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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15288263 No.15288263 [Reply] [Original]

0.999... is not equal to 1 because there is no digit '9' in 1.000...

>> No.15288270

Surely if they're not equal then you should be able to name a number between them?

>> No.15288273
File: 623 KB, 858x899, C8AC9FC7-5415-4575-9C9E-6D07EF8B820C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but it’s like really really close man. I mean SUUUUPER close. Can’t we just call it 1 and let that 0.00000…000…0001 be our little secret?

>> No.15288278
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1 / 3 = 0.333....

0.333... * 3 = 0.999...

0.999... = 1

>> No.15288323

>1 / 3 = 0.333....
high school moment

>> No.15288326

Anddd once again /sci/'s intelligence has fallen drastically

>> No.15288353

it hasn't since the only reason .999... can be equal to 1 is because they defined that notation to use limits which is misleading notation, and if you have a sum [math]\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{9}{10^i}[/math] it can never equal 1 for any natural number n. Normally when people think of decimals, sums is how they think of that. that's why limits are misleading. because limits of sums might not equal the true value of the sum, as in this case. If you want to prove me wrong, let 1 = that sum I gave, and see how that turns out. It leads to a contradiction.

>> No.15288356

I meant [math]\sum_{i=1}^{n}\frac{9}{10^i}[/math].
it didn't show up right.

>> No.15288358

it's bloody over.

>> No.15288394

Here is the reasoning of 0.999... = 1

If you look at two parallel railway lines going off into the distance you will see they get closer and closer to each other. At an infinite distance from you they do in fact meet!

Mathematics will indeed be a smarter place once these drooling morons are neutered and shipped off to permanent isolation on some deserted island.

>> No.15288401

your eyesight isn't continuous, it's discrete, so it wouldn't be able to tell.

>> No.15288407

x = 0.999...

10x = 9.999...

10x - x = 9.999... - 0.999... = 9

>> No.15288414

>noooo how can it be this simple we need a 430 pages long PDF proving it

>> No.15288431

What do you mean by 0.999...?
"..." can be ambiguous.
If "..." means "arbitrarily many 9s", then it's not a fixed number, so of course it's not equal to 1.
If "..." means "infinitely many 9s", then you're a retard.
If "..." means "the limit as the number of 9s increases", then it's unambiguously equal to 1.

>> No.15288434

When you see a number written out as A.BCD… that means by definition that the sequence goes on forever.

>> No.15288438
File: 223 KB, 1292x682, The Outer Limits of Reason - The outer limits of reason what science mathematics and logic cannot tell us .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0.999... = 1
No. Just typing (...) as an appeal to some actually infinite process is not the same as an infinite process actually having happened. An actually infinite process CAN'T ever happen. And so you can only ever get closer to one, but getting 'closer' to one in a continuous sense is meaningless, since no matter how close you get, you will always still be infinitely far away from 1. This (...) is un-specific. This is related to the concept stated in pic.

>> No.15288445

If you have a finite sequence of digits, then the number it represents is unambiguous. You just multiply each digit by the appriopriate power of 10 and take the sum.

What number does an infinite sequence of digits represent?
Note: I can't perform an infinite amount of work.
So I can't do infinitely many additions.
But I can take limits since proving that a number is the limit os a sequence only requires finitely many steps.

>> No.15288459

its a geometric series anon that converges to 1

>> No.15288471

I prefer defining infinite decimals in terms of nested intervals. Seventh grade concepts should not be defined in terms of calculus concepts that high school students struggle to grasp. An easy way to explain it is to write (part of) and infinite decimal, cover up all but the first n digits, and ask what's the largest and smallest the number could be. (This requires accepting that 0.999... = 1 of course; the explanation for that is that the real numbers are designed to ignore infinitesimal differences.)

>> No.15288474

0 followed by an infinite sequence of 9's after the decimal point.

>> No.15288476

Also it's good to explain how infinite decimals locate a point on the real number line by a process of repeated subdivision.

>> No.15288482

>> Seventh grade concepts should not be defined in terms of calculus concepts that high school students struggle to grasp.

I agree, but I'd argue that anything involving infinity, including infinite decimal representation, is not a high school concept.
They still ask for answers rounded to the nearest hundreth in high school.
They still round numbers like pi and square roots.
They can stick to approximations and finite decimal representation.
There's absolutely no need for infinite decimal representation.

>> No.15288489

0.99999.... with 1 less nine

>> No.15288533

Taking "0.999..." to mean infinitely many 9's after the decimal - which is reasonable - we have the following. d(x,y) = 0 iff x=y and d: XxY -> R both by definition of metric. The "standard" metric on R is d(x,y) = |x-y|. |1-0.999...| < epsilon for all epsilon > 0. Hence |1-0.999...| = 0 iff 1 = 0.999... . So yes 1 = 0.999... .

>> No.15288609

I got 0.999... problems but 0.999... ain't 1.

>> No.15288679

claiming that the ellipsis after 0.333 means the same thing as the one after 0.999 is intellectually dishonest.

>> No.15288687

It means exactly the same thing though

0.333... <- 3 repeats forever
0.999... <- 9 repeats forever

The fact that 0.999... is equivalent to 1 is simply a logical deduction. You're thinking about it in terms of symbols rather than quantity, and that's why you don't get it. Once you do get it, it's extremely intuitive

>> No.15288700

10 > 9
100 > 99
1000 > 999
10000 > 9999
No matter how many times you keep doing this, the numbers will never become equal.

>> No.15288703

>what is convergence to limit

>> No.15288704

A fairy tale.

>> No.15288712

Yeah it's not like calculus works or anything

>> No.15288723

Copes ITT:
>The "..." in 0.3... is NOT the same as the "..." in 0.9...! Don't ask why 3 times 0.3... changes it!
>An infinite sequence of 9s TERMINATES!
>There IS a number between 1 and 0.9..., I define it as the number between 1 and 0.9... and it is an infinite string of 9s but distinct from 0.9... because 0.999 contains one less 9 in its infinity!
>If you subtract 1 from an infinity, it is now smaller than an infinity of the same magnitude!
And funniest of all
>1/3 does NOT equal 0.3...!

>> No.15288849

It's just by convention, relax.

>> No.15288858

0.999... = 1 - ε,
where ε > 0.

If you're allowed to invent things like infinity, then I'm allowed to invent ε.

>> No.15288907

>0.999... = 1 - ε,
>where ε > 0.
Just because you can state something doesn't mean it's true. There is no ε > 0 where this is true. If you think there is tell me. ε = 0.01? No bc then 1-ε = 0.99 < 0.999...

>> No.15288924

1/3 = 0.1/3
2/3 = 0.4/6
3/3 = 0.9/9

>> No.15288950

Just because you can parrot deprecated proofs which didn't account for infinity doesn't mean it's true.

>> No.15288984

No, ε is smaller than every positive real number but greater than 0.

>> No.15289302 [DELETED] 

> extremely intuitive
if it repeats forever, what doesn't it repeat to not be 1 but just more 9s?

>> No.15289303

> extremely intuitive
if it repeats forever, why doesn't it repeat to not be 1 but just more 9s?

>> No.15289308

it's not a simple arithmetic thing. it's a theoretical concept that is accepted to mean "if it coverged to that than it's that".

it's similar to the infinity theory and limits and the same thing.

>> No.15289409
File: 459 KB, 893x717, babylonian-math-more-power.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"if it coverged to that than it's that"
precision at iteration will never be equivalent to [math]\textbf{exactness}[/math]

>> No.15289431

Who gives a shit, there's more 9s than atoms in the universe

>> No.15289461

ITT: 1st year math students and cranks getting filtered by literal introduction to logic material

In the standard reals, 0.999... is equal to 1.0 because there is no real number between 0.999... and 1.0, so they cannot be defined as different numbers. Also, decimals are imprecise representations of transcendentals and certain rationals. Also also, the number 1.000.... is equal to the number 1.0.
In the hyper-reals, where there are infinite numbers and infinitesimals, 0.999... isn't equal to 1.0, and 1.0 is not equal to 1.000.... You need the construction of the hyper-reals to make this true, because the axioms of the reals do not allow for infinite numbers or infinitesimals.

There is no such thing as a number 0.000...001, where there are an infinite number of zeros between the decimal and the 1. That the number terminates with a 1 contradicts the idea of infinity itself. There must be a finite number of zeros in such a number.

>for no finite number
That's true. Sure is a good thing finite numbers aren't the only numbers that exist. The concepts of limits, continuity, derivation, and integration you learn about in the contemporary style of calculus rely on approximating the concept of an infinitesimal using epsilon-delta analysis. These things were initially defined using infinitesimals, because it is perfectly logical to imagine that, physically speaking, there must be an absolutely smallest, non-zero change from one state to another. However, the axioms of the reals do not allow for such a thing. We have since proven that infinitesimals exist in extensions of the reals, e.g. the hyper-reals.

>> No.15289462
File: 30 KB, 950x191, floating-point-err.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine how much money has been misallocated since unix time started due to programmers not appreciating the difference?

>> No.15289472

You're the retard. "the limit as the number 9s increases" would only equal one when the number of 9's is represented by n and we let n tend to infinity. In other words, the number of 9's becomes infinite. In other words, infinitely many 9's.

>> No.15289480

>0.999... is equal to 1.0 because there is no real number between 0.999... and 1.0, so they cannot be defined as different numbers
>r 0.000...001, where there are an infinite number of zeros between the decimal and the 1. That the number terminates with a 1 contradicts the idea of infinity itself.

This is counter logical, if statement 2 is true, than statement 1 hangs indefinitely trying to resolve 0.999... . 0.999.... is always between 0.999... and 1 If it doesn't terminate it is never defined to perform an operation on. Thus for statement 2 to be true, statement 1 must be false

>> No.15289756

1 - 0.000...0001 = 1 because there is no end to 0.000... to add a 1 to it.

>> No.15289760

Then it would have to be smaller than itself, based retard

>> No.15289995

if you do simple arithmetic. the "..." thing is a theoretical concept that talks about infinity which doesn't work with simple arithmetic.

it's practically "it tends to 1 BECAUSE I said 0.9..." (I _defined_ it that way) (it can't be wrong if it's already defined that way).

>> No.15290008

It's not real number. The same way infinity is not a real number.

>> No.15290170

false assumption

>> No.15290182

0.999... < 0.sneed... < 1

>> No.15290306

Division as a technique is only an approximation. 1/3 isn't correct because a unit quantity can never bhi divided into 3 perfect equal halves. The technique assumes 1 to be 0.9999999.... to give us the quotient.

>> No.15290311

It's a function of multiplication by the inverse.

>> No.15290397

So a technique.

>> No.15290409

[math] \sum_{i=1}^{n} \frac{9}{10^i} [/math]

>> No.15290423







>> No.15290551

1 - 0.999… = 0.000…

>> No.15290555

Don't be polarised by this shit.

>> No.15290583

These threads are still here, ok lets contribute
0,999... does not exist because you cannot divide 10 things into 3 groups evenly.
Numbers in Base10 is only divisible by 1, 2, 5 and 10

>> No.15290700

>0.111... = 1/9
>0.xxx... = x/9
>0.999... = 9/9

>> No.15290798

also if it was the case, nobody would bother with the notation [math]1^-[/math] or [math]1^+[/math]

>> No.15290869

When it comes to real numbers, 0.9999999<onandon> is the number that is in interval 0 to 1<closed>, but 1 is not there because it's closed interval.

Those is the example of two real numbers being right next to each other with no space in between.

>> No.15290872

Please explain.

>> No.15290874

It doesn't work like that because you'll hit planck lenght, and there will be small step you'll miss.

>> No.15290886

There might not be real numbers between 0.999... and 1, but there may be some non-real numbers.

>> No.15290907

But they are not the same number but next to each other, right?

>> No.15290909

like half a number

>> No.15290922

You hit your post number, like a head of a nail.

>> No.15291950

Look chaps, its very simple. One day some faggots decided to define 0.999... as being equal to 1.
Just like that. It was a purely arbitrary decision which they devised to paper over the flaws in their logic. This sort of shit got bridges built and rockets launched so nobody really gave a damn.

The best way is to think of it like how some primitive people developed cargo cult beliefs. Something happened which was beneficial, so they developed a whole religion around it. Engineers and even many mathematicians today are very much like that. They dont question the fundamentals, close enough is good enough for them. One day the planes will land to deliver the cargo again. They just have to be patient. Best not to point out the deficiencies in their thinking, they just get angry and upset.

>> No.15292035

This is one of the more intuitive ways to make somebody who doesn’t see it get it. Yet there are still people who stubbornly see symbols and stick to their wrong intuition.

>> No.15292051

> "we let n tend to infinity" = "n becomes infinite"
I rest my case

>> No.15293009
File: 47 KB, 958x722, haaaaaaaaaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>planck lenght
>pure math

There is no such thing as physical limit in math... by definition,physics =/= maths

>> No.15294398

It suffices for 9th grade students, which is obviously your level. At your level you haven't developed the necessary cognitive skills to see the fallacies.

>> No.15294427

>unit quantity can never be divided into 3 perfect equal halves
It can if you use a base that has 3 as a factor instead of decimal. Thats one reason the ancients used sexagimal. They liked exact answers.

>> No.15294429


>> No.15294682

It cannot be. You chop unit into 30, 60, 3600 pieces and each individual piece would be irrational. You have run into the same problem in another manner. Size of each individual piece is a divisional approximation.

>> No.15295112

1/3 =/= 0.333...????

>> No.15295432

Physics is applied math.

>> No.15295464

No it isn't

>> No.15296187

I don't get it

>> No.15296238

It's a manipulation, if you do 0,145 x 10 you would get 1,450 if you concider it with same decimal accuracy
So 0,999... x 10 would mean that
0,9 x 10 = 9,0
0,09 x 10 = 0,90
and so on, leading to 9,999...(0) for equal accuracy.
Because anything multiplied by 10 has 0 at the end of it

>> No.15296243


>> No.15296296

RL is actually analog not like 4chins

>> No.15296310

>That the number terminates with a 1 contradicts the idea of infinity itself
It actually does not, only if the shorthand expands into a finite amount of digits. Funnily enough, it ends up being smaller than an infinitesimal. Each of those zeros being a member of an infinite set, any of the other digits are external to that infinite set (and thus have a countably higher cardinality)

It's not typical to allow this for a positional numeral system, and it breaks a lot of nice assumptions we have about infinitesimals, but there's no inconsistency outside of the axioms we've used to encode those assumptions. Probably best to leave the expression undefined.

>> No.15297387

0.999... <thrembo < 1

>> No.15297455

Solve this:

>> No.15297563

1^inf is indeterminate

>> No.15297585

(0,999... x 0,999...)...
Its open

>> No.15299831

Why should there be number between them if they're not equal?

>> No.15299837
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>> No.15300438
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>> No.15301529

If a and b are unequal, either a < b or b < a. Suppose a < b. Then 2a = a + a < a + b < b + b = 2b and a < (a + b)/2 < b. The other case is similar.

>> No.15302083

...the year 3476AD
"Daddy, why didn't we ever reach the stars?"
"Because some filthy sodomites insisted that 0.999... = 1"
"But daddy how could they have been so dumb?"
"Dunno, they had too much anal sex I guess, now eat your cockroaches and go to sleep"