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15277703 No.15277703 [Reply] [Original]

Homeschooled kids score way better on standardized tests than those who had public education. Public schools are instructed by people with graduate degrees in education, homeschool is instruced by a former Hooters waitress that got knocked up by accident.
Does science have any reasonable explanation for this?

>> No.15277705

my homeschooled kid... was albert einstein.

>> No.15277708

Tutoring and to a lesser extent small classrooms are empirically proven to be better, it's just not affordable for most.

>> No.15277709

It would be if women left the workforce to do it.

>> No.15277720

don't want your own population be too smart if you are importing talents from everywhere else

>> No.15277722

women prefer the "prestigious independence" of success in traditionally men's professions over caring for their own children. they wish they were born men, they are envious of people with penises

>> No.15277728

women prefer those job yet most women are dogshit at them hence they have to quota and bring everyone down

>> No.15277741

>Homeschooled kids score way better on standardized tests than those who had public education
Not to be racist, but are you accounting for race?

>> No.15277784

ok, but they also become aspies which cancels it out

>> No.15277830
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>gets a job making good tip money and barely has to show anything for it
They wear stockings underneath the shorts at Hooters. She made decent money while not having to whore herself out on OF or strip. If anything, she gamed the system to work towards giving her children a one-on-one chance with education. Meanwhile you have "teachers" that wear shit like picrel and are paid with tax dollars.

>> No.15277851

Wow, who knew giving children more freedom and treating them like an individual would produce better results.

>> No.15277864

I have a mathematical explanation why this is true.
Stastistically, people are retarded. Most parents don't care about their children, so the only education they get is school, and since they usually lack motivation, it will be lackluster.
Then you have an entire class averaged out by unmotivated retards. This forces the teacher to even out the learning program, which means he can teach less and teach worse.

A homeschooled kid does not share the class with brainlets, which means this part of the statistics falls off.
Second part is, that since the kid is homeschooled, it implies that his parents actually try to teach him. Which separates him already from the ones where the parents don't teach.
This raises the bar.

>> No.15277876

>homeschool is instruced by a former Hooters waitress that got knocked up by accident.
not sure about where you are but most states have pretty strict standards for homeschooling which require specific curriculum and specific testing. You can't just teach them flat earth and alchemy and pig latin, that's quite literally unlawful negligence. An underperforming homeschool student sticks out a lot more on county statistics than a rowhouse student in uniform at an already-underperforming public school would.

>> No.15277911

Wow, who would've thought?

>> No.15277938

You need to supplement it with some social stuff if you don't want a kid to be antisocial or elitist if he's from a rich family (public music or art school and sports in groups). Otherwise it's superior of course.

>> No.15278006

You mean force the kids to swallow marxist propaganda that they teach in public schools about racial/economic/political segregation?

>> No.15278070
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Sure, but think about how socially weird homeschool kids are. Instead of being around adult family members and patterning their behaviors on them, they should go off to a building with 1500 other kids who are minimally supervised by disinterested adults. Now that's how you develop social skills needed for success in life!

>> No.15278085

For the children, homeschooling is a much more efficient use of their time. Travel time to and from school, changing classes, roll calls, getting settled down, the teacher going slow to keep at the speed of the least intelligent kids, instruction stopping due to behavioral issues, the teacher stopping to assist one student who just doesn't understand something repeated multiple times, etc.
For the homeschool kid, if they don't understand something, the parent can take extra time to help them truly understand it, which gives them a base to build upon for further knowledge. And for things the kid understands quickly, the parent can move on to the next lesson instead of requiring a bunch of busy work that in public school would be required for "objectivity". A reasonably intelligent kid can finish each grade level in half a school year if allowed.
For society, homeschooling is very inefficient because if everyone did it, it would increase the number of adults who are involved in teaching the nation's children by an order of magnitude. All of those workers who could be increasing GDP by having jobs outside of the home, would instead be at home teaching children. Not much is more important in western society than maximizing GDP.

>> No.15278092 [DELETED] 

>everyone who is wealthier than me is pure evil
let me guess, everyone who is less wealthy than you ended up that way because they're low iq
so lucky for you that you were born perfect, what a happy coincidence

>> No.15278207

No, I mean get thrown around by some other crazy kid in judo classes and participate in some group project (theater or something) to learn teamwork and organization

>> No.15278209

Nice try.
I was born relatively wealthy by the standards of where I'm from and then moved to a place where I'm relatively poor.
Wealth can be a vice, but you can check it with effort

>> No.15278271

Don't remember most of the shit I learned anyways. Didn't even really start learning till middle school, elementary was a lot of just fucking around and memorizing times tables

>> No.15278278

Went to public school and am still an asocial sperg. I'd say supplement regardless

>> No.15278400

Oh, for sure. More social circles is good for developing a perspective

>> No.15278412

I went to public school like any normie and 80% of the content could just be ignored as useless, and the remaining 20% could be taught in 20% of the time. You don't need to spend two years computing countless examples of addition once you understand what addition means.

>> No.15278467

you were also forced to learn a lot of lies which will end up harming you later in life

>> No.15278482

>homeschool is instruced by a former Hooters waitress that got knocked up by accident
What are you talking about? By definition homeschool has to be done by someone staying at home, not a poor wagie that has to work every day just to put food on the table.

Also, one teacher with 30 students for an hour per day compared to one teacher with 1-3 students for 8 hours every day. It's a lot easier to tailor the education to their individual needs and capabilities.

Passing a government test is no measure, either. That's midwit thinking at best. Passing a test just proves you can pass a test. I could have passed everything but the math portion of a college level probably in the 4th grade.

>> No.15278490

>Homeschooled kids score way better on standardized tests
Is this caused by homeschooling or is it just selection bias (families that opt for homeschooling could be disproportionately higher IQ or just value education more).
This smells like the "kids that play instruments are smarter" meme.

>> No.15278520

>source: my ass
>uh Ms goyim, your daughter won't listen to monkey music that says fuck whitey, wants a family and won't fuck niggers. This isn't acceptable behavior, she is maladjusted and an "aspie"

>> No.15278534

Schools aren't designed for development of intelligence or acquiring of knowledge. They are designed for discipline, workforce and grading of children for determining their value. No public school will prioritize psychological health and intellectual development of a child over the efficiency of processing them for the specific state of the society and labour market at the particular time.

>> No.15278753
File: 55 KB, 400x322, GOP_white_trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are poltards, christcucks, and inbred rednecks so obsessed with homeschooling. You're an inbred white trash hick. Don't you people want your children to be educated? Don't you want them to have a better future? Republicans talk a lot about "family values" , but if you actually cared about your family, then you were do your best to ensure that they're educated, intelligent, and scientifically illiterate, but instead, most Christians and rural American seem to be committed to making their children as ignorant and hateful as they are themselves.

>> No.15278769

>muh racial inferiority complex!!
>whites trigger me!!!!

>> No.15278774

obviously not

schooling in itself literally does nothing

it's all about selecting based on IQ in one way or another

think about it this way - how many sub 100 people can successfully homeschool a kid? parental iq is correlated with child iq

>> No.15278776

I was shy but quite confident before public middle school. Afterwards, I was an insecure social recluse with life-ruining fear of social interactions.

>> No.15278786

If you wanna destroy your White sons life, put him in public school with tons of Niggers and other minorities
It took me till age 33 to get a Bachelor degree since it turned me into a depressed socially avoidant alcoholic in all my 20s.

>> No.15278804

>For society, homeschooling is very inefficient because if everyone did it, it would increase the number of adults who are involved in teaching the nation's children by an order of magnitude. All of those workers who could be increasing GDP by having jobs outside of the home, would instead be at home teaching children. Not much is more important in western society than maximizing GDP.

This is a good point. The West is penny wise, pound foolish, and the rest of the world is following suit.

What's the point of
>breaking up the family unit, have both parents slave away in garbage jobs that wear them out physically and mentally
>leaving them unable to pick up the inevitable slack that poorly budgeted public schools with over 2 dozen kids a class will leave in their children's education
>along with the assortment of emotional and psychological problems caused by exposure to the dysgenic proles of the unfortunate lower classes who have no alternative and no interest anyway
>creating a generation of broken, uneducated and intellectually crippled people who will further replicate their dysfuntion

in the long run, HOW can all of this damage not negate, or even go past any short-term, essentially virtual benefit of raising the GDP?

>> No.15278806
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>I am a loser
>that's society's fault!
kek. I bet you vote trump

>> No.15278807

> homeschool is instruced by a former Hooters waitress that got knocked up by accident.
>Does science have any reasonable explanation for this?
There's more to learn from being a whore and working at Hooters than in a government-run brainwash institution.

>> No.15278811
File: 27 KB, 828x486, trump in the head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15278812

Well, it is. Literally every study done on it confirms that if you are a loser or a winner, it's the others fault.
We don't live in a vacuum.

>> No.15278815

You dont understand fool, the black students in public schools terrorize their own teachers making it impossible for the teacher to even do teach anything in class. That is why public schools are a waste of time for any child.

>> No.15278816

School is dumb. Explained.
Entire thing should be defunded and abandoned as a concept.

>> No.15278820

They think they do, but they actually don’t. Women have been growing less and less happy year after year since the 70s both in absolute terms and relative to men. Feminism ruined everything,

>> No.15278822
File: 30 KB, 614x614, 66435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expecting the government to abandon its indoctrination center
>expecting the victims of such indotrination to concede that they've been victimized
Never gonna happen. What's gonna happen instead is that they'll arrest you and take away your children if you try to shield them from this abuse.

>> No.15278826

Schools were originally for the high IQ they were places where high IQs could discuss their ideas away from brainlet monkeys

>> No.15278827

>Schools were originally for the high IQ
You mean back when the plebs were being actively barred from pursuing any kind of education with the understanding that true education makes the commoners a danger to their rulers?

>> No.15278829

Danger how? Its still high IQ people who created status quo subverting ideologies.

>> No.15278832
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 32524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Danger how?
Found the public school retard.

>> No.15278836

What could general education do for the pleb regarding the status quo exactly?

>> No.15278839

The rulers literally forced the commoners into the public education system. They do it in every authoritarian state. Fitting selfie, because you are a drooling retard

>> No.15278846

>his point
>your head

>> No.15278849

Ok, retard. Thanks for illustrating my point.

>> No.15279304
File: 49 KB, 666x513, Decline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vocational school was a good idea but declined in popularity when it was decided that everyone needed to go to college. To make this possible, standards for both high school and universities were lowered and continue to be lowered.

>> No.15279585

>source: 5 minutes on paint

>> No.15279596

this is an almost exclusively american problem

>> No.15279603


the leftoid is butthurt

government style homeschooling is ideal

>> No.15279606

no it isn't.

europe is literally being browned by shitskins

>> No.15279712

I wouldn't be surprised if this is true. Being able to tailor and focus on the material that you find difficult and work at a more suitable pace makes sense to me.

>> No.15280155
File: 236 KB, 1086x1039, Higher Education.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Homeschooled kids score way better on standardized tests than those who had public education. Public schools are instructed by people with graduate degrees in education, homeschool is instruced by a former Hooters waitress that got knocked up by accident.
College = overhyped and vastly overpriced indoctrination, not education.

>> No.15280178

The most important thing for children to become highly intelligent is for them to continuously interact in a 1:1 basis with intelligent, mature adults who treat them with respect while guiding their development. While homeschooling doesn't always mean you're 1:1 with an intelligent, mature adult, neither does government schooling. The difference is that the child at least gets 1:1 time with an average adult instead of fighting for attention with 20-30 or even up to 40 other kids.

The reality is that most hard subjects aren't that hard. Calculus is braindead easy. So is chemistry and even organic chemistry at an introductory level. Language skills and in general liberal arts do require some critical thinking to really engage with, and the kind of problem solving required in engineering and masters/PhD level sciences is really very difficult for most people. But there's zero excuse for a child to get through high school and not understand at least basic differentiation and integration. It happens because teachers who barely understand calculus themselves are just throwing quotes at bored children and wondering why the test scores are so low.

In an ideal universe, your child should be going to college with an extremely solid grasp of all the basic sciences, mathematics, and english analysis so that when he's actually in college what he's learning is problem solving and analysis, not how to do a double integral.

>> No.15280189

stereotypes are based on truth
hence why niggers are known as violent
source: my ass but i know you won't disagree with that you aspie

>> No.15280190

Best home schooling is through associations where groups of home schooled children regularly meet for lessons from other parents and private tutors. They get the social interaction and exposure to different teaching materials and methods. The parents learn from this too. It pools resources and strengthen community ties.

Home school families who meet state educational requirements should receive tax rebates equal to which they would have paid to send their children to state schools. Since this would likely collapse the entire state school system within a single generation ( as many, if not most, white and Asian parents would immediately opt for home schooling ) its very unlikely to happen.

>> No.15280206
File: 449 KB, 513x519, screen-shot-2014-03-10-at-3-16-13-pm-3126008385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No you're right and science backs it up. There's extensive evidence that basically all traditional stereotypes which actually exist (and aren't just made up by victim groups as a cause of oppression) are actually based on empirically provable factual statements about reality, and tend to be true.

Most people (specifically, Americans) believe stereotypes are false because they were told in school that stereotypes are false. In fact, if you ask many American zoomers/millenials what a stereotype is, the definition they give you is basically "A harmful false statement about a group of people" which is not correct. A stereotype is an easily reproducible model of something, which is why it can refer both to people and, specifically, the art style in which cast plates are used to reproduce the same image repeatedly. That image can be true or false, and in general it tends to model the population.

So, blacks are on average more violent and less intelligent than whites. Individual blacks may not be, but as a whole they are. So, the stereotypical image of a black man is an unusually violent and stupid individual.

>> No.15280225

Smiles showing teeth are so creepy.
Mainly jews and women do it, so i guess the uncanny valley factor is because non-humans are doing it.

>> No.15280250

Yeah let's shove him with niggers, spics, rednecks, or pretentious assholes for 8-12 years, that all they care about is laughing at each other, dragging down each other, yelling "I punched your nose, but it's okay you're still my friend cause we're obligated to be coworkers the next day, I see nothing wrong or communistic or Stockholm Syndrome about this" IN AN ENVIRONMENT THAT IS LAWLESS TO THE POINT YOU CAN GET KILLED. HOW FUCKING GREAT. BECAUSE "MUH LAWS DON'T APPLY TO UNDERAGE" BULLSHIT. Kids should be charged for assault and defamation.

You know what schools and prisons have in common? the community and disinterested guards. School is literally detention/prison. As long as you don't kill anyone you're allowed to beat the shit out of them. EXCEPT in prisons you don't have the guards asking you retarded questions from a book they don't know the answer of themselves unless they look in the book and then are allowed to beat your ass or ruin your life if you answer incorrectly.
IMAGINE putting tests in prisons instead of "le good behaviour" and they have to pass those tests to HAVE THE POTENTIAL to apply to get out of prison but that's a lie, extra fucking mental torture.

Do not get me started on the army. Better off becoming homeless than in the army. The army is like prison/school times 200 , you're better off in the prison than in the army. At least you're allowed to beat the shit out of your inmmates without getting a bullet to the head AND NOBODY ASKS YOU TO WAKE UP AT 3AM TO START RUNNING THROUGH MUD AND RAIN FOR 16 HOURS, FOR 16 FUCKING HOURS. ONLY TO DO IT AGAIN THE NEXT MORNING AND YOU'LL BE HAPPY TO WAKE UP AT 6AM AND SAY "THANK YOU FOR YELLING AT ME SIR AND PUTTING ME THROUGH PHYSICAL CHORES BUT REFUSING TO TEACH ME HOW TO SHOOT A FUCKING WEAPON BECAUSE I'M NOT THE ASSIGNED RIFLE MAN" Prison is a vacancy compared to the army.