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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 23 KB, 255x348, AircraftEngine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1528749 No.1528749 [Reply] [Original]

Aircraft engineer here...
i build Aircraft engines for fixed-wing aircrafts and shit, so why does /sci/ hate engineers so much?

I think i am just as smart as anyone of you physics, biology and chemistry faggots

>> No.1528775

>>I think I am just as smart as anyone of you physics, biology and chemistry faggots

If you think that memorizing the same facts over, and over, and over again for months at a time and then knowing said fact when questioned about it can be regarded as intelligence, then yes, you may just be as smart as a biologist.

>> No.1528800

by your logic, chemistry is also the same

>> No.1528804

No, because chemistry requires math. Complex chemistry also requires physics, which requires math.

You'd know this if you knew anything about chemistry.

>> No.1528802

We dont hate engineers, they are just gay.

>> No.1528810

all physics, chem people have is their pride. The fact is they hate their lives because theyre forced to work in cubicles all day doing "beautiful" equations, when the rest of the world knows theyre nerds and virgins. Engineers!!

>> No.1528815

A funny fact about aerospace engineers: their level of calculus/physics is easily beyond any mathfag or physicist, if you have ever gotten into fluid mechanics you might know what im talking about

>> No.1528853
File: 148 KB, 2185x1960, 1278533498865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats right

>> No.1528862

Mechanical engineer here, fucking fluid mechanics. Fuck that shit,

>> No.1528863


Just took a hydraulics course which had a prereq. of fluid mechanics (liquids). My anus grew three sizes.

>> No.1528869


the funny fact about aerospace engineers is that they dont do any of the math themselves

they use off the shelf numerical analysis software to solve coupled, nonlinear PDEs that have no analytic solutions.

wait? coupled nonlinear PDEs?

where have I ever heard of that before...

hmm... wait... no wait.... its comming to me....


if aerospace engineers are so great at math, they should develop a method for solving the coupled integro differential equations that define the basis of computation quantum mechanics.

also no chemistry or physics undergraduate students learn any real quantum mechanics.

I would love to see a chem student perform a UHF wavefucntion minimization calculation (or just see their code)

>> No.1528887


>> No.1528896
File: 49 KB, 450x571, butthurt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

delicious tears...

>> No.1528897


oh so mad

>> No.1528905

because engineers have jobs. all the engineer bashers on here are 15 year old geeks who think they're going to be gordon freeman

>> No.1528920



Fuck off with your quantum mechanics shit, we are busy using newtonian physics to send stuff to space and seeing them work like a charm

>> No.1528933

you sure sound retarded

>> No.1528940
File: 33 KB, 407x559, GodfreyKneller-IsaacNewton-1689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, Newton!

>> No.1528968
File: 48 KB, 561x499, 1277425332067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I think i am just as smart

That is the problem, you really don't know how to think. There are no special skills, or deep thinking required in engineering. A trained monkey could be an engineer.

>> No.1528970
File: 24 KB, 445x480, 1279472808902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


although aerospace engineering is a 100 times more awesome than theoretical maths

>> No.1528971
File: 67 KB, 600x750, fail_square_wheel_tricycle_gtfo_n00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WOW, are you total idiot? or just a troll?

You do relize that you cannot use Newtonian physics to send shit into space! No one uses Newtonian physics anymore. LMAO!

>> No.1528978

>Schrodinger Equation
>non linear

Wait, what?

>> No.1528981
File: 72 KB, 479x604, 1280330773014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying you can train a monkey/ape to do it.

>> No.1528983
File: 37 KB, 640x543, space_shuttle_sonic_boom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you aware that Newtonian mechanics is EXACTLY what's used to send shit into space. Your relativity shit doesn't kick in until >200 000 000m/s or somewhat

>> No.1528987

hurr durr? Oh god I hope you're trolling.

Catpcha made me lol: in outgoings

>> No.1528994

Because /sci/ is primarily a bunch of butthurt high school faggots and college dropouts.

They seem to forget that engineering research benefits science greatly.

>> No.1528997


That's more like it

>> No.1528998
File: 48 KB, 740x419, 1277031751910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, do you not understand what "implying" means? I didnt "imply" it.


why do you think they are phasing out engineering degress in favor of certifications (in the USA)? because it is easy as fuck, thats why!

>> No.1529000

You do realize that General Relativity is necessary to calculate GPS to anything more accurate than about 10 meters? You think that's unnecessary accuracy for space engineering? Fucking plebeians.

>> No.1529011
File: 149 KB, 459x352, 1278640931617.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you sound just like an engineer, "you have no fucking idea what you are talking about".

No, they use lagragian and hamiltionan dynamics for simple space flight. They even use it for missles as well. Newtonian dynamics was proved to be fault long ago!

You reallty need to learn some more physics, so you wont sound like such a RETARD

>> No.1529019
File: 125 KB, 410x600, Gay-Pride-Parade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets show our engineering pride!

>> No.1529026

>the samefag in this thread

>> No.1529028


Are you the guy who actually takes a wrench to the engine or the guy who pokes a few vertices around in a CAD program?

>> No.1529042

There are numerous cases where relativity is significant in aerospace projects. Not so much the speed, but more so leaving Earth's gravity well, and entering the well of other bodies along the journey. The computer has to be prepared for the shifting of its clock.

Mechatronics Engineeringfag here.

>> No.1529055


>> No.1529066

Actually, they use Newtonian to make a pretty good guess and then use a decent controller to fix inevitable errors.

>> No.1529081

>Actually, they use Newtonian

Oh god. Engineering is gayer than I'd ever thought.

>> No.1529083

(I work in the Standard Missile team at Raytheon; my job is to design the part of the missile that finds Moscow)

>> No.1529087

>citation needed

Or, if you've ever been in a physics class of any sort beyond first year, you'd know that Newtonian Mechanics aren't used. We learn them because they're fairly accurate, especially given the extreme simplicity. From this we develop an intuition for mechanics to which we can compare our modelling in other formalizations. However, no important calculations are done using Newtonian mechanics. Ever.

>> No.1529128

You could think that, but you'd be wrong. A single accurate calculation is often much, much worse than a series of rough estimations. Especially if what you're trying to hit is trying to evade you (ie: my work on the SM; since modern basaltic missiles do have countermeasures in the case of an anti-missile-missile being detected).

>> No.1529173

engineering is applied science
it may not be research but it's still requires a deep knowledge of science and the ability to problem solve
gordie laforge is quite clever. he's an engineer

>> No.1529180
File: 115 KB, 567x512, popsci_flying_car_1..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Y'see, if we had physicists who could get some stuff made in a machine shop by themselves, i would already have my flying car by now

>> No.1529178

>I think i am just as smart as anyone of you physics, biology and chemistry faggots

Finishing my PhD in biology. Doubt you know half as much as me.

Get your google fingers ready.

>> No.1529189

i have a phd in biology

i cum in your beakers

i dont give a fuck

>> No.1529195


I do molecular biology; I rarely use volumes large enough to warrant a beaker.

Besides, beakers have huge, open tops. The ddH2O would be easily contaminated unless I use parafilm all the time.

tl;dr lrn2biology

>> No.1529197

I love engineers.

The power went out last night. I was reminded of your beautiful concepts when it did.

>> No.1529199

You too.

>> No.1529202
File: 38 KB, 584x328, terrafugia-transition-plane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason you don't have a flying car is FAA and NIHS regulations regarding each. It had nothing to do with the technical complexity of such a thing. Every single flying car made needs a single-case FAA weight exemption if it's to meet NIHS safety regulations. Its a bureaucratic nightmare. These guys just got a decent leg-in, apparently.

>> No.1529205

i have a phd in biology

i cum in your ddH2O

i dont give a fuck

>> No.1529213


Kudos if you can cum in a eppendorf tube without missing.

>> No.1529224


>> No.1529230

I think you've confused the acronyms for the IIHS and NHTSA.

>> No.1529239


Having a tiny penis does cum in handy sometimes.

>> No.1529262
File: 196 KB, 476x353, TopPercentage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what 4chan arguments asymptotically approach. I've derived a set of DEQ's that model the vector field.
Yay engineers.

>> No.1529274

I just assume a variation of Godwin's Law, except with penises when on 4chan.