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File: 17 KB, 373x330, atheists.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1530950 No.1530950 [Reply] [Original]


Oh wow.

>> No.1530961

lol. XKCD is the best. Such hilarity and so true.

>> No.1530959

"But you're using that same tactic to try to feel superior to me, too!" "Sorry, that accusation expires after one use per conversation."

>> No.1530977
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I know, XKCD is to great!

>> No.1530976

I lol'd a bit more than I should have. Mainly because I see those guys everywhere.

>> No.1530995

XKCD is the CAD of /sci/.


>> No.1531000

but...but what if I actually am superior to both?

>> No.1531005


What the hell are you?

>> No.1531009


A real scientist, not some faggot arguing on 4chan.

>> No.1531010

Scientifically, you don't exist.

>> No.1531016
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An agnostic atheist who is superior to both religious people and atheists in regards to their comparative theological enlightenment.

>> No.1531018

Atheism is becoming a religion with Richard Dawkins as their pope and science as their God. Instead of applying science and treating it as a tool, it becomes their new scripture and they worship it. I am agnostic because "I DON'T KNOW" and I'm okay with it. I'm not going to pretend to know that which I do not actually know.


Yeah, I was "that guy" when I was 17. Most people grow out of it though.

>> No.1531027

Ignostic here, I find agnostics just as annoying as atheists and christians

>> No.1531032

>a scientist
>on 4chan

That's quite the oxymoron.

>> No.1531034


Self-proclaimed agnostics are terrible.

>> No.1531045


Agnostics atheists ARE atheists.

Why do you self-important bastards always make up shit to feel superior?

>> No.1531052

How can atheism be a religion, sure it can't be proved that god exists, but it's a valid assumption. Burden of proof niggars.

>> No.1531058

Awesome XKCD is Awesome!

>> No.1531076


There is a difference, an agnostic atheist will never state that there is no god, just that the probability of there being one is very low.

>> No.1531082

then they're not really an atheist.

>> No.1531085

>I am agnostic because "I DON'T KNOW" and I'm okay with it.

I respect people who can admit to their lack of knowledge. I really hate people who pretend they know more than they do.

But apart from truly unanswerable questions, I generally "do know," and so I'm comfortable calling myself an atheist.

>> No.1531088
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you can be an agnostic thiest.

>> No.1531097


actually you don't have to think the chances are "very low." just less than half.

>> No.1531098

i'm a human. is that acceptable?

>> No.1531103



>> No.1531106
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>> No.1531109

>I really hate people who pretend they know more than they do
>I generally do know


>> No.1531111


Well it's really more to distance ourselves from the "lol I dunno" agnostics who are all 50/50 about it. For us being 50/50 about a god is like being 50/50 about there being an invisible ninja that stalks your every move on a daily basis. I mean there may actually be one, it's just unlikely.

I actually respect agnostic theists (feels god exists in some form but doesn't know which religion is right, if any) way more than just plain agnostics.

>> No.1531115

Agnostic vs atheist is definitely one of the most stupid and counterproductive arguments ever.

>> No.1531117

Anyone who talks about their religion outside of their other members or isn't directly asked is a faggot.

>> No.1531118

first i would like to state that i consider myself agnostic. i dont know what the fuck is going on.

however, here is something to think about:

if you think about it logically, it makes more sense to have faith in a religion than to not have any faith.

this is because if you have faith in a religion (aside from looking like a dumbass to some people) than one of two things happen when you die. either 1. you were wrong, and nothing happens. oh well. not effecting you now. or 2. you were actually right and you go to heaven, or whatever your religion believes in.

whereas with no faith, one of two things still happens. either 1. you were right. nothing happens. doesnt even matter now. or 2. you were wrong and you spend an eternity in hell, which is supposedly worse than we could ever imagine

so, if you are truly logical, you would have faith in a religion. and this is assuming you actually have faith, not just doing it to stop yourself from going to hell

>> No.1531119

Even Richard Dawkins is an agnostic atheist. He said there is ALMOST no chance that there is a god.

>> No.1531121


>> No.1531125

This includes lack there of.

>> No.1531127


"I am an agnostic only to the extent that I am agnostic about fairies at the bottom of the garden."
—Richard Dawkins

>> No.1531130

I think it's actually an important argument because it reveals some of the mind games that are going on within the so-called "atheist" movement.

>> No.1531135

>Richard Dawkins: Why There Almost Certainly is No God

>> No.1531141

Most agnostics are really atheists who don't want to completely offend their Christian friends, along with the additional bonus of being able to troll atheists.

>> No.1531142


>> No.1531148

An atheist agnostic is someone who does not believe in gods and also thinks that the existence of gods cannot be known. This might mean that they don’t believe in gods because they haven’t seen any evidence that supports their existence.

A theist gnostic is someone who believes in a god/gods and thinks that the existence of gods can be known. This position is usually referred to as just ‘theist‘, since people who believe in gods, usually also think that their existence can be known.

An atheist gnostic is someone who does not believe in gods, and who thinks that we can know that gods do not exist. A fairly unusual position, they might think they have found proof of the non-existence of gods, or might have been persuaded by life experiences.

A theist agnostic is someone who believes in gods, but thinks that they could not know for sure that their god exists. Another fairly unusual position, as people who have faith in gods usually also think that their god can be known to be real.

>> No.1531150

>1. you were wrong, and nothing happens. oh well. not effecting you now. or 2. you were actually right and you go to heaven, or whatever your religion believes in.

option number 3 dumbass is one of the THOUSANDS of other religions was right.
pascals wager is for retards.

>> No.1531151
File: 90 KB, 589x375, trollingatmaximum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1531160

That's not what atheism means. An -ism is a belief or doctrine. It is not the absence of a belief or doctrine.

>> No.1531162

What am I if I really want there to be an afterlife an a god, so much as to talk to "god" on a 1 to 1 basis and see things in my life as examples of gods sense of humour or him punishing me BUT I actually kinda know none of it is true and it's all just my psyche trying to reassure myself in different ways because I am too weak to accept that we are all alone in the universe?

>> No.1531163

doesn't matter, he accepts the possibility that god(s) might exist = agnostic atheist

>> No.1531165

But he REALLY hates religious people and thinks they're stupid. So he calls himself an atheist. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.1531168

It's a "belief" that gods don't exist. You can think you have proof that there are no gods (gnostic atheist) or you can be an atheist because you haven't seen evidence of the existence of gods (agnostic atheist)

>> No.1531170


What if the true religion is one that sends you to hell if you blindly believe in any religion?

>> No.1531171


What am I if I think non religious people are better human beings than religious people and actually think that if there is a god he will ironically reward the atheists and agnostics of this world who lived good lives and questioned the world around them instead of blinding following a doctrine and abusing that doctrine to justify evil deeds?

>> No.1531176

Exactly. If you have a belief that gods don't exist, you can't also claim agnosticism. That's saying "I believe but I don't know" which is contradictory, because believing is claiming a thing as knowledge.

>> No.1531179


Splitting hairs. You either believe or you don't.

>> No.1531180

You're a theist. One of many who speak out about the failures of religions. You might like Kierkegaard.

>> No.1531183
File: 26 KB, 400x400, wtf_am_i_reading.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing is claiming a thing as knowledge.

>> No.1531186


ok i accidentally left that out. still, on the EXTREMELY off chance that you're right, then you will go to heaven. whereas if you were athiest you would go to hell (or whatever fucked up thing they believe in) if ANY religion was correct

so really, it makes more sense to narrow down religions to just religions that punish those for not solely have complete faith in them, and choose whichever one provides you with the closest thing to the lifestyle you want. that way, you take out the religions that just believe in reincarnation and all that non-punishment bullshit, and you raise of your chances of dodging the bullet with a hell-believing religion

>> No.1531191


way to totally miss the point there.

>> No.1531197
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>> No.1531203 [DELETED] 

>picking a fairy story with a happy ending increases the odds of that ending happening for reals


>> No.1531207


Agnostic Theist

Oh yeah, God definitely exists.. but.. uh.. I don't really know that.


>> No.1531212


Why the fuck should we try to "dodge the bullet" when theres no reason to even BELIEVE that there IS a BULLET!?

Maybe space imps are going to skull fuck you FOREVER when you die if you dont rape some little kids several times in your life, guess you better get raping JUST IN CASE!!

>> No.1531213

see >>1531148
>A theist agnostic is someone who believes in gods, but thinks that they could not know for sure that their god exists. Another fairly unusual position, as people who have faith in gods usually also think that their god can be known to be real.

>> No.1531216

follow a religion just because it says you'll go to hell if you don't? seems like a kind of pussy way to live your life, imo

>> No.1531361
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>> No.1531371

http://goatkcd.com is superior

>> No.1531401

I'm a heliocentric agnostic theist objectivist liberal determinist Buddhist and I believe in a technocratic oligarchical system. Long live the technocracy.

>> No.1531416

I knew this would be immediately posted on /sci/.

>> No.1531420

Someone just took the GRE.