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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15285436 No.15285436 [Reply] [Original]

Science has known for ages that fluoride lowers IQ, but they kept the information secret. Why would scientists do something so horrible and destructive like that? Do they want to live in a world filled with dumb, cattle like idiots rather than people with intellectual potential?

>> No.15285452

because colgate had their labs smashed up and pulled funding

>> No.15285475 [DELETED] 

>Take random object found in any household
>Preferably something that is ingested or otherwise consumed.
>Claim that substance is actually bad
>Provide absolutely no hard evidence that this is the claim
>Broadcast it anyway and blame corporations or the government for wanting to hurt its people
>Cash in big time by selling overpriced alternative medicine crap or 'flouride-free' toothpaste that, for some reason, costs 20 dollars a tube.

The ever same tricks are pulled on the cognitively feeble-minded. This is why democracy doesn't work.

>> No.15285480

>>15285436 (OP)
>Take random object found in any household
>Preferably something that is ingested or otherwise consumed.
>Claim that substance is actually bad
>Provide absolutely no hard evidence that this is the case.
>Broadcast it anyway and blame corporations or the government for wanting to hurt its people
>Cash in big time by selling overpriced alternative medicine crap or 'flouride-free' toothpaste that, for some reason, costs 20 dollars a tube. Don't forget jews

The ever same tricks are pulled on the cognitively feeble-minded. This is why democracy doesn't work.

>> No.15285482

fluoride is legitimately toxic and should never be aded to drinking water why are you being retarded?

>> No.15285483

I know it's upsetting to you that you've been harmed and had your IQ reduced, apparently intentionally, by deceptive scientists. You're currently in the denial phase.

>> No.15285489

I've always wondered about how this works.
Is it the breaking of a dam and they distrust everything subsequently or does the anon remain in abject denial of other topics?

>> No.15285491

I don't know, man, I've been eating toothpaste for years and have suffered no ill effects

>> No.15285498

>fluoride is legitimately toxic and should never be aded to drinking water why are you being retarded?
It's not clear to me why you're same-fagging. But it's clear that you have no understanding of chemistry. Fluoride is a misnomer because we're talking about fluoride salts and not ionized Fluor. That's how I already know that you know nothing. Fluoride salts are naturally occuring and can be found in vegetables and nuts. According to your logic then, consuming vegetables and nuts should lower IQ too.
Ignoring for once that you provide no actual evidence that Fluoride (salts) in toothpaste actually has a detrimental effect on people. It's just the next conspiracy scam, albeit an old one, that is meant to rile up people. Incidentally, I know a guy who had to get all his teeth pulled because he wouldn't brush them because of 'fluoride'. He soon stopped believing in that fluoride crap.

>> No.15285504

>Fluoride salts are naturally occuring and can be found in vegetables and nuts
same can be said of cyanide. you're still in denial and you're not progressing out of that phase quickly because of your fluoride reduced iq

>> No.15285526

Yes, the same can be said of cyanide. NTA but thanks for proving his point.

>> No.15285530

I'm not same fagging why the hell would I do that? I'm calling out the retard who deleted their post then reposted it here>>15285480

stop straw manning my point I'm taking issue with the use of fluoride in tap water which has shwon no positive effects on dental health and leads to increases in fluoriosis and general iq depression.
this is an entirely different use case than the use in dentistry and toothepaste

The only reason I feel you would be motivated to misunderstand me to this extent is if you're either some autist or a paid shill whose purpose is to deflect from legitimate discussion.

>> No.15285547
File: 88 KB, 1645x366, australians.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bump. Aussie so it was always over for me

>> No.15285566

holy shit I’m gonna go and buy fluoride salts and feed my whole family to keep healthy now

>> No.15285619

get out of here with your "science". I know toothpaste is bad for health. I made my son eat two whole tubes of toothpaste and he was sick as fuck, explain that one with your "science"

>> No.15285699

Anybody have publications that mention intrusive thoughts from 1900-1980 or where to look for them? Or sources that mention the specific publication instead of generally referring to an author saying something about it.

Also mentions of intrusive images are preferred The earliest I found with a quick search was from 1978.

>> No.15285711

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15285712

Damn shlomo, ease up on the pilpul will ya.

>> No.15285803

>Pass the salt
>Salt? Salt?!!?! Don't you mean sodium chloride? Wow oh wow I can't believe how stupid you must be, there's many kinds of salts you know?!?
You're way less intelligent than you believe yourself to be.

>> No.15285820

>You're way less intelligent than you believe yourself to be.
Extremely weak ad hominem. I don't know why I even bother with this site anymore. The point is that people latch onto ideas that they don't understand. Fluoride = bad essentially is nothing but infantile regression that is about blaming the government for your own personal short-comings and failures in life.

>> No.15285856

You don't even know what an ad homonem attack is.

>> No.15285950

What's that then?
>You're way less intelligent than you believe yourself to be.
Looks to me like an ad hominem. You go to great length to do anything but provide counter-evidence.

>> No.15285954

damned typos
I wasn't that anon but I observed both of you.

>> No.15286706


>> No.15286721

>made public by epa lawsuit

>> No.15286734

Perfectly harmless compound, only some dumb conspiritard would think it was dangerous. You're not a dumb conspiritard are you?

>> No.15286778

>mystified by search engines
ok kid, heres ur link http://lemonparty.org

>> No.15287539

>It's just the next conspiracy scam
these posters really have no shame

>> No.15288004
File: 164 KB, 653x490, lemoni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those guys were still young back when that website was first started.

>> No.15288028

You're supposed to spit out the toothpaste.

>> No.15288529
File: 14 KB, 626x471, 1678233147667277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just spit out the toxin after you're done bathing your entire mouth in it
>Let's ignore the fact that the water supply is fluoridated

>> No.15289229

asbestos too

>> No.15289261

Vinyl anything. Upholstery, floorboards. MDF emits low levels of formaldehyde forever. The list goes on

>> No.15289272

If you live in Australia and care about this shit, look into zazen alkaline water filters

>> No.15289283

MDF is the most insane scam in the world.

>> No.15289288

To the posters ITT defending fluoride:

It's no secret that some amount of fluoride is necessary for a healthy homeostasis. But that should be coming from a naturally occuring source. There is no reason for a government/society to force a large population of their individuals to consume an extra added amount under the supposed health benefits. Too much of anything is never good (as a common sense perspective).

If someone wants to administer extra fluoride on themselves, be my guest. But don't sneak it in my drinking water when I already have a healthy diet and source of fluoride.

>> No.15289763

>Do they want to live in a world filled with dumb, cattle like idiots rather than people with intellectual potential?
anon, I...

>> No.15289783

>ionized Fluor
lmao, even

the fluoride ion has no known biological function

it can be found in nature most likely because it accumulates in groundwater via tap (and thus agricultural) water fluoridation, and they uptake it without using it or altering it. if the fluoride ion weren't such a reactive species (fluoride isn't a misnomer, salts dissociate in solution) it'd be a lot like microplastics, in that most of what it does is take up space. unfortunately the use of halogen and alkali ions in other biological processes and the properties of fluoride ions means there's a strong likelihood of fluoride accumulation interrupting or disabling certain biological processes - in fact fluoride salts are literally used to inhibit certain enzymes

>> No.15289785

>It's no secret that some amount of fluoride is necessary for a healthy homeostasis
is this even true? it's not an essential nutrient

>> No.15289826

you can die of vitamin a overdose

>> No.15289915

There are trace amounts of fluoride in many naturally occuring water streams.
I will admit I don't know too much the difference between that stuff (that comes from minerals and shit the water runs through and collects) vs the artifical shit they pump into thevwater supply. If I had to guess I would say the artificial stuff is probably worse but hey who knows (we know, don't say shit).

>> No.15289938

>it's not an essential nutrient
a number of tropical tubers are good at removing fluoride from soil, taro & yams amongst others. thats why its common to see dark skinned subhumans with bright white healthy teeth in 3rd world locations which lack civilized dental hygiene, even in locations with a lot of sugar cane in the diet.