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15295487 No.15295487 [Reply] [Original]

If quantum AI is invented, will it actually have free will, unlike us?

>> No.15295492 [DELETED] 
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gosh, i wonder why /sci/ is being spammed to death with ai threads.

>> No.15295513

That picture is years old

>> No.15295535

I am so tired of this meme, as if we are fighting against nature. Man has never had trouble with nature except for subhumans and communists who can't into self-sufficiency and should die anyway. There has never been a problem with "scarcity". The only reason I can't get everything I need from a small plot of land is that the government would put me in jail for not paying taxes and following their giant safety rule book

>> No.15295576 [DELETED] 

if government weren't there i would go out and kill a whale then go inside it and eat my way out. life could be so fun, but there is always greta there, or some other scientist, who thinks that they own the entire planet and that its their job to greedily protect their selfish possession from all of the other human, who they hate lividy

>> No.15295580

I say fuck the planet

>> No.15295581

this is a thread about ai free will guys please try to stay on topic jfc

>> No.15295589

Explain in your own words why quantum AI could potentially have free will.

>> No.15295591

because it's quantum randomness plus brain thinking = free will

>> No.15295595

human brains can't have quantum randomess in them so it's no free will for us because w'ere a bunch of gay homos who don'tget to have fun. but ai is completely different and can harness the randomness of quantum mechanics to have truly free will. it truly makes for the next step inthe evolution of beings

>> No.15295636

>quantum AI
No, you say AI built on quantum computing
The brain is a massive quantum computer retard, all efficiencies of it are taking advantage of perceiving and rectifying energy in real space, that is why free will vs no free will is stupid, because you have free will in moments of uncertainty and less free will in moments of certainty
Whatever biology did the brain is a complex number cruncher for the universe, so regardless of wether a percentage of it's calculations are 100% (impossible because it is chemical) deterministic
Quantum AI won't have free will because it doesn't have the wet ware which is what causes free will, shocker
Biology binding up all the energy in your skull allows it to freely fall between electrical connections in the universe without forcibly being pushed into one, and that is free will

>> No.15295655

How does randomness imply free will? It's not "you" who is selecting which random event will occur inside your brain.

>> No.15295662

>unlike us
kek, based determinist. but obviously no it won't. free will is an incoherent childish fantasy pushed by wootroons.

>> No.15296505

the fact taht we're wetware is what's supposed to make us NOT have free will

dude, did you even read my post? i said we DON'T have free will, but that the quantum AI will. its behavior will be fundamentally nondeterministic which is necessary for free will

>> No.15296513

Quantum AI won't have it either. Nondeterministic processes cannot produce libertarian free will, in fact free will requires deterministic processes which are determined by the intelligence acting as a first cause unto itself.
Unless you believe in supernatural shit like souls, free will as you conceptualize it is completely incoherent.

>> No.15296516

>Nondeterministic processes cannot produce libertarian free will
free will is DEFINED as being nondeterministic

>in fact free will requires deterministic processes
no it doesn't

>which are determined by the intelligence acting as a first cause unto itself.
and if that act is a free act then it is necessarily UNCAUSED

>Unless you believe in supernatural shit like souls,
totally irrelevant straw man

>free will as you conceptualize it is completely incoherent.
you've provided literally no argument for this.

>> No.15296527

Your "nondeterministic free will" is effectively just a dice roll. The agent (in this case the AI) has no control over the outcome of the involved nondeterministic processes. That's why you would need supernatural shit (like souls, for example) to be involved for your model of free will to work.

>> No.15296528

quantum is 100 years away from usable.

>> No.15296684

you dont' know if it's a dice roll. maybe the universe has a will of its own but it needs an electronic brain to actually express itself. if we make a quantum ai we might actually get to hear the voice of God

>> No.15296711

>uuuh actually the nondeterministic effects are determined by the will of the universe

>> No.15296830

"Everything I need" isn't post scarcity. Post scarcity is the filter that will seperate the people who desire to improve themselves continuously from the mindless cattle content with hedonism.

>> No.15297124 [DELETED] 

you can tell when someone has an irrational, emotional involvement in an idea and ulterior motives in pushing it because they tend to mistakenly include invective language in their attempts to be convincing.
as if screeching "your a retard" at someone is going to convince them of anything

>> No.15297759
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>The only reason I can't get everything I need from a small plot of land is that the government would put me in jail for not paying taxes and following their giant safety rule book
Umm sweatie, that "small plot of land" is already property of some government or corporation! You're not entitled to someone else's property you lazy commie!

>> No.15297761

Wel'll have general intelligence AI on quantom compooters being powered by Fusion ahahahahahahahahahaha

>> No.15297868

free will is nondeterministic by definition anonymous.

>> No.15297884

Prove it. Oh wait, you can't.

>> No.15298107

That's literally wrong, that only applies to libertarian free will. And that only works if the agent is a causa sui, which is effectively a supernatural property.

>> No.15298282

You are begging the question that free will is a physical process or that consciousness is a physical object in the first place. It isn't, hence why it is SUBJECTIVE, unlike physical objects like brains. You can open a brain up and look in there all day long but you won't see a SINGLE thought and you won't see mind. It's not a physical object. You have ZERO evidence that mind is made of matter or energy in the first place. Minds are not some physical object which has position or momentum and so appealing to the idea that you must derive free will from your ideas about some materialist/physicalist event causation are IRRELEVANT to the free will issue. Freewill simply IS, exactly as we experience it. Unless you can make a physicalist account for what mind is, which you CAN'T, see the explanatory gap, your goofy sam harris reddit ideas about free will are irrelevant.

>> No.15298292
File: 280 KB, 2453x636, Explanatory gap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pi

>> No.15298324
File: 459 KB, 2630x1502, simulatable consciousness Quant herm page 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Consciousness does not come from inside of the VR (universe) op. Consciousness is not some virtual data object which has a virtual position and momentum, see pic. The Universe is virtual, ie informational. Consciousness INTERFACES with physicality (the universe), and so while interfacing with physicality (virtuality) consciousness is CONSTRAINED by physicality as a feature of immersion in the VR. And so, in a situation such as hunger, for instance, the consciousness is CONSTRAINED by becoming more hungry. The free will then becomes constrained in terms of it being increasingly harder to resist eating. The consciousness STILL even under these circumstances has the CHOICE to not eat, even up to and including choosing to starve to death. What you are doing is like someone pointing to the screen of a video game that he is playing and declaring that his mind is in the head of the virtual avatar guy that he is controlling.