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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1530143 No.1530143 [Reply] [Original]

How many of /sci/ are actual scientists?

To qualify you must be studying degree or above.
I am studying my 4th year of my physics masters.

pic unrelated.

>> No.1530150

Only my first year of undergrade. But also Physics. Aspiring scientist I guess.

>> No.1530151

I have a Ph.D in Physics
I am working at the LHC
u mad?

>> No.1530154


>I am studying my 4th year of my physics masters
Shit nigga, 4 year masters? Enjoy funding that.

Also, you are not a physicist/scientist.
Until being a physicist starts paying the bills you are merely a student

>> No.1530164

PhD here, but it is a social science. I am about as legit a scientist as the guy in a lab coat in a garnier commercial.

>> No.1530166

If he has a fellowship, then it is paying the bills. lrn2 research

>> No.1530167


erroneous. Once you start doing meaningful experiments you are a scientist.

Also my masters is a full 4 year course so I get a student loan for it.

What did you study for your P.H.D and what do you do at the LHC?

>> No.1530170

lol fellowship for a masters?
what shit tier university do you go to that hands those out?

>> No.1530188

lulz drop out, count?

>> No.1530197

>Kepler required a Ph.D.

>> No.1530199

First year PhD.

>> No.1530203


Keplers only useful law was limited to the solar system.....

>> No.1530207

>implying he actually comprehends the extent to which Kepler's entire body of work quietly revolutionised the post-Renaissance concept of the universe

>> No.1530223

Still a freshman at a university, but I'm on my way.

>> No.1530233

Phd, was in research for many years, yer basic workin' scientist.

>> No.1530237


universe.....or solar system?

>> No.1530246


Looks like another scientist didn't bother to look much into the development of Science

>> No.1530252

just finished my 2nd year my university as a chem major. do i consider myself a scientist? no. do i consider myself smart enough to use this board? most definitely yes

>> No.1530257


science is better than history

>> No.1530264

Junior electrical engineering major. umad?

>> No.1530266

the depth of the stupidity of that statement is nearly beyond description

>> No.1530267
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Hello Umpa Lumpa of science.

>> No.1530269

Enjoying browsing 4chan via the fruits of EE's labor?

>> No.1530270


Science is better than English

>> No.1530273

science is bestest and is better than logic or anything

>> No.1530276
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with a bit of luck, aspiring nuclear engineer

>> No.1530277


People remember the minds not the workforce.

>> No.1530288

I'm about to go into third year of undergrad, aka upper division.
In a research group working on a BEC out of positronium.

>> No.1530290


shut up
people can remember whatever they want to remember
what are you some kind of Big Bother or something

>> No.1530294


Do you feel like I am watching you?

>> No.1530298

STFU and talk about my post.

>> No.1530311

Not I. ;_;

Maybe a couple of decades down the road when it is time for my second career.

>> No.1530314

I like BECs, they are cold.

>> No.1530317

4 years for a masters??

either bullshit or you are doing something completely wrong...

>> No.1530318
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4th year masters

4th year



srsly who spends more than 1 year doing their masters


>> No.1530324

i'm starting my 4th year of grad school in applied math. Just pasted my prelims. feelsgoodman.jpg

>> No.1530325


my apologies, the full course includes my masters. It includes the b.a. It is a full 4 years. I.E I dont apply twice.

>> No.1530329

oh i see. good luck but you are no scientist until you have some papers out for original research. Do you?

>> No.1530330
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All I have left of my Biology degree is a writing component and 2 semesters of foreign language (fuckin' 6 credit hour class RUINS my schedule, but had I not put it off, I could have finished in December). After that, it's either grad school or vet school.

>> No.1530336


Msc or MPhys?

>> No.1530337

About to finish my BS in Neuroscience. I'll also be wrapping up the final experiment in my two year long study next week after which I'll probably spend another month or two finishing up the manuscript for my publication and honor's thesis.

So if doing publication-quality research counts as being a scientist then I guess I am.

>> No.1530339


>After that, it's either grad school or vet school.

>After that it's either grad school, vet school, or rejection.


>> No.1530340


funnily enough I am in the process of a full study which will be published. It's on GRBs

>> No.1530342



>> No.1530346

in 3 months, i'll be a second year chemist :3

any organicfags around?

>> No.1530353

BS astrophysics
2nd year grad student (getting paid. no hurr durring). Hopefully I'll have my Master's at the end of the year, then go on for PhD in 3 more years.

>> No.1530356

Physics major, undergrad. Possible computer science double major.

>> No.1530364

what uni?

>> No.1530365


>Possible computer science double major.

So you're going into sophomore year?

No junior or senior says 'possible' because they know by then.

>> No.1530371


To save you time.
2nd course down.

>> No.1530374

Electrical Engineering major, math minor

>> No.1530383

>Hurr durr. Engineering is a science major.

>> No.1530386

Undergraduate EE is much more involved than UG physics, chemistry, mathematics, etc.

>> No.1530407

Engineering is to science as prostitution is to love.

Captcha: be stowed

>> No.1530416

I have a masters in psychology.
Also have two published articles: one in a national distribution journal and another at an international one.
Starting my Phd next year.

>> No.1530419

keep telling yourself that. memorization and formulas do not make a subject "more involved" It's not my fault your field insist on making things harder for themselves

>> No.1530422


>> No.1530425


what journals? i have 0 pubs. just this week i had a paper rejected by JPSP.

>> No.1530431

First of all, I'm not even claiming to be a scientist (I would never do it). Second, you need to get better trolling material. Third, I've been reviewed by peers and accepted for publication, do you really think some anon in 4chan is going to bother me?

>> No.1530433

>I don't realize that EEs do importance research along with physicists, materials engineers/scientists, chemists, etc.

Just one example:

>> No.1530434

2nd year business administration student here.
I just love trolling you nerds with religion and phd threads.

>> No.1530440

>implying EE is memorizing formulas
Have you ever even looked at an advanced UG digital electronics course?

I'm not saying it's extremely hard, but let's face it...UG physics, chemistry, and other sciences are fucking easy compared to EE.

My second choice in major would be physics, but unless you're going for graduate school it's just boring.

>> No.1530441

I'm only a rising sophomore undergraduate. But I'm also an unpaid intern who works full time at a lab assisting in actual research.

>> No.1530442

>an anon that has 3 first author papers in an actual science journal

>> No.1530448

links or gtfo troll

captcha: caught jimmied

>> No.1530449

but let's face it...UG physics, chemistry, and other sciences are fucking easy compared to EE.

For you pleasure please google quantum field theory.

>> No.1530454

Cool. don't know why, but I thought it might have been Oxford (we have a similar 4th year Mphys thing)

I'm doing my 4th year MMath next year, but my courses are:

Gen Rel
Quantum Computing
Theor. Phys. 1
Theor. Phys. 2
and a dissertation on BECs

so might as well be an MPhys!

>> No.1530455

have you even taken any advanced math classes besides anything related to calculus or linear algebra??

sometimes I sit in on engineering or physics classes and I'm like "WTF, why are they making things so hard...."

Abstraction is your friend.

>> No.1530456

>implying I'd ever reveal myself on 4chan
looks like we're equally dumb unless you want to man up and show us your wares

>> No.1530457

>but let's face it...UG physics, chemistry, and other sciences are fucking easy compared to EE.

For you pleasure please google quantum field theory.


>> No.1530459

High school level autodidact here.
The areas i study are aerospace engineering and astronomy

Mostly astronomy

>> No.1530462

I've taken Cal I-III, Diff E, and still need mathematical modeling and linear algebra.

Unless I decide to go to grad school that's it for me.

>> No.1530465


I hurpdurped my oxford interview. Something about turning up to my interview in a muse tshirt.

my modules are:

particle theory
theoretical astronomy
advanced theoretical physics
project << evil

>> No.1530467

so you haven't seen real math. Then you don't know shit about what's hard or easy.

>> No.1530469

Computer Science sophomore, umad? We're a step above engineers amiright.

>> No.1530475


I've seen maths for engineers. I wouldn't be suprised if you have not encountered imaginary numbers.

>> No.1530477

haha i got straight up rejected from Durham (along with 4 other of my applications)

I doubt your clothing had anything to do with the processing of your application, I didn't wear smart clothing.

Maybe the interviewer just didn't like Muse.

What's your project going to be on?

>> No.1530480

oops. keep accidentally saging.
polite sage this time

>> No.1530484

>I know absolutely nothing about electrical engineering.
You can't get past simple AC circuit analysis Circuits I without imaginary numbers.

I'm unsure of other schools, but all majors take the same math classes at my school. There is a numerical methods for engineers class after Diff E, which is basically linear algebra with Matlab.

>> No.1530485


Its always my short excuse for rejection. Truthfully just buckled when they asked about my interests in physics.

You got rejected from 5 places except Oxford?

It's on gamma-ray bursts. A whole year of it.....

>> No.1530490

>You can't get past simple AC circuit analysis Circuits I without imaginary numbers.

Is this where you got stuck then?

>> No.1530497

Cool, I know next to nothing about GRBs but their name makes them sound cool.

I lied, I only got rejected from 4 altogether: Durham, Bath, Warwick and Imperial.
Bristol thought I was a pretty cool guy and offered me a place which I nearly took (Bristol is an awesome city)

good luck for next year

>> No.1530503


I loved imperial, I was going to go there but I was too much of a youngfag at the time and London scared me.

Same to you.

>> No.1530506

ALL majors? Even Math majors? If your school has math majors and all they've done is diff eq and linear algebra, it must be a shit school.

>> No.1530509

Yea it was so hard, I quit and now I'm majoring in chemistry

>> No.1530512

Working on my B.S. in Math, plan on continuing for a PhD. I get paid for research, but I'm not sure what your definition of "scientist" is. I call myself a scientist, but I suppose you could make a semantic argument against that.

>> No.1530513

Math majors take classes beyond that obviously, but the core courses contain people studying engineering , physics, chemistry, math, etc.

>> No.1530514

1) 4 years masters degree? damn are you retarded or something?

the only masters students I know who spent more than 2 years were failed Ph. D students who got fired by their PI

2) Chem BS

2 solid years of UR (2 summers 70 hr/week, 6 quarters 30 hour per week)

analytical instruments that I am certified to use and have my own accounts with:

NMR (200, 400, and 600 MHZ)
our mass spec (all forms of ionization +TOF)
GPC (prep and analytical)
class 10 clean room
terahertz laser

I dont claim to use all of them regularly, in fact most of them I only used like 3 or 4 times, but I can use them whenever I want.

I make oligomeric and polymeric organic semiconductors for use in solar cells and/or OLEDs

I started working on development of Ni and Au based catalytic systems for their synthesis, but moved on to direct synthesis, fabrication, and characterization of devices.

my grad mentor and I have 4 papers submitted, and I am 2nd authored on all of them.

>> No.1530518

>Yea it was so hard, I quit and now I'm majoring in chemistry

Well you know what they say. Chemistry is Physics for people who can't do maths.

>> No.1530520

wait. your an undergrad getting paid for research?
what are you researching and who is paying you?

>> No.1530524


Please see

>> No.1530537
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>> No.1530543


>> No.1530549

also my chem BS:

my upper division ELECTIVES (not the required, mandatory classes taught in the chemistry ACS degree program)

3 quarters of quantum mechanics taught in the chem dept.
2 quarters of quantum mechanics taught in the physics dept
1 quarter of condensed matter taught in the physics dept
1 quarter of biophysics taught in the materials dept.
2 quarters of solid state synthesis and solid state physics taught in the materials department
2 quarters of advanced polymer physics and synthetic methodology taught in the materials dept.
1 quarter of photochemistry taught in the chem dept.
1 quarter of advanced synthetic organic chemistry taught in the chem dept.
2 quarters of computational chemistry taught in the chem dept.
1 quarter of advanced PDEs in the math dept
1 quarter of advanced ODEs in the math dept
1 quarter of numerical analysis in the math dept (I loved this class)
1 quarter of "advanced mathematics for physicists" in the physics dept (basically just followed Mary Boas' book)

unlike 99.9% of physics and chem undergraduates, I actually know how to write a UHF wavefunction minimization algorithm in fortran66 and a DFT calculation in matlab

I also know how to construct the 3N-6 Rovibronic wavefunction, analyze F and G matrices, and compute rotational and vibrational eigenvalues from theory.

surprisingly, it was the chemistry quantum course that taught me this

obviously, the required "p-chem" chemistry course was a complete joke in comparison

>> No.1530550

paid undergrad research in math? Math is the one field where there is no expectations of having research before your dissertation.

so either this is bullshit or you must be some super smart genius like jacob lurie.

>> No.1530563


I was paid $4000 per summer, but nothing during the regular school year. they also just gave me a bunch of baller ass glassware:

4 port, dual line schlenk manifold (easily worth over $200 used), a 10 liter dewar, several flash columns of varying size, a PTLC glass chamber, a couple hamilton glass syringes, a vacuum oven, and spare parts for an old Buchi rotovap (not to mention a fucking pile of miscellaneous glassware, stir plates, and other crap)

I am this person:

>> No.1530573


Wait, i'm confused.
Do you already have a degree in chemistry and you're doing another on in math now?

>> No.1530585

I am in 3rd year of my physics undergrad degree. So not a scientist.

>> No.1530653

>To qualify you must be studying degree or above.
Unless you've got a PhD, you're not a scientist. If you're a grad studentt, there's cred for trying to get there. Undergrads can fuck off and go back to trying to solve their problem sheets.

>> No.1530678


Only a stupid nigger couldn't get into paid research during the summers while working on a math degree.

>> No.1530682

bro, chemical engineering. that's why we're called universal engineers

>> No.1530692

I'm in Aeronautical Space Engineering.

My course > your course

>> No.1530704

Brace yourselves for anti-engineering butthurt.

>> No.1530732 [DELETED] 

Undergrads suck. They shit up this bored.

I will bet my dissertation undergrads do more stupid shit like "magnets" "300k starting" "evolution is a geuss" than grad students.

>> No.1530738

There are TONS of opportunities for undergrad research. They normally give you free housing, give you some free shit, and pay you for your time. Entry into a lot of them is very competitive, which is probably why you stupid faggots didn't know about them or couldn't get into them. If you aren't pushing a 4.0 then don't even bother.

>> No.1530739

Undergrads suck. They shit up this board.

I will bet my dissertation undergrads do more stupid shit like "magnets" "300k starting" "evolution is a geuss" than grad students.

>> No.1530740


engineering is more difficult and more rewarding than any other branches of science

>> No.1530749
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Engineering is only hard if you DON'T enjoy getting fucked in the ass.

Which is why a lot of people drop out.

>> No.1530753


inferior lol

>> No.1530759

>I'm a mad college dropout with gay porn stored on his computer.

>> No.1530768

lol'd so hard

>> No.1530770

And by difficult you mean learning how to apply scientific knowledge that predates at least 100 years

>> No.1530786

>implying electrical/computer engineering isn't producing technology using research from labs with engineers, physics, and chemists alike.

You guys sure are showing your ignorance.

>> No.1530806

>Implying I'm not a CompSci masters student

>> No.1530807

What technology?

>> No.1530813

The fucking transistor was first produced in 1954.
Ongoing research is being done on the memristor right now.

/sci/ is ignorant apparently......

>> No.1530814

>implying you are

>> No.1530815

>hurr durr

>> No.1530817

>Implying you're anything but a freshman who things he is a badass because hes taking intro chem, physics, and calculus courses.

>> No.1530819

>implying that EE and CS grads don't fit the same job descriptions.

>> No.1530823


hey, an engineer fucked up and leaked the iphone 4

>> No.1530827

See the second part of

>> No.1530833

it's "thinks"
you really are a dropout

>> No.1530834
File: 13 KB, 209x285, 30813_117568514932803_100000389655791_169028_7030743_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am scientist i am second hyear high school and do a chemistry

>> No.1530838

William Shockley invented the transistor
He was a PHYSICIST and he won the Nobel prize of PHYSICS for his invention
The other people who co-invented it with him were also physicists
And the newest technology right now is being made by PHYSICISTS

>> No.1530845


unless you're an astrophysicist, you won't serve the greater global community in achieve outer space exploration.

where is your houston now?

>> No.1530849

I'm a meteorologist, but mostly I just IRC at work.

>> No.1530860

I never said the transistor was invented by an engineer. He said:
>And by difficult you mean learning how to apply scientific knowledge that predates at least 100 years

The memristor research is being done by a team of physicists, electrical engineers, and chemists.

The memristor was first theorized by Leon Chua, an electrical engineer.


The research team at HP is currently being led by Stan Williams, a chemist.


When /sci/ flames engineers they show how little exposure they've had to the real world. In the workplace/lab research is done by a team of different professions.

>> No.1530872

>implying most famous scientists weren't also engineers and were called studying physics because lack of differentation and specialisation

>> No.1530873

Holy shit you guys pay for university?
Wow it must suck to live in America.

>> No.1530881


Darwin, Watson, Crick, etc.

Not even close to engineering. Darwin will be better known 200 years from now than you are known now.

>> No.1530893

Well enjoy making those memristors or whatever, while physicists make quantum computers and make all your little electronic components obsolete.

>> No.1530905

Quantum computers would be useless without computer science

>> No.1530913


Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against computer science. It's just that I know too many faggots who take computer science just because they want to program video games.

>> No.1530957

>implying that quantum computing won't involve the net effort of hundreds of physicists, engineers, computer scientists, and chemists.

>> No.1530971

>implying researchers won't need farmers to get their food

>> No.1530974

too much butthurt

retards don't realize we see through lies

>> No.1530978

>Well enjoy making those memristors or whatever
The fact that you've never heard of a memristor speaks volumes.

Photonics will come far before quantum computing.

>> No.1530983

>implying implications

>> No.1531133

No I'm pretty sure its just physicists

>> No.1531230

Well then you would be wrong.

>> No.1532532

this is still going?

Why is this being trolled by engineers. The OP specifically requested scientists......

>> No.1533572
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>> No.1533582
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>> No.1533586
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>> No.1533595
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Science reporting in.
Pic related, it's MDC of an angle resolved UPS spectrum of <span class="math">\mathrm{CuIn}_5\mathrm{Se}_8[/spoiler], more specifically the In 4d bands.

>> No.1533850
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Engineering reporting in.

>> No.1533937

Biology/Biochemistry here. About to start my sophomore year at SLU.

>> No.1533964

i finished highschool with avarage grades

i call my self scienteist

>> No.1534369

computer science major here

i currently write software for 45,000/yr

>> No.1534421

>doesn't realize that most scientific research is actually done by graduate students and post docs

>> No.1534424

First year of physics major

>> No.1534431

You suck.

>> No.1534440

I have a B.S. in physics and now I'm on my second year of a master degree in astrophysics.

>> No.1534441

Does your PI know that you're leaking data onto 4chan?

I don't think he would be pleased

>> No.1534963

the amount of faggotry and school kid trolling in this thread is unacceptable. That being said, I'm still sending this thread back to page 0 for moar lulz.

>> No.1534971

>implying that /sci/ isn't %90 high-school kids and college dropouts trolling.

>> No.1534975

lulz almost every other post has been >implying

>> No.1534976

Oh and...
>implying there are actual scientists, physicists etc on /sci/ and not a bunch of high school or college fags pretending to be more intellectual than they evidently are.

>> No.1534985

I am!! Got a degree and I use it daily for a university
I am actually involved in research

>> No.1535002

do you sell products that infused with "Science" along with "Magic" and "Love."

I'm doing Bsc in Biochem, 1 or 2 years to go, don't know if I should hurry up or if I should stay an extra year. I really like uni.

>> No.1535006


Erroneous. There is no implication. My question was how many are there. A valid answer would be 0.

>> No.1535067


honestly, I question that statement.

it depends on a lot of factors, but I still believe that the "majority" of fundamental research (that actually results in quantifiable results) is performed by private and government funded industry, but not academic.

and, of course, I am completely disregarding 100% of astrophysics, theoretical particle physics, etc.

engineering, chemistry, biochemistry, applied physics, etc.

you might point at all of the interesting developments that have been invented by academic researchers:

specifically in the field of industrial catalysis, polymers, semiconductors, and biochemistry.

I fully admit that much work may have been started in academic circles...

but you cant say:

because PCR was invented in an academic setting, that all of the billions of dollars of investment into research from the private sector lay no claim to it.


most of the most significant advances in semiconductors in the past 2 decades were PURELY developed by private industry:

advances in LED tech (blue/white LED and blue lasers all developed privately, all of the photomask technology now used for making the most advanced semiconductors were developed privately)

If I was going to make a random guess:

60% private, 40% academic

>> No.1535087


I got tripped up by some of these euro and australian faggots.

they have an "MSc" degree, which is a degree program where you get a masters from the very begining.

its just a normal track program in the US where you would get 4 years of BS and 1 year of MS.

surprisingly enough, Eurofags believe equivalent levels of education when only taking 3 years of bachelors education
also a masters degree in a science field is literally a waste of time:

you either get a Ph. D. or live your life as a technician.

masters students are widely regarded as "Ph. D. failures"

>> No.1535106

BSc (Hons) Graduate in biotechnology.

Currently stacking shelves and looking for a decent job.

>> No.1535135


as my masters course is actually an undergraduate course, I will be moving onto my P.H.D next.

>> No.1535795

dunno why so many fags have commented without reading...

>> No.1535819

I chuckled.

>> No.1535840


Undergrad physfag here,

I'll admit, I have made all of those threads plus numbface girl religious threads. U mad?

>> No.1536834
