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File: 104 KB, 850x400, quote-the-mind-is-sharper-and-keener-in-seclusion-and-uninterrupted-solitude-originality-thrives-nikola-tesla-52-5-0511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15279706 No.15279706 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he say that? Doesn't loneliness cause depression, existential crisis, and thus brain damage?

>> No.15279726

There's no such thing as a lone genius.

>> No.15279737

If you are smart enough you can understand what what the universe is telling you and you are never alone because the intelligence of nature is in all things. Only dumb people are limited to communicating with other humans.

>> No.15279750

>you should isolate yourself in order that you become so contact deprived that you fall in love with a pigeon
truly a great scientific mind at work here.

>> No.15279759

The pidgeon is just a psychopomp. If you think Tesla was in love with the pideon you are a moron.

>> No.15279764

>you MUST socialize
Go socialize with the other socializers and now tell me you actually want to do that again
It's not necessary, learning from scratch is unforgettable knowledge
You have no idea

>> No.15279845

what causes that is having unjustifiable behavior. if you're busy doing important shit with clear purpose then you'll be quite happy if it means doing it alone.

>> No.15279857


>> No.15279878

Loneliness does. Being alone may not. There's a difference between "being alone" and "being lonely", researchers like John Cacioppo (who was very prolific in his life) outlined that quite thoroughly if I recall. Been a minute since I did any papers on that.

Anyhow, hence the saying there's nothing worse than being alone in a crowd. Feeling rejected tends to be a primary part of loneliness.

>> No.15279908

Because it's true if you're not weak-minded.

>Doesn't loneliness cause depression, existential crisis, and thus brain damage?
Yes, if you're a brainlet.

>> No.15279946
File: 67 KB, 850x540, IMG_20230317_061354_428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's more of a changing the environment.
If you spend most of your time in the warm place and the mind is stuck, try going somewhere cold to stimulate your thinking process.
Plus solitude helps consolidate the experiences you had.
Someone I read a long time ago meticulously analysed every important conversation he had right after it happened.

>> No.15279949

I love how you turn depression hazard and a traditionally shunned activity into a dick measuring contest within a subgroup.

>> No.15279961

it doesn't if you're not a social media addict, but if you're so addicted to attention and dopamine that you chimp out without them then it does. people with self confidence don't require affirmation from others to be content, but cringing cowards do

>> No.15280009

Who are the ones that shun? The general population. Guess what the general population is?
I'll let you figure that out, Einstein.

>> No.15280041

It is bad cope. He died alone, he didn't pursue pleasure, lost the spark from his youth, wasted his genius with crazier and crazier notions. Prove me wrong

>> No.15280109

The general population is the people that shape most of society. Even lions get shooed away by hyenas if there's enough of them.
Unless you're truly intellectually not just a one-man army, but also a one man health, trade, economics and other ministries combining in a one-man nation, then go ahead.
I prefer to not look down on people because they like to spend time with each other even if I prefer to be a lone from time to time and get exhausted talking to too many people.

>> No.15280204

He would've been a poster here

>> No.15280226

ok brainlet

>> No.15280231

Holy fucking shit m8
You just reframed "being alone" as "being a normie cuck".
Way to go you fucking freak, go vaccinate already like all the other cattle.

>> No.15281308

no, u

>> No.15281337
File: 1.99 MB, 370x319, 33951242-17FF-4DCE-9663-DEA60D130592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a genius is always alone because they don't get along with other geniuses. geniuses get pet dogs.

>> No.15281600


>> No.15281608
File: 57 KB, 389x259, 2021-11-08_17.29.22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why did he say that?
When you are around people you put on a front, a mask, a fake, to uphold people's expectations.

Remove the people...find the real you.

>People fan literally be driven to suicide as they start to face the reality they have lived a lie their whole life.



>> No.15281616
File: 54 KB, 400x485, 2d0808a373d74236da85cc5cc6aabf5a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pet dogs

Yeah, for poofta's. Grab a croc. Stick a thumb inside. Is she a beaut' or is he a fiesty boy?

>> No.15281622

Being alone is better then being around idiots. Most smart people are still within a range where they can find similar people in University or through some hobby. But in the case of Tesla that would have been impossible maybe today with the internet and university.

>> No.15281806
File: 59 KB, 300x250, what-would-the-smartest.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've done this anon, it is very depressing. given the circumstances i didn't even have a chance i think

>> No.15282990


>> No.15282991

Youre a retard who thinks he’s special. Cope harder

>> No.15282992

Imagine being such a normie you can't even fathom someone preferring to be alone

>> No.15283693

a social life is dominated by social norms, and social norms impede critical thought.

>> No.15283849

That's probably the substance abuse and jacking off, which most people do when alone.

>> No.15283853

> Doesn't loneliness cause depression, existential crisis, and thus brain damage?
For normalcattle, "seclusion" is indeed synonymous with loneliness and all of that, but normalcattle is incapable of independent thought to begin with. I don't think Tesla's advice was for your ilk.