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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15287445 No.15287445 [Reply] [Original]

Your response?

>> No.15287447


>> No.15287448
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>> No.15287453

That kid isn't detained in Romanian prison. Who's winning now?

>> No.15287458

at least the kid wasn't spitroasted by his cellmates

>> No.15287475
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>you look like a geek

>> No.15287476

He can only get laid via human trafficking in former commie east euro shitholes. That's the worst game i've ever seen.

>> No.15287504

why is he in prison tho? what crime did he actually commit?

>> No.15287532

Wait a sec, 200 decimal places is considered impressive? When I was a kid I memorised 100 in an afternoon just because I was bored, lmao.

>> No.15287533
File: 19 KB, 499x615, BB8DE9EF-733B-4321-87D1-470DC1751E72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You’re just gonna recite pi to a hoe?

>> No.15287566

Ok. This is good actually.
Nobody gives a shit if you're smart or not, look at all of the phds behind the walls, they spend 20+ yrs studying just for a maggot with an IQ of a roach who's barely made it through high school how their work should be done.
People care about social status, nothing else.

The getting laid and club parts are ways of explaining that, don't take it literally.

>> No.15287571

this guy is a retard but 4 decimal point is good enough
also remembering sequences of numbers says nothing about person intelligence

>> No.15287577

human trafficking iirc

>> No.15287615

Ok but who was trafficked? Do the feds actually have any trafficked victims as witnesses?

>> No.15287618
File: 40 KB, 474x494, 6b38c8b3157ad13ec12756e979212ded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb motherfucker, glad that kids like that exist. Humanity would be fucked if it it was full of people like you and those kids didn't exist.

That mobile phone you use, invented by those kids. The Internet, invented by those kids. All the technology, science, medicine, and all the things that make up the modern world you live in is a result of those kids.

What have you done other than party with your bros and be a violent thug? Bitch.

>> No.15287619

they have feds in Romania?

>> No.15287621

The point is moot. He's not in prison, he's been arrested. He hasn't even formally been charged with anything, but they keep extending his arrest. Probably because they know they can't hold him forever.*

*The authors of this post have no conflicts of interest to declare. All co-authors have seen and agree with the contents of the manuscript and there is no financial interest to report.

>> No.15287628

>That mobile phone you use, invented by those kids. The Internet, invented by those kids. All the technology, science, medicine, and all the things that make up the modern world you live in is a result of those kids.
Nobody, including yourself, remembers their names unfortunately. (Don't act like you do)
All you know is Steve jobs, Elon Musk, Bill gates...
Sadly, it is in human nature that there will always be "bosses" and "geeks".

>> No.15287631


>> No.15287632

at this point it's a generic term for police

>> No.15287649

In addition to dicks and jizz, this is your drug of choice

>> No.15287658

No need to do him in like that, anon. His kind invented the telephone and or some shit like that.

>> No.15287659

Unfortunately unless the kid actually produces something scientifically novel the bald man is right.

In a time when A.I. exist reciting pi means very little. Doesn't mean the kid shouldn't give up his interest in math but the average person isn't going to be impressed with this type of act much longer.

>> No.15287661


>> No.15287669

Neat memorization skills but I can code a pi digit generator with good runtime.

>> No.15287670

>/sci/s top threads are now pol tier ragebait

>> No.15287671

doesn't matter what crime he committed. what matters is he's better off reciting PI to hoes in a club than he is getting his manpussy stuffed by Hasan Piker's cousin in Turkish prison

>> No.15287735

you still didn't beat the kid what the fuck are you boasting about

>> No.15287767

>Doesn't mean the kid shouldn't give up his interest in math
>memorizing digits of Pi

>> No.15287774

>than he is getting his manpussy stuffed by Hasan Piker's cousin in Turkish prison
Lol he's a world championship winning kickboxer with a 90% win rate. If anything he's the who's going to be stuffing some manpussy

>> No.15287778

So his greatest achievement is brain damage?

>> No.15287784

Yes, and he still gets more pussy while having brain damage than a nerd reciting Pi.

>> No.15287794

Why are people so triggered over kids that are vastly more intelligent than them? There seems to be a lot of seethe and cope itt.

Talk about having an inferiority complex....

>> No.15287815

Tate's right about this. Who gives a fuck about memorizing pi? Even from a mathematical perspective it's not interesting.

>> No.15287825

Anon, Tate is a chess grandmaster..

>> No.15287829

Yes, because acquisition of pussy is the greatest achievement known to man. We are all on this board to learn science and maths to utilise our pussy acquisition skills.

>> No.15287838

Yes, It "ain't" enough and you know it's true

>> No.15287899
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>everything one does is for the sake of hitting on used up whores at the club
What a pathetic retard. He puts pussy so far up on the pedestal that he can't grasp a man doing something for any reason other than getting laid with vapid cunts

>> No.15287906
File: 28 KB, 400x396, 932D002C-09E8-43F7-9C8A-BCD9E3E8EF64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is tho. You will never have children and teach them to be dominant winners. Your ancestral line ends at you. Kek!

>inb4 beta dicklet cope

Shut up pussy, get dunked on

>> No.15287907

You will never be a father
You will always be lonely and bitter
Someday, your mom will die in her sleep and you will run out of GBPs

Enjoy the ride, beta

>> No.15287917

>I do not seek such carnal pleasures I pursue the high life of mathematical abstraction! You dogs only serve your base instincts!
>25 years later
>oh god I'm alone

>> No.15287922
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>loads of projection
Tfw already a father
Tfw married
Tfw 100K salary

Damn, crazy shit
>the only way to not be alone is to settle for used up whores at the club
Ngmi. I pity you zoomers

>> No.15288018

Based anon. Actually happy for you. If you had non of those I would dunk on you the same way I attempted to just now. A lot of white males hate him because he emulates competition and reminds them that they have hard work to do to fulfill their life purpose.

I hope you have a good day and nice sex later, feelsgudman.

>> No.15288023

>a stopped clock is right twice a day
memorizing digits of pi is stupid, as long as you remember C/d you're fine.

>> No.15288110
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Our response /sci/ bros ?

>> No.15288111


>> No.15288116

Isn't this guy some like some e-celeb that male middle schoolers watch?

>> No.15288161
File: 1.96 MB, 2327x2980, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A lot of white males hate him because he emulates competition and reminds them that they have hard work to do to fulfill their life purpose.
I'm all for competition and hard work, but shitting on little kids for studying math is still subhuman and so is the glorification of hitting on worthless cunts.

Here, for you zoomers, I'll make it easy to digest:
>getting children and marrying
>making every single action revolve around getting pussy

>> No.15288250
File: 501 KB, 1074x916, 959B14C5-D668-4B00-9904-6925C1E043CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shitting on ZOGbots that hate him for his masculinity is always necessary. I don’t care if you are making baking soda volcanos or jerking off to anime, you’re gunna get dunked on.

I also agree that only thinking of pussy is gay, but if it’s not on your mind you’re going to be a fat pussy.

In this world, you either chase pussy or become the pussy.

>> No.15288255

I don't talk to felons and or people who are rotting in prison so I wouldn't respond to him since he's in prison and I'm not.

>> No.15288264

Based energy protector