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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 203 KB, 1600x816, Science!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1529650 No.1529650 [Reply] [Original]

Starting from left to right, how many can you name?

>> No.1529658

deGrasse Tyson

>> No.1529661

What the fuck is moonvest doing in there?

>> No.1529666

White, whore, white, white, white, white, Nazi, white, white, white, nigger, white, white.

>> No.1529668

Tell me that's not fucking dawkins in there.

>> No.1529671

The guy 4th from the right looks like Archimedes.

>> No.1529676

Where is Bill Nye the Science Guy?

>> No.1529678

deGrasse Tyson

Owned it.

>> No.1529680

You can tell Newton's about to go kick his atheistfag ass.

>> No.1529688

You did NOT just put Dawkins with the rest of them. Fucking kill yourself immediately.

>> No.1529690

Oh, forgot Edison just after Sagan.

>> No.1529692

annnnd... where is Tesla?

>> No.1529694

Offensive and 666 get. You're just terrible.

>> No.1529695


Tesla is an overrated faggot. Just like Freud.

>> No.1529699


ehh some of those people shouldnt be in there.
Hawking isn't as revolutionary and important as the general public thinks he is.
Tyson, while awesome, is like a modern day Sagan. While Sagan too was awesome, he has time on his plate. Unfortunately, Tyson has not had the time that Sagans memory has had to bask in, and his effect on inspiring young minds is still... in its infancy (no pun intended).
Dawkins is a very pronounced Evolutionary Biologist, but like Hawking, is not as revolutionary or important in his field as the general public thinks.

>> No.1529701
File: 44 KB, 294x244, doland2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you an problem's offisial?

>> No.1529703

Except that's Galileo, not Kepler.

>> No.1529706

inb4 every scientist in the world and your computer would like to have a word with you.

>> No.1529716

You're damn right. It must be that beard.

>> No.1529720

they put edison instead of tesla.
that's just wrong

>> No.1529724

i feel retarded for not noticing that.

>>1529699 here

>> No.1529728

No Euler? No Gauss? No Archimedes?

>> No.1529735

dawkins sagan and degrasse?
Great science popularizers perhaps, but great scientists?

>> No.1529768

Pick the three most important ones:

(for me, personally)

Sagan, Newton and Darwin.

>> No.1529774
File: 43 KB, 311x273, nassim.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck, I'm not on there.

>> No.1529775

Since this image seems to be "off" to the denizens of /sci/, may I suggest some sort of collaborative project to correct it? Shall we begin with suggestions as to who really belongs in the revised image?

>> No.1529782


>> No.1529786



>> No.1529788

Is there anyone out there with shooping skills that would be willing to devote some of their time to correcting this?

>> No.1529793

Marie Curie
Stephen Hawking
Albert Einstein
Carl Sagen
Richard Dawkins
Charles Trollwin

>> No.1529795

Edison instead of Tesla?

I'm ashamed /sci/

>> No.1529803

you doubt the power and importance of inspiration. I've personally met Tyson, and he says that a large part of why he got into science in the first place was because of Sagan. The reason people got so involved in science in the 70s and 80s was because of the Moon Missions and Star Wars. Star Trek has been igniting the imaginations of scientific minds for years.

>> No.1529807

Tesla instead of Edison

Get rid of Dawkins, Hawking and Tyson

Put in Gauss, Archimedes, Euclid, and Crick

>> No.1529812

Who's the token?

>> No.1529822

Black token: Neil deGrasse Tyson
Cripple token: Stephen Hawking
Woman token: Marie Curie
Ancient token: Aristotle
Retard token: Thomas Edison

>> No.1529823

I agree Sagan should stay, he is to science what Herodotos and Plutarchos is to our understanding of Greek history.

But Dawkins? Tyson? What the hell man?

Most important that isn't there is Gauss, Euler and Schrödinger.

>> No.1529841

Most people don't realize how brilliant Dawkins is because he tends to be a little on the bitter side. I would say he is an intellectual equal to Sagan and Tyson.

>> No.1529847


Sagan > Tyson > Dawkins in that case.

>> No.1529851

Where the fuck is Gödel!?

>> No.1529852


fringe science

>> No.1529868


He isn't nearly as inspirational or eloquent. This is not an IQ contest.

>> No.1529930

He can be.


>> No.1529969

sagan is was a phantasmagorical faggot who thought the universe is a mystical magical place that actually cares about us.


>> No.1530082


Au contraire, dear faggot.
He urges us to care about universe. Which is, indeed, mystical.

>> No.1530109

what the hell are degrasse tyson, sagan and dawkins doing at that table?

>> No.1530138

Yeah, only in the sense that we don't know much about it. Like how lightning was mystical a thousand years ago.

Sagan was a giant fag, acting like we were on some maaaagical journey through the cosmos and unicorns and pink leopards were just round the corner waiting for us in CandyLand.

Space is math, math, math, physics, chemistry and math.

Not the ruminations of a permafried pothead on his couch in his mothers basement.

>> No.1530523


>> No.1530551

>implying we can completely explain lightning

>> No.1530571

kepler, curie, bohr?, newton, ?, hawking, einstein, sagan, ?, aristotle, tyson, dawkins, darwin

>> No.1530594

>Implying we won't do so

>> No.1531945

lold. I love Tyson but that vest is fuckin' heinous.

>> No.1531953

Whats that woman have a bong, but not carl sagan?

>> No.1531968

de grass tyson is a popular scientist (annoying one at that that ruins every doc on general relativity with his dumbed down popular explanations). shouldn't be in there with the big league

>> No.1531978



>> No.1532016

Pasteur is fucking overrated. he discovered viruses, vaccination and brought in rules about sterilization anyways.

wasn't sure if troll... hey, might be the anger of zeus !

>> No.1532050

Dawkins: no
Tyson: He's cool and all, and does alot to bring science to the average person. But he shouldn't be up here with the big guys.
Sagan: Same deal as Tyson. Really cool, inspirational and shizz. But not on par with Einstein and 'da guys.
Edison: What. The. Fuck. Tesla

>> No.1532072

General consensus seems to be that Dawkins Tyson and Sagan are out, and that Edison should be replaced by Tesla.

If someone is gonna get to re-shoopin' this we need to nominate replacements for D, T, and S

>> No.1532080




>> No.1533877

Edison GTFO!
replace with Tesla

>> No.1533888

What the fuck is Sagan doing in that picture? He's not even a real scientist, let alone one who'd belong to the company with Newton and the rest of them.

The sad part is, I don't even recognize most of them

>> No.1533889

How about Planck? Bohr? Boltzmann because his beard is the definition of awesome.

Is that Maxwell or Kelvin next to Hawking?

>> No.1533891

Missed three.

>> No.1533892


Also Dawkins haters have you read The Selfish Gene?

>> No.1533896

>no leibniz
>no tesla

>> No.1533897

Feynman! And replace Curie with Wu. Parity violation is so much cooler than radioactive shit y'know.

>> No.1533899
File: 51 KB, 1024x768, jellyfish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made up my own names for the ones I didn't know.

>> No.1533908

1) I dont know
2) Marie Curie
3) I don't know
4) Newton?
5) I don't know
6) Hawking the Cyborg
7) Einstein
8) Sagan
9) Jastrow?
10) Some greek dude
11) deGrasse Tyson
12) Dawkins
13) Darwin
How'd I do?

>> No.1533910
File: 25 KB, 433x600, Broglie_Big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Nobel prize for doctoral thesis.

>> No.1533913

pretty bad.

>> No.1533915

Fuck. Which ones did I miss? Also, why isn't Tesla on there?

>> No.1533921

In order
Maxwell. Could also be Kelvin? Not sure.

>> No.1533930

how about we make a list?
i say:
Tesla, Einstein, Newton, Leibniz, ....
only add those who really deserve it

>> No.1533932

1) I dont know why I missed Gallileo
2) Not used to Oppenheimer being young lol
3) Havent seen many pics of Maxwell
4) Edison is a thieving faggot, I refuse to acknowledge that he has helped humanity.

>> No.1533936

Probably Kelvin eh?

>> No.1533938

What's weird is, I have no idea why I even recognized Oppenheimer.

>> No.1533941

Yeah looks closer to him. He's got the short, white beard, not the long grey one.

>> No.1533942

Why is it important in science to be able to identify scientists by their faces? That's trivia at best.

>> No.1533944

Why would you add inventors like Tesla to a list of great scientists like Einstein and Newton?

>> No.1533945

Because Tesla coils are cool as shit.

>> No.1533948

Because Tesla was a fucking scientist, not just an engineer. Also, sage goes in the email field faggot. The fact that you are thinking Tesla of anything else than God Tier makes me want to fucking impale you with something. Tesla is the true inventor of radio, and pioneered the study of wireless electricity.

>> No.1533958

Tesla was not a scientist. He was an inventor. Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1533961

Oh, ok. Let's add scarlett johansson because she's hot.

>> No.1533971


Captcha: mc^2 overawes

>> No.1533973

Bullshit. Tesla was a fucking physicist, he studied electricity and came up with new ideas about it. Move the fuck along.

>> No.1534228
File: 503 KB, 1600x816, last supper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fix'd it for you bro

>> No.1534240

fucking Finnally someone removes Edison and shoops Tesla in

>> No.1534264
File: 14 KB, 177x200, capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, i forgot to do tesla's legs...

>my face

>> No.1534282

doesn't matter, as long as edison is replaced by Nikola Tesla

>> No.1534312

Utter bullshit. Where the fuck is Maxwell? Bohr? Feynman?

>> No.1534346

Gauss would be another "mustbe" on that table

>> No.1534650

Johannes Keppler
Stephen Hawking
Albert Einstein
Carl Sagan
??? (dang, saw this negro earlier today, can't remember his name though)

>> No.1534653

You fucking suck.

>> No.1534669

Don't know
Don't know
Don't know
Don't know

>> No.1534682

Probably Archimedes

Aaaaand English major OUT.

>> No.1534694

Carl Sagan (?)

>> No.1534702

I demand that someone photoshop an apple pie in front of Carl Sagan, in the same art style as the rest of the image.

>> No.1534711

I would, but I need to finish inventing the universe first. I'm waiting for my first shipment of muons.

>> No.1534717

>no results

oh you bunch of niggers

>> No.1534735
File: 252 KB, 1600x816, pie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

9000 hours in MS paint

>> No.1534748

Love it!

>> No.1534758

Imagine Carl Sagans Cosmos without this formidable track by Vangelis that exemplifies his personal wonder:

Carl Sagan would be nothing without it. The true impact of the series was emotional rather than logical.

>> No.1534761

I'll take a stab at it, off the top of my head...

1) Gallileo
2) Curie
3) ?
4) Newton
5) Rutherford?
6) Hawking
7) Good ol' Al
8) Sagan
9) Bell? Dunno
10) Some Greek guy (Aristotle?)
11) Tyson
12) Guy with camera
13) Darwin

>Captcha: some rashes

>> No.1534764


>> Implying an impact due to emotion is any less than an impact due to logic

>> No.1534773

Interesting. Everyone thinks the first guy is Kepler. Look in his hands!

>> No.1534774

that is all

>> No.1534781

I'm sure your emotional convictions yield many scientific discoveries but mine doesn't.

>> No.1534786

Tesla's name has been said 23 times in this thread.
/sci/ has spoken.

>> No.1534789

Yet Eratosthenes was only mentioned once and by someone frustrated that he hadn't been mentioned by anyone else yet.
/sci/ is a faggot.

>> No.1534790


>> Implying scientific discoveries are the only thing that matter in life

>> No.1534797

1) ?
2) Marie Curie
3) Niels Bohr?
4) Newton
5) ?
6) Stephen Hawking
7) Einstein
8) Sagan
9) Ernst Rutherford?
10) ?
11) Neil Degrasse Tyson
12) Dawkins (Lol why is he there?)
13) Darwin

>> No.1534803

>implying they aren't

>> No.1534807


>> /sci/ tough guy

>> No.1534827

>/sci/ sissy boy

Go back to biology, little girl. Let the men handle the real SCIENCE around here.

Also, if you don't mind, on your way out, lock the door. I really don't want to have to fight off more engineers for my gloriously tanned sexy body (PS, its for fat women only)

>> No.1534830

#1 is Gallileo, you ignorant schmucks!

>> No.1534835


underage b&

>> No.1534839

?, Curie, ?, Newton, ?, Hawking, Einstein, Sagan, Edison, ?, Tyson, Dawkins, Darwin

>> No.1534840

edison (should be tesla)

and im only 16
fuck yeah.

>> No.1534849
File: 84 KB, 530x700, learning15_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3 - oppenheimer? he reminds of Eraserhead

>> No.1534850

>>Picture of famous Scientists
>>Richard Dawkins
>>Implying he's ever done an experiment in his life.

>> No.1534880

Sexist tool... go back to the 19th century
(p.s. this is being written be a man)

>> No.1534899

>Implying you've ever read The Selfish Gene.

>> No.1534903
File: 36 KB, 300x300, 1279971536584.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>(p.s. this is being written be a man)
what kind of man? a sissy man?

>> No.1534922
File: 1.04 MB, 1600x915, SCIENCESLASTDINNERWP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even made a wallpaper out of it.

>> No.1534926

one that has got laid in the last 48 hours...
(not by your mum and not with another man...)
I am 190cm and weigh a lean 100kg (that's 6'3" and 16stone for you amerifags)
I could end you with my bare hands easily as I know how to without leaving a mark and if pushed could deal with the body disposal cleanly
you wanna fuck?

>> No.1534936

>16 stone
what the fuck is a stone? You mean pounds?

>> No.1534945
File: 56 KB, 750x563, l00k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>16 stone
>the US uses stone as a common unit of measurement

mfw you expect to be taken seriously

>> No.1534946

stone is the larger unit of the Imperial system, divisions of a stone into 16 pounds

>> No.1534956

never heard of it. sounds retarded, fuck stones, eat bagels

>> No.1534979
File: 32 KB, 317x360, 1280337362001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>internet tough guy
>on 4chan
>on /sci/
>my face

>> No.1534983


Do you think for some reason that Americans use the "stone" as a unit of weight? If so you are sorely mistaken. Only faggy brits use that

>> No.1534990

>not by YOUR mum
>implying incest

>> No.1534991

I can only name Newton, Hawking, Einstein, Sagan.. and the last one.. Darwin? Herp derp. x.x

>> No.1535662

number 2 is curie. my lady!!!