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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 19 KB, 288x358, ayn_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1530637 No.1530637 [Reply] [Original]

'Nuff said

>> No.1530642


>> No.1530646
File: 13 KB, 264x274, Damnit2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1530648

What an idiotic whore with a shitty pseudo philosophy.

>> No.1530654


I doubt you've even read her books

>> No.1530663

I doubt you've had even one successful troll thread.

>> No.1530676


On the contrary, my good sir! I've actually had over 200 posts on several of my troll threads on /b/

>> No.1530687
File: 731 KB, 1007x748, F U.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1530700



Underachiever, huh?

>> No.1530703

besides, this is hardly a troll thread. you may not care for her but ayn rand had some interesting ideas. i certainly prefer her to the contemporary philosophers who can't even decide for sure whether they exist or not

>> No.1530726


Her ideas could be described in two words.

"Be greedy!"

>> No.1530737


Yes, but only within certain limits. Your greed should not cause you to violate the rights of others in any way. Things like robbery and insider trading are not morally permissible to objectivists.

>> No.1530743

She was a hypocritical bitch, and presented ideas that everyone had thought of before, but were smart enough to know that it was too idiotic to present as an actual philosophy.

>> No.1530750

>implying greed has limits.

>> No.1530756

Which is what is so stupid about it. It tells you that if you CAN accomplish something, that you DESERVE to accomplish it. Then she turns around and tries to make sure that she wouldn't get fucked over in an Objectivist society. It's like the people who go around talking about how much they agree with Eugenics but always seem to put the required limits below their own abilities.

>> No.1530767


That's not quite true. If I have the ability to rob my neighbor and gain a considerable amount of wealth by so doing, does that mean that I should? Ayn Rand certainly wouldn't think so. But she did think that if a person EARNS wealth through LEGITIMATE means, the government shouldn't be able to take that wealth away from them and give it to undeserving people.

>> No.1530777


>> No.1530781

Wha5t gives her the right to decide who is deserving or undeserving, what gives her the right to decide what is legitimate business practices? Her entire goddamn philosophy is named Objectivism, but she seems to be one of the least objective philosophers ever.

>> No.1530789

They call it "objectivism" but it's really egotism and selfishness.

>> No.1530792

>But she did think that if a person EARNS wealth through LEGITIMATE means
So...directly breaking into a house is wrong, but purposefully running a small business out of town so you can jack up the prices is ok? Is hiring cheap labor and then not compensating people for industrial accidents ok? Why are all of these injustices ok as long as their done by a corporation, but if someone pulls a gun and shoots a man, they're immoral?

>> No.1530797


She would say that we can determine which business practices/enterprises are legitimate by exercising our rational faculties. If certain practices violate the rights of other individuals, then they are immoral. If not, then they are permissible. As for where these rights come from, I think (but am not positive) that Ayn Rand relied on theories about natural rights. She also argued that man, as a rational being, is deserving of certain rights which non-rational beings (ex. animals) are not.

>> No.1530808


Did the laborers freely consent to the wage which they are paid? Whose fault was the industrial accident in question? If it was the factory's fault, then compensation should be paid. If not, the worker should not be able to penalize his employer because of his clumsiness.

>> No.1530816

>>Did the laborers freely consent to the wage which they are paid?
Maybe they don't have a choice. If the option is starve or work for a pittance, you do have a gun to your head.

>>If it was the factory's fault, then compensation should be paid.
Immediately and with force. Otherwise they'll dodge fees and tie it all up in courts forever.

>>If not, the worker should not be able to penalize his employer because of his clumsiness.
Rarely are industrial accidents the result of a single worker.

>> No.1530842


I'll agree to your points about industrial accidents-Companies must be held accountable for their negligence. As for the issue of wages, bear in mind that objectivism recognizes the right of workers to form unions and bargain collectively. Also, if the government imposes a minimum wage on factories, the businesses (and jobs) often end up moving elsewhere. We are seeing this happen in China, where a combination of government acts and worker demands are forcing wages up. The result thus far has been a proliferation of underground factories that pay their workers less than minimum wage. At the same time, some corporations have begun moving from China to countries like Vietnam where labor is cheaper.

>> No.1530857
File: 60 KB, 480x563, Karl_Marx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That bitch was small time.

>> No.1530858
File: 68 KB, 807x607, 1279573152197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is not science or math, and while philosophy is borderline OK for /sci/, Ayn Rand is just borderline philosophy. Take it to /new/, I'm sure you can start a shitstorm between the libertarians and the stormfags (she was Jewish).

>> No.1530889

Hey sages, it wasn't me this time!

>> No.1530890

>lock up your toddlers the rand is loose and looking for baby cock
Oh god I lol'd.