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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15285669 No.15285669 [Reply] [Original]

Is having a functional immune system really a conspiracy theory?

>> No.15285675

In a land where most people are obese, taking half a dozen or more medications daily, and substance abuse is common, yes, a healthy immune system is at least an outlier.

>> No.15285678

Immunity is a white supremacist dog whistle. They got lucky.

>> No.15285741

Oh boy a misrepresentation of a headline of an opinion piece about a misunderstanding

>> No.15285742

From three years ago, no less!

>> No.15285790
File: 661 KB, 1074x1893, NoRefunds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can we please just memory hole me and my cohorts insane and despotic behavior that cost you two years of your life and closed down your business?
>is this too much to ask?
Eat shit you deranged psycho, no we will not forgive and we will not forget and we will make you fucking idiots NEVER have power over anything again.

>> No.15285824
File: 163 KB, 866x284, Natural Immunity is Weaker than Vaccine Immunity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, doctors, for telling me what risks i should take.

>> No.15285827

You need to have your skull bashed against a granite pillar, namefag. You have zero right to talk

>> No.15285834

If you're a city dwelling stressed-out lard ass, then yes.

>> No.15285847

ahahahaha holy shit you people make up some hilarious narratives. I ain't that anon, but you have completely lost the plot. Feel free to die in even larger numbers as you deepen your schizo narratives. The fewer of people like you alive the better for everyone else. Do, please, avoid hospitals and treatments and vaccinations. PLEASE ensure more of you die.

Nobody's asking you to forgive them shithead. I'm asking you to keep dying.

>> No.15285848

>Is having a functional immune system really a conspiracy theory?
explain what a functional immune system is, I'll wait 10 years to acquire the medical degree you lack

>> No.15285852
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I've never been vaccinated, i've worked with people who have had covid in public, went out in public, lived in a household with a family member who got covid and yet, i never got sick. granted, I have never had any vax ever except one time at school when it was cattle jab day, I also don't take prescription medication and i keep relatively fit.
Heres my theory, the vax is bad for you, but people don't have great immune systems anyway due to poor diet, fitness and substance abuse. In other words the doctors potion making is making you sick, your lifestyle is making you sick.
If you just ate meat once per day, did some lifting and didn't take pills you'd never get sick, like myself.

>> No.15285861

You don't know anything about epidemiology. A reduction in risk factors doesn't make the probability zero. This is why I said I really hope more of you die, because maybe fewer people will have that level of inability to grasp high school level topics.

That's the funny part. I am entirely happy you push those stupid ideas. Please shout it from the rooftops. The more of you die, and ideally without reproducing, the fewer people will believe your bullshit. Those immune to evidence who invent conspiracy theories don't matter anyway, and luckily they'll die more than most.

So while you poltards push these narratives keep one thing in mind: You are doing exactly what I want and my stating that outright won't even dissuade you. I fucking love it.

>> No.15285874
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And i'm glad the good people of reddit are rolling up their selves for the latest system update of cancer aids

>> No.15285890

The difference is I know what the result is. You people think the comparison numbers of deaths are somehow lies in a global conspiracy. This is why being a schizo is not very adaptive.

Here's the real punchline: If there were some kind of global conspiracy involving population reduction, obviously you'd want those least mentally capable to reproduce and succeed if you're a nefarious cunt. Easiest way to do that is exactly what you antivaxxers push. Get the retards perpetuating a schizo narrative to distrust medicine and never seek medical aid. You die by the millions and overall efficiency improves. Very evil, but self evidently effective.

>> No.15285896

To not reproduce and succeed* Missed a word.

>> No.15285907

You sound like an absolute idiologue or somebody pretending to be oposition in order to stir up resentment not going to lie, but they could just as easily want to kill people for any reason. maybe they decided population replacement with niggers wasn't going fast enough and also fell for the diversity meme, therefore they arn't looking at it in terms of ability to be devieved as a measure of intelligence rather just, white and asian people more likely to take it. Maybe they're doing it because they got paid off by big pharma and don't really know why the illuminate wants them putting needles in arms. Pure speculation, but it is happening and it has effected society, the economy, peoples health ect. Now putting that behind us because it's not up for debate.
1.) You simply can't sit there and say the restrictions were worth it, not for the seasonal flu
2). You seriously can't think everything that's been done was done without some ulterior motive right?

>> No.15286133
File: 313 KB, 700x702, 1660744537008951.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love faggots like this. We tell them what to do/believe on various social media platforms and they follow the instruction almost perfectly.

Yes, anon, the vaxx is good for you. Remember, it is important you and all of your friends get more of them. Why? I earn more money that way. See, I am not vaxxed and of course never will be, but you will be. You do exactly as I and other people instruct you to do because that is how people like me remain successful and in control

Now go get boosted and pay your rent lol. Surely that'll show racists like me who's boss.

>> No.15286149 [DELETED] 

lets see if u natural immunity trump fucking white trash have when ur in the hospital with covid fucking cracker

>> No.15286153

Is an immune system the bodily equivalent of a military? Vaccines the equivalent of outsourcing or hiring mercs?

>> No.15286160

Lol if so, even in health Americans go for the cheapest labor.

>> No.15286162

>You sound like an absolute idiologue or somebody pretending to be oposition in order to stir up resentment not going to lie, but they could just as easily want to kill people for any reason.
Aw what's the matter your inflated narcissism won't let you realize you're the low hanging fruit of society? Boo hoo.
>I love faggots like this. We tell them what to do/believe on various social media platforms and they follow the instruction almost perfectly.
Good luck finding a single person honest enough to tell you morons I'm 100% happy you're dying and want you to die more. So where exactly am I being "instructed" and what instructions am I following? Do try to find any. Bet you won't.

You dipshits have your schizo heads so far up your own asses you can't even recognize brutal honesty. If any "they" wanted you dead, selling you a lie that guarantees you die in huge numbers compared to people who AREN'T schizo retards is the perfect way to do it. It's so perfect telling you the truth won't even stop you from doing it. THAT is a brilliant lie.

>> No.15286171
File: 102 KB, 653x438, Wheeze.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cope

>> No.15286173

Lol imagine thinking celebrating the decline of schizos from the gene pool is a cope. Next you'll post a soi jack to feel better.

>> No.15286209

Actually I've been consistently proven right, i was perhaps exaggerated in my beliefs but overall no i was right the entire time. You need to stop being butthurt about taking cancer aids boomer-kun.

>> No.15286240

Literally the only thing you can do to support that conclusion is believe every single country around the world is lying about death rates among unvaccinated people. I'm not saying that to persuade you, you morons are immune to persuasion, I'm pointing out the gigantic leap of "new world order" proportions you have to make to still believe you were right.

Yeah no shit I'd support people purging you. Anyone that paranoid, or that narcissistic, has no value to anyone.

>> No.15286247

every single government in the world collectively already lies to people that taxes are legitimate and that they are the price we pay to live in civilized society or that we all have signed social contract etc. All governments do that around the world already. So it is not a stretch to think that they would lie about death numbers too. Governments LIE, people lie, people can be bribed. Those in power do not want to lose power. These are all facts. And you covidiots ignore it because you would rather believe in nanny state caring for people than nanny state not caring for people.

>> No.15286251

Vaccines are one of the greatest Good in this wolrd, next to abortion.
Behaviour is 100% genetic, and genociding goylems and demons is of the utmost importance.

>> No.15286253

that's some shizo shit bro, cope dilate kys whatever

>> No.15286254

Holy shit you're the libertardian meme schizo of legend. That's hilarious.

>> No.15286265

Yes, natural immunity prevents every disease. That's why people never get sick and never die, especially before the invention of medicine.

Fucking retard.

>> No.15286269

No jackass stop trying to help them make sure they die so their idiocy stops fucking things up for the rest of us.

>> No.15286324

lmao you've never run a dishwasher, let alone a business.
stay mad

>> No.15286354
File: 166 KB, 566x298, doc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

say when buttercup

>> No.15286356

Im rich poorfag. You are the one seething because you are both poor and stupid

>> No.15286378

that is not a dangerous theory

>> No.15286416
File: 222 KB, 1124x1165, immunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is having a functional immune system really a conspiracy theory?
Yes comrade!

You must take ze "vaccines" subscriptions in order to live in ze pods and eat ze bugs.

Having an immune system is racist, misoginystic, homophobic, and white supremacist now, and causes climate change.

>> No.15286424

>every single government in the world collectively already lies ABOUT EVERYTHING.
Condensed it and FIFY.
Government is the last thing standing in the way of humanity achieving utopia on Earth.

>> No.15286440

no rebutal, bots?

>> No.15286446

People lie and legitimacy is a meme. They have the arms to compel you to fund them, pay tribute to their claim or start your own government elsewhere.

>> No.15286450
File: 206 KB, 994x586, None existant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow it's not like they don't just talk about this shit and make plans in the open, i guess these crazy new world order conspiracy theorists are just making stuff up as per usual.

>> No.15286455

some lies were revealed in the matt hancock leaks

>> No.15286458

elsewhere like on another planet? Since entire Earth is claimed by either one or another cartel. Love it or leave it is NPC retort

>> No.15286471

The entire earth isn't claimed, you've got the ocean, islands, or anywhere else governments don't have a fuck to regulate. There's a few lawless zones in the U.S for example, and regulating desert or jungle is hard.

>> No.15286477

so entire earth, thanks for proving my point, NPC. Go live on an ocean (like on top of water) yourself, idiot.

>> No.15286478

>proposing that governments lie is schizo
Glowies aren’t even trying anymore

>> No.15286481

Only problem with your theory is that unvaccinated aren't dying or even getting sick. Unless of course you count people with less than 5 boosters as unvaccinated, which is usually what statists do to make their graphs suit the narrative

>> No.15286484

>people with less than 5 boosters as unvaccinated
Is that the new requirement to go into a NYC eatery?
I wonder if 5 boosties is enough.

>> No.15286486

If the entire earth is anywhere someone-else built and has basic amenities, then you might be fucked.

>> No.15286494

>They have the arms to compel you to fund them,
In some countries. Not in other countries such as Burgerland, American citizens have more guns than all of the world besides them combined.
Around 70% of the total firearms in the world reside with American citizens.
Estimates are around 750 million modern firearms, and with Pre-WWI firearms included that number is close to 1 billion.

>> No.15286630

This is actually a political dog whistle.
MJ is attacking science. This is to support academic bullying. The APA got away with insane levels of bullying when the anti-Trump campaigning was in full force.
Psychology is just democrats being bullies, psychos, and racists.
The "future" the democratic party has in mind: more bullying at school, more bullying in academia, more bullying on the street.
This is why passing a federal law to shut down California and take away the human rights of the Californians is a reasonable shot to take in the next two years.
I live in California. I'll suffer such extrajudicial action happily if it means I get treated better eventually by the insane anti-American Californian swine!

>> No.15286660

It also fits with Nazi public health bullying, sending the message "you're unhealthy if you don't have the lifestyle we tell you to have."
The Nazis were able to use radio technology to send this message to their civilian population.
It's a very nasty, creepy subliminal message.
it does a lot of damage.

>> No.15286677

The democrats will push for government mandated vaccination if they get power.
So far, vaccination appears to be a (very unhealthy) democrat power grab.
Note that it is democrats that largely suffer the consequences of poor health, living disgusting lives in filthy cities as they do, letting violent nigger menaces ravage the local population.

>> No.15286760

I think the nazi's were genuine in their intentions when it came to making the public healthy and financially secure. Democrats want nether but preach both.

>> No.15286773

>I think the nazi's were genuine in their intentions when it came to making the public healthy and financially secure.
It would be amazing if the nazis had managed to achieve that by accident.

>> No.15286786

Democrat leadership are enemy combatants.
I want Congress to introduce legislation to take away the human rights of California democrats and send them to detention facilities where they will be processed and kept alive as pets.
Those monsters are guilty of ethnic cleansing, and they know it.
Democrats got away with ethnic cleansing in California.
I want revenge, and I want Congress to act against the California democrats.

>> No.15286790

Democrats have weaponized history & the streets. They are building dangerous, racist street gangs.
COVID & vaccinations are about committing genocide & mass murder on the democrats.
We did it!
We got away with mass murder!
Now we have to seal the deal: we have to ritually humiliate the democrats for being victims of our mass murder plot!
That way they KNOW we intended to hurt them very hard, so hard they will never be a problem again!

>> No.15286791

Fuck off, you lost


>> No.15286831
File: 360 KB, 768x614, vaxxie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are the one marked for death vaxxie. I will smoking my cigars and drinking my cognac at your goy departure day cuck. Later that night I will sneak into the cemetery and piss and shit on your grave

>> No.15286840
File: 1.47 MB, 2272x2784, belarus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur durr red vs blue
No, not really stupid nigger

>> No.15286849
File: 613 KB, 1800x1382, marcher fortress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres only one political party kid
zog school, been over a century since the last time the produced any noteworthy scientific output, their recent accomplishments are more along the lines of getting a law degree for hunter biden even though he never attended class.

>> No.15286904

>terminal /pol/ brain worms
There is no cure I'm afraid

>> No.15286908

two more weeks

>> No.15287364

It's been ongoing for 2 years now.

>> No.15287431
File: 938 KB, 1666x1116, ve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get two covid booster in each arm right now you stupid moron!

>> No.15287433
File: 55 KB, 680x510, ezb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good boy, not eat the bug and cut your penis. Is good for you!

>> No.15287459


>> No.15287461


>> No.15287490

>hurr durr I did not pay attention in school

>> No.15287496

>science & math

>> No.15287516

>that image

This is the type of poster that fell for the Q LARP. I hope his family leaves before that unhinged retard harms them

>> No.15287626

I find it concerning that I'm not 100% sure this isn't a real article.

>> No.15287629
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>> No.15287640

ok jew. You will never be white.

>> No.15287991

can you go back to /pol/ please? you're clearly not here to discuss science, you're only here to police the board for wrongthink

>> No.15288076

lmao at all the glowniggers in this thread

>> No.15288078

wtf is this level of retardation? Did you find a hidden level retardation DLC?

>> No.15288322
File: 193 KB, 512x789, 1678536550300085.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You speak the truth. Sadly, this board is filled with "muh science" NPCs, shills, and bots. You're wasting your time here. Even OP's post is being disregarded despite the fact that it's irrefutable proof of the massive psyop we had waged on us.

>> No.15288335

>t. Fell for the Q larp

>> No.15288367

We do not have an immune system prepared to protect us from the modern world. Every comforting thought you have along the lines of "people managed to survive in the past" or "modern medicine means we won't have something as bad as the black death" is based on delusion. Believing in the myth that nature is always best is an existential threat to the future of humanity.

>> No.15288387

can you go back to /pol/ please? you're clearly not here to discuss science, you're only here to police the board for wrongthink

>> No.15288941


My condolences to those who live in shit holes like California. Where the fuck do you find other purebloods to talk to? Everyone in my town is a vaxxer, they take a new load of pensioners to the cemetery every month LOL

>> No.15288973

Bet you didn't look at what that study shows with respect to actual occupation.

Probably the only time in the history of /pol/tards where they think it's acceptable to put a PhD in basketweaving on par with a mathematician or doctor. Fuckin funny that is

>> No.15289100
File: 123 KB, 1170x846, white boy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Around 70% of the total firearms in the world reside with American citizens.
Even many of the blacks in the USA are based.

>> No.15289124

Yes to being like your bodies military.
Taking penicillin would be outsourcing.
An effective Vaccine is equivalent to training your military to defeat a particular foe in advance.

>> No.15289145

It’s just coincidentally lockdown was caused by a lab leak preventing the narrative you’re describing. Yea no, shut it down, burn it down

>> No.15289175

>An effective Vaccine
Hasn't been made in over 60 years.