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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15296373 No.15296373 [Reply] [Original]

why math is fun for some people like are they even humans like really i want to understand

>> No.15296382


>> No.15296392

i knew it

>> No.15296395

I like math, Idk why desu, I just like calculating, maybe because it's challenge? Maybe because of the dopamin that you get when getting the right answer? Maybe because it is clear, there is only 1 true outcome? I can't tell you, all I know is, that funny numbers make my brain happy

>> No.15296410


>> No.15296459

A better question is how you can like anything that isn't math. All those extra random variables you'll never understand.

>> No.15296497
File: 5 KB, 464x95, Screenshot_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah will i know that's 1+1 =2
and = to what in the pic related

>> No.15296561
File: 235 KB, 1100x3300, Picture the Goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I recently started trying to learn math again for therapy. And also because the psychedelic entities I met on shrooms and LSD told me I should learn math and I learned to trust those guys. I guess they are right because when I am zoning out on math the never ending pain I feel from nerve damage fades into the back ground and I can think about something besides suffering. So now good days starting with a paper tab, bong rips, strong coffee and math. I don't have any real end goal, but maybe one day I'll be able to understand something in serious category.

>> No.15296937

It's called autism and if you don't have it then you're more of a golem than a human

>> No.15296993

It isnt but its better then arguing politics and how

>> No.15297000

…Many testicles hitler had

>> No.15297014

You need to accept the fact you are just an stupid animal. You are an imbecile moron who only deserves to be a beast of burden and nothing else.

>> No.15297109

oh yeah what do you have that make you better than me

>> No.15297117

>low IQ hiding behind language
You literally made a poo joke

>> No.15297128 [DELETED] 


>> No.15297802

Brain feel good when answer correct
Simple as

>> No.15297929

>I want to understand
Exactly math is fun when you do understand it

>> No.15298247

Not fun - interesting, or necessary for a type of science that you are interested in, but not fun.