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15308563 No.15308563 [Reply] [Original]

Is AI going to change everything we know about history?

>> No.15308602

For a few weeks, I took a history class from Dominick LaCapra (this is maybe 98, 99). He was very sure at the time that journalism wasn't fiction. I wonder what he thinks now.

>> No.15308611

There's already a ton of fake history and deleted history, so yeah. Why not?

>> No.15308620

Me who reads conspiracy theories:
Hehe, first time?

>> No.15308626

I thought about it and, no, not at all. It does make it slightly easier to falsify events, but not dramatically. Additionally, knowledge about the tech will insulate people from misinformation. People are already well aware of the powers of photoshop, even 90 year old grandpas.
It won't really substantially change the understanding of the past either. It might be slightly easier to forge historic artifacts or texts, but not much easier.
I think AI's key importance in the realm of history will actually be studying the history of the Earth's climate (as well as geneologies). We'll be able to use it to know climatic patterns at different eras with more certainty. That will inform a lot more about why historical events happened, such as specific migrations or geopolitical changes.
It is cool though. I know you wanted to make a /his/ post about AI and they wouldn't let you. Sorry bro. In reality, I just don't think it'll be that huge of a deal.
AI might also drive a lot of historians into unemployment. I imagine that is quite likely. ChatGPT gives me a Master's level answer on any historical question I ask it. It's not perfect, yet, but it's free and instantaneous. What need is there for a history book when I can ask an AI to instantly make one for me?
Dark times we're going into.

>> No.15308633

How would an AI "studying the history of Earth's climate" arrive at a useful conclusion? What is the AI "studying" that is otherwise unstudyable?

>> No.15309367

It was actually even easier before, words are easy to change.
For example a lot written by historians of the roman empire is very one-sided and not always reliable.
Even before AI a real pic could be interpreted in very different ways out of context.
Faking history is nothing new, really.

>> No.15309373

Did you know that the Russians staged photos and altered maps during WWII to allege atrocities they committed were committed by Germans instead?

>> No.15309621

Did you know that what you just posted is actually a propaganda story spread by Germans?

>> No.15309636

This is retarded. Historical events have never been confirmed through images found on the internet and random accounts. If this was the case, people could create scenes of faux historical events in the same way that directors create scenes in movies and they’d be accepted. There still needs to be witnesses of the event in real life for it to be accepted as truth. That has always been the standard.

>> No.15309648

The Russians renamed an entire forest and doctored evidence to try and pretend the Katyn Forest Massacre was actually a slaughter of Russians by German forces and not the execution of the Polish officer corps by Soviet commissars.

>> No.15309676 [DELETED] 

>If this was the case, people could create scenes of faux historical events in the same way that directors create scenes in movies and they’d be accepted.
Are you aware that all of the films and photos of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz were staged and filmed months after the actual event took place and that POWs were used as stand-ins for the jews, who were long gone by the time the filming took place?

>> No.15309686

I anticipated this sort of response, because I know many conspiracy theories center around the idea of footage from historical events being fabricated (like the moon landing).

The Soviet liberation of concentration camps wasn’t proven by videos, it was proven by the fact that Soviet forces were deployed in Poland and Germany with the purpose of liberating the camps.

The holocaust happened.


>> No.15309698 [DELETED] 

its not part of any conspiracy theory that those films and images were produced fraudulently, the russian government and the jews who were there all openly admit that those films are fakes
heres a video of anne frank's stepsister laying out the details.

>> No.15309701 [DELETED] 

You seem very hung up on the holocaust. Whether it happened or not has no bearing on the fact that the Soviets fabricated all sorts of evidence about the history of the war for public consumption.

>> No.15309712

I don’t know what footage you’re even referring to. We do have footage of the liberation of Auschwitz by Soviet troops.

>> No.15309729 [DELETED] 

no, there isn't any films or photos of that nature, nor are there any from any of the other "death camps" all of which were located in the soviet sector.

>> No.15309736
File: 66 KB, 768x432, 8C635FD2-CA67-4FF0-998E-553FEE3569F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

See, I knew you were a retarded conspiracy theorist

Lol, and I like that you put death camps in quotes.

> The American Jewish Yearbook placed the total Jewish population of Europe at about 9.5 million in 1933. This number represented more than 60 percent of the world's Jewish population, which was estimated at 15.3 million. Most European Jews resided in eastern Europe, with about 5 1/2 million Jews living in Poland and the Soviet Union. Before the Nazi takeover of power in 1933, Europe had a dynamic and highly developed Jewish culture. In little more than a decade, most of Europe would be conquered, occupied, or annexed by Nazi Germany and most European Jews—two out of every three—would be dead.

>> No.15309745
File: 76 KB, 640x420, B687689D-8C4A-4B3D-973F-FF9833E59879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting how no POW camp in WW2 even came close to having a mortality rate as high as Auschwitz. It’s almost like the explicit objective of the camp was to kill people.

>> No.15310464

History has a lot of questions, but the biggest one is really quite simple: why do empires rise and fall? That's the question everyone wants to answer, and we come up with a litany of explanations for it. One of the most popular explanations for any empire is that there were favorable or dis-favorable climactic events, but it's incredibly hard to translate our climactic knowledge into real-time understanding of what things were like for ancient peoples. An AGI would be able to analyze minute differences in climactic results and then infer information from it, which will settle a lot of debates about whether some climactic change is responsible for a certain empire's course.
In truth, it's not really something you can't do yet. Most of the things AGI is looking at are theoretically possible for humans to do with enough time. It's just that AGI will do it robustly and transparently to settle a longstanding series of historical debates.
I bring it up not because I think it's particularly important, but just because I think it's one of the few ways that AI will actually help the field of history.

>> No.15310503

>(like the moon landing).
>If I connect this one theory with another one, I can transfer the low credibility of the latter onto the former without requiring any proof. I am so clever! They'll never figure that one out!

>> No.15310533

I was just giving an well known example retard. If you interpreted my post in that way, then you struggle with reading comprehension.

>> No.15310567

>something interesting is happening...
>people are using an AI that is specialized in making up images of things that aren't real to.... make up images of things that aren't real
How is that even remotely interesting?

>> No.15310568

>98, 99
>a few weeks ago
Nigger, 1999 was 24 years ago.

>> No.15310574

They've been doing this, falsifying historical events, for decades, way before AI was even a concept.

>> No.15310581

>Are you aware that all of the films and photos of the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz
I have never seen any images of such, fake or otherwise. I have never been shown any films or photos purporting to show the Soviet liberation of Auschwitz.

>> No.15310624

Likely not.
History in the long term in saved by physical documents which are kept in records and archives.
Memes and basically everything online (which includes all of the chatgpt stuff) will be forgotten as the internet ages and changes eventually making them inaccessible

>> No.15310627

ESL moment

>> No.15310637


>> No.15310647

>ChatGPT gives me a Master's level answer on any historical question I ask it
Generalised LLM like that won't cut it because too much of history is stuck in unscanned or proprietary content. Specific/proprietary LLM could do the job tho.

>> No.15310659


>> No.15310907

Someone tried to pass them off as real in this very thread.

>> No.15310912


>> No.15310961

>reading comprehension

>> No.15310999

have you tried asking it nicely to not do that?

>> No.15311031

I would’ve slammed my laptop shut and gone for a long walk, perhaps even shed a few tears if I made a blunder like you just did. Congratulations on your mental fortitude

>> No.15311045

It also depends on what you mean by "master's level". There's a reason you don't become a highly respected professor by answering multiple choice exams, or why famous quizzers aren't considered authorities on those subjects they have advanced knowledge in - just knowing the information doesn't mean anything. A book "knows" information.

>> No.15311136
File: 29 KB, 420x358, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's already a ton of fake history and deleted history, so yeah. Why not?
Pretty much all "history books" are only about 20% truthful.

"History is written by the winners" and the "winners" always have a biased viewpoint.

Telling the truth about historical events usually results in cries of "extremism", "racism", "heresy", "cult", "dangerous to democracy", "sinner", etc.

>> No.15311145

That video is amazing. LMAO at the interviewer being clearly uncomfortable and changing the subject as quickly as possible after he gets told to his face that those movies are all USSR forgeries

>> No.15311157

It's hard for people to admit they've been fooled.

>> No.15311186

our history is all fake and gay anyway, it cant get much worse. you think fake news is a new thing? you see how fake the news is so imagine how fake the history books are

>> No.15311195

I wonder if Eva takes some sadistic pleasure in telling them to their face that it was all a hoax and them forcing them to continue acting as if its legitimate. Did we just watch a public humiliation ritual?

>“Political correctness is communist propaganda writ small. In my study of communist societies, I came to the conclusion that the purpose of communist propaganda was not to persuade or convince, not to inform, but to humiliate; and therefore, the less it corresponded to reality the better. When people are forced to remain silent when they are being told the most obvious lies, or even worse when they are forced to repeat the lies themselves, they lose once and for all their sense of probity. To assent to obvious lies is in some small way to become evil oneself. One's standing to resist anything is thus eroded, and even destroyed. A society of emasculated liars is easy to control. I think if you examine political correctness, it has the same effect and is intended to.”
― Theodore Dalrymple

>> No.15312403
File: 481 KB, 828x1222, 1680007332122981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not part of any conspiracy theory that those films and images were produced fraudulently, the russian government and the jews who were there all openly admit that those films are fakes
heres a video of anne frank's stepsister laying out the details.

>> No.15312411

Did the mods really delete every post linking factual evidence? Amazing.

>> No.15312415
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>> No.15312654

Communist cope

>> No.15314299
File: 244 KB, 1600x896, Y6xKATvp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've been pulling the same old tricks for over a century and they're still at it today

>> No.15315283

Not going to change what we know, but that we know.