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15283968 No.15283968 [Reply] [Original]

What rational explainations exist for the declining sperm counts of average human males? Suggestions

> microplastics
> hormones in water supplies (the pill)
> consumption of onions products
> ongoing mass 'extinction' plot by some underground elite
> evolutionary adaption, due to monogamy and healthy lifestyle there is no need to have a hogh soerm count for fertilization

>> No.15283973


>> No.15283975

shit food
hormones in the water
sitting down at a desk cooking your nuts

>> No.15283977

*continuous eposure to microwave radiation.

>> No.15283983

same reason now half of everyone is gonna get cancer at some point in their lives
estrogen-based foods
horrible diets

>> No.15283992

> onions
aren't they healthy and an aphrodisiac

>> No.15284016

OR: Artefact of bad research convenient for grifters.

Is science too hard to do correctly? Why, just publish any ol' correlation and become famous because you convinced a journalist to sensationalist your nonsense. If it were up to me such people would be publicly flogged.

>> No.15284017

I thought dicks and balls were getting bigger. Which is it?

>> No.15284021

>I thought dicks and balls were getting bigger. Which is it?
Bad research for certain narratives. Made into clickbait because the news profits from lying. Perpetuated by idiots if it favors their "muh civilization collapse" hopes for Road Warrior to grant them the freedom to become the despots they delusionally think they'd be. Choose your own adventure.

>> No.15284118

>plastic containers and microplastics
>shit high-carb foods and sneeds/s o y products
>hormones in the water (building up in certain public water systems such as lakes)
This, with a few additions.

Also, TV/Radio/Cellphone/IR waves from tech sources are a possible cause.

Peaceful society also, as violence promotes more testosterone and sperm generation. Even watching a violent sport can cause a temporary spike.

>> No.15284147

A lot of problems with sperm quality and quantity can just be avoided for the two and a half months it takes to generate sperm if you're trying to conceive. Obviously this doesn't work for obesity, but environmental factors are basically biasing reproduction towards people with a basic amount of willpower and education, and away from those who aren't planning to have a kid.

>> No.15284158

WiFi radiation

>> No.15284163

Sick people have badly functioning biological processes. That's pretty obvious. We're sick because of bad lifestyles, stress, bad food, declining genetic fitness and bad habits.

>> No.15284168

some boards autocorrect s o y to onions for shits and giggles

>> No.15284195

Faucet water in some areas can be literally burned. Think about that anon. Think about what chemicals and gases must be in the water for it to combust. Now multiple that by millions across the US and developed world and you'll start to understand the extent of the damage and what would be required to fix it.

I'm planning my escape as I type this. Industrial societies are a dead end. They will collapse in the next 50 years.

I kinda wish I was wrong but it's obvious that world governments can no longer manage the necessary infrastructure for civilization so shit is just going to keep getting worse and worse

>> No.15284657

Wife and I are trying to conceive. Should I stop ingesting THC? Does it cause problems or miscarriages?

>> No.15284663

Cell phones. It's a microwave next to your nuts.

>> No.15284884

A big part of it is the increase in masturbation. It's now considered normal to jerk off daily as we are saturated with pornography. The rest is the garbage food we are given, decline in activity and the destruction of the male identity

>> No.15284888

The cause is consuming too much meat.

>> No.15284891
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Porn is not the problem anon, tune in to the news and you'll see what I mean. I haven't watched TV in so long that I can't even make sense of the commercials anymore. I literally have to be drunk or high for that shit to make sense.

The problem is not just the goyslop, it's also the mediaslop that keeps people dumb and confused. Porn is like problem number 100 on the list of things that are causing the destruction of the biosphere and civilization in general

>> No.15284916

>What is a "statistical average"?

>> No.15286089

You have to consider the average human male at least in the first world is older. Older men tend to produce sperm at slower rates.

>> No.15286151
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>the destruction of the male identity
If something is so weak that a couple of decades of mass media can take it down, it was never strong enough to survive in the first place

>> No.15286155

Women come across a bunch of big dicks these days in my experience when I talk to them about it. My average wiener is considered pretty small.

>> No.15287198

Cannabis literally increases estrogen

>> No.15287202

99.999% of my sperm ends up in a garbage can. I'd say that contributes to the decline.

>> No.15287232

How do we know that sperm count doesn't ebb and flow with time and with respect to environmental factors

>> No.15288675

Really? What kind of foods increase estrogen? I want to change my diet and eat test like food

>> No.15288770
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The masturbation argument doesn't make sense considering the male organ is built for continuous sperm production/ejaculation unlike egg production related to females which is fixed from birth.

I suspect the more likely copurut is the increase wait time for conception. The regions of the world that still have high birthrates are developing countries where men and women have children young compared to developed countries. There might be some epigenetic or prenatal characteristic that modulates future rates of sperm production. Possibly as a biological energy saving costs since the environments of developed countries are less hostile and dangerous. So there's less need to invest energy in that particular area biologically. Maybe there's a reprioritization concerning sperm production in the sexual organ to some other organ instead?

Also I remember reading reasearch somewhere that the level of parasite load in a given environment could alter immunological responses in humans. Thus at least in relation to females depending on the particular parasites involved their reproduction rates would marginally increase. Primarily due to reducing inflammation during conception/ pregnancy. Not sure where the male reproduction fits in the picture related to parasites though.

Outside that all we really have left with is obesity, contraceptives, microplastics or sociological behavior. But I'm not sure if that's right since places like Japan aren't obese (not sure how often contraceptives are taken there). So maybe we are just left microplastics and sociological behavior? Both are definitely more present in developed countries compared to developing countries.