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File: 237 KB, 900x649, FraMWEdWIAEPpKq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15281488 No.15281488 [Reply] [Original]

GSCE scores by race in the u.k. from the past 4 years. discuss.


>> No.15281490

There’s a snake in my boot

>> No.15281652

its over for white people

>> No.15283716

Why are the Chinese not considered Asians? Is it because they are bugs and therefore not human?

>> No.15283721

>chinese are not asians
>but indians are asians

>> No.15283729

post this in /pol

>> No.15283737


Not op but I'm assuming because Han-Chinese as an ethnic group alone make up 1.4 billion of the global population. So it wouldn't be accurate to lump them with the Asian group.

Even though they did so with Indians.

>> No.15283742

brits are dumb and call middle easterners and all sorts asian
i think its because of their governments anti-racism policies

>> No.15283751

white anglos are subhuman

>> No.15283757

All the rich, smart whites go to private schools.

>> No.15283762

also what strategy did they use to rig this statistic?

>> No.15283765

UK has a weird classification system where Arabs, Pakistanis, Turks and so on all are Asians.

>> No.15283766

Asians = Indian, pakistani, arab etc.

>> No.15283800

Previous results were similar, with blacks outperforming whites.
I would be curious to see IQ tests by race in the UK to compare. Are white brits really dumber than everyone else or does the school system fail them ?

>> No.15283801

meanwhile the number of groundbreaking scientific discoveries made by blacks is... zero?
how is that possible?

>> No.15283808
File: 101 KB, 838x464, benchmark 8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now I'm really curious... how do they rig this?
there must be an explanation.

>> No.15283816

Covid and Brexit reduced the overall quality of schooling. The opportunities for the average student have been eroded to a level that people of colour or other minorities are more likely to experience.

>> No.15283848

this could be a valid explanation... but the school programs surely predate both brexit and covid.
do we have access to older statistics?
like from 1980 to 2022?

>> No.15283861

By including pajeets in the same class as chinese you would be lowering the real chinese performance.

>> No.15283862

Do you know which continent those nations are in? We used to call people from eastern Asia orientals which sounds kind of eloquent but due to american influence a lot of young people wouldn't know what that means.

How does that not mean that the blacks are as intelligent as the white british?

>> No.15283873
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OP's numbers are for public schools. Do lots of white Brits send their children to private schools? Also, LOL at the Roma.

>> No.15283893

Since there's already a category for "Mixed", I'm wondering what they mean by "Other". What's statistically significant that isn't already listed?

>> No.15283915

Everyone in this shithole country is retarded.

>> No.15283924

>How does that not mean that the blacks are as intelligent as the white british?
Actually it would mean that they're more intelligent. Or that they have black privilege or that socioeconomic factors are holding whites back.

>> No.15283934

>Or that they have black privilege or that socioeconomic factors are holding whites back.
The correct answer. More money to empowering disprivileged whites!

>> No.15283936

>I'm wondering what they mean by "Other".
Every other race, the biggest probably being Japanese diaspora and travelers

>> No.15283996

Didn't all the smart Nigerians move to the UK or something? I don't have a source for this.

>> No.15284001
File: 234 KB, 801x3597, UKIQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would be curious to see IQ tests by race in the UK to compare
IQ test results are consistent with worldwode patterns.

So it seems that gsce results are affected by other factors than intelligence to end up putting white at the bottom.

>> No.15284320

That's quite the variance in N values.

>> No.15284326

It's not rigged. In fact, g loading has increased on the GSCE since 2010. The test has only gotten harder. Still the gap has disappeared.


>> No.15284339

Given how many white areas of the uk are among some of the most deprived areas in europe what's going on here?

>> No.15284346
File: 160 KB, 680x360, FrdwikyXsAAjnpu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah and the smart Nigerians are either on par or outscore the Chinese on national exams. Immigrants supposedly from a country that has a national IQ of 71.

>> No.15284354

find the scores for jamaicans

>> No.15284460

Did you even read that?

It says the G loading as fallen significantly since 2007 and that the test was massively restructured to make minority pass rates higher.

It shows that other tests and IQ tests have shown the gap widening, not closing and even has a twin study showing the G loading of the test before the reforms and after, where G loading appears to have fallen by half.

>> No.15284472

And the immigrants are a truly random sample of Nigerians, rivht?

>> No.15284483


>CORRECTION: Since 2010, the g-loading of GCSE has increased substantially. In 2019, the mean GCSE score correlates .72 with the score on the CAT4 intelligence test. GCSEs remain the only tests to show minimal black-white differences. Low g-loading is unlikely to explain the GCSE mystery - the case remains open. Thank you to Guy, for finding this information.

>> No.15284489

Move to way more multiple choice questions, which are far easier to cheat on, along with making the test way easier.

Easy questions also were shifted to make up a much larger proportion of all questions, and it sounds like coursework was used for some of it. Also an ability to resit the test was introduced.

Hence other tests show no such gap closing.

Yes, 7% of white students attend programs where they take a different test. Not a huge number, but chopping off what will be on average the highest 7%, versus a way smaller share for other groups, will make a meaningful difference.

>> No.15284491

Why would they not edit that in the body? I wouldn't take anything seriously from that now, that's disingenuous as fuck.

>> No.15284501

If you read the comments even the correction wasn't true lol. It actually has always been high, per the official report, and didn't change.

>> No.15284541

>asian = middle eastern
>no japanese/korean/singapore/taiwan/malaysia/thai/india/etc

>> No.15284584

>Easy questions also were shifted to make up a much larger proportion of all questions, and it sounds like coursework was used for some of it. Also an ability to resit the test was introduced.

Then why wouldn't white scores go up as well?

>> No.15285431

Why did they change the mark system to be numerical instead of alphabetical, what were they trying to hide?
why did they downgrade from O-levels to GCSEs in the 90s?

>> No.15285536

The black areas aren't the poorest areas in the UK by a long shot

>> No.15285556

yet still blacks are overrepresented threefold in british prisons lmao
it’s logical conclusion of affirmative action
>free money
>free grades
>free degree
>free job
>free pussy

>> No.15285562

How overrepresented are pakis?

>> No.15285622

Nigerians, Chinese, and High-caste Indians are just better than the average anglo.

>> No.15285626

It's not all nigerians, the nigerians that went were the merchantile class

>> No.15285639

>Move to way more multiple choice questions
correct, I saw that they increased multiple choice questions.

>> No.15285685 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15285692

the smarter ones left was that your point?

>> No.15285737

I'm already aware I'll never be one of the best. I'm ok with doing a bit of solid honest work.

>> No.15285745

School performance of anglo middle class brits is a concern for the uk government.
I personally blame the over focus minority groups and women for the last 15 years.
And now they've setup the current middle class anglo men to be the next criminal class.
Just haven't seen this yet.

>> No.15285747

Ai-ya as expected

how will the western world ever contain it's disbelief when they see that superior China was and always was superior

>> No.15285751

Including Indians with Indians lowers the real Indian performance. I saw another report where clumping the highest performing groups like Telugus, Marathis and Tamils with the lower performing groups like Punjabis brought the Indian average down.

>> No.15285753

This has been building up for decades.

>> No.15285762

It's getting worse not better

>> No.15285770

I know anon, it's part of a dehumanisation process where they'll increasingly become ostracised.You can see it in the elimination of the english culturally.

>> No.15285775

I may have missed or misunderstood something because they didnt label everything in their charts that they used in the footnotes but they didnt include kids that were on free meal programs or special education classes in those statistics

>> No.15285781

And that's a good thing. You'll get an ethnically pure society in couple decades and it will quickly recover.
Even the lowest scummiest export from white countries is guaranteed to build relatively successful nations - the u.s., australia, africa.

>> No.15286065

I mean there's no real difference in the intelligence of different races, it's about the opportunities available in education and the quality of that education

>> No.15286070

>I mean there's no real difference in the intelligence of different races

>> No.15286266

Asian in the UK means middle eastern

>> No.15286288

>UK has a weird classification system
in america arabs & north africans are considered white in the US census lol

>> No.15286295

I think they do that on purpose so that the actual white population doesn't freak out over how fast they are being replaced.

>> No.15286495
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Well it is reasonable.

>> No.15286497

It's this. Same thing with Mestizos being considered White.

>> No.15286719

it means paki/indian

>> No.15287263

It is because in white Br*tish culture trying hard and being successful is looked at with distain and bitterness, and it spreads between them like a cancer.

They are literally the intellectual and accomplishment equivalent of 'be happy as you are' fat women

>> No.15287264

Anybody have publications that mention intrusive thoughts from 1900-1980 or where to look for them? Or sources that mention the specific publication instead of generally referring to an author saying something about it.

Also mentions of intrusive images are preferred The earliest I found with a quick search was from 1978.

Repetitive intrusive thoughts in a short amount of time are also of interest.

>> No.15287266

>t. French quant in London with a nice house and car btw

Br*tish white people SEETHE if they see you are better than them, the other races just ask what you did

>> No.15287420
File: 111 KB, 688x549, 1679289188969830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15287579

Yeah, what did you do? What degree?

>> No.15287634 [DELETED] 

The oldest surviving ace from the Battle of Britain coming as close as h possibly can to saying "I wish Hitler had won" without making himself a national pariah

>> No.15287691

>Also, LOL at the Roma.
sending gypsies to schools violates their human rights, chud

>> No.15287849

And english / mathematics?

>> No.15287883

Muh african is 60 IQ retarded. This actually debunks that horseshit. Also blacks from the Americas are actually lower IQ than African British immigrant. Very insightful anon. You might be deluded into believing 4chans retarded race stance.

>> No.15287888

The results of a non-random sample of africans debunks the results of the rest of the population ?
Keep lying to yourself.

>> No.15287892

How's it non random. You have Africans from all over Kenya, Nigeria, Ghana and Uganda. The majority English speaking countries in Africa. That's a pretty random sample.

>> No.15287905
File: 80 KB, 618x463, 3523423.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How's it non random
What are random Africans doing in state-funded schools in England? Learning how to be an unthinking mouth breather like you?

>> No.15287910

The score is average of the whole group you utter retard. What do you consider random? So a sample of each school's Negro population isn't random enough but that of every other race is? Fucking faggot can't even be racist the proper way.

>> No.15287919

>average of the whole group
Of the whole group of Africans in state-funded schools in England, or of the whole group of Africans? How many African Africans are in that random sample of Africans? You'd expect them to be mostly African Africans, since the overwhelming majority of Africans are in Africa.

>> No.15287925

>How's it non random.
Because immigration is not a random occurrence, duh.

>> No.15287929

Who cares. Just study.


>> No.15287930

Oh so all the immigrants who immigrated to the US are a non random sample? Do you understand how retarded your statement is?

>> No.15287934

Overwhelming majority of white people are in Europe yet still a sample of white people immigrated to the US?? You people need better excuses for your racism

>> No.15287935

What I don't understand is how /sci/ became the lowest IQ board on 4chan. Who keeps funnelling "people" like you into this board? We've reached the point where the average poster is incapable of basic reading comprehension and doesn't know what a random sample is. Why aren't you banned on the spot? Is there still any moderation at all?

>> No.15287938

The more "people" like you gape their filthy maws, the more I start to understand eugenics proponents and the less I care about """human rights""".

>> No.15287944

Arguments. I need arguments, not stupid pandering and diversions. I believed I asked you a question.

>> No.15287945

You don't need arguments. You need forced sterilization.

>> No.15287964

>Oh so all the immigrants who immigrated to the US are a non random sample?
Of the original population, well yes obviously.

>> No.15287968

The point is that if some random African immigrants score higher than whites then there's something wrong with perpetuating this 60 IQ meme about Africans and 100 IQ about Britain. I did not say that native Africans are higher IQ. I said that Lynn's data has some unnamed bias that doesn't account for this phenomenon. In his data you could clearly see that the Caribbean has a higher average than these African countries?? You should tone down your racism and learn to read.

>> No.15287971

The point is that you need to be sterilized by force. If you resist, maiming or killing you is fully rational, moral and necessary. "Human rights" require a basic level of sentience that animals like you don't possess.

>> No.15287982

Good luck trying to catch me then retard. Meanwhile your women are getting blacked and your population is being replaced and there is nothing you can do about because you have no voice or agency outside of this site.

>> No.15287989

>dysgenic kike exploding with impotent rage
Don't care. I don't live in a zogged shithole.

>> No.15287992

>The point is that if some random African immigrants score higher than whites then there's something wrong with perpetuating this 60 IQ meme about Africans and 100 IQ about Britain.
Why ?
>In his data you could clearly see that the Caribbean has a higher average than these African countries??
And ?

>> No.15288016 [DELETED] 

>I don't live in a zogged shithole.
you're in afghanistan or north korea

>> No.15289190

the danger of a merit based citizenship, majority of the foreigners allowed in are rich and educated