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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 376 KB, 1280x720, Law of Excluded Middle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15276589 No.15276589 [Reply] [Original]

Mogged by Liar's Paradox

>> No.15276603

Philosophy is for schizos and brainlets. It is neither science nor math.

>> No.15276607

you clearly have no mathematical training if you don't understand the foundations of mathematical logic. get off this board, pseud.

>> No.15276608

>Logic isnt Logic, its Logic or Logic.

>> No.15276609

>A doppelganger appears!

>> No.15276638

I don't know about mathematically but in programming having more than true or false it's fairly common. A boolean is usually true or false but there's also the notion of a nullable boolean which can be true or false or null. In this case null usually represents a value of unset. A common use is for a checkbox, before the user has interacted with it it will be null and then after clicking it one or more times it will toggle between true and false without ever returning to null. I'm not sure if that's the same kind of thing you mean

>> No.15276640

yes, it is. though math loves to work in binaries, so that situation shouldn't occur. instead, i'd argue that in mathematical proofs, something is either true or not true. law of excluded middle asserts not true = false, which with binaries is useful but as you mentioned isn't universal.

>> No.15276642

That's the rub, innit?

Is, Isn't, these are artifacts of language. Things used to facilitate the organizing of events that is human perception. Good for survival, rubbish if you're looking for base level reality. Same goes for cause preceding effect.

Werks for us, might mean nothing.

>> No.15276654

and here we can observe 5th graders in their natural environment, a pseud thread on /sci/

>> No.15276720
File: 1.46 MB, 1000x750, 72a9cd2bdf3d991dfcedb429ae506093.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is, Isn't,
Expansion, contraction, positive, negative....FLOW?!? Arbitrary nonsense...who's to say when one begins and the other ends? No one! IMPOSSIBLE!


>> No.15276830

There is a very real possibility that the event that creates the universe has not yet occurred.

>> No.15276843

These people really annoy me. I recently found out these intuitionistic/constructive are basically CS people. From what I understand their ideas are crucial in CS. Supposedly, I doubt it though. Anyways, as you may know CS people love to larp as mathematicians. So now they flood all online math discussions with their BS.
I mean, imagine thinking a lowly CS people like you can correct Tim Gowers: https://math.andrej.com/2010/03/29/proof-of-negation-and-proof-by-contradiction/
Gowers was really polite about it. And that link kept getting spammed by these nutjobs. Ignore them. That's the best thing we can do.

>> No.15276895

The Law of the Excluded Middle does NOT say "a statement is either True or False". It says "Either a statement is True, or its negation is True". This defeats the Liar's Paradox:
"This statement is false" -> neither true nor false
"This statement is not false" -> true

>> No.15276983
File: 86 KB, 886x720, pmb3863oeix61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based Last Thursdayism. Truly...nothing in the universe is knowable. Not even one's self.

t.Humble Brag, waaay past science itself
>maybe thats just the best you can do...

>> No.15277018

terry davis was a visionary genius, it's a shame he was schizophrenic.

>> No.15277027
File: 16 KB, 480x537, 1677366327122530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Schizophrenia IS the vision you absolute retard...good lord man...seriously. Literally no one is going to make a thread about you or your work because youre Literally Trying to be Normal out of fear of embarrassment.

Fucking retarded...

>> No.15277230

>"This statement is not false" -> true
why not false?

>> No.15277239

Bauer is not a "CS person" and I fail to see what the problem with his blog post is.
As a rule, I'd say people who reject excluded middle are stronger in logic than most mathematicians, since they have to be more careful reading math (since adoption of excluded middle is the more common underlying logic / the goto default.)
If you got any questions to resolve, I'm happy to help ya out.

>> No.15277314

>be silver hoarder
>only care about what's printed on the sides of the coin
These people unironically exist and they're growing in number. They're almost as retarded as shitcoin bagholders only you don't have to pay premiums for fake numbers.

>think deeply, even if you're an absolute lunatic
Please don't inspire the next evil genius there, anon.