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File: 231 KB, 600x600, sunflower oil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15278107 No.15278107 [Reply] [Original]

Claim: Seed oils are baaaad for you
Reality: Seed oils are fine for anyone who isn't a pajeet or african

>seed oils are inflammatory
Europeans, and some East Asians, have a gene that stops linoleic acid from being desaturated into the inflammatory arachidonic acid.

seed oils are native to cold climates. The very function of polyunsaturated fat is to keep a seed from freezing in a cold climate. If you had a coconut growing in Ukriane, the saturated fat would freeze up and the seed would die and never reproduce.

seed oils are present in many large foodstuffs native to cold climates. Walnuts, Hazelnuts, Sunflower seeds, basedbeans, and more

saturated plant oils are UNIQUE to tropical climates ONLY. Coconuts, cacao, shea nut, palm fruit (the seed is saturated, the flesh is only monounsaturated)

The pioneer of the anti-seed-oil diet is Ray Peat, a literal socialist cuck who thinks that we should rely on sugar as our main source of nutrition.

The only people who get hurt by seed oils are blacks, pajeets, and the small minority of White people who have a metabolism resembling theirs.

>> No.15278182 [DELETED] 
File: 19 KB, 220x293, hidous kike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the small minority of White people who have a metabolism resembling theirs.
semites are of partially african origin, the only land connection between africa and the civilized world goes through the heart of semite territory. africans can't swim and they can't build boats.
semites have curly hair, fat lips, dark complexions and the smell like shit, just like africans, thats no coincidence. semites to their best to be misaken as white, because thats what they would rather be, but what they really are is half asian/half african. Whites are from europe, there are no native semites in europe, semites are an asian race, israel and all the rest of the semite countries are in asia, not europe.

>> No.15278196
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>The pioneer of the anti-seed-oil diet is Ray Peat, a literal socialist cuck who thinks that we should rely on sugar as our main source of nutrition.

hes not a socialist, and he's right (well he doesnt say that but i do), sucrose is extremely effective as an energy source, unlike muh fatty acids.

all PUFAs are subject to oxidative stress within the body; the brown spots you see on old people: that's lipofuscin, aka oxidized PUFA and iron. there's also a bunch of shit showing that PUFA exacerbates ethanol-induced fatty liver (and saturated fat treats it):


PUFAs also fuck your thyroid and thymus glands up.

>> No.15278221

Fish contain unsaturated fatty acids, and people ate them with no harm.
It's all from the lack of heavy metals. Obesity is esentially kwashiorkor from the lack of methyl mercury, the swelling fills up with fat instead when you eat enough fat for that to happen. You won't lose it by eating less, as soon as you exhaust the actual reserve, which is the omentum you begin to starve, and probably binge instantly. The fat won't move to the omentum from the swelling.

>> No.15278224

>Obesity is esentially kwashiorkor from the lack of methyl mercury, the swelling fills up with fat instead when you eat enough fat for that to happen.
Do you supplement with methyl mercury, anon?

>> No.15278247

I recommend sticking to fish high in mercury, or perhaps try whale if you can and have no moral problems with it.
I tried, but it's very uncomfortable (you feel like you overate to the point of throwing up, and it doesn't go away) the way you can probably make it makes it near impossible to accurately judge the dose, and you can get brain damage or even die if you are selenium deficient.

>> No.15278272 [DELETED] 

i've never had whale meat, but the other marine mammals i've tried have all been some of the most delicious meat that i've ever encountered. seal meat taste more like liver, but with the texture of steak; walrus bacon is the best bacon, walruses would need to be billionaires to afford the diet they eat if they were buying it at the grocery store and that is reflected in how good their meat tastes; sea lions that feed on salmon are similarly delectable. kinda makes we wonder about eating a fancy chef or restaurant reviewer.

>> No.15278275

Guy Crosby, Professor of Nutrition at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health, says “Cooking with seed oils at home isn’t an issue.”

>> No.15278282

Seed oil propaganda.
Omega 6 competes with Omega 3. Omega 3 benefits the cell wall. Do you know how many cells are in your body? Can you guess which body part it doesn't benefit? Not to be dramatic, but children expect 5+ IQ points, stamina, and by extension charisma from supplementing fish oil.

>> No.15278304

And that is probably the most convincing part, it's pretty clear that people can taste it, and it tastes good.

>> No.15279084

But sucrose and protein is comfy

>> No.15279290

Maybe living in the cold is bad for you too

>> No.15279719

How would convincing the public that seed oils are bad help the powers that be? How is avoiding processed food going to hurt you? Psy-ops must serve a purpose; they don't just exist for no reason.
>>15278196 is right.

>> No.15280363

>try whale
>i've never had whale meat
My friends in Norway buy whale whenever they can, saying it is the best of all.
Quite expensive out of season, though.

>> No.15280395

Studies on why seed oils bad?

>> No.15280420

Humans are ALL tropical animals, even white people. Not human is native to a cold climate, at best they are long term. Humans store energy as saturated fat naturally and PUFA has a very limited role in the body which also requires a lot of countermeasures to prevent such things as lipid peroxidation in the few areas it is necessary inflammation is only one of the problems with PUFA, but linoleic acid is also inflammatory, so I don’t know why you think it is not. Not to mention that a diet high in plant matter is extremely unnatural for humans anyways, and a natural human diet(one high in ruminant animal meat) is high in saturated fat. .
Agriculture is only useful to create a lower class of battery humans who are stupid, Nutrient deprived, and expendable

>> No.15281130
File: 147 KB, 916x898, IMG_20230317_154101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Op is right, imagine not realizing (((who))) is the owner of the majority of non-seed oils corporations

>> No.15281140
File: 469 KB, 1006x604, 4cedf9009cb4fc69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main point for the seed oil psyop is:
>get rid of animal fats

Easy to make
Have lovely cow
Eats gras that humans cannot eat.
Convert it to Milk.

So industry comes in.
Does som codex alimentarius crap.
Fucks up all farmers.

And produces "mass farming" with tortured animals with decreased milk quality.
Then forced anyone to consoom product which cannot be independently produced:
>seed oils
>requires extensive refinery steps
>requires chemicals to remove saponins of seeds
>requires buckload of sweet sweet petroleum based product by Oil monopoly (Rockefellers etc)

>> No.15281585

>industrial seed oils are native to cold climates
>better make them 30% of your calories bro

>> No.15281620

truly this is the DEVIL'S WORK

>> No.15281634

Continue eating them then faggot, also post lower belly fat

>> No.15281639

what up, I'm 3/4 celt and 1/4 some foreign shit I have no clue about which could be anything from Spaniard to Pajeet and I have no way of knowing because my mother is a moron.

How would I be able to test if I can have seed oils?

>> No.15281643

I'm going to go way out on a limb and guess this is the same shill who just finished his thread about how bad vitamin D is

>> No.15282909

Retarded strawman.
You don't get the point.

>> No.15282914

No. Vitamin D is not bad.
If you needlessly supplement it ORALLY with crappy cheaply produced sheepwool fat, which is then overpricwd sold to your dumb ass.
Easy questions about: the clear clinical benefit of ORAL vitamin D supplementation is not there.
It literally helps with nothing. And is pushed as the panacea.

Also I wrote:

>> No.15282917
File: 357 KB, 795x582, _soybean induces diabetes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seed oils are native to cold climates.
>saturated plant oils are UNIQUE to tropical climates
Take a wild guess what your internal body temperature has optimized it's reactions to.. Tropical heat or frigid cold?

>> No.15282918


>> No.15282925

anything that engages in the 'le ebil chemical name' ploy doesn't deserve to be taken seriously

>> No.15282933
File: 163 KB, 966x586, 1672992524418933.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't get the point.
It's not about 'le ebil chemical' .
Everything is chemical.
You, soil, air, plants etc.
It does not matter.

It's the requirement for highly industrialized procedures which conceal:
>that seed oils are tainted by nature with shitty fats and saponins

And that the possibility is removed to individually create the product of a fat.
You require and be dependent on industrialized steps.
And not only that there are 'le ebil chemicals' which are not good and will be found as residue in these oils in """trace amounts""" which are not healthy nor beneficial.

Like the petrolum based solvents.
Also sodium hydroxide will be neutralized within the steps.
But since oils are washed in either aluminium or nickel steel alloys the sodium hydroxide can dissolce parts of the containers which will let toxic metals leach into the seed oils.


If you want to produce seed oils, you are dependent on 3rd party suppliers for these chemicals, meaning you have to buy sodium hydroxide and sodium carbonate, petroleum based solvents etc.

It increases the complexity of the supply chain. And makes the process expensiv and costly in energy usage.

When in contrast with Butter:
>you need cow or sheep or goats
>give them gras and hay
>milk them
>shake milk
>get butter

And during this process they produce fertilizer, are cute and you can bond with animals, they eat weeds and produce a usefull product from that.