

how do i get asian pussy

>> No.15310461
File: 1.09 MB, 200x270, 1657279030937.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that pfp
did you come here because of krystal?

>> No.15310462

Pic unrelated I guess

>> No.15310465
File: 292 KB, 1024x1034, space_mir_collision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least it used to be before I fucked it all up

>> No.15310469

No, I came here because of space autism. I've put lots of SpaceX references in the dragon erotica I write, though. Including the lines "Of course I still love you" (said by a man to a dragon) and "Just read the instructions." I've also mentioned The Heart of Gold landing on Mars, since it takes place in the future.

>> No.15310471

I bite my thumb at the FAA, sir.

>> No.15310474
File: 3.29 MB, 440x440, buzz_weird.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310475
File: 32 KB, 543x357, Tupolev OOS - Antonov AKS[11].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310476
File: 191 KB, 1152x1536, 1658700519433884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does it glow in the dark too

someone said it was for S36, cant find any info about them though

>> No.15310479
File: 26 KB, 885x463, Tupolev OOS - Antonov AKS[5].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahah What the fuck

>> No.15310480

>glow in the dark

>> No.15310481

oh shit I remember you from ages back.
otherwise: I wouldn't bother trying to convince normies. They always come out with the same canned response.
one time I got the same line when I was trying to talk about ingenuity to a neighbour. you can only disengage from the conversation.

>> No.15310483

>I've put lots of SpaceX references in the dragon erotica I write
Every time I think /sfg/ has decayed away into pointlessness, a post comes along to remind me that it isn't really dead. It's just waiting.

>> No.15310486
File: 49 KB, 652x446, AKS 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310488

what happened here

>> No.15310489

What does the binary translate to

>> No.15310490

what fag ass website is that picture from?

>> No.15310491

they dont know since a finger is covering up one of the numbers. someone said either 1957 or 2021.

>> No.15310496

Oh kek that makes way more sense. I tried translated it as either a space, a 0, or a 1 and got ù, ô, and ü respectively. Numbers make a hell of a lot more sense kek

>> No.15310500
File: 1.82 MB, 3124x3044, Mir_Space_Station_viewed_from_Endeavour_during_STS-89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf Mir was probably super comfy

>> No.15310502

It smelt and was infested with bacterial colonies in the walls.

>> No.15310511

if you read it starting from the head and assume the finger is over a 1, its 10100111111 and translates to:
? (question mark) in ascii/utf-8
§ (section sign) in ASCII
Կ in unicode

if you read it as 11111100101:
� in ascii/utf-8
ü in ASCII
ߥ in unicode

using this https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/binary-to-ascii.html

>> No.15310512

just like home <3

>> No.15310515

to be specific: Mir apparently had a pungent scent of mold and vodka. I'm not even joking.

>> No.15310517
File: 238 KB, 704x432, Screenshot 2023-03-29 at 12-41-42 Next Spaceflight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310519

if its from binary to decimal

11111100101 is 2021
11110100101 is 1957

101001111111 is 2687
101001101111 is 2671

>> No.15310524


>> No.15310541

are you fucking serious?

>> No.15310543


>> No.15310569

reminder that the world's reservoirs hold almost 7000 cubic kilometers of water

>> No.15310585
File: 26 KB, 663x279, 001755.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310590

Wtf I thought this had already been done multiple times already. You’re telling me in the 50 years the US has been fucking around in LEO hyping up “Mars one day we promise!” we haven’t even put an astronaut in space for over a year?

>> No.15310601

needs more engines

>> No.15310615

space force earthers glow in the dark

>> No.15310623

Can someone throw this nigger out the airlock?

>> No.15310629
File: 262 KB, 425x957, 695BB224-CB85-4F09-B717-781CD251D8CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did someone say point to point cargo Starships?


>> No.15310633
File: 62 KB, 1007x698, 001757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


lol 355.2 is pretty close though

>> No.15310640

just like the motherland

>> No.15310644

is there any stream for the russian launch?

>> No.15310651
File: 642 KB, 601x900, darth brandon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US is ruled by the Sith

>> No.15310654

Finally some non coomer OP.
All that AI and you generate coomer shit instead of cool looking spaceships

>> No.15310660
File: 307 KB, 1148x1179, BDE0F08D-5FF5-424F-84AA-4716D1200C48.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lookin pretty good, you fags hyped for Friday?


>> No.15310661

plot twist, its the same OP

>> No.15310663

>I've put lots of SpaceX references in the dragon erotica I write

>> No.15310664
File: 174 KB, 736x847, Shipwreck by David Bergen l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310665

>be rapidly reusable launch system
>sit around on the stand doing nothing for three hours until stacking can begin

>> No.15310669

god what a stupid waste of everyone's time.

>> No.15310670

You are a fat nigger, be happy that they are finally prepping for launch

>> No.15310676
File: 65 KB, 535x686, ADVANCED AUTOMATION FOR SPACE MISSIONS 1980 NASA rick guidis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310677
File: 44 KB, 591x298, 1680115169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


More confirmation, ~Apr 14

>> No.15310679

Are you a tranny or one of those other identities or just a degenerate

>> No.15310680

after some more thinking, it looks like it's for a unit that handles communications for diego garcia. so cool patch but nothing interesting.

>> No.15310681
File: 136 KB, 890x876, spaceplane alignment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310683

you literally drew krystal porn lmao 2809166
next time use an /sfg/ copypasta as background text

>> No.15310688
File: 74 KB, 709x593, VENUS SAMPLE RETURN space art by Ron Miller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310690

>with what i've heard
you didn't hear shit fag journalist.

>> No.15310693


>> No.15310694

True, no source means no truth

>> No.15310696

It’s not likely. The only things they seem to stream consistently are ISS-related launches, and that’s because NASA puts in most of the work. This one’s putting up a military reconnaissance satellite. We didn’t even get a video of the last Proton launch they did, and that was launching a domestic commercial payload.

>> No.15310700


>> No.15310701

in the favorites of your e621 account, you have 2 images tagged as loli and 1 as shota

>> No.15310704
File: 115 KB, 1016x674, HL-10, Robert McCall Space repair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310705

in homage of von braun's former boss

>> No.15310708

Why is it always 2 weeks?

>> No.15310715

thats probably about the minimum amount of heads up time you need to give people

>> No.15310717

>STS 235-N
>Dec. 2, 1985
Orbiter Columbia was inserted into a 550km x 750km orbit with a payload bay full of meat.

>> No.15310720
File: 26 KB, 358x491, 1680115952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.28 weeks

>> No.15310729

>its actually 3 weeks

>> No.15310730

>tech has advanced past the point of needing this

>> No.15310732
File: 37 KB, 640x540, aaflybycsm3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310733

>4/20 is actually 3 weeks
i fucked up im sorry

>> No.15310741

Humans will not explore space due to advanced AI being more cost effective

>> No.15310744

So Elon wants to launch Starship every other day huh? Well there are only 7 days in a week. If you launch Starship every other day that is 3.5 times a week. How do you launch half a starship huh?

>> No.15310754

And there are 14 days in 2 weeks.

>> No.15310760

I'd be surprised if it actually launches on time. When the Soyuz-2-1v program got started NPO Energomash said that they had twenty NK-33s left in their warehouse and that they expected to be able to use those to cobble together ten working engines. This'll be the tenth 2-1v flight, so it's almost certain to be the last NK-33 powered Soyuz, and it'll be using an engine constructed from the least desirable parts that were still considered flightworthy. The ninth 2-1v flight had a long string of scubs and delays before it managed to get off the pad and I'm not sure what that could be blamed on besides the geriatric engines.

>> No.15310762

perchance there are 3 weeks of real time within elon's "fortnight"?

>> No.15310767

Nothing is ever on time.

>> No.15310773
File: 116 KB, 600x1119, ASYSE0722_11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310789
File: 197 KB, 1300x515, orion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so can we finally get over this retarded NOOK fear and start actually using them in practical works and not for just throwing around empty barking threats?

Orion is doable in principle and outside the atmosphere the residual radiation is a big nothingburger. How are you going to deaccelerate with it is the bigger major problem left

>> No.15310794

I was at a geology conference a couple weeks ago and there was a guy giving a talk on landslides and unironically kept using cubic kilometer for 1,000m3.

>> No.15310798

starlink luanch or something coming ups yawn

>> No.15310801

fresh water? that sounds low for the oceans

>> No.15310806
File: 70 KB, 961x651, Medusa Nuclear Pulse Propulsion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone age tech anon, Medusa shits on it Isp wise

>> No.15310810

The indian company Godrej Aerospace still has to pay individual licensing fee to the french company Safran for each Vikas engine

>> No.15310840

>How are you going to deaccelerate
can't it flip and do a "burn" to slown down?

>> No.15310847
File: 236 KB, 653x657, 001758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15310875


t-14 min till F9 launch


B7 being put in place for possible final lift?

>> No.15310883

At 69 o'clock XDDDDDDDDDDD

>> No.15310889


>> No.15310892
File: 345 KB, 581x870, Dez-reservoir-dam-in-Khuzestan-province-south-west-of-Iran.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. Damned freshwater reservoirs (for which I've recently developed an autism)

>> No.15310894

SpaceX stream started https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS9cT0vz3ng

>> No.15310895


>> No.15310897

gopnik rocket will hit the starlinks

>> No.15310901


>> No.15310906
File: 475 KB, 332x292, launch-cat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15310908


>> No.15310909
File: 191 KB, 1920x1080, 1680120106684532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310911
File: 93 KB, 1904x1072, 1680120139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lift off

>> No.15310914

This rocket isn't a Starship, this means nothing

>> No.15310921

>that rotating fairing half

>> No.15310924
File: 139 KB, 1904x1072, 1680120377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile on other stream, B7 being lifted

>> No.15310925

space rat spotted on s2

>> No.15310935

Why do they keep losiong the telemetry of the booster?

>> No.15310939
File: 505 KB, 1170x1156, E98D742D-7E92-4D80-9329-6AE772E88C58.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15310940

>one leg outside the circle
It's over

>> No.15310941
File: 570 KB, 1920x1080, off.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's over

>> No.15310942
File: 170 KB, 1920x1080, 1680120617360247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A little off again.

>> No.15310944

Just a degenerate. I'm otherwise normal.
> /sfg/ copypasta
Any suggestions?

>> No.15310945
File: 191 KB, 1904x1072, 1680120625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plasma/vibrations too strong

>> No.15310946

no P rank for that booster

>> No.15310948

And they want us to believe tower catching is possible when it requires even more precision.

>> No.15310952

>Every post is a repost of a repost
Can't wait for something to actually happen so we can get a new round of repostable posts.

>> No.15310953
File: 1 KB, 153x21, 1665333548788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based dragon space autist bro

>> No.15310955
File: 224 KB, 722x282, landing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it would crash.

>> No.15310963

I love esseffgee

>> No.15310968

based shakespeare enjoyer

>> No.15310969

The Falcon Heavy one

>> No.15310971

Falcon 9 is a suicide burn I think?
Starship has more throttle control, with hovering shouldnt it be way easier to land on the arms

>> No.15310974

It did come in with a lot more tilt than seemed normal

>> No.15310977

Same. Looked a bit more rough than other landings. You couldn't even see the droneship until the very last moment of the landing from the booster camera.

>> No.15310978

Yes. More throttle control, more gimbal, more precision.

>> No.15310979

Booster maybe, but I just have hard time believing they are catching starship.

>> No.15310980

lol okay. I assume you mean the Bolden "Let's be honest" one?

>> No.15310982
File: 1.90 MB, 393x221, 1667231688316148.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SpaceX references
I am once again asking you to read a fucking book.

>> No.15310984


>> No.15310985

What books? I've read the entirety of The Culture series by Iain M. Banks. I even put references into the stories I wrote. One of them begins with the sentence "The ship didn't even have a name" which is also the opening line of Consider Phlebas. I also mention the ships Grey Area and Clear Air Turbulence.

>> No.15310989
File: 128 KB, 473x235, ba1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two fuselages?

>> No.15311000

Genre shit isn't literature, queer.

>> No.15311001


>> No.15311008

The chinese are insectoids that deserve to be squashed under my boot for their pathetic attempts at spaceflight. The same goes for any other comrades.

>> No.15311009

how is this any different than the other 30 bajillion 3D renders out there?

>> No.15311010

it's just so ugly inside compared to Crew Dragon

>> No.15311013

who the hell cares

>> No.15311018

>pathetic attempts at spaceflight
Their attempts are pretty good as far as newcomers go. I’d rate them above ESA in many categories.

>> No.15311020
File: 44 KB, 673x391, 001760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311024
File: 387 KB, 664x577, 001761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311025
File: 237 KB, 640x604, ltudysLsmsLdrcjetarAkAbAkawz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just imagine how things would be without SeX

>> No.15311027

>delay starliner over and over
>never fly the last 5 of 6 contracted flights because by then the ISS is decommissioned
>still get paid the full amount
a cunning strategy Boing

>> No.15311028
File: 49 KB, 671x494, 001762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311030

>starship will fly before starliner
Boeing sisters...

>> No.15311032
File: 947 KB, 2069x1179, 4D0DFB81-9A7D-4FD3-A8B8-2C87140F4B14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311033

Need I remind you guys that there are youtube videos out there talking about Ares I/Orion taking astronauts to the ISS that are approaching 15 years old now? This is fucked

>> No.15311036

boing is such a fucking joke of a company lmao
did all the good engineers leave after the merger with mcdonnell douglas?

>> No.15311038
File: 13 KB, 716x63, wikiorion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol, that would have been some future. Imagine using Orion for ISS crews and *gulp* resupply

>> No.15311041

If boeing sells its half of ULA, what happens to starliner? Isn't it supposed to fly on a ULA rocket?

>> No.15311043

Nothing. Starliner is a completely separate program internal to Boeing.

>> No.15311051

Pretty much. Boeing's suffered post-Soviet tier braindrain since the company was handed over to the MBA management class.

>> No.15311058

God shut up about Shartliner so boring. Lets talk about Booster 7

>> No.15311064


>> No.15311066


>> No.15311069

it's going to be scrapped, check Slava L2

>> No.15311071

>No anon, you can't enjoy 3D art. You can't enjoy anything!
Actually go fuck yourselves and your boring lives.

>> No.15311073

based poster from 2021

>> No.15311077

are they already designing starship as a long duration orbital vehicle or is it just a reusable second stage for now? It feels like they'd need lots of additional hardware to retain fuel and generate power during extended flight.

>> No.15311084

I think as of now there are zero plans for in type of human habitation with life support variants of Starship and if there are they are still in in early development and in secret still.

>> No.15311085

reminder that the former head of roscosmos has been castrated.

>> No.15311091

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes

>> No.15311099

hey, I liked Rogozin, he was amazing. I'll never forget when he insisted that a hysterical woman had drilled a hole in the ISS.
his balls were too big for this world.

>> No.15311164


>> No.15311172

will use methane harvested from my ass

>> No.15311177

Everyone has to watch this video of Phil Washington, the guy who was appointed to be the next head of the FAA

>> No.15311180

So what is the plan for OFT? If stage separation goes well, are they going to attempt soft ocean landing with the booster?

>> No.15311182

You will never be a dragon

>> No.15311183

we needed that in stereo
>Kosmos 2568 launched 4 minutes before Starlink 5-10, so both were enroute to orbit at the same time. I think this is the first time this has ever happened.

>> No.15311200

Yes. But you can't prevent it from tipping over and breaking

>> No.15311229

He did it himself, he's a Skoptsi

>> No.15311232

Oh, thanks anon. I almost forgot the ocean is wavy and frequently makes things tip over

>> No.15311234

whats’ the problem here? The FAA has nothing to do with starship,

>> No.15311242

>FAA Fines SpaceX $175,000 for Not Submitting Required Pre-Launch Data.
They're gonna nickel & dime SpaceX to death

>> No.15311260

it's joever

>> No.15311265

Oh no! A big company has been fined the yearly wage of the average worker. They won’t recover from this

>> No.15311276

Old news, shut the fuck up anti-Elon bunker tranny

>> No.15311292

Whats next? NASA has nothing to do with SpaceX?

>> No.15311294

That bumps up the cost per kilo to orbit by about 5%

>> No.15311297 [DELETED] 

You are black

>> No.15311300

Why are you seething

>> No.15311317

democrats want to kill american spaceflight

>> No.15311319

No FAA license

>> No.15311336 [DELETED] 
File: 188 KB, 1179x369, 106B42E7-F309-4AF0-A28E-DBF070B1A5E7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ignore this fag hes not me. Go back to /pol/

>> No.15311339
File: 334 KB, 800x912, elon_hop_today.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Launch has been 2 weeks away for more then a year
>People still blame the FAA

>> No.15311343


>> No.15311345

the demonrats are fucking evil

>> No.15311347

I was able to answer 6 of those 7 questions, the last one was out of my sphere of knowledge.
t. FAR/AIM studier

How did everyone else do on the quiz?

>> No.15311358
File: 629 KB, 1080x1584, Screenshot_20221107_150314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats hate Musk
>democrats use FAA to stall SpaceX
It's really simple.

>> No.15311360

Nothing, I'm not a pilot.

>> No.15311363

So youre admitting that youre a nigger to /sfg/?

>> No.15311366
File: 102 KB, 957x608, Paul Hudson shuttle hubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>democrats want to kill american spaceflight
A evidently true statement that drives some anons into crazy levels of denial. Why is this?

>> No.15311376

I agree, but just saying that republitards would literally kill NASA just to give their budget to the military if nobody cared. Both sides suck absolute cock

>> No.15311383
File: 102 KB, 1600x900, obama-musk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope harder.

>> No.15311386

So how long were you in a coma?0

>> No.15311393

>scraps constellation to re invest money into welfare and ghetto public schools

>> No.15311397
File: 122 KB, 828x741, not even close.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Many people have an almost instinctively negative reaction to of the suggestion that elections could be stolen. The idea that a large number (maybe even a majority) of elected officials in the United States are installed by fraud would be a tidy explanation for why politicians care so little about issues that are important to their consultancies, but when fraud is suggested many people respond with a sullen "But that can't happen because it doesn't happen!" They reject objective reality in favor of a fantasy because they find the fantasy more appealing, more safe, less demanding of personal action. Anything that threatens this delusion is met with hostility.

>> No.15311400

>scraps constellation

>> No.15311403

Surely you can prove it?

>> No.15311405

>important to their consultancies
lmao, normies hate space

>> No.15311406

anon, I'm not entirely against you here, but have you considered that, maybe, the majority of people are just not like you? i don't even mean that in a bad way.

>> No.15311419

don't confuse sheer stupidity for bravery

>> No.15311420

this, human space exploration being a good thing is now a right wing belief, just like the 1960's.

>> No.15311427

The Benford's law proof has been widely distributed knowledge since 2020

>> No.15311430

Only because they've been deliberately taught to hate space.

>> No.15311432

Maybe he was brave because he was stupid. Sometimes the distinction depends on whether you succeed or not: He was obviously willing to upset some pretty unforgiving people.
In any case he was entertaining.

>> No.15311434

You're leaving out the part where he withdrew from the nomination

>> No.15311439

Wake up and smell the reality. Musk is Hitler 2.0/Tech Trump to liberals today. Why? Because he's rich/white/cis male. The mortal enemy of liberals today. Times changed since Obama days.

The Biden admin has been full on attack against EVERYTHING Musk related. Whether its his companies being stalled, his companies being thrown lawsuits after lawsuits by feds, laws being created to fuck over his companies, snubbing, using government funded thinktanks to label him Russian disinfo agents, using government funded research groups to force advertisers to divest from his companies, etc.

Biden needs to go.

>> No.15311441

When confronted with the fact that we live in a nation so gleefully corporatistic its practice is fascism in all but branding, most people would rather gaslight themselves and say "My vote matters! My representatives care about my concerns! The governemnt respects my rights!" Meanwhile, I'm over here saying "End the Fed!" and implying that it should end in a giant skull pyramid instead of just abolishing the institution. I know that the majority of people aren't like me.

...Yet. Staying optimistic about the future is the only way to stay sane, at the end of the day.

>> No.15311442

delusional. Take meds. If gov really wanted to get rid of musk they could do so pretty quickly.

>> No.15311444


>> No.15311447

I for one strongly advocate skull pyramid-based policy changes, anon.

>> No.15311449

only after he was publicly exposed as being badly unqualified for the job. if they want to appoint a black guy, there are tons of qualified black airline pilots to pick from, why select a guy who was fired from the LA city government for corruption?

>> No.15311450

loyalty to uhh... we don't know I guess.

>> No.15311455

>why select a guy who was fired from the LA city government for corruption?
Sheer incompetence seems to be the most reasonable answer to questions like this regarding the current steward admin.

>> No.15311458

Relativity has a competitor.

>> No.15311462

Most people are like you

>> No.15311467

If Washington tried to nationalize SpaceX or Tesla they could do the same to Boeing or any other megacorp that is currently comfortable with it's level of political patronage, and they don't want that precedent to be set. The current setup they have isn't really well optimized for instances of the billionaire class fucking with things. Besides, you kinda missed the point.

>why do people go into crazy denial about things that are obviously true
>because their imaginary view of the world is more comfortable and they don't like that being threatened

>> No.15311470

fuck, this general is where I come to escape.

>> No.15311472


>> No.15311474

No space news = spincuck vs well dweller shitslinging or baiting retards

>> No.15311475
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, sam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does that explain why they focused in on a guy who was know to engage in criminal activity? Doesn't it seem more like his history of thievery s what brought his name to the attention of the people who selected him to be the nominee?
There seems to possibly be a larger pattern which you didn't notice yet

>> No.15311478
File: 745 KB, 1536x2048, r0ket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When did spacex get the license for falcon heavy?

>> No.15311483

If there are ever individually owned rockets we should start seeing custom anime babe paintjobs and MLI coats

>> No.15311485

The appointment of a new FAA administrator is very big space news, the FAA governs all airspace up to 60,000'. The airspace in the flight levels, between 18,000' and 60,000' is completely controlled by FAA air traffic controllers, you cannot enter it without their permission, the FAA can gatekeep spaceflight if they want to.

>> No.15311486

that's not what i asked

>> No.15311487

>spincuck vs well dweller shitslinging
I remember when it was solar vs nuclear.

>> No.15311489

fine, actual launch license happened three days before the launch itself.

>> No.15311490

A theory that requires fewer moving parts is that they hired from amongst their clique, and by sheer coincidence their clique is filled to the brim with freaks, the mentally ill, the criminally insane and the hideously incompetent.
Sure it could be intentional, but that would require an additional element of malice that doesn't need to be there to still explain the outcome.
I have a $20 gift card to hobby lobby and I want to launch some model rockets this summer.

>> No.15311491

yeah, i was just looking for any excuse to insert my pedo cartoon masturbation material into this otherwise completely unrelated discussion. i don't really care about space at all, i'm only here to discuss jacking off to children's cartoons

>> No.15311499

i think the momo rocket allowed logos to be put on it

>> No.15311509

It has been reclaimed

>> No.15311517

Booster 7 will be scrapped... in the Pacific Ocean

>> No.15311521

New Shepard launch license status?

>> No.15311527
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>> No.15311528

The found the problem with the engine, so now they need to do something to correct it. Return to flight for New Shepard should be sometime before Q4 2023, but Blue is being the usual so we don't know any more than that.

>> No.15311537

Lets do some math anons, if SpaceX wants to launch 3 Starships a day, about how many would they need to have to keep a consistent Mars colony going with transportation, as well as paid launches to LEO, LLO, and LMO? Would this be across the entire solar system or just Earth? What would be the fuel costs of this (until we reach Titan) every day?

>> No.15311543


>> No.15311545

Am a private pilot, haven't flown in awhile. Still got 4 right. Some of them are super basic questions

>> No.15311562

Btw nuclear fags can suck my dick, solar remains the cheaper and safer option with no downsides space requirements are not an issue on barren empty deserts.

>> No.15311564

Whatd you fly? A Cesna or something?

>> No.15311566

>road closure tomorrow
what could it be for?

>> No.15311569

Gee they just put Booster 7 on the OLM and we’re coming up on the possible launch date for Starship? I have no clue what that road closure could be for what a mystery.

>> No.15311570

BIG news get in here

>> No.15311573

It can't be a launch because that's never happening until Trump is reelected.

>> No.15311575

starship launching WILL lead the the creation of a 40k style future where people are used as metaphorical and literal fuel for spaceflight (this is a good thing)

>> No.15311577

You are a stupid nigger that needs to go back to >>>/pol/

>> No.15311580

Pothole filling

>> No.15311581

Fuck you

>> No.15311583


>> No.15311585

How bout I fill up your mothers loose pothole

>> No.15311587
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>> No.15311595

Theyre washing OPs mother?

>> No.15311601
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Imagine if they actually built this shuttle, and had to service twelve SSMEs per flight.

>> No.15311604


>> No.15311608

Piper Tomahawk

>> No.15311610
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>> No.15311611

well, it did "make it" for thirty years

>> No.15311613
File: 30 KB, 602x227, 0_R0ExWOZ7VvKMUoMD (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fair enough

>> No.15311617

Even you dont sound sure of yourself

>> No.15311619

>that would require an additional element of malice that doesn't need to be there to still explain the outcome.
how do you keep insane criminal freaks like that organized without some sort of controlling mechanism? a circus has a ringleader

>> No.15311620
File: 245 KB, 800x515, Studying the rocket equation on sfg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

language-ologists believe a working translation of these archaic runes may be ready in as little as two decades

>> No.15311630
File: 2.03 MB, 3834x3834, challenger-imaged-by-remote-satellite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311635

$50,000 per kilo to orbit, not including the cost of the 1.5% total failure rate.

>> No.15311640

Never forget the Challenger disaster. I sneed on you

>> No.15311641
File: 83 KB, 639x518, ted k shuttle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311643
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>> No.15311652

it's what we got when no other proposal would fly. not to mention it's perhaps the most complex and autistic spacecraft to ever make it to orbit and as we all know autism is a good thing

>> No.15311655
File: 3.82 MB, 1280x720, Relativityspace-1641114958485225472-20230329 112751-vid1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15311666


>> No.15311669

Tetran R

>> No.15311675

It seems second stages are pretty complicated, why not just remove the second stage and have one big stage instead? much simpler.

>> No.15311676

Honestly though, imagine the Terran R's 3d prints peeling like an onion on reentry

>> No.15311680

>remove atmosphere
>remove stage
When will we remove fuel?

>> No.15311681

Unironically if Starship works then the Space Shuttle was worth it simply because it developed tps technology and gave immense data to engineers. Continuing the Saturn program might have been better short term (which, mind you, is only obvious with hindsight) but it would be much harder to make the step up to fully reusable.

Of course there's a middle ground which mogs both timelines, but c'est la vie

>> No.15311682

>when no other proposal would fly
That isn't the case, Saturn V launches cost far less per kilo, if they had just kept on manufacturing the old standard that would've been a massive success compared to the shittle The edition of Buzz Aldrin's autobiography that I read, which was a 1981 pressing, ended with a large rant about how terrible the shuttle program was going to be and how much of a step backwards it was. Aldrin was an extremely bright guy, very well educated in his sphere and he was right on the mark.

>> No.15311683

Politically untenable. I recommend Heppenheimer's histories.

>> No.15311685
File: 49 KB, 382x584, space shuttle death trap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shittle defenders
you best be trolling for (you)s

>> No.15311690
File: 22 KB, 338x358, index2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shuttle ruined a generation of /sfg/ enthusiasts like imagine being born in the 70's or early 80's and wasting your prime years watching only meme shuttle launches.

>> No.15311691

Shut up stupid SSTO truther

>> No.15311699
File: 8 KB, 175x288, Gaanister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>two more gaans

>> No.15311700

nice job outing yourself as the most embarrassing pathetic musk stan of the whole thread

>> No.15311704

>When will we remove fuel
When we nut up and commit to a space elevator instead of retarded rockets

>> No.15311705

You can do that, but can you figure out how make a sexual harassment hotline cost $8,000 per call?
That was Washington's most notable accomplishment

>> No.15311706

>dont show the massive explosion and crying investors

>> No.15311710

Kys retarded elevooter

>> No.15311714
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>> No.15311717

Easy. Contract it out to a company owned by your wife, hidden behind some standard bureaucratic bullshit, then leak the corruption story to some meme ultra right publication without providing enough evidence to actually prove the accusation. Then if the story ever breaks you can spin it as a right wing conspiracy to stop a sexual harassment hotline and link it to the early conspiratorial articles.

>> No.15311720

the problem is as you continue emptying your fuel you're carrying a bunch of useless empty rocket around, which is extra weight that you don't want.
So there is basically a fine line at which point seperating your rocket into multiple stages and dumping them as they empty of fuel is more efficient, even if you have to build and lift the seperation mechanism and an entire new set of engines.
Another point is that engines are optimized for either atmospheric or vacuum use, so you need two different types anyways, hence most rockets go for two stages.

>> No.15311722

because this >>15311613

>> No.15311729

Just reduce the dry mass by a commensurate amount. It's strictly an engineering problem.

>> No.15311742

>first space force megaconstellation satellites going up tonight
100k satellites soon

>> No.15311747

Holy shit a mega constellstion just flew over my house!!

>> No.15311753
File: 16 KB, 220x265, Centaur-propellant-system.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15311759

The m on the top and bottom of the fraction cancels out.

>> No.15311763


>> No.15311773

What did he mean by this?

>> No.15311777

space elevator

>> No.15311781

Oh so he’s coming out as a tranny?

>> No.15311784

The ships will be built in orbit

>> No.15311785

Spring powered razor for spaceflight when.

>> No.15311788

what about seventeen stages to orbit, huh

>> No.15311793

some lefties like it for the sake of science and some righties hate it for the use of public money
it's not that simple

>> No.15311798

really, political parties should be divided based on their stance on humanity's expansion into the universe ("earthers" and "spaceconnoisseurs", if you will)

>> No.15311801

Spincel crowing about how he lives in orbit

>> No.15311813

How big is their constellation?

>> No.15311818

Zingle Stage To Orbit

>> No.15311822
File: 1.12 MB, 2048x1365, FsbDsGOakAEIr82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15311825

i dont even think they know the final number, but it's been said multiple times that they're looking at hundreds. they want to cover the earth with 6 constellations.

>> No.15311830

I like how nobody answered, and just got distracted by the dragon porn

>> No.15311832

You vill use ze single stage

>> No.15311834

Notice how someone did respond but you’re just a spastic with ADHD

>> No.15311838

yes. that's how you end up with just seconds, ISP

>> No.15311839

initial vs final mass, the mass unit cancels leaving you with a coefficient

>> No.15311853


>> No.15311855

oumuomoua proved to be completely utterly ordinary. get fucked

>> No.15311859

to get to the other side

>> No.15311862

Turtle breeding season

>> No.15311879

the funny thing is that astronomers would never be able to gatekeep the military from doing it lmao

>> No.15311893

Phil took LA Metro from shit to complete dogshit

>> No.15311910

Id like to see those fags whine about that. When that happens, theyll realize they cant be stuck on Earth for astronomy, and finally agree to fully supporting space travel (most likely on the condition they get an observatory on the moon).

>> No.15311914
File: 823 KB, 1179x1316, 07F64B0A-D4EB-4141-8829-5DFD9072AE65.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why SpaceX all the way and fuck anyone else.


>> No.15311921

>(most likely on the condition they get an observatory on the moon).
I want a Very Large Array clone on the lunar farside.

>> No.15311954

Fuuuck this means dreamchaser isn’t happening till 2024 isn’t it

>> No.15311961

The question is not why the road closes. The question is why was it ever open to begin with?

>> No.15311962

Splanes once again BTFO. When will shuttlecucks accept they will never be spacefaring?

>> No.15311963
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>> No.15311965

You dont want a mercury telescope the size of a crater? Thats very gay of you anon

>> No.15311968

Anything spin is cancer. Spinning liquid mirror telescopes, spincels and their O’Neill cylinders, SpinLaunch. Need a say more?

>> No.15311976

>some lefties like it for the sake of launching token minorities, women into orbit for virtue signalling purposes. some righties hate it because they are the only ones who pay taxes, everyone else is guaranteed to leech back more than they pay, if they pay anything at all to begin with

>> No.15311979

Keep being a fag. Spinchads will be spinning inside your mom's pussy anyway

>> No.15311991

Orbits are a kind of spin

>> No.15311995

Turbopumps spin, enjoy not having liquid rocket engines fag
Earth spins around itself, around the sun

>> No.15311996

live life on hyperbolic trajectories always

>> No.15312005

Almost all electricity is cenerated through spinning turbines, even some renewables use spin like windpower
Spinchads just cant stop winning

>> No.15312007

>i'll try spinning, that's a good trick

>> No.15312012

Spinsects are disgusting mongoloids.

>> No.15312014

Vulcan second stage damaged during testing, now launch date TBA.
The absolute state of Old Space.

>> No.15312017

Confirmed. Vulcan delayed till Q3 of 2024

>> No.15312021

ULA eternally btfo. Dubs says it never launches

>> No.15312023

From August 2023 this year to August 2024

>> No.15312028

Rolling (spinning the wheel of fortune)

>> No.15312032

of course you are going to ignore how most of the "space is fake" schizos are righties

>> No.15312042

This is true, they are literally ALL qtard boomers. I say this as a hard right guy myself, they are an absolute stain.

>> No.15312045

If you hear someone say ‘firmament’ instead of the sky or space, they are 100% MIGA trannies.

>> No.15312048

"space is fake" schizos are all glowniggers

>> No.15312050

If you think you're so smart try refuting this mans arguments.

>> No.15312055
File: 220 KB, 1179x1154, 5C88A536-AAA6-4BEA-ACD6-34D3898142CD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not even clicking

>> No.15312059

I refute it thus:
>kys glownigger

>> No.15312063

damn I had no idea my father was a fed all along

>> No.15312065

Im sorry you had to find out this way

>> No.15312066

That's how you know he's a fed. It's always the ones you least suspect. For all you know, you might be a fed yourself.

>> No.15312069

didn't know charls was a "space is fake" guy

>> No.15312070
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>> No.15312091

It's just bandwagoneering. To be accepted as a fellow dissident, you need to make a big song and dance about the Firmament. It's been a very effective psyop.

>> No.15312095

Oh no... if I turn off the lights my hands start to glow... it can't be...

>> No.15312105

i think he might legitimately be schizophrenic

>> No.15312110

Why didn't you rant to him about how it's impossible to ruin a barren rock? Why didn't you bring up the fact that the money spent on space both has very high return on investment and is absolutely miniscule compared the the money spent on far more frivolous things?
I'm sort of surprised that you're still here.

>> No.15312116

>absolutely miniscule compared the the money spent on far more frivolous things
I cry blood every time I remember how Twiiter cost the price of over 4 JWSTs to Musk

>> No.15312122

That was probably intentional.

>> No.15312127

Zebra stage to orbit.
Much like how horses have the mythical pegasus which flies through the air, zebras have their own mythical flying version, except theirs flies through space.

>> No.15312135

i gotta say one thing. that methane exhaust looks so fucking futuristic

>> No.15312139

another reason to be excited for Starship

>> No.15312144

its going to be profitable soon and he said he sees a clear way to 250bil from current 20 bil
also musk didn't pay the 44bil himself, for instance there was 13 billion in leverage that twitter itself takes which is a reason why people thought twitter would go bankrupt soon, that 13 bil translates to something like 1-1.5 bil in interesta payments per year
so that leaves something like 30 bil to finance through other means, some parties just rolled over their equity into the private company, musk had co-investors and so on
it was a bit difficult to find but according to this reuters article https://archive.is/20221031161457/https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/how-will-elon-musk-pay-twitter-2022-10-07/, musk financed something like 20 bil of the deal in total by himself

>> No.15312147

Why not link the article she is referencing rather than the video?

>> No.15312149

You're not as smart as you think you are...

>> No.15312150

Sorry liberals, Oomaooma has been rebunked by based Avi himself.

>> No.15312155

Thought so...

>> No.15312223
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>> No.15312258
File: 83 KB, 571x776, flat earth israel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rabbis of the Talmud believed that the world was flat, and that the sun revolved around the Earth every day. There is a debate about the length of the solar year in the Talmud, and its consequences and the rare Jewish ceremony of the Blessing of the Sun (Birkat Hahammah) are discussed. The view of the talmudic rabbis is contrasted with that of the contemporary Greek astronomers. While the rabbis of the Talmud argued about the size of the flat Earth, the Greeks had determined the Earth to be a sphere, had calculated its circumference and had moved on to consider other questions.
Flat Earth is anti-White
Simple as

>> No.15312294

Nice find. This oughtta confuse /pol/ for a while

>> No.15312303

I am /pol/ you faggot and I know Eratosthenes was an Aryan genius

>> No.15312368

wow, I thought for sure it would be a fault with BE-4. Should've remembered that ULA can be incompetent all by itself.

>> No.15312392
File: 25 KB, 230x204, KSP_x64_2016-09-02_23-30-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/kspg/ is dead so I shall post here

>> No.15312417

Hard R will be fast tracked and take Vulcan's spot in NSSL. Trust the plan.

>> No.15312444

Except for a few bumps in the mid 2010s, Long March reliability is really commendable. It seems the 1996 CZ3B failure really led to a complete overhaul of their QA and design.

>> No.15312452

>/kspg/ is dead

>> No.15312470
File: 134 KB, 1020x1199, eggman nightmare vision.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It literally died due to fail and aids.

If you do not behave like a huge faggot, you can post KSP things in /egg/, they generally tolerate space things.
Just be prepared to encounter /egg/men.

>> No.15312475

KSP2 happened

>> No.15312499
File: 196 KB, 1280x960, somedamalps4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best place on 4chan to discuss hydroelectricity and dams?

>> No.15312519

There is nothing to discuss so the threads don't last. Everyone is just waiting for the game to be in a better state.

>> No.15312552

some people need to be spanked by sabine to understand

>> No.15312554

For all the (deserved) shit we give BO, BE-4 is still a damn good engine

>> No.15312557
File: 245 KB, 1211x1557, dfadad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not here. best place unironically Bing chat/GPT4 text adventures

>> No.15312559

I don't know, but if you want to see some come to the Quebec border. I'll give you a ride to the big dams.

>> No.15312588
File: 375 KB, 1280x960, quebecSpillway.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah Quebec has some of the best hydro facilities in the world

>> No.15312593

what is she doing

>> No.15312597


>> No.15312603
File: 1.48 MB, 1170x1411, 51B7E83B-0944-480A-A2E2-248A4BAD2335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15312605

he's laughing at us

>> No.15312608

He almost looks like he's grimacing.

>> No.15312613

Fashionbros, are you allowed to match browns like this? I’ve never owned a brown suit in my life

>> No.15312618
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>> No.15312629

I'm guessing that everyone just wants to blog their daily autism like >>15312392, and nobody fucking cares. I don't mind a cool fail video every now and then, but I don't give a fuck about you just made orbit or what retarded names you gave your roggeds.

>> No.15312635

You could maybe start a /sci/ thread about it.
There are sometimes dam threads on /p*l/ but it's mostly watching a dam about to fail (Oroville, Three Gorges, etc.).

>> No.15312640

he looks like the fucking crypt keeper

>> No.15312662

kek that text adventure I posted was based in Three Gorges. I didnt put anything in the prompt about blowing it up, Bing figured that out all on its own

>> No.15312680

>don't get too used to flying on this one, heh.

>> No.15312695

I hate generals that discuss loads of different games, it's always impossible to tell what people are actually talking about .

>> No.15312701

Nah all that dumb conspiracy stuff is 90% trolls and 10% true believers, why the fuck would the glowies care about shit like that?

>> No.15312702

No if i wanted ksp i would go play it.

>> No.15312706

>musk financed something like 20 bil of the deal in total by himself
And then promptly lost it all.

>> No.15312723

not really, twitter still exists, at the current valuation maybe he lost half of it on paper, but after being cash flow positive and doing changes the valuation will increase again

>> No.15312726


>> No.15312733

but I don't have to imagine

>> No.15312742

Falcon flies SO much. I wonder how many Merlins SX has on hold at any given time for all the upper stages they make

>> No.15312744

>the hardware experienced an anomaly
It started screaming and nobody knows why.

>> No.15312745

Some virtual idol concert thing. (Love Live)

>> No.15312849
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>> No.15312851

>an abort
>on F9
>in 2023

>> No.15312855
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>> No.15312858
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>> No.15312859

one day somebody will post "two weeks" and it will actually be true

>> No.15312860
File: 1.10 MB, 1836x949, 001774.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


abort 3s before launch lmaaoooo

>> No.15312861

Pandemic pls understand

>> No.15312864


>> No.15312866

>only 2 test articles
No wonder they are shit.

>> No.15312874

>Individually owned rockets
3+1 Raptor 2 stainless steel rockets with a modernized Mercury/Gemini on top when?

>> No.15312880

Better than 3s after.

>> No.15312883

Musk has once again proven his inability to launch rockets in a reliable manner, spacex should be nationalized

>> No.15312888

Its' over SpaceX is finished, this is the end of the Muskovite empire

>> No.15312895

Clear live!

>> No.15312900

You will never be a woman

>> No.15312903

Chink cant even use apostrophes correctly. China will never be spacefaring

>> No.15312905

stop licking billionaire boots, chud.

>> No.15312911

Elon is a Russian agent confirmed

>> No.15312927

Where did SpaceX go so wrong, they used to be the KINGS on TOP of the SPACE WORLD

Now look at them...

>> No.15312928

2 more weeks bros.

>> No.15312941
File: 55 KB, 879x485, Northrop-Grumman-Signs-Customer-for-First-Flight-of-OmegATM-879x485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its really over for SpaceX now, the SDA, DOD and USSF are not going to like knowing that their tactical response payloads could be delayed in critical times of need by random aborts... this is due to Falcon9 being liquid fueled with all the complications that gets you... what these agencies need is a trusty, reliable, no-fuss good ol' solid fueled booster designed by Northrop Grumman and what better and more reliable rocket than one that's entirely solid fueled? That's right folks I'm talking about Omega

>> No.15312945

16 score and 16 hours until Starship launch

>> No.15312963

just left the parking brake on.
(recycling for a second attempt in 24 hours. See you tomorrow morning!)

>> No.15312975

Twitter's soft power is invaluable, there is a reason such a stink was made by entities who gatekeep when Elon started the process of buying it.

>> No.15312976

Plasma magnet mission can solve this debate

>> No.15312992

There is no debate. Jew Avi has been thoroughly spanked by Aryan Sabine

>> No.15313000

NEXT BREAD >>15312998
NEXT BREAD >>15312998
NEXT BREAD >>15312998

>> No.15313024

>soft power
Take your meds anon, plus people made a stink because they didn't want harassers being let back on the site.

>> No.15313055

a bit early, staging is usually done on page 9

>> No.15313163

>wake up
>closured canceled

>> No.15313179

hot-staged to avoid issues with engine startup

>> No.15313237
File: 333 KB, 640x480, 1674089933044590.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one should care about this shit

>> No.15313275


>> No.15313318

This post should be a /sci/ banner.

>> No.15313483
File: 291 KB, 2880x900, nTSDgzg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Continuing the Saturn program might have been better short term (which, mind you, is only obvious with hindsight)
sometimes I like to imagine if they had decided to give the Saturn 5 an extra 10 years of life and had just ordered maybe ten more from the production line instead of shutting it down, with this extra time and Saturn hardware we could have gone ahead with the planned Apollo moon landings in the mid 70s such as Apollos 18, 19, and 20, and still had Saturn 5 rockets available to construct a station in the late 70s, maybe one constructed from multiple Saturn 5 launches (I like to imagine the construction of a Space Station Independence beginning in 1976 and coinciding with the bicentennial) and we still would have had a few left for dream missions like a big long-duration rover landed on the moon or a huge probe launched towards Mars or Jupiter or wherever. I also think they could have developed a cheaper 1st stage that used 3 or 4 F-1s ( a case could probably have even been made for a slimmed down first stage that used a single F-1 and maybe strap-ons as needed for resupply missions, etc) and I think following this late 70s/early 80s "golden age of Apollo/Saturn" they could have developed a follow on (shuttle? something else?) and enjoyed the 10 years of technological development to make a better and safer product that would have been better than the 70s designed and built shuttle. Oh well.

>> No.15313848

To purposefully ruin 4chan so it's no longer a gathering place for disaffected young men.
Flerf posters don't talk like anons. They have a hit an run practice, dumping loads of infographics and copypasta, and rarely engage with you if you talk to them. If they respond at all, it's with a blunt insult, not typical of 4chan style.