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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 341 KB, 800x800, goyslopgirl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15292123 No.15292123 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I finally realized materialism and relativity are goyslop, not science

>> No.15292266

Materialism is goyslop.

Scientific BEHAVIORAL models when understood as such - just BEHAVIORAL models - is fine. If you take them too seriously by thinking of them as fundamental, you end up with brain rot like "The Hard Problem of Consciousness".

>> No.15292270

Except that its religion that is clearly the opiate of the masses.

>> No.15292280

your religion is whatever the "experts" say. you don't know anything yourself

>> No.15292283

Took you long enough.
>platitude that in no way contradicts anything OP said
You're a waste.

>> No.15292288

Not with materialism, where you can use your own senses to verify the experts rather than trusting the "experts" that you will eventually be rewarded for all your good deeds, but only after you die and you have to have faith because there is not way to physically verify the claims.

>> No.15292290

It does because it demonstrates that nonmaterialism is the real goyslop.

>> No.15292291

materialism is incapable of physically verifying anything mouth breather

>> No.15292292

Religion or materialism is a false dichotomy, you slimy worm.

>> No.15292293

>where you can use your own senses to verify the experts
you can't do this because you lack the technology and expertise to verify any of the claims.

>> No.15292299

Materialism is the only way to physically verify anything, you just can't into materialism.

Anyone can go to a public university to use their technology and benefit from the collective expertise of documented material science.

>> No.15292300

:O E=mc^2

>> No.15292302

Religion is an example of a non materialistic worldview and it fails extraordinarily at not being goyslop since it is the opiate of the masses.

>> No.15292303

you can't though. you know nothing and worship the opini- "hypotheses" of people you don't know and will never meet

>> No.15292306

>Religion is an example of a non materialistic worldview and it fails
The Titanic is an example of ships and it failed, therefore all ships fail.

>> No.15292312

Yes, all ships are designed with the knowledge they will eventually be decommissioned due to entropy and decay over time.

>> No.15292314

Wrong, you can't because you are afraid of social contact, so have to make up a bunch of stories about impossibilities and boogeymen to justify never leaving your parent's basement.

>> No.15292317 [DELETED] 
File: 138 KB, 1280x853, Markie Marx and the fun bunch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're going to quote a kike named marx, at least make sure you're not picking the lowest iq marx of them all. even harpo was smarter than karl.

>> No.15292318

Your life would be very primitive if ships didn't work. The fact is that ships do generally work; identifying a few failure modes of ships is not enough to condemn the entire principle of ships.

Your problem in this conversation is that you're fixated on religion and you're missing the forest from the trees. There are things with are objectively true and useful to humans which don't materially exist. Particularly, mathematics. There is no material thing as a number, we only have symbols which represent numbers. Yet despite being wholly immaterial, numbers still exist and are useful to us. Materialism cannot account for this.

>> No.15292319
File: 483 KB, 1354x1572, MaterialismIsNotScience.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it always cracks me up how clueless these idiots to such a simple truth. I will repeat you cannot physically verify anything in materialism. You can only hallucinate that you are doing. That means you are only imaging it is happening, you have no way to verify that actually is because you can only use the very thin you idiots claim doesnt exist

>> No.15292321
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her smile.
Almost as much as Alizee's.

>> No.15292324

>My ship hasn't failed yet, so I don't need safety jackets or lifeboats on board.

>There is no material thing as a number,
The things are material, there is a material number of things, if you have two ships, you have two ships, if you have the same amount of safety jackets as people, they will all be able to float in the event your ship sinks, its all accounted for with materialism, no amount of immaterial faith will make you rise above the water.

>> No.15292326

You dont have anything but delusions you retard

>> No.15292327

You can't truly have a negative number of ships, nor an irrational number of ships, yet such numbers exist. Mathematics and logic are not wholly products of materialist inquiry.

>> No.15292328

With materialism, I can physically verify the exact timestamp you decided to post your nonsense. If reality is all just a hallucination, then use hallucination to your advantage and communicate to us all through it rather than through some material physical telecommunication devices connected to the internet, but you can't because you know you are lying and you know you can't back up your stupid poorly conceived thoughts with real actions.

>> No.15292330

You are stupid, stop posting NPC

>> No.15292331

Yes you can, if 10 ships have left your dock, and you have 10 openings to park ships, then you have -10 ships.
When the ship is just a design and hasn't been built, it is 1 imaginary ship that exists in the neurons and various materials of your physical brain and if the brain were removed or damaged, the ship too might be removed or damaged.

>> No.15292332

I accept your concession.

>> No.15292347
File: 21 KB, 640x640, 1663512544067629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>then you have -10 ships.
No, in MATERIAL sense you have zero ships. Can't you count?

And you're conspicuously ignoring the problem of an irrational number of ships. Half a ship is easy, just chop a ship in half. Half a ship. But you can't do an irrational number of ships, because mass and energy are quantized. No matter how you divide a ship, you'll have a ratio of ship parts. A rational number.

Yet irrational numbers are still real. They show up almost immediately in geometry, we can do math with them, it works and they're useful. They exist, but not in a MATERIAL sense. Materialism cannot account for irrational numbers, therefore materialism cannot account for all that is true.

Nor can we compute all that is true. The set of true statements in a consistent set of axioms is incomputable. Yet the statements in the set of all true statements are still true, even though that set is incomputable. So if you think you can discover all truths using material means of computation, you're still shit out of luck.

>> No.15292351

>there is a material number of things
The number is a sign of our sensitivity to mereology. It is not real.

>> No.15292355

Numbers are real, but not material. We can create true statements about numbers, so they are real. But we can only produce material representations of numbers not material numbers themselves. So they're both real and immaterial. Therefore materialist philosophies are incomplete.

>> No.15292362

>in MATERIAL sense you have zero ships
Nope, you have materials making up 10 holes to specifically park a ship, so your dock has -10 ships.

>Materialism cannot account for irrational number
You just need to build a triangle out of materials and the diagonal hypotenuse will naturally be irrational compared to the other sides.
If a truth can be expressed, there will be a way to materially express that truth, but not all truths can be or even need to be expressed because yes 1 = 1.0 = 1.00 = 1.000..., but there is really no need for all that unnecessary detail.

>> No.15292366

If 10 docks with ZERO ships means you have -10 ships, then 10 docks with 10 ships would mean you have zero ships. A nonsensical result.

No, here is the material reality: If you have 10 docks and zero ships, then you have ZERO SHIPS.

You should learn how to count before trying to tell other people what is or isn't real.

>> No.15292372

No, you just don't understand how holes work since 10 docks with 0 holes means you have 10 ships and 10 docks with 10 holes means you have removed 10 ships, ie negative 10.

If your stock calls for 10 ships and you don't have any ships, then you are negative 10 ships from being fully stocked, its pretty simple and if you have 10 ships, you have 10.0 and 10.00 and 10.000 and 10.000... ships because many details are unnecessary and don't need to be accounted for.

>> No.15292374

>>Materialism cannot account for irrational number
>You just need to build a triangle out of materials
You can't. No matter how hard you try, if you measure it close enough you'll find that you've failed. Eventually you'll be counting atoms or measuring in Planck units and the futility of the endeavor should become apparent even to one such as you who has difficulty with counting.

Irrational numbers exist in math, but not in the material world. Our universe simply doesn't work like that, and we know that thanks to material inquiries into the material world. Materialism is useful when making inquiries into the material world, but it's incomplete. Materialism cannot produce the innumerable set of immaterial truths.

>> No.15292375

Materially, you either have ships or you don't. There is no such thing as a negative ship in any material sense.

>> No.15292376

>if you measure it close enough you'll find that you've failed.
What are you talking about, if you have to continually measure with closer precision, it means you are not actually measuring as a ratio of the other things, you are indefinitely measuring an irrational thing, if anything you have switched to saying there is nothing physically irrational to saying all things are irrationally complex and defy measurement.

There is nothing useful about the innumerable set of immaterial truths, you will never be able to count all the zeros in 1.000... either, but just because you can't doesn't mean it would be all that useful to try.

>> No.15292379

You also have a hole for a ship which is a negative ship which is helpful to know because then you can go about ordering all the individual components to turn a negative ship into an imaginary ship, then into a real one all through the power of materialism.

>> No.15292385

>>What are you talking about, if you have to continually measure with closer precision, it means you are not actually measuring as a ratio of the other things, you are indefinitely measuring an irrational thing,
>an irrational thing
That's begging the question, because the irrational thing cannot be materially produced in the first place. Objects cannot have irrational dimensions in our universe, all numbers get truncated eventually because in our universe infinite precision is not possible, and arbitrary dimensions are not possible either.

So lets talk about ships some more. I want for no ships, and I have no ships, so I have zero ships. I hope you can agree on that much. But wait, I just realized it would be great to have a ship. I could go yachting! I have a desire for 1 ship, yet have 0 ships, so by your logic I now have -1 ships in a material sense. Wonderful. But hold up a second, I changed my mind. I want 100 ships. I now have negative one hundred ships. Actually I want a billion ships. I have now, by pure mental whim, summoned into MATERIAL EXISTENCE negative one billion ships. Such incredible power I have!

Or.... in the MATERIAL sense I still have zero ships. If you think I have zero ships, you are sane and grounded. If you think I have the mental power to summon into material existence an arbitrary number of negative things, then you have lost your grip on reality.

>> No.15292390

>Numbers are real, but not material
>Therefore materialist philosophies are incomplete
I'm confused, are you a realist or an idealist?

>> No.15292392

>Objects cannot have irrational dimensions in our universe
Yes they can because a triangle's hypotenuse is not a ratio of the other two sides and this can be verified experimentally, you just validated it because you said you could measure to smallest possible scale and you would fail to measure any hypotenuse as the ratio of the other two sides of the triangle.

>If you think I have the mental power to summon into material existence an arbitrary number of negative things
There is your problem, it doesn't only take mental power, it also takes physical power to turn something that you are missing into something imaginary, then into something real.

>> No.15292462

>yuo cant know nothin, so mind is prime!
>thus I know it all, the DMT elves told me so!
Idealism, everybody

>> No.15292470

What is this religion called, where I trust someone who's supposedly qualified in their job, for example I trust my barber to give me a nice haircut, I trust that the farmer will sell me edible stuff and I trust that the doctor will give me a cure that works? So that I don't have to do all those things by myself and I can go on with my life instead, what is this religion called? Because this is the level of "faith" I put into whatever the "experts" say

>> No.15292485

empiricism =/= materialism

>> No.15292488

consciousness is non-local and can project outside the ' body'. whatever materialists think of consciousness is inadequate.

>> No.15292498

Then feel free to physically fuck off and telepathically communicate your ideas without using any physical materials to interact with other people's senses.

>> No.15292544

t. free will wootroon

>> No.15292550
File: 143 KB, 1000x563, 1675550674850239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not a Physicist, Geneticist or Biologist.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.15292765

>If I'm stupid enough I win

>> No.15292773
File: 19 KB, 601x601, 447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you can only interact with phenomena, not noumena
>therefore investigating and describing phenomena is the same thing as believing that a Jewish rabbi who got crucified 2k years ago is the omnipotent creator of all there is

>> No.15292775

>What is this religion called
The Church of the SubGenius

>> No.15292794

Why do materialists think any worldview besides materialism is religious? It is possible to have, for instance, an atheist idealist.

>> No.15292799

If they didn't argue in bad faith they'd have no arguments at all.

>> No.15292830

Lmao, more and more projection
You guys are the ones arguing you're special and that death is fake and gay "cause it just feels that way"

>> No.15292833

>because there is not way to physically verify the claims.
except that its generally accepted fact among the majority of new testament scholars, both religous and secular, that Jesus was a real person who lived, died, and was resurrected, thus vindicating His claims.

materialists must also contend with the fact that there are over 300 rigorously vetted accounts of near death experiences. at this point the evidence in favor of metaphysics is so overwhelming, meterialists are either sub 80iq or so emotionally compromised they've chosen "ignorance is bliss" as a defense mechanism to protect their narrow world view.

>> No.15292839
File: 98 KB, 477x570, 1672250661934143.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15292840

This is the Nobel prize of strawmen and sophistry. Impressive, very nice

>> No.15292844

I accept your concession.

>> No.15292845

Why does the schizo keep talking about feeling special? I don't speak schizo, can someone translate?

>> No.15292846

her right nostril looks fucking weird in the thumbnail

>> No.15292850

>he doesn't know
it's because /pol/ photoshopped out her nose ring

>> No.15292851

Don't talk about my wife like that anon

>> No.15292852

im not that into black porn anymore so i dont go to pol much these days


>reddit spacing

>> No.15292864

I'm pretty sure you're an anti-materialist trying to make materialists look bad at this point. You can't really be this stupid.

>> No.15292876
File: 2.27 MB, 1366x3932, ActualSchizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he really is. He is a legit irl schizo. If you pay attention to the words he uses and his lack of reasoning abilities you will be able to pick him out in every thread on this board. He is always the ones calling someone else a schizo and having random adversarial outburst for no reason while just attacking normal, informative and on topic posts at random. He will also mimic whoever he is attacking because he doesn't have a personality of his own.

As I said it is incredibly easy to spot him, just look for posts that are random outburst saying some off the wall non-sequitur or autistic screeching for no reason.

>> No.15292889

fair warning as well, you can never reason with a schizo, so whatever crazy shit he is saying just realize that actually makes sense to him. He will argue until his dying breath that the sky is orange even if you have 500 people sign an affidavit in a court of law that the sky is in fact blue, he will never accept and just pretend it never happened, therefore, in his schizo mind, he is never wrong about anything. It is a defense mechanism to keep him from ever having to face that reality that he is mentally ill. Reality and history is whatever he says it is and that's that as far as he is concerned and anyone who tries to challenge that must be relentlessly attacked

>> No.15292900

I've seen you argue that common descent is false and humans come from Atlantis.

>> No.15292917

> create meme dichotomy
> have it abused as justification for every subjective relativist stance
> meme dies
> create new meme dichotomy
The Buddha commands us to reject memes and sage posts with distracting women images in OP.

>> No.15292922
File: 1.65 MB, 2000x1270, lazytown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I can prove it. You being an idiot and uneducated doesn't make me a "schizo" because I'm not mouth breather. It just means you are an idiot. Here is the trick about science and just argumentation in general. If someone makes a claim and you never look at the evidence yet still declare yourself correct. It doesnt make the other person cwaaazy, it makes you an idiot. In fact it makes you the height of idiocy. Understand how everything works in adult world now? If you want to look at the evidence and have an adult conversation about it you are free to at anytime. Until you do, guess what? You need to stfu. Glad I could clear that up for you sweaty

>> No.15292930

Now see you will continue to say "he cwaaazy hehe lol <snort gigggle> even though I am the one here being perfectly reasonable while you are the one who is a fucking retard. Make sense?

>> No.15292932
File: 3.19 MB, 500x375, ezgif-5-3fa85b218d.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fair warning as well, you can never reason with a schizo, so whatever crazy shit he is saying just realize that actually makes sense to him

>> No.15292939 [DELETED] 

what if you're wrong about that? did you even consider the possibility?

>> No.15292941

>bro someone made claim and I wouldnt look at the evidence but I totally just said "I am right" and dunked on him heheh lol
>bro we totaly came from monkeys even though it just a theory and haev never been proven but it in my fucking textbook so IT IS INDISPUTABLE and anyone who points out how stupid I am for not knowing the difference between a theory and a law is cwaaazy!
I don't think you are a schizo are just a moron so kindly fuck off

>> No.15292945

Well since I am probably twice your age, have a degree in anthropologist and have read all the books your stupid ass has read but you do not have the 20 years of research I have done or read any of the books I have read or looked at the any of the evidence I have seen and collected over those 20 years. Here is your sanity test, who is more likely to know what they are talking about in this scenario?

>> No.15292946
File: 1.81 MB, 480x293, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>n-no you can't just use my heuristic against me, that is mean!
Alright, I'll give you a chance, schizo. Give me your best explanation of the distribution of endogenous retroviruses in light of your assertion that common descent is false.

>> No.15292956
File: 399 KB, 800x448, cromag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No we will make it a lot simpler than. Answer this simple question. Why is there a significant portion of the Caucasian population that have rh- blood? I mean morons like you called everyone cwwwaaazy only fear ago pushing your out of africa bullshit that has been proven definitively false now even in mainstream quackademia.

>> No.15292962

*few years ago
You are a hack and a psued my dude

>> No.15292967
File: 578 KB, 200x200, 200w.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Very predictable. I would've been willing to answer your question if you answered mine. Since you chose to run away from my question instead, it is safe to assume that you have nothing interesting to say on the topic.

>> No.15292980 [DELETED] 

so you're saying that under no circumstance would you question your previously stated judgement in the post about schizos who are unwilling to change their minds, is that correct?

>> No.15292984

>>n-no you can't just use my heuristic against me, that is mean!
This doesn't apply to me or this conversation in any way. The fact that you are too stupid to realize this shows you are likely incapable of having an adult conversation.

>I will ask some obscure biology question about viruses and declare myself right about things I know nothing about!
You have the mind of a child. If I took the time to read about and understand what it is you are trying to get at I could easily find an alternative explanation to whatever stupid shit you believe but you will never be able to answer my questions. Fuck off fucking retard.you have the mind of a child and I am always proven right in the end. No one cares what an idiot like you believes about anything.

>> No.15292986

>You are a schizo if you pee in the morning after coffee and if you deny this it only proves you are a schizo
Nice kafkatrap. Oh wait you dont even know what a kafkatrap is because you are an educated simpleton. You are a clown

>> No.15292987
File: 391 KB, 200x200, 200w (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a degree in anthropology and have done 20 years of research
>I think endogenous retroviruses are obscure and I don't know how they are used as evidence for common descent
To the surprise of no one, bodhi EXPOSED ad lying fraud.
We're done here, folks.

>> No.15292995

>near death experiences
just brain fuckery, next
Although the saddest claim is that psychedelic drugs are somehow magic. You physically ingest this chemical substance into your physical body, which physically affects your physical brain... and somehow that's not physical?

>> No.15292996

>anthropologists study viruses
I wont say never, some might in passing it is relevant to some particular embryology or something but you don't even know what is in anthropology curriculum. You are fucking stupid my man. I would even dare to say you may mentally unwell since you are completely oblivious to how stupid the shit you are saying is. Post the anthropology textbook you think this virus is in

>> No.15293002
File: 2.92 MB, 540x304, tumblr_af062a323c170ec909604f6909c2b9be_52857660_540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep on digging that hole deeper, schizo fraud. Small hint: endogenous retroviruses are related to the sequencing of the human genome.

>> No.15293008

Ok so you can't substantiate any of your claims while you refuse to look at the evidence that contradicts them? While accusing someone else of doing it? Yep I see now, you are an actual schizo, probably the same one the original post was about which is why you responded to it schizo.

>> No.15293012
File: 2.00 MB, 498x259, maverick-top-gun.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, bodhi, I am more than willing to look at the evidence which shows that the distribution of endogenous retroviruses doesn't imply common descent. Once you learn what endogenous retroviruses actually are (lol), you can present your argument. I'm eagerly awaiting your response, Mr anthropologist who has never heard of endogenous retroviruses before.

>> No.15293018

>endogenous retroviruses are related to the sequencing of the human genome.
Yah that would me something biologists study not anthologists. Anthropologists don't sequence genomes, they send the to labs to have biologists do it you stone cold schizo

>> No.15293023
File: 968 KB, 467x350, tumblr_mlkvg8pCXo1qkskn6o1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you are in complete panic mode. I wonder what it will do to your mental state to learn that endogenous retroviruses are used to track specific lineages...

>> No.15293025

I never claimed to be a anthropologist by trade. I said I have degree in it, a minor actually and minor in business and my major was information science. You constructed this elaborate fiction yourself that you think I am claimed to be Indiana Jones. No textbook anthropology I ever read in my courses mentioned this virus. If you are claiming there is one then post it. You won't because you are a schizo and a liar arguing in bad faith. I will point you to an anthropologist by trade if you like and I would love to watch him dunk all over you as well. How about we speak to Robert Sepher? I can set it up. Again you won't do it because you are a schizo

>> No.15293030 [DELETED] 

you're now resorting to namecalling, a classic symptom of emotional distress, in order to avoid considering your own behavior in the context of what you said about schizos' unwillingness to ever change their mind about anything

>> No.15293031
File: 12 KB, 320x232, puti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>narrating a fictional reality
>I-I am not a schizo I swear! Y-You are!

>> No.15293035

>You are getting insanely angry now and seething. You are going to explode because of how angry you are. You know you are crazy as shit and this man is exposing it. You know you must try and keep it together because if the truth is exposed everyone know how insane you are and your ego cant handle that

Sane people can do this technique too. Schizos don't have a monopoly on it

>> No.15293039

Post the anthropology textbook this virus is in or concede you are a schizo. I mean you made a hefty definitive statement claiming someone with a degree in anthropology would know this and there was no wayyyyyyyyyyyyy an anthropologist wouldn't know this obscure biology question. You said for a fact this person was liar and fraud if they didn't know this thing you claim is anthropologists should know. So post the book then and prove yourself right

>> No.15293041
File: 827 KB, 498x280, smile-maverick.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hilarious to see you backpedaling in sheer panic.
Just so you know, the distribution of endogenous retroviruses is seen as completely precluding any model apart from common descent. No alternative model where the data fits has been proposed. And this is not some obscure topic either - endogenous retroviruses are seen as some of the strongest evidence for common descent that we have, to the point that it we'd figure out common descent from it even if all other evidence were absent.
But if you want to try, do look into the topic and get back to me. Until then, you're just another schizo who refuses to look at the data because he's terrified of being confronted with something that goes against his beliefs.

>> No.15293045
File: 2.03 MB, 377x200, 200.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you concede that you are an indeed a schizophrenic? Got it. I already knew it. Just showing everyone else here so they know what to look for

>> No.15293062

>But if you want to try, do look into the topic and get back to me. Until then, you're just another schizo who refuses to look at the data because he's terrified of being confronted with something that goes against his beliefs.
Post the anthropology textbook you implicitly swore existed by calling someone else a fraud and liar. You know by law that is slander and a hefty punishment comes with that if you can't prove your claims to be true. Are you aware of that schizo? Let's get to first principles here while you keep trying to change the subject. Your entire schizo diatribe in this thread hinges on you making the claim that an anthropologist would know about how a biologist goes about sequencing DNA. Now I even sequenced myself in a lab of E coli. It was cool and fun. But all the lab gear is prepared for you, you arent taught the biology. Your claim is that it is taught and every anthropologist would know this or they are a lying fraud. Now you said that, we have the proof bud in this very thread. Now prove your claim or concede you are a schizo. It is that simple. The conversation doe snot move forward until you prove claim A which all your other claims rest on, can you process with your schizo mind? Probably not

>> No.15293066

>don't trust the science lel, scientists don't know shit, I am smarter and know the truth about Atlantis existing and the universe being holographic
>bur trust the anthropology textbooks lol!!!

>> No.15293074
File: 2.63 MB, 1366x6245, RealityHallucination.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>completely ignores anything that contradicts his claim

You have been dunked on over and over and over and pretend like it never happened, because you are .... wait for it .... a schizo! :)

>> No.15293079
File: 527 KB, 498x219, tom-cruise-top.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here the schizo retreats into his cave, unable to comment on a single thing within my post.
Thanks for conceding the actual point, bodhi. If you want to stop being an idiot and look at the actual evidence, feel free. Otherwise I think you've demonstrated quite well that you really don't want to look at the evidence. Think about that the next time you try accusing someone of the same thing.

>> No.15293080

Now watch the next time the schizo is in a thread. He will act like this never happened and this article and this scientist doesn't exist >>15293074

Thanks for playing schizo :)

>> No.15293082

So you cant post the textbook that you implied undoubtedly and unequivocally exists that proves for an absolute certainty I am liar and fraud? Got it schizo

>> No.15293085

This is just another misunderstanding by you, and I think it's why you're sperging so much. You're not aware that the endogenous retroviruses are not a method for DNA sequencing, they are part of the content of the human genome.
As for your sperging about the textbook, I originally assumed you were claiming to be an actual anthropologist, not some random retard. I agree that you might've not been introduced to endogenous retroviruses if you're some undergrad who has done zero research in the field, but that also absolutely tanks your ability to leverage your credentials.
Address the actual argument any time you feel like it ;-)

>> No.15293089

>So you cant post the textbook that you implied undoubtedly and unequivocally exists that proves for an absolute certainty I am liar and fraud? Got it schizo

>> No.15293090 [DELETED] 

its now clear that there is no circumstance in which you would consider your own unwillingness to question your opinions in the context of your statement about schizo who steadfastly refuse to change their minds. thank you for playing your part in my manzai act

>> No.15293092

I admit that I was wrong about you being a liar and a fraud, you're just a fraud for trying to play up your credentials while they're actually completely garbage.
So what lies ahead for you, bodhi? Will you avoid looking at what's possibly the greatest piece of evidence for common descent, or will you face it like a man? I wonder...

>> No.15293095

Note the schizo always deflects and projects. They can't prove their original claim so they narrate an elaborate fiction while trying to gish gallop hopping from topic to topic where they feel like they have a surer footing to avoid ever proving their original claim, which all other claims hinge on that they know they cannot prove. Nice lesson for you anons for the peanut gallery.

>> No.15293099

he is attempting to find one single technicality where he can get one thing out of the 100 topics he is gish galloping where he is right then declare himself the winner. Common tactic they do, know the signs and never stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.15293100

Anti-materialists can't even get banned at this point despite ruining this board beyond recognition cause the jannies themselves are part of the idealist schizo gang. Time to GTFO out of here.

>> No.15293107

Not only never stick in crazy but there are a lot of people like this in the work place too so you need to know what to look for to avoid them so they dont make your professional life a freak show with their mental illness.

Learn more here:

Here is why he attacks me specifically. Because he knows I am a threat, exposing his mental illness and he will lose the camouflage he needs to manipulate people


>> No.15293109

Alright, but will you look at the evidence?

>> No.15293122

I'm not gonna continue with you. You ahve already shown yourself to be a bad faith actor. I only humored you to show these anons what an actual schizo looks like and how they behave.

>inb4 he is attempting to find one single technicality where he can get one thing out of the 100 topics he is gish galloping where he is right then declare himself the winner

I know what you are doing and I know why you made this post. You lost control of the narrative and your ability to try and manipulate the people seeing what is going on here and know I won't take you seriously any longer so you will claim my unwillingness to engage and waste time with you any further as me "refusing to look at the evidence." You may have been a master manipulator all your life dealing with normies but you are a child to me son. I see right through you.

>> No.15293124

So you will not look at the evidence? Gotcha.

>> No.15293125

thanks for playing :)

>> No.15293157


>Thanks for playing schizo :)

>thank you for playing your part
Note the mimicy in the projection explained in pic rel >>15292876

>> No.15293164

>So you cant post the textbook that you implied undoubtedly and unequivocally exists that proves for an absolute certainty I am liar and fraud? Got it schizo

>Got it schizo

So you will not look at the evidence? Gotcha

Note the mimicry. He doesnt know how to win an argument or prove a point because he is mentally ill so all he can is attempt to copy what he sees you doing since he knows you arent insane and are likely doing something other people see as rational and not schizo.

>> No.15293175

If you learn what to look for it is easy to see these people and it is also incredibly easy to be able to predict their behavior >>15293122 because they have a very limited playbook of tricks to use to try and hide their mental illness

>> No.15293251
File: 524 KB, 1403x848, 1422394874512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's actually interesting to study. We can do it scientifically. Your feelings about /sci/ are, from a purely material view, actually neurons firing off. The problem though is how that becomes your subjective experience. The subjective experience that you are experiencing is what we call "buck broken." There is no mechanism by which we can ever generate the feeling of being buck broken simply from reconstructing the brain. In other words, as Nagel put it, "what is it like to be buck broken?"

>> No.15293252

>he will pretend it never happened
>immediately moves to another thread to attempt the same debunked arguments like they it never happened


>is spotted immediately because he cannot hide his schizo tendencies



>> No.15293256

who is this semen demon?

>> No.15293259

>"what is it like to be buck broken?"
Ask schizo anon he just got ass raped ITT

>> No.15293275

>get BTFO as you always do
>claim to win anyway
Like clockwork

>> No.15293278

>He didn't accept my opinion as fact so he is denying the truth because only I can define what truth is
>Purest example of narcissism you are likely to find
Say what you want about his ideas as long as you can defeat his arguments, but bodhi is right you are an obvious schizo bro.

>> No.15293293

>except that its generally accepted fact among the majority of new testament scholars, both religous and secular, that Jesus was a real person who lived, died, and was resurrected, thus vindicating His claims.

LOL. Rock-solid reasoning there, chief.

>> No.15293301

>except that its generally accepted fact among the majority of new testament scholars, both religous and secular, that Jesus was a real person who lived, died, and was resurrected, thus vindicating His claims.

This isn't even true, just the opposite in fact. Ask him to provide a source for one. I went to a private baptist university and not even a true believer who is an actual scholar would a claim this erroneous

>> No.15293303

who is an actual scholar would *make* a claim this erroneous

>> No.15293310

>and the schizo completely and conveniently forgets he was publicly and indisputably proven wrong now just ten seconds beforehand
As I said you will never win argument with these people do don't waste your time. They are like ten second Tom from 50 first dates. Whatever actually happened is unimportant and doesnt exist, only what they claim happened exists in their mind. Just learn to spot them so you can save yourself the trouble and avoid any legal or professionally damaging encounters with these psychos. If you are forced to have to deal with them irl document everything, every conversation, use contracts etc

>> No.15293349

>endogenous retroviruses are related to the sequencing of the human genome.
>This is just another misunderstanding by you, and I think it's why you're sperging so much. You're not aware that the endogenous retroviruses are not a method for DNA sequencing
Uh what?

>> No.15293367

I can see you don't keep up much with this field you are pretending to be an expert in

So much for your virus theory. These findings aren't even new, they are a few years old at this point. Did you think this was a gotcha? lel

>> No.15293368

Endogenous retroviruses are related to the sequencing of the human genome, but they are not a method used in its sequencing. They are a part of the human genome which we study via sequencing our own genome as well as the genomes of other species.

>> No.15293382

>t. free will wootroon
I love how "troon" has become the new "fag". I'm trans and like most trans people am a materialist. (Some pseuds claim transgender is idealism instead of materialism, but they completely misunderstand what being trans is.)

>> No.15293387

BTW He also made a valid point about RH- you will never be able to address.

t. biologist

>> No.15293394

Is this what anti-materialist false flags posts have come to? fucking pathetic, go back to pretending Dennett is the ultimate authority on consciousness

>> No.15293414

I will spell this out for the laymen here. There are some people on this planet that appear to be closely related to apes, but they aren't Caucasian or Asian. RH is a blood protein some humans share with the Rhesus monkey and any blood that RH+ is not compatible as a transfusion for people who have RH- blood. In fact it is difficult for them even have offspring because the mothers immune system will attack the fetus as a foreign invader


>> No.15293420

Now couple with this with the fact that Plato said Atlantis fell because of race mixing .....

Well you get the idea

>> No.15293430

One more note, this is also what the Nazis were talking about when they said "purifying the aryan bloodline to create Aryan supermen," getting rid of these impurities from past race mixing to gain back their "divine status." These people were not "schizos" and they knew what they were talking about

>> No.15293435

>These people were not "schizos" and they knew what they were talking about
and this guy doesn't, in case you didn't figure that out on your own yet >>15293368

>> No.15293479

What is your contention with what I said regarding endogenous retroviruses? Can you be more specificm

>> No.15293500

Where and how have you sourced your knowledge?

Any enlightenment to share? You buy into Buddhist teachings without modern application?

>> No.15293508


>> No.15293513

>Where and how have you sourced your knowledge?
Over 20 years of research and fact checking.

This is my website:

and this is my personal video/documentary archive:

Everything is sorted and sourced.

>Any enlightenment to share?
I write articles on the website to avoid repeating myself for gzazillonth time over the last 30 years. If you have specific questions you are more than welcome to leave comments on the pages and I will be glad to respond

>You buy into Buddhist teachings without modern application?
Again I cover a lot of this on the website I started in Buddhism 25 years ago but I find flaws in some of the metaphyscial claims, the philosophy is rock solid however but I am more in line with Santana dharma or Hindu. They are so close on most respects it is only trivial in most instances however. I just find hindu metaphycis to be more detailed and accurate and think Buddhism is a step down from them in some repsects

>> No.15293524


>> No.15293531

no worries anon. If you have questions all the videos have a comment section and all the pages on the website also

>> No.15293536

*Faith is the opiate, religion is the suppository pill form.

>> No.15293614

>No alternative model
Pseud take, there is always an alternative theory. This is a science board if you don't even have a basic understanding of science please leave

>> No.15293620


>> No.15293630

This is true most mixed race pregnancies between black and whites have to include medication to fuck with the woman's immune system to keep it from destroying the fetus.

ALL ONE RACE top kek

>> No.15293656


>> No.15293702

ok all you smartypant philosophers
can my consciousness isekai into a fictional universe as a cool chad so I can be with my waifu?

>> No.15293820

It's interesting that you are fixated on some virus that may or may not be relevant when he already posted actual studies refuting your common ancestor claim in the previous post. But you are posting bizarre smug and celebratory gifs of Tom Cruise like you just won the Superbowl. I am not a mental health expert but there does appear to be a disconnect between what you think is happening and what is actually happening anon

>> No.15293884

I would like to see what information you have on this virus that has led you to declaring these statements because I goggled it and there is nothing immediately apparent that they are used in this context. Can you provide a source for a laymen that explains how they are used to support the common ancestry theory?

>> No.15293887

Science ends where my politcal views start

>> No.15294145

He asked you to post the textbook 100 times schizo

>> No.15294937

>just brain fuckery
what a lazy way to hand wave away the inconvenient fact that 300 (out of maybe 30 million reported) evidenced cases of people near death hearing or observing conversations and/or events they were nowhere in proximity of.

the resurrection is historical fact. i promise if you claim to be God, die, and come back to life I will listen to what you have to say.

>name one
Dr. Gary Habermas is a Distinguished Research Professor of Apologetics and Philosophy and chairman of the department of philosophy at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia (a private baptist university, pal)

want some renowned Athiests who investigated the resurrection and converted? I can do that too
Sir William Ramsay, archeologist Ph.D Oxford spent 25 years researching this read his book St. Paul, the Traveler and Roman Citizen,

Dr. Simon Greenleaf, Royal Professor of Law at Harvard, and one of the greatest legal minds who specialized in trial evidence. Read An Examination of the Testimony of the Four Evangelists by the Rules of Evidence Administered in the Courts of Justice

Professor William F Albright, a Ph.D from Johns Hopkins who famously authenticated the Dead Sea Scrolls

Lee Strobel, an investigative journalist with a Law Degree from Yale tried to disprove Christianity with facts and evidence and ended up converting. Read his book The Case for Christ: A Journalist’s Personal Investigation of the Evidence for Jesus and The Case for the Resurrection

Dr. Francis Collins Ph.D Yale, an American physician-geneticist who was director of the Human Genome Project. He is also the former director of the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in Bethesda, Maryland, from 17 August 2009 to 19 December 2021.

i could go on but i think you get the general gestalt

>> No.15294942

cite where they claim they have proof Jesus was a real person. Name dropping isn't going to cut it and their opinion isnt going to cut it either so don't post some interview where they say something like "I think he was real." I want to see the proof they claim they have

>> No.15294959

there were 3 books cited in my post and Dr. Habermas has hours and hours of youtube videos discussing in detail this very subject. the evidence you are asking for is not something i can greentext on 4chan, this is /sci/ stop asking to be spoonfed

>> No.15294974

You made a claim and I asked you to prove it retarded little shit and you posted some names. I am 47 years old son and graduated from a private baptist University and forgot more history than everyone in this thread combined will ever know. If there were any evidence I would have seen it and it doesnt exist.

There is a letter that was fake, the shroud of turin which is fake and an Ossuary from israel that said "Jesus son of Jospeh brother of james or some shit all fake. If you actually had real solid proof you would be able to post it. You are right this is /sci/ and name dropping isn't going to cut it. Post proof or stfu

>> No.15294978

>the evidence you are asking for is not something i can greentext on 4chan,
What you are claiming requires real actual physical archaeological proof and a picture and where it came from would exist at the very least you disingenuous faggot

>> No.15294982

>the shroud of turin which is fake
They intentionally tested a part of the shroud that isn't original. That's how much chicanery had to go on to "disprove" the historicity of the relic.

>> No.15294988

rofl I know you arent really trying to use the shroud of turin my guy and talking about how this is "/sci/ bro." It is fucking fake period. But ok I will give you the most generous interpretation and say it is inconclusive AT BEST. It is not proof of anything. If ANYONE had any actual proof Jesus was real there would be a documentary on it at the very LEAST

>> No.15294999

There is not only no physical evidence he ever existed there aren't even any Roman records of any trial and execution of anyone named Jesus taking place under Pontius Pilate. You are a retard

>> No.15295036


historical evidence IS evidence, but of course you'll refuse to accept it because you don't want to know the truth. you're lying about your credentials and you never researched a thing or else you would already be familiar with the library of literature on the subject.
you or another poster asked specifically for names which i provided and now you must resort to conveniently moving the goalposts. you also failed twice to adress the books, which I already cited, that are rigorously detailed accounts of the gathering and analysis of the evidence. we both know you won't read a single page because you choose ignorance. you're just salty because i exposed you as an intellectual fraud who is so emotionally compromised you can't check your own bias and conduct a through investigation of your own.

pro tip, the entire Christian religion is dependent upon the historical fact of Jesus' resurrection. If He never rose from the dead, the entire claim is bunk; yet here it stands 2000 years later despite the efforts of mental midgets such as yourself.

>> No.15295094

a documentary?? lol is this IFLS?

let me google that for you
The Case for Christ's Resurrection
TV Movie
Not Rated

>> No.15295108

any history worth of any note has a documentary you fucking psued. You dont have any proof and you are a retard gtfo

>> No.15295121
File: 3.40 MB, 588x588, 1679464750803625.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>provide titles of published scholarly works
>retard counters by demanding a documentary
>calls me a psued

lol you're an absolute embarassment lad

>> No.15295183

>religion that is clearly the opiate of the masses
marx was a retard who didn't know "the masses".
the masses are cattle, it doesn't matter what "opiate" you remove, they remain cattle and seek "opiate" in the fucking dust and rocks of this godforsaken planet