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File: 145 KB, 748x1528, steroid_hormone_D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15280922 No.15280922 [Reply] [Original]

Currently all doctors appear to just switch from:
>vitamins don't help
>oh yeah Vitamin D just take it here 20000IU daily
>yeah you are not defficient, but more is better

I am a little confused on this topic.
Because even though Vitamin D is important, the now inflatory push for oral consumption of Vitamin D3 appears extremly wierd.
They went all of a sudden from "don't exceed 800 UI orally daily and if you are healthy don't take anything" to 100 Vitameme pills.

Of course I wanted to know more...
But 90% of all studies are "We gave vit D and blood level rises" and thats it.
There are only extremely obfuscated meta anylsis with interpretation on clinical benefits it "vitamin D level" rises.
There is rarely any clinical benefit only statistically a increase of vitamin D levels in lab tests.
SO my question is:
What is the evidence that oral consoom of vitamin D helps and what are the verifyable clinical benefits if blood level is increased?

>> No.15280937

Oh no, anon... I think it's the Jews again...

>> No.15280980

meme science. take your flintstone vitamin

>> No.15281038
File: 122 KB, 742x798, the_Shekel_D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know guys.
One of the issues I have is the fact, that they push "colecalciferol" as the main "Vitamin D3".
And it is incredibly cheap to make.

It's just UV irridated sheep wool fat.
And it costs close to nothing but they sell it with huge margins.
I don't know.
It appears really meme worldy.

Also I don't understand why I should orally consoom a steroid hormone that I produce normally with my skin.

It appears wierd to me this logic.
Now everything is also claimed to be cause of "vitamin D deficiency".
Literally everything.
Bone problems, liver, kidney, heart, hairloss, skin problems, teeth, eyesight.

When its commonly known that Vitamin D will be converted to its active form when inflamation or other problems happen, to regulate the inflamation in the form of "calcitriol" or 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol.
Which is the only active form and it regulates shit.

And it appears they get the causality inverted.
Reserve vitamin D (Calcitiol) is low because it is activly converted to Active Vitamin D (calcitriol, which is also rarely measured) because of inflamation.
Not that people are inflamed because they are low in vitamin D.

What and who in the fuck decides what a defficiency is and what its causal effect is?!
These Vitameme youtube gurus just make claims, and now doctors become vitameme youtube gurus aswell...

>> No.15281054

Please follow the food pyramid and eat your grains especially anon

>> No.15281070
File: 65 KB, 734x651, pyramid2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the food pyramid
You don't even follow the science right?
The science changed my friend.

>> No.15281071

Same story since the invention of agriculture. A ruling class telling the workers to grow and eat grain. Like any other domesticated herd farm animal.

>> No.15281077

That isn't the real pyramid. A more truthful ones places regular humans between micro plastics and seed oils.

>> No.15281082
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> codex alimentarius

Oh man and the Agricultural adjustment act.
It is hilarious.
Their great interventions into human lifestyle of the odinary people is amazing and memoryholed.

>> No.15281087

Frankly, it's very simple.
If the Jew is pushing something, stay away.
And make sure your enemies fall for it.
That's all.

>> No.15281089
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No this is wrong.
Humans in the form of so(y)lent is further up, and this is only planned for 2040

>> No.15281127

>Soi BAD!
Is there any reason (other than memes) why I should be afraid of soi?

>> No.15281129

No. You should consume nothing but soi.

>> No.15281146
File: 386 KB, 1100x628, Hefty-Complete-Corn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>need to be importet
>is crap
>is gigantic monoculture so it requires heavy pesticide and herbicide usages
>but since herbicides do not differenciate which plants they kill
>we need GNO onions which we require to make resistant to herbi/pesticides
>so they absorb it but don't die
>so they conseal that they are full of poison
>but grow
>we then proceed to consoom the poison
>bu-bu-t it's only trace amounts
>a-a-and everything causes cancer anyways so why care?
>i-i-it's like microdosing, and microdosing is good.

>> No.15281163

Personal anecdote
I couldn't bench more than 135 at the gym until I started taking vitamin D daily. Since I've upped my dose to 20,000 IU's a day for the winter my bench is at 205 now and I haven't gotten sick in a long while

>> No.15281166

>135 at the gym until

lbs or kg ?!

>> No.15281168

Lbs. I was very weak

>> No.15281169

You'll never see the average pharma peddling doctor say anything close to the strawman drivel in this post. Fauci went 8 months through the pandemic without recommending vitamin D a single time. Obvious shill thread is obvious.

>> No.15281213

Dude then it is an expected thing.
There is like a boundary.
When I started to lift I stuck at 60kg (~135 lbs) aswell.

And then I had a break, in which I did some other sport (swimming and boxing) for 6 months. Then I came back and upped it within 1 month to 80kg for no apparent reason.
What ever requires to happen to your body takes time.

The vitameme shit is a meme. If you consoom random products, you mess up your body chemistry, and fuck up your kidneys.
All the creatine and kealkaline people have metabolic acidodis and fuck up their connective tissue and all of them have chronic shoulder and knee issues.

Do not consoom product beyond whey protein.
It's all memes.

>> No.15281224
File: 119 KB, 924x1052, vitamemeD3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fauci went 8 months through the pandemic without recommending vitamin D a single time

Yes but the controlled opposition and meme Youtube gurus, constantly pushed vitameme D during the pandemic.
And as you can see here:

They upped their profits by seeling midwits and youtube guru admirers irridated sheep wool fat, that is actually a reserve secosteroid that regulates inflamation, and tends to suppress immune activity which can conseal but not heal issues.
>chronic inflammatory patient: reserve vitamin d (25ohd3) low

>dumbed-down doctor: well, let's top up at high doses to "restore" it.

>chronically ill inflammatory patient: reserve vitamin d (25ohd3) low but active form (1.25ohd3) (which doctors never measure) very high.

>result: you are not vitamin d deficient but trivially inflamed.

>therefore: dumbed-down doctor made a wrong diagnosis and gave a wrong treatment

>result: patient is better in the short to medium term due to the immunosuppressive effect of the hormone and the disease goes on undisturbed to reoccur devastatingly later in life.


> "There is a growing body of evidence that VitD, especially its active metabolite, plays a key role in modulating the physiological activity of the immune system. This emergent role has stimulated a florid line of research aimed at associating the level of VitD with pathological situations wherein the immune system may be altered, such as in autoimmunity and inflammation."

All studies which try to establish a clinical positive correlation yield disappointing results.
Only fudged meta anylsis make claims about benefit, but if you look at the sources its always meme Pop science magazines, or comments and if studies then it's always:

>> No.15281230

You should try some vitamin D. It might help with the schizophrenia and reddit spacing.

>> No.15281235

Present a study, which unequivocally provides evidence that oral vitamin D consumption yields any positive effect.

>> No.15281268

>need to be importet
>is crap
>is gigantic monoculture so it requires heavy pesticide and herbicide usages
>but since herbicides do not differenciate which plants they kill
>we need GNO onions which we require to make resistant to herbi/pesticides
>so they absorb it but don't die
>so they conseal that they are full of poison
>but grow
>we then proceed to consoom the poison
So it's ok if I farm it myself?

>> No.15281313

>So it's ok if I farm it myself?
Definetly better than otherwise.
But eating seeds in general is retarded, because, there are several plants which are way better, like:

Why waste soil on seeds, fruits and eatable greens are way better.
Soi and other grian or seeds are usefull for long storage yes.
But for trivial consumation? No.
The only seeds that are fine are lupines.
Most other crap is loaded with sugar and sadly saponins.
But not to say, you should never eat them.
But they deplete soil and are not that healthy.
Pragmatic yes. Because of storage.
But so is pickeling greens and other non soil depleting food.

>> No.15281327

there's enough vitamin D in the covid vaccine


>> No.15281363

The biggest factor in the change of opinion is more studies/larger samples, and modern society has more people working indoors and with worse diets than before. The push for oral vitamin intake is the same reason why they don’t tell people to go outside and exercise, because fat fucks will ignore that advice anyway.

>> No.15281453

Lol, you misunderstand. I want you to take onions, SSRIs, and microplastics, not vitamin D. I don't give a shit about retards who lack even the most basic awareness of human health.

>> No.15281473

>who lack even the most basic awareness of human health

Basic human health.
Humans produce Vitamin D via skin.
15min is enough to produce 20000 UI and no more will be produced.
More light won't do shit.

Oral consumption of a steroid hormon is retarded.
The it's the same as saying: your body produces Testosterone, cortisol, Hydrochloric acid.
Hust consoom it orally it makes better. Because more is better and your body produces it anyways.

Which is retarded.
Oral consumption of an Steroid hormone which is synthesized via Irridating sheep wool fat, irritates the gut biome and overloads you with vitamin D.
If inflamation happens overloaded Vitamin D will be converted to calcitriol which will then over regulate your immunesystem which then leads to the concealing of issues and not healing them.
Inflamed joints etc.

Vitameme D is pushed because it's cheap to produces with high margin to sell.
Does mostly nothing but if it does something it is not beneficial.
It's similar to taking prednisone.

>> No.15281477

Would not consoom either vaccine nor pushed vitameme..

>> No.15282011

>Vitamin D: What is it all about?
Get sunshine.
Just not so much as to get a dark tan.

>> No.15282021

>a steroid hormone
Confirmed retard schizo.

>> No.15282029

>The it's the same as saying: your body produces Testosterone, cortisol, Hydrochloric acid.
>Hust consoom it orally it makes better. Because more is better and your body produces it anyways.
Taking T is good though. T supplementation as a steroid helps with a lot of diseases.

>> No.15282045

>Taking T is good though. T supplementation as a steroid helps with a lot of diseases.
Unless you want to stop taking it...
Then you will look like martha Steward within 2 weeks because you fucked up your hormone system...

>> No.15282049


"Technically, vitamin D is a misnomer. It is not a true vitamin because it can be synthesized endogenously through ultraviolet exposure of the skin. It is a steroid hormone that comes in 3 forms that are sequential metabolites produced by hydroxylases"

>> No.15282053


>> No.15282057

>Unless you want to stop taking it...
>Then you will look like martha Steward within 2 weeks because you fucked up your hormone system...
>I never heard of "tapering off"!
>Me dumb and inexperienced.
Yeah, Arnold looked just like Martha Stewart in all his action movies.

>> No.15282069

We are trapped by historic flawed terminology in this instance.

>> No.15282072

No, I was stuck lifting 135 lbs for almost two years
Some people need more sunlight and can't get it in the modern world, so supplementation is the next best thing

>> No.15282108

OP I want to learn from you but you write like a schizo, too long winded and too many errors, it makes it hard to believe you anything. If oral vitamin d would suppress the immune system, wouldn't that mean NO inflammation (immune activity) in your body?

>> No.15282112

>can't get it in the modern world
Do you live in the timeline in wich they already geoengeneered the sky to block the sun or what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15282134

Reseve is:
Cholecaceferol and calcidiol.
These are inactive forms.
These do nothing.
These are produced by the skin.
These are typically naturally barely consoomed orally except in tiny amounts of animal products.

Your gut has no natural mechanism to absorb them.
Bit it thins gut lining.
Then it enters you blood and interstitium where it will be inactive.

Then in the case you get an inflamation, your liver and kidney will take the reserve and convert it to calcitriol (active form) until reserve is depleted.
The calcitriol downregulates it.
A inflamation is a healing process, a highly active process in which toxins infections and necrotic tissue gets removed by white blood cells.
If it gets downregulated to much:
>no pain
>but tissue still necrotic
>toxins still present
Now think about a hurt joint of which you supress the "inflamation" so much, that it FEELS like everything is fine.
Same for heart, lung etc.
If you don't rest in a situation of immune activity the underlying issue worsens.
If you supress inflamation it will strike back later on or prolong the healing process.
Similar to therapy with cortisol or prednisone.

>> No.15282382

Depending on your latitude, you may not be able to get Vitamin D from the sun for much of the year. Look up the difference between UV-A rays and UV-B rays. Just because the sun is out doesn't mean you're definitely able to get Vitamin D from it (unless you live at the equator).

>> No.15282907

You tell a story. A meme.
>consoom product
>because story that sounds plausabile

Please show scientific evidence on:
>Low vitamin D and its clinical effects and who defined Vitamimin D defficiency and what is the scientific basis on that.
>that Oral consupmtion Help the patient beyond "increasing lab parameters"

This is a nice story you tell.
But only since the late 60s they started to orally supplement it.
And as far as I know since then every thing went shit when it comes to:
>chronic inflamatory bowel syndromes
>coeliac disease
>crohns disease
And all these "dark matter" chronic diseases.
They manifest more and more each ear.
And we supplement and inject more and more crap each year.

Please give me scientific evidence.
Not esotheric stories camouflaged as science.

>> No.15282913

Exactly. You should just get a UVB lamp from a reptile shop and use that to get some vitamin D.

>> No.15282921


There is at leaset science on that.
Controlled exposure to artificcial UV and full spectrum light with higher amounts of UV increases not only Vitamin D levels in the blood, but appear to accelerate regeneration of tissue.

But still it would be not smart to expose someone to a reptile UV light for too long.
Yet it is way cheaper than "human UV therapy" sets.
>reptile lamp set $100
>UV therapy lamp $400 with low energy meme LED lights and >$600for full spectrum high UV light

Or you can try and go out into the sun for 15 minutes a day.

>> No.15282930

So long as you protect your eyes and limit the exposure I think it'd be fine. Obviously you don't want to bask in it all day.

>> No.15282936

>So long as you protect your eyes and limit the exposure I think it'd be fine. Obviously you don't want to bask in it all day.

Also having a appropriate distance to the lamp makes sense.
Eye protection at limited exposure at a reasonable distance.
Yes. Way better than swallowing pills.

But still I am still yearning to see a verifyable causation of low vit D and that it CAUSES bad health outcomes.
And not the other way arround.
That bad health will lead to inflamation, your body transforms the Measured inactive Vitamin D, and turns it to the active hormone (which is never measured) to regulate which blood cell response and thats why the reserve is low.

"Several studies found an inverse relationship between 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] and markers of inflammation"

It is a interesting read.
But TL;DR is
>it is inconclusive in which direction the causality for inflamation and low vitamin D levels are
>but it is known and shown that conversion to cacitriol happens when inflamation occurs

>> No.15283282


Arbitrary dietary laws are traditional. Bestial circulation of food through human societies and bodies is unheard of.

>> No.15283306

>Arbitrary dietary laws are traditional. Bestial circulation of food through human societies and bodies is unheard of.

Elaborate this statement please

>> No.15283315


"Human lifestyle of the ordinary people" has always been dictated by rulers. This is normal.

>> No.15283330
File: 69 KB, 1200x899, 2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Human lifestyle of the ordinary people" has always been dictated by rulers. This is normal.
You are not human and never will be.

>> No.15283341
File: 224 KB, 897x531, 1662493510556359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is normal.
This is normalized.
Accept intervention or go to jail.

>> No.15284649

What are your thoughts on pregnenolone supplementation?

>> No.15284999

wait a minute did Americans stop drinking orange juice or Monsanto did something to the orange to reduce the content of vitamin D?

>> No.15285085

In which case?
Shizo? Autism? Irritatability?

When you are typically fine?
Don't consoom product, unless you want to achieve a certain goal with it, and accept the concequences.
If you just consoom to consoom...
Then don't

>> No.15285092

>wait a minute did Americans stop drinking orange juice or Monsanto did something to the orange to reduce the content of vitamin D?

Dude. Oranges don't contain any Vitamin D.

But yes. The big companies did something to the juices:
>they added vitameme D to juices.

>> No.15285154

it's not "vitamins don't work" it's "most vitamin supplements aren't absorbed well by most people so it is preferable to switch your diet instead and only take vit supps if you have a specific deficiency"

>> No.15285292

>it's not "vitamins don't work"
It is.
There is no causal evidence between clinical improvement lf patients correlated with:
>we increased vitamin XXX level in the blood
Rarely is there any indication or evidence.
Most studies are:
>we gave Vitameme and serum level increased, and thats it
>or meta analysis of 130 meme sourceses with vague exclusion criteria indicating cherrypick and a lot of interpretation of potentialities and sometimes the references are just pop science articles with claims or other meta analysis shit, it like the big short with the "mortgage backed securiety bundles".

>> No.15285301

if you're talking about raising vitamin levels above the 'normal' range then you're correct. people who claim that vitamins will fix everything are retards. that's why i say that you should only take them if you have a specific deficiency. ex: i have low iron, this has been confirmed by several blood tests. i take an iron supp.

>> No.15285303

Ar you deficcient because you cannot absorb it?
Are blood iron levels low because you are trivially poisoned with aluminium, lead or mercury?
Do you take lactoferrin?
Or do you take meme Ironbisglycanate?

>> No.15285364

I don't need a study when I have stacks of anecdoctal evidence, dumbdumb.

>> No.15285370
File: 57 KB, 480x712, 1628030600323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anecdoctal evidence

>> No.15287483
File: 429 KB, 619x680, 5254767beb18bf41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Human lifestyle of the ordinary people" has always been dictated by rulers. This is normal.

>> No.15288839


>> No.15288968

>They went all of a sudden from "don't exceed 800 UI orally daily and if you are healthy don't take anything" to 100 Vitameme pills.
No doctors say this

>> No.15289593

Phytoestrogens can induce male titty growth. YWNBAW regardless, but too much of it, may turn males' tits into a freak womans' honkers. So avoid them as much as possible.

>> No.15289601

Since you already seem to be well down the rabbit hole, look into how statins work and how massively they’re prescribed. You probably won’t thank me later

>> No.15289604

NTA but for some fucking reason, taking vit D gives me peripheral neuropathy. I've tried Thorne's expensive shit to the cheapest ones, all result in the same pain in my small toes/pinky fingers.

Never again, I now eat cod liver once a week. Fuck supplements, always leave me sicker than before taking them.

>> No.15289715

you just can't trust anything these days
assume its all bullshit

>> No.15289723

>Present a study, which unequivocally provides evidence that oral vitamin D consumption yields any positive effect
NTA but i'm not going to post my bloodwork here obviously

>> No.15289829

In germany yes.

Provide sauce that lab parameters correlate with clinical health and that supplementation is the cause for it.

Yeah they fucked people up with the cholesterol bad lie.
And then gave them meds which make them tired and give them metabolic acidosis, which then fucks up the capillary system and leads to aterial sclerosis.

>> No.15289919

Enough with the antisemitism.

>> No.15290407

It’s more than that: statins interfere with cholesterol synthesis so early in the biochemical process that it likely gimps all manner of hormone synthesis, ultimately requiring even more pharmaceutical intervention. The irony in a sense is that most people just need to go for a 30 minute walk everyday, to get some sunshine and to get off their fat asses. You now know what you need to do

>> No.15290501


>> No.15291217

hold on
why are we trying to avoid stuff with phytoestrogens instead of creating phytoestrogen-loaded diets specifically for female consumption? is the anti-phytoestrogen meme coming from the cosmetic surgery lobby?

>> No.15291223

>i don't understand how angles of incidence and atmospheric absorption work
is suppressed IQ a symptom of vitamin D deficiency?

>> No.15291610

>i don't understand how angles of incidence and atmospheric absorption work
Meme terms and projections.
Show a scientific study which clearly shows a clinical benefit of oral Vitamin D supplementation.
You just avoid presenting science for your claims

>> No.15291622

>why are we trying to avoid stuff with phytoestrogens instead of creating phytoestrogen-loaded diets specifically for female consumption? is the anti-phytoestrogen meme coming from the cosmetic surgery lobby?

Yes fuck up the biochemistry of people with interventions and play god.
What could go wrong beyond...
>females counter producing testosterone to equalize it
>females stop producing estrogene on their own because the body registeres the phytoestrogen and assumes "I preduced enough already"
>lowering the age for menopause
>causing infertility
>causing endomitriosis

Just because of your horny little waifu fantasy of "big booba and big booty".

>> No.15291721

Just walk in the sun nigga

>> No.15291756

>cod liver

a can with the oil ? that removed the pain of my caries

>> No.15292580

It might be due to messing with the cholinergic system

>> No.15293856

wierd claim

>> No.15294089

Exactly, I will try eating those (make sure you get fish from the atlantic though, cod liver). Just make sure you get it from the right seas.
>Cod liver from the Baltic- and the North Sea were highly contaminated. Mean concentrations were 93 and 83 ng WHO-TEQ/kg wet weight (w.w.), respectively.
and that was in 07/08.

Our food supply is fucked because of all the faggotry these fags did in our oceans. Glad it helped you though anon, gives me hope that it might help me.

>> No.15294103

>cholinergic system
No clue anon. But it ALWAYS happens to me. Finally made the link one day. I thought I was developing nerve damage, at some point the pain kept me up at night. Then, when I dropped supplementing D3, it cleared over weeks and now it's 99% gone (still feel occasional tingling but that's lessening day by day).

Even had some people try to meme me into saying I was lacking cofactors (fuck off, I eat raw cheese for K2, drink Kefir and a decent amount of magnesium).

>> No.15295717
File: 301 KB, 600x536, 1678998442340464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lacking cofactors

>> No.15298232
File: 77 KB, 868x852, Vitamemek2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"bro you need also vitamin k if you take vitamin D"
Please bro, buy my supplements, but without the other supplements the supplements don't work, so buy all the supplements.

>> No.15299976 [DELETED] 

Ridicule. Nice tactic. Ever want to actually address any of the evidence and claims and debunk them? I would be interested in that. Your side has failed to do that. Idiot.

>> No.15299979

Ridicule. Nice tactic. Strawman. Not such a good tactic. Ever want to actually address any of the evidence and claims and debunk them? I would be interested in that. Your side has failed to do that. Idiot.

>> No.15300005

>>15294103 03/22/23(Wed)15:21:03
>>15295717 03/23/23(Thu)07:11:40
>>15298232 03/24/23(Fri)08:53:17
>>15299979 03/25/23(Sat)03:08:42

this thread gets one post a day because its a cringy samefag desperately bumping it's vanity thread