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1530189 No.1530189 [Reply] [Original]

>Industrial Revolution was powered by child slaves


Much evil was done in the name of technological progress.

>> No.1530193


>> No.1530194

>industrial revolution
>technological progress

>> No.1530195


more liberal revisionist bullshit

these people weren't forced to work

they WILLINGLY moved to cities and industrialized areas

>> No.1530198

Fuck the fuck off right now you stupid cunt.

>> No.1530479

Why do you love capitalism that much? Don't you think such things could've been avoided?

>> No.1530487

That is what happens when engineers take priority over scientist in a society.

>> No.1532539

unchecked capitalism knows no boundaries of evil

>> No.1532570

Right. Scientists sitting around firing cathode rays at things sure gets things done.
I'm not being sarcastic. Cathode rays are awesome.

>> No.1532581

fucking troll. If its the only work you can get, and if you don't your family dies, you fucking work there. calling it willing is like calling rape consensual because she didn't shoot him with a gun she didn't have.

>> No.1532589

Socialist nations have more human rights violations. Nazi Germany, Soviet Russia, North Korea, etc.

>> No.1532884

Socialism doesn't have to go to the extremes of these nations. Oh, and the largest capitalist nation is the USA and we all know they don't violate anybody's human rights.

>> No.1532893

None of those nations were socialist, and your a troll
not un-true

>> No.1532959

>Nazi Germany

Ok, I think we know what kind of person we're dealing with here, there's no point even trying to communicate, right?

>> No.1532962

So the National Socialist movement in Germany wasn't socialist?

>> No.1532969
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Yes, they did, but you should also mention that they did so mainly because they were disowned of the feudal lands they used to cultivate, thus having no other means to sustain themselves than to sell their labour power in the emerging capitalist factories.

The existence of today's free markets is based on violent expropriation. Of course, libtards don't want to hear that.

>> No.1532971

nope, since when does a title mean what it says?

>> No.1532973

Unchecked capitalism =/= Real capitalism

>> No.1532984


So then what's the difference between "real" capitalism and unchecked capitalism?

>> No.1532992


Are you kidding me? Private business where bloody everywhere.

Just like how uneducated libertarians somehow believes they ain't a sub-group of liberalism. To give another example, there's plenty of people who call themselves Christians, but we all know the only one died at the cross.

captcha is "and shhoehorn"

>> No.1532993

Real capitalism has no restrictions and regulations that are applied by anything or anyone other than the business owner (as he pleases). Unchecked capitalism has restriction and regulations from an external source, like a government or laws or bureaucracy etc., and just ends up devolving into oppression and/or socialism/communism/totalitarianism.

>> No.1533002
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Why does real capitalism sound shittier than unchecked capitalism?

I can see a whooole window of opportunity for abuse there.

>> No.1533011

Because you're a paranoid socialist probably. If a capitalist is abusing an employee or something, the employee can just simply get a job elsewhere that doesn't have abuse. It's really that simple, a bad environment would just drive away employees on their own, so you can just keep your environment optimal if you want to keep people working for you.

>> No.1533014
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this is what happens when children are not allowed to work

>> No.1533019


By this logic no one is forced to do anything.

Someone was holding a gun to your head eh? You WILLINGLY chose to co-operate.

>> No.1533020
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this is what happens when children are not allowed to work.

>> No.1533027

Y'know I don't work (have trouble getting a job), and I'm still 6'2" at 130 lbs.

>> No.1533030

Here's how to meaningfully separate opinions on free markets.

Free market = no regulation → idiots
Free market requires regulation to be free → reasonable

>> No.1533031


so what, not everyone is like you.

>> No.1533037

>Because you're a paranoid socialist
Are you kidding me?
Look at this world. Even with regulations and all that shit, corporations do whatever necessary to make maximum profit. That usually involves them straining and sometimes breaking labor, safety and environmental laws. I'd hate to think if businesses could dictate themselves all the shit.

>> No.1533040
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working is bad for children

>> No.1533048

Most of that abuse is done by governments and regulation forcing the business to bend over backwards for them. But abusive acts of capitalism themselves are decremental to the business, since it can easily drive away workers and potential customers, since no one wants to work in an abusive environment or buy from a company that isn't fair or safe to them; so the business owner is already obliged to create a safer environment to keep employment and profits up. And even they still had workers in an abusive environment, the workers themselves are still there consensually and aren't the least bit forced to work in that bad an environment, and since that if they didn't want to work in such a hostile territory they can just get another job as easily. Capitalism works itself out this way.

>> No.1533053


Have you ever been to the real world? It ain't exactly that simple

>> No.1533058

I'm tired of hearing that argument, its bullshit and anyone who falls for ovbiously never heard of unchecked capitalism of the 1800d

>> No.1533064
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children doing manual labour is unethical

>> No.1533067



>> No.1533068



If large corperations are allowed to go unchecked, they end up becoming monopolies and then charge insane prices for products only they produce

>> No.1533069


What happens if every company have an abusive environment?

>> No.1533071

Strikes happen. Like in the 1800s and China right now.

>> No.1533073

Child labour gets shit done.

>> No.1533074


sounds like you are weak and scrawny, you need to do some manual labour so you can grow some muscles.

>> No.1533077

God damn, stop making that typo on a American site you dumbfuck European faggots

>> No.1533081

u mad, amerifag?

>> No.1533083


>> No.1533085
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>> No.1533086

So true

>> No.1533099

It eventually gets out, it's a very difficult piece of information to hide that no amount of money and power can guarantee. Rumors will still happen, which is enough to scare people away from a company.

Then they'll end up losing customers as a whole, so they'll be forced to keep everything fair so they can excel.

Then they leave and go on strike, or start their own businesses with fairer environments and rules.

No it's government intervention that started it all and worsen things. Nothing got better because of them but because of the human element to capitalism that managed to work itself out where time was the only requirement. Anything you read in a history book about the government stepping into to put an end to that crap is all false and liberal propaganda.

>> No.1533101
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>liberal propaganda.

>> No.1533104

just admit your a troll so i can get back to work :/

>> No.1533105
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Yeah, that's the reason why unregulated Manchester capitalism was such a nice economical system to live in, short workdays (>=14h/day), healthy workspace environments (the life expectancy of factory workers was LOWER than of their peasant parent/grandparent generation, the populace also had a lower mean size, which irked the military administration e.g.) and no child labour (OH WAIT A SECOND!!!).

All that didn't change by some invisible hand, but by workers' self organization, unions, socialist movements and all that. All that stuff that quickly makes libertarians ditch their phony talk of freedom and advocate repression. Because we can't have workers improving their situation by collective action in our libertarian utopia/dystopia, eh?

>> No.1533108

Sorry, this isn't a troll but mere facts. In fact it's the liberals and their propaganda that're the real trolls.

And the correct usage is "you're."

>> No.1533109

you just got trolled into typing two paragraphs

>> No.1533110


> implying they will have enough money to go on strike or make their own company if they haven't enough money to eat every day

>> No.1533113

They can pool theirs together and create even the ultimate businesses.

>> No.1533116
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Thats right america! the liberals are TAKING AWAY YOUR FREEDOM!

>> No.1533118

You people sure are whiners. What do you care so much about factory workers and their living conditions? It's not like anybody here has a job.

>> No.1533121

how does capitalism do away with monopolies?

>> No.1533123

Everybody wants to make money, and will create their own business to compete with each other.

>> No.1533125

Hm, you're right obviously. I'll just leave this thread and try to do something productive...

>> No.1533128

And when the much bigger company simply buys the smaller one..?

cuzz you know, thats kinda how monopolies work

>> No.1533130

Someone else will come along and compete. And not every company will accept being bought into another and simply refuse.

>> No.1533133
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>> No.1533134


Yeah, it is easy not eating for a few years so you can make your own company. And then they fail because their good company isn't enough efficient. But sure they can try...

>> No.1533136

And then when that company goes out of business because the monopolized business right down the street has the ability to loose profits just to put that other store out of business..?

>> No.1533138

Then someone else will come along and try again. Repeat cycle.

>> No.1533139

There will never be a shortage of idiots willing to start their own business.

>> No.1533142

They'll fail too. the vast majority of people would rather buy something for cheap and buy it from a wallmart than buy the same thing twice as much because its from a mom&pop

>> No.1533143


And where do they find the money for beginning a new company?

>> No.1533146

And then someone else will try again. At least one will succeed eventually, especially if they learn from the past failures.

>> No.1533147

It doesn't matter how often or how many people open up their new business if theres a wallgreens right next door who sells everything for alot less.....

>> No.1533149

The same place where everybody gets money. They work for it, save it, and do whatever they fucking want with their savings. Derp.

>> No.1533152

Banks, family, other companies? There's an endless of possibilities to obtain that money, it's entirely up to them.

>> No.1533155

It doesn't matter if people are going to buy from someone else, people who are willing to try to start a business are obviously too stupid to know that they'll fail.

>> No.1533156

And by that, you mean take out a loan from a bank? OH WAIT, THATS A MAJOR FACTOR FOR WHAT CAUSED THE 'MERICA MARKET CRASH

>> No.1533160

Or save money through years of interest.

>> No.1533161

So? Let the market crash. It will recover eventually.

>> No.1533162


how many fucking libertarians are on /sci/??

>> No.1533165


But if their aren't paid enough to save a part of it? I mean, for a company, the best worker is a worker you don't need to pay.

>> No.1533166

interest doesn't make money, it doesn't ever cover inflation

>> No.1533170


Oh please, as if most humans even bother to look shit like that up. Habit is a very strong force.

Take Mcdonalds, it's a shitstain and fucking awfull place for people to work at. Working conditions are awful, animal control is non-existing. I'm personally studding work science and consult for a smaller company, and Mcdonalds is many times brought up as a scary example of how something can turn into a monster as long as it's big and powerful enough. At the same time, the committee chairman at the company I'm working at believes in unions simply because they make working conditions fair for everyone. No one will get any "special treatment" just because he's a better friend, thus corruption is guaranteed lowered.

Just compare a place as the US with random Nordic country, where the later has a tradition of a strong union. People working as waitresses and deliverymen in the US has to conduct beggary in order to survive.

>> No.1533171

And then all those people are out of jobs and have to take any work they can possibly get so their children don't starve...

>> No.1533172

Then go to another bank or get your money elsewheres.

>> No.1533174

They can quit their job and go work for someone else.

>> No.1533175

McDonald's hires inexperienced, young workers who will work for low pay and terrible environment. Sad, but they're still there consensually, and at least they'll get work experience and land a better job in the future.

>> No.1533178

As long as there's an internet full of shut ins using it, there are libertaritards.

>> No.1533179

Liberians are the biggest trolls ever, and i would gladly martyr myself so theres no possibility it will ever take any sort of government control

>> No.1533181

what happens when every company has a set up like that because it maximizes profits?

>> No.1533185

Then the person can start his own business to differ from them.

>> No.1533187

Then nobody will go to work and the entire system collapses.

>> No.1533189

And then when that company gets drivven out of business because the monoplising corp has the ability to charge half the price of what they can...?

>> No.1533191
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>> No.1533193

You forgot to mention how millions, and MILLIONS, of people die.

>> No.1533194


But a company needs to be competitive, and the less you pay the workers, the more you're competitive. So every company need to have a abusive environment to be competitive. You can leave your job if you find it bad, but there is a good job nowhere. So no one will leave his job.

>> No.1533195

If nobody is paying anybody for their work, nobody will be able to buy anything and nobody can turn a profit.

>> No.1533196

See bro, thats why libertarians are dumb. They pretty much Garnetee the system to collapse..

Pure Capitalism will collapse, YOU JUST ADMITED IT

>> No.1533199

Start your own business. Be your own boss.

>> No.1533200

Then someone else will try. Repeat cycle.

>> No.1533207

Your using circular logic bro, we all already decided being your own boss doesn't work..

>> No.1533210

No they entire economy will collapse because of mass idiocy, not because of capitalism, but because of abuse, capitalism had nothing to do with it.

>> No.1533215

Pure capitalism wouldn't collapse because the people running it aren't stupid enough to refuse to pay their workers because they know that nobody would work for them. Greed and common sense are a nice combination.

>> No.1533216


Sure they going to wait a year or two, till the system collapse, without eating because they have no money.

>> No.1533217

Well then that's just impossible, it will work, eventually it does.

>> No.1533223

Plenty of things don't work. That doesn't stop people from trying. People are idiots, remember?

>> No.1533226

If nobody is paying them, it doesn't matter if they go to work to earn money for food or not.

>> No.1533233


1. In pure capitalism, you cannot start your own business because the major corp will put you out of business.
>but then someone else tries
And they fail too

2. Working conditions will suck because safety equipment doesn't maximize profits
>so they quit and start their own business
But then that fails too, as we already pointed out.

3. Everyone will keep their shitty job because they cannot start their own business.

4. After EVERYONE gets fed up because having a shitty job fails, they strike
While in strike, their family starves because theres no money to buy food.

>> No.1533239

So don't strike, go to work, earn money, and buy food. Problem solved.

>> No.1533240

5. not everyone strikes, because they want their family to live.

6. The system collopases because half of the work force is striking

>> No.1533244

but then the corporations are taking advantage of them, and theres nothing they can do.. they can't get out of it because theres nothing else they can do.

If they don't work, they die

>> No.1533248

I'm sorry but none of that is even the slightest bit true and will not work. If a company fails because of competition, overtime someone else will try again and get it right. A company will have to keep safety up if they want to get people working for them, or they'll lose them to someone else with safer conditions. I'm not reading the rest of your post, it's all fallacies and liberal propaganda.

>> No.1533251

Yeah. So?

>> No.1533258


And if they work, they die because of the bad work conditions. At the end, everyone is going to die, so where is the problem?

>> No.1533260
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>> No.1533263


Now, when this is such a horrible scenario, for what reasons ought one to choose that in, in front of other forms of capitalism?

>> No.1533266

Libruls. Libruls EVERYWHERE!!!

>> No.1533267

Why would I have to work for a living? I already have plenty of money.

>> No.1533270

we had decided that all businesses worked like that, because from a profit stand point theres no reason not to

kinda like that early 1900s thing

>> No.1533273

Those times didn't happen, just liberal propaganda.

>> No.1533275

>we had decided that all businesses worked like that

Well, you appear to be an expert on this subject.

>> No.1533288

See Liberian retards..

We already decided that pure capitalism causes massive pain for a fuckton of people..

You admitted that you don't care how many people are suffering because of your retarded dream of capitalism...

Let me question you this... the gov't is run by the people. the same people work work 14 hour days. Why wouldn't they elect someone who will change the laws so they have to at least make 8$ an hour and only have to work 8 hour days?

>> No.1533291
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WHAT THE FUCK?!?!?!!?@!?!!?1?1?1??!?!?1?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

>> No.1533298
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>> No.1533299

This is why democracy is mostly a flawed concept. Sure the idea of a government run by its people is nice idea, but there's a thing called "argument by popularity." People often choose the most popular agreed upon argument instead of any actual and true ones. The most idiotic arguments often end up being the most popular ones, so therefore democracy is flawed because of human nature.

>> No.1533301
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>> No.1533308

People are idiots because they don't want to work 14 hour days just so they can barely feed their families.....?

>> No.1533310

Because they're idiots.

>> No.1533316
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You best be trolling.

>> No.1533317

yo brah, can i like have your address or something so we can go talk about this more? I'll be the guy with the baseball bat to BASH YOUR BRAIN IN.

>> No.1533322

If they prefer survival for themselves only over the liberty and freedom of others, then yes they are idiots. They could be just using that "feed my family" excuse to justify it.

>> No.1533323


>> No.1533327

They're idiots because they think that because the majority of people think something is right, that makes it so. If majority opinion determines truth, that makes Twilight the BEST BOOK EVER and creationism the way nature works.

>> No.1533329

See, no. The only ones who are free are the ones on top. Everyone working 14 hour days to barely live isn't free.

Those are what we call slaves.

>> No.1533333

No one is making them work, so they're not slaves since it's all consensual.

>> No.1533339


> Twilight the BEST BOOK EVER
Thats a matter of pure opinion. no one can tell you what your opinions are

>creationism the way nature works.
Thats a matter of pure fact. even everyone on earth combined cannot change that creationism isn't fact.

>people and their gov't
The gov't is FOR THE PEOPLE, BY THE PEOPLE. It exists solely to serve the people, and what the people want, is what the gov't gives.

>> No.1533343

So, if i rape your wife, its consensual because she doesn't kill me?

>> No.1533356

It's consensual if she let you do it. Just like it's consensual to work in a hostile environment because you chose to work in it, no one else. There is no murder or death under capitalism, and if it did it's not capitalism

>> No.1533361

A matter of popular opinion. And that is all democracy is.

>> No.1533368

But its not PURE OPINION. Its there so people don't have to suffer.

Government isn't an opinion the way a favorite color is.

>> No.1533378
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Okay, look. I know your a total troll. And i'm done being mad.

You did actually manage to make me mad, so congratuFUCKINGlations. 10/10

>> No.1533384

Selecting your leaders based on popular opinion of who is best qualified to lead rather than who is actually best qualified to lead isn't a matter of pure opinion? What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.1533391

i'm smoking FREEDOM. your obviously smoking OPPRESSION

>> No.1533393

If you would like to learn more about this curious issue, please read "Epistemic Democracy: Generalizing the Condorcet Jury Theorem."

>> No.1533402

I honestly cannot believe that people actually hold these opinions. Willing to make millions of lives HORRIBLE. Willing to kill MILLIONs and MILLIONs of people just for some perverted view of "freedom". A view of freedom where your only free to choose what 14 hour a day job you work.

A freedom where your free to live your life the way you want to, as long as you want it in black.

>> No.1533408

Enjoy being free to select people who couldn't find their ass with both hands and a mirror to run your country.

>> No.1533415

I'd rather elect someone would cannot find their own ass, than someone who is enough of an asshole to pay me a penny to find it for them.

>> No.1533418

If you let people do whatever they want, they'll probably just destroy themselves by accident. Or at best cripple their society beyond any hope of repair.

>> No.1533426

I'm sure people would be happier with their society crippled than their backs crippled from 14 hour work days for 20 years with no hopes of moving up the latter

>> No.1533428

And that is why Bush won twice.

>> No.1533433

The future of our civilisation if we let the neoliberals run amok.

>> No.1533434

They'll still bitch about how things could have turned out better had they done something else. Humans are miserable. No matter how good or bad things are, they will never be satisfied with it.

>> No.1533436


This is why free market is bullshit.

>> No.1533444

I like how Liberian retarded actually would LOVE capitalism

>> No.1533445

It's also why democracy fails.

>> No.1533449


You're right, we need communism.

>> No.1533451


[citation needed]

>> No.1533457

Hey Liberian guy, riddle me this.. why not just kill everyone and make robots do all jobs?

>> No.1533468

Communism is actually about liberating people from economic and political oppression and obtaining an anarchist utopia. It's just as bad. Possibly worse.

>> No.1533470

Because umm... well actually thats a good idea, let the ruling elite live and kill everyone else, and make robots do all jobs.

I propose we do this

>> No.1533471

Because at the present time AI technology is shit.

>> No.1533475

mass genocide of 6 billion people?


>> No.1533478


And what do you want then?

>> No.1533485

capitalism is inherently evil just like all other eco-political system mankind devised.

however, before that system, even more children suffer under the name of the church, the king and the lordships.

>> No.1533486

He wants everyone to work 14 hour days, and be unhappy "cuzz they are idiots"...

>> No.1533491

Hey libertarian guy.. Where you live at?

I was thinking we could go have coffee and you could tell me more. your ideas changed my mind, and i wanna meet the man behind the text.

>> No.1533493

Meritocracy or technocracy, so the few people who actually know what they're doing can have the power to choose for those who haven't the slightest clue as to what's good for them.

>> No.1533500


And who decides who are idiots? Not the one who try to make their own business, because they are idiots.

>> No.1533503

and guess how these people will view the inferior class of the society?

let's be honest, there are those people in the world that are worth exactly shit. we are all better off without them and there's nothing to protect them except a system where they have unwarranted power.

>> No.1533510

They'll view them as vermin and treat them as such. I have no problem with this.

>> No.1533511

your arguments are circular and your an asshole. In all honesty, if i EVER met someone making this argument in front of me, i would grab my tire iron from my trunk, break their legs, and then repeatedly beat their testicles with my steal towed boots until their testicles rupture so they cant ever have children that can be indoctrinationed by that bullshit and spread it more

>> No.1533515 [DELETED] 
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>> No.1533514

This barbarism is why the intelligent people of the world will never take you or your kind seriously.

>> No.1533517
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>> No.1533518

Yes, I am sick of living in a world governed by morons.

>> No.1533521

>This barbarism is why the intelligent people of the world will never take you or your kind seriously.

No, i think you forget the course of history.


If you forget, the working class WILL ALWAYS out number the elite class.

Remember all those revolutions in history? those are because of your type of logic.

>> No.1533525


I could be worse. For example, in my country (I'm swiss),everyone can vote on every law. It is slow but it works great.

>> No.1533543

Revolutions are led by lower members of the upper class who seek to use the working class to overthrow the current ruling class and take their place. That or lower class Machiavellians who then take all the power for themselves and become the new power ruling the country. And the working class is too stupid to realize this.

>> No.1533558

[citation needed]
Either way, anyone whos on top and treats everyone else as "as vermin and treat them as such"(as you so nicely put it) will die in a fire.

and FYI, sometimes the lower classes do rise up and kill their leaders and cause real, REAL, REAL FUCKING FREEDOM.

(i cannot believe i'm about to say this but...) THATS AMERICA, ASSHOLE.

>> No.1533579

Look at every revolution in history and you'll find someone who rose up, took control, and then made themselves the new leader. Most were already in the upper class, with all the education that only the upper class can have. Some were genuinely lower down, but became powerful by the support of the people. And if you think that being a tyrant gets you overthrown by the people, you've obviously never read about Stalin.

>> No.1533584

Your still an asshole and i'd still kick anyone's ass if they were making the same arguments as you.

>> No.1533585
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"They can pool theirs [their monney] together and create even the ultimate businesses."
Implying that's not the fundamental idea of communism: Pool the worker's monney, posessions and workforce to create a ultimate, unified, nation-sized business.
After all a communist state is very similar to an almighty corporation, and the salaries are paid with goods.

Oh and instead of being fired, you're being fired at. With guns.

>> No.1533590

And you are an internet tough guy who wouldn't have the guts, balls, or physical power to follow through on any of your threats in real life.

>> No.1533622

>And you are an internet tough guy
Fair enough
>who wouldn't have the guts, balls
Anger counts as both
>or physical power
Even a woman could fuck your shit with a tire iron
>to follow through on any of your threats in real life
Again, other things

>> No.1533638

Anger counts for nothing. It decreases your ability to think, blinds you to your enemy's tactics, and generally turns you into an idiot. And besides, if someone comes at you with a tire iron, you can always run away. Or shoot them. The clear, calm mind offers many ways of dealing with problems when they present themselves that an angry, irrational mind wouldn't come up with.

>> No.1533651
File: 51 KB, 500x500, TireIron500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of arguing with you, see my tire iron for details

>> No.1533654

How come when China uses child labor, westerners bitch and moan about human rights?

>> No.1533674

Limited range, strength of the blow determined mostly by the strength of the one swinging it, easy to dodge and all you need to do to disarm the one holding it is kick them in the balls. Maybe you'd do better with a pointy stick?

>> No.1533685
File: 122 KB, 823x157, 2010-08-02_1228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

any of these good enough for you? nigger.

>> No.1533699
File: 58 KB, 650x483, Libertarian_Housepets.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1533707

Pistols are laughably inaccurate. And I doubt someone like you would even know how to load one.

>> No.1533715

Actually i know how to, when i was about 16 i really got into backyard explosives and guns and shit.

I'm sure i'd hit you atleast once with a 8 round clip

>> No.1533733

Sure you did, and sure you would. Not that bullets from pistols are particularly dangerous to anything unless they hit you in a vital organ. And not that you'd have the balls to fire, even if you did have a weapon and knew how to use it, considering you are a small, weak little man who only makes threats over the internet to make yourself feel powerful.

>> No.1533736

I really wanna kill you =(

You are one hell of a master troll

>> No.1533745

Sure you want to. But you never will. The odds of you running into me, knowing who I am, having a weapon, and getting in a powerful enough blow or accurate enough shot to even cause serious damage, let alone death, are so slim that they might as well be zero.

>> No.1533816

ITT: People didn't know stuff that is teached in high school

>> No.1533832
File: 22 KB, 211x325, scruffy second.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
