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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 284 KB, 566x654, global warming being fake again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15282631 No.15282631 [Reply] [Original]

Great news climate bros!!!
As it turns out, there has been no measurable overall average temperature change on this planet in the past 25 years.
I think this might be the best news so far this decade if not century. The minor bad news is that a bunch of climate scientists got busted faking data again, but thats nothing if it means that global warming has become a non issue. We don't even really need the climate scientist at all since the threat of global warming has ended. Maybe they can switch to meteorology or something or maybe they can get a job flipping burgers, who cares.
The Earth is saved, humanity is saved, we're all going to get to live out our normal healthy lives without impending climate doom hanging over our heads.
Tryna think up a good way to celebrate the news, might by a pickup with lifted suspension or something awesome like that. Anyone else got any better ideas? I'd love to hear them, fire away

>> No.15282633
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Ok then why is it that 25 years ago winters were a lot colder and longer than they have been for the past decade
>m-muh anecdotes aren't valid
the world I've seen with my own fucking eyes is more valid than some bullshit you read on the daily mail

>> No.15282637

This was published in 2013 though? What about the last 10 years? It's also well known that global warming temporarily stalled for a period before 2012.

Next time don't try to use articles from fucking 2013

>> No.15282641

>might by a pickup with lifted suspension or something awesome like that.

Believe me, I already knew your were an mindless redneck even before I got to that part.

>> No.15282643
File: 44 KB, 377x512, watermarked repost.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, mopey whining doomers, you're gonna have to look for something new to cry over

>> No.15282647

You're the one who made the thread mate, if you didn't want to be corrected then don't make global warming threads. You say we're the ones moping? This is obviously just a thread for you to vent.

>> No.15282663

There will be carbon credits and you will be taxed for breathing. This isn’t negotiable

>> No.15282682

Global warming is fake
Evolution is fake
Imaginary numbers don’t exist

That is all you need to know

>> No.15282732
File: 93 KB, 509x339, istockphoto-1157722836-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harvard is saying it now too, global warming really is over!!!! This is better than landing men on the moon, better than winning the lottery while getting a blowjob, ITS AWESOME!!!!!

> it seems that most of the temperature trends since at least 1881 can be explained in terms of solar variability, with atmo- spheric greenhouse gas concentrations providing at most a minor con- tribution. This contradicts the claim by the latest Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports that most of the temperature trends since the 1950s are due to changes in atmospheric greenhouse gas concentrations


>> No.15282739

>NB4 trusting Wikipedia

>> No.15282784
File: 128 KB, 572x673, sanggers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NB4 trusting Wikipedia
lmao, even the guy who founded the site admits its a purely political leftist propaganda outlet

>> No.15282791

You're probably just baiting but I'm curious then as to why you think they changed the title to this

>> No.15282864

Probably because the tweet trended and they need to save face

>> No.15283168

sorry chud, going to need a peer-reviewed study that I agree with before I believe that statement

>> No.15283172

You can check the edit history and see that it did indeed have the "car crash" title at one point and was locked from further edits with that title by the wikishills team for a day.

>> No.15283180

Because of immense pressure. The scheming rats don't work through honesty, facts and direct conversation. They push the lies that they can, then switch topics when the lies are exposed and lie somewhere else while calling people exposing them reactionaries.

Keep doing this and you always convince some people of your lies, over time no one questions the lies.

>> No.15283182

>Ok then why is it that 25 years ago winters were a lot colder and longer than they have been for the past decade
They weren't, who convinced you that they were?

In my are we have had the exact same climate since I was born here 30 years ago.

>> No.15283267
File: 421 KB, 871x716, wikiedit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15283371

>global warming temporarily stalled
Sounds like climate scientist invent "Dark Warming" to explain away the data they didn't like.

>> No.15283377

I can concur. In my area in NY there has been significantly less snow since 25 years ago.

>> No.15283379

why are incels always so contrarian?

>> No.15283388

The ocean/forests on Earth were soaking up a significant amount of the carbon we were producing, and at the same time forest cover was also expanding (due to greening) but after a while the ocean/forests got saturated so warming started creeping back up.

>> No.15283393

>not expecting to get baited in a thread titled "Earth wins!"

>> No.15283410

I don't know. Why are you?

>> No.15283427

There is no such thing as global warming and there never was. That is a conspiracy promoted by big oil to give you a caricature of the real problem. They want you to fight a strawman boogey so that the literate can never reach through to you. What we have on our hands is a failure to communicate.
The real problem that big oil is covering up is that we have dark mildly unseasonable inclimate weather fluctuations. Notice how the science isn't driving you to make political decisions through scare porn. That was big oil and their white supremacist backers, the whole bleeping time. Are you mad? You should be.
How do we get from sea levels rising 5 miles to this reality? What can we do to stop big oil and the nazis holding them up?
I propose the formation a one world government, give up all of our belongings, and embrace the future together. Like the aliens comings in two weeks will tell us to do. And finally we will be able to punch Hitler away.

>> No.15283455

you just got used to the cold and now it doesnt feel cold

>> No.15283461

>my own fucking eyes
Unreliable instrument.

>> No.15283471

There is no such thing as "big oil", shill. The energy industry and its bankster handlers are lining their pockets with oil and coal money while promoting green scams and AGW hysteria in preparation for their green dictatorship.

>> No.15284134 [DELETED] 

>since 25 years ago.
the snow looked deeper when you were 2 years old because you were shorter

>> No.15284211

Weird that they only did that during what you claim is a short "global warming stall". Why didn't they do that before and after the so called stall? Weird that these dark oceans and dark forests popped into existence, did their thing, and vanished exactly at the start and end (whenever you claim that to be) of the "stall".

>> No.15284241

Bullshit, it was 40 degrees Celsius in the UK last Summer which is fucked up and everywhere South of the UK was literally on fire. No way it's not warming.

>> No.15284255


This but without the retardation, why did it happen the way it did anon? I'm curious.

>> No.15284258 [DELETED] 

>muh anecdote
your experience is not reflected in the scientific record, you're probably just imagining it due to having been dumb enough to let the jew media program your brain for you. low iq move, now you're a skitzo who has lost touch with reality.

>> No.15284317

>By Tamara (((COHEN)))

Nice try shlomo.

>> No.15284322 [DELETED] 
File: 171 KB, 1200x630, everyone loves hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. literally hitler

>> No.15284378

>a 4chan post about a twitter screencap about a tabloid newspaper from 2013 about a faulty satellite dataset that was since corrected.

>> No.15284386

>temperature trends since at least 1881
>most of the temperature trends since the 1950s

>> No.15284390 [DELETED] 

intentionally altered to fit the political narrative by people who call themselves objective scientist

>> No.15284392

no proof would satisfy you because you're an addict

>> No.15284536

Well SHIT!
I want warmer weather and warmer overall climate!
Fuck this cold shit and high gas bills thanks to Democrats/RINO's fucking up the world economy.

Off to burn some tires.

>> No.15284578 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 560x417, kc fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

throw some on the fire for me too, the idea of burning hotwheels is inspirational

>> No.15284579

25 years ago my local government was scrambling to build desalination plants due to record droughts and heatwaves
Today those plants are abandoned and falling apart while our reservoirs are 95% full, even through hot summers. Who knew the answer was proper resource management and not chasing the latest eco-friendly fad?

>> No.15284595

I haven't noticed anything.

>> No.15284597

Let me guess, you trust the report.

>> No.15284607

Tires are pretty when they burn, yellow and green and blue flames mixed in them, dripping yellow sulfurous flaming goop, black billowy smoke, and that crackling sound and popping.

>> No.15284608 [DELETED] 

Let me guess, you don't trust the report.

>> No.15285414 [DELETED] 
File: 262 KB, 663x625, global warming is fake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15285422

You sound fat. All that extra insulation is keeping you warm.

>> No.15285506 [DELETED] 

Nice to see some good news for a change.

>> No.15285507

Cool it with the anti-scientific statements

>> No.15285603 [DELETED] 
File: 439 KB, 577x587, wikiman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15286770 [DELETED] 

>"big oil"
Literally 20th century political rhetoric.
ENRON started off the "energy company" meme in the mid 1990s. Exxon was an "energy company" investing in green alternative research since before Bush II was in office. While Bush II was in office, Al Gore, the king of the greens, was an Exxon board member.

>> No.15287450 [DELETED] 
File: 95 KB, 1000x1000, fake enviromental concern.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its hillarious how the so-called environmentalist absolutely hate seeing good news about the environment. Almost makes you think they really hate the environment and they're just faking caring about it as a means of serving their ulterior motives.

>> No.15287465

Never let a good crisis go to waste... Even if you have to make one up.

>> No.15288159

>They weren't, who convinced you that they were
No one needed to convince me. I'm 40 years old, I can see for myself.

>> No.15288616

>I'm 40 years old, I can see for myself.
Oh you're a baby boomer. No wonder you're so desperate to believe these narratives.

>> No.15288732

The greatest refutation of /pol/ has always been that they unironically take twitter and tabloids at face value.

>> No.15288801
File: 90 KB, 375x376, pebbletranny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows his audience.

>> No.15289263 [DELETED] 

Good to know the global warming scare is over. Hopefully this is the last thread about it we ever see

>> No.15289265

Finally! Let's celebrate.