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15288793 No.15288793 [Reply] [Original]


Apparently, Edward Witten claims to have come up with something Weinstein had discovered 7 years earlier.
How will Edward Witten respond?

>> No.15288815

Let's just suppose Weinstein is telling the truth. It is not unusual for theorists to rediscover ideas thought up by someone else first, and it has nothing to do with academic fraud. Also from his anecdote it sounds like the theorists in the room were actually trying to recognize his accomplishments and give him an opportunity to say something but he was too autistic and paranoid to realize.

>> No.15288818

Weinstein is a clown.

>> No.15288829

will this fat warty man ever be able to coherently articulate his theory?

>> No.15288868
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>"Witnesses at the scene say they heard no gun shots nor saw any weapon. 'His head just exploded' reported one bystander. Weinstein had been in a long-standing feud with physicist Ed Witten over claims of academic fraud. When asked to comment, Witten, who was on the other side of the country at the time of the incident, replied that he was 'very tired' and needed to 'lay down and recharge.'"

>> No.15288869
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Weinstein brothers are pseudo scientists who are retholirc magicians.
They come of as smart but have no substance.

Eric spits meme theories and impresses the normies with "quaternion".
Every midwit who does a little bit of visual computing and slightly more complex vector algebra will come across this.

But when on Toe Rogan it appears like magic.

Which is a Biologist without the complex part, chemistry.
It is literally making up why organisms behave or are a certain way and then describing it by prepending it with: "Dan Billzerean years ago this evolved to be..."

So observations and assesments normal biologists do, with the bonus of adding some hypothetical unprovable over millions of years developed adaptation justification.

Both are pseudo scientific word jugglers.
And I bet they juggle dicks and balls in their freetime.

>> No.15288870


>> No.15288882

Thats against the business strategy.
Its PR to make it sound very smart.
It so smart nobody actually understands it.
Just trust him.
The complexity alone is proof of his theory.

>> No.15288884

emergent chirality bro...dirac spinors n shit

>> No.15288900

The only reason this Weinstein is being discussed at all is because his brother went on Joe Rogan. Eric Weinstein is a nobody in physics. He's just a schizo eceleb.

>> No.15288902
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>> No.15288904

What with all the pustules on his face?

>> No.15288908

This is correct. But I'd put them in a category of the gadfly. Socrates as the gadfly of Athens interacted with people of various occupations in order to breakdown their presuppositions, for better or worse. At the same time, Socrates never actually produced any work. Some people loved him for it, others despised him. But by the end of his life nobody was willing to stand up for him because he didn't help nearly as much as he claimed he would.

>> No.15288916

>Which is a Biologist without the complex part, chemistry.
Nah, the compexity comes from the totality of Evolution and the ability to see where evolution is going AND where it came from. Chemistry IS NOT BIOLOGY. Most Geneticists are Chemists....NOT Biologists. They work molecules, not living things.

Ergo....PSEUDO Biologists. I can spot a Chemist Biologist in a crowd of ANY Biology subfield in seconds, have before, will again. Theyre opposite ends of the spectrum.

I'm not a Chemist but I CLEARLY understand the limitations of Chemistry better than you do. AND Biology, any subfield, fite me. Youre a Psued that understands NEITHER field. Stop posting with confidence and learn a thing a two.

>Every midwit who does a little bit of visual computing and slightly more complex vector algebra will come across this

Debunk GU, Mr."Any midwit will EASILY see". Much of it aligns with my works, and his was written in the 70s and submitted after I made mine.

Im pleased with myself for that, what do you have?

>> No.15289005
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>Which is a Biologist without the complex part, chemistry.
I would say this is best described as the difference between an Applied or Particle Physicist and a Theoretical Physicst. Although Theory is dependant on Applied (Like how an Evolutionary Biologists is dependant on the Chemical advancements in Genetics), Applied cant throw up the set in Theory, dawg...

I can throw up the set in EVERY hood.


>> No.15289023

I think they were austically giving him an opportunity to take ownership and he did as you said, shidded and fardded. If he can prove this is true (unlikely) he will have redeemed himself but I’m afraid it’s far too late

>> No.15289047

He doesn't, really