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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 30 KB, 491x303, chest drain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15273149 No.15273149 [Reply] [Original]

Triangle of safety edition

Previous thread: >>15251334

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor), make fun of premeds and shitpost.
Keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>> No.15273151

Why is no one posting? Don't tell me you fags have lives or actually study. You're my only real frens :(

>> No.15273167

I had to abandon my medical school persuits due to lack of money. Now I work 40 to 60 hours every week and make just enough to survive.

>> No.15273190

I'm fucking tired. I'm doing 24 hour shifts every day with no compensation. Every time a kid is shit out bad I have to fill a report and a fucking presentation about it. Waste of fucking time, I have to make presentations for my own classes because teachers are lazy pieces of shit. I'm sick of hospital shitshows, on those fucking reports they don't want to know what the fuck happened, they want me to lie so people won't sue. Really fucking tired of this shit.

Why am I not quitting I don't know. The pay is miser, im left with $600 a month after taxes and scholarship.

Besides I don't want to post on a thread about a fucking armpit, you fucking idiot OP.

>> No.15273216
File: 74 KB, 959x691, I hate embryology though.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dermatomes remind me I'm a gut tube that evolved a brain to find food, but somehow ended up with shitposting on 4chan as one of its major functions.
Look at this shit. Let's just spend 12 vertebrae on covering just the trunk, while having barely any resolution on hands and feet. Why would you want any redundancy there, anyways? Nope, it's all about the big tube.
Very low quality nerve wiring overall. 6/10, someone please fix the technical debt.

>> No.15273224

I'm depressed and dealing with alcoholism. My colleagues cheated on their exams, all of them. Obviously I was the lowest score so now the attendings think I'm just not interested in the spec anymore. They are half right, since I am not interested in finishing my studies in the same cradle as those shits.
Also I realized I want a subspec that is directed towards ICU, which in the mind of my hospital is not ok.
I'm not quitting because I am just a year away from finishing this shit. I go to the hospital by pure force of inertia.

>> No.15273250

You will sniff the armpit and like it like I do, anon.
Sorry to hear about hospital bs you have to deal with though. What country?

I hope this isn't true. Can you resume later with uni? Or are you done forever?

How did they cheat? What spec?

Wish my frens all the best.

>> No.15273254
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I kinda hate embryology too

>> No.15273273

Funny how animated flesh works. Are you perhaps stoned? Cause those are the thoughts I have when stoned.
We did the exam at different times so the first ones that did it leaked it to the rest. It also was divided in four sections.
Anesthesia, more like chimpnesthesia since we do 3 years of gasmonkey instead of the superior European 4 years of OR/ICU.

>> No.15273281

>Are you perhaps stoned?
Sleep deprived, the affordable high

>> No.15273297

I thought specialist colleges kept candidates in rooms without devices while the rest did their sections (to prevent such leaking). At least that's how they do it here in Aus.

>> No.15273319

>Why is no one posting?
today was match day, and all the psych and radiology applicants are SOAPing

>> No.15273719

Any assistant physicians here? What are your experiences?

>> No.15273940

yesterday the match results came out
match day is on friday
EM as a field got brutally raped with a massive gaping hole left behind

>> No.15274959

is there a reason why everyone is terrible at neurology

>> No.15275204

Are amphetamines still more effective than glp 1 agonists when it comes to long term (1 year+) weight loss? The only thing that glp1 agonists have going for seems improved blood sugar control which duh is to be expected of drug for diabetics

>> No.15275251

because i keep failing practicals (barely) and then having to schedule redos. how do i stop myself from becoming a jittery mess?

>> No.15275266

>how do i stop myself from becoming a jittery mess?

some docs will give beta blockers for test anxiety. try to find one

>> No.15275789


>> No.15275792


>> No.15275793

>I'm fucking tired. I'm doing 24 hour shifts every day with no compensation
Medicine in the third world is just slave labor. Americans and Europoors will never understand.

>> No.15276024

Fuck public inpatient psych is so fucking gay. It's like being a prison guard.

>> No.15276342

Q: mcat - keep using it, or get rid of it? pass/fail?
Q: admissions - state/province residents only?
Q: nursoid - how to reduce cockiness?

>> No.15276353

Do doctors really care about their patients well being or is your level of attention correlated with your level of income

>> No.15276401

I care about patients who want to take care of themselves and those that aren't whiny bitches.

>> No.15276523

What decides which specific medication gets ordered/prescribed? I mean, why does one get one specific medication from one group instead of the others?

Example: why does someone get atorvastatin and someone else simvastatin? Why ramipril instead of enalapril? Why apixaban instead of rivaroxaban?

>> No.15276590

insurance, dose effectiveness, secondary effects, acuity, different hospital protocols

>> No.15277124
File: 26 KB, 715x436, D82F5F70-C29F-43A9-A28C-5EC7FC51FDC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retard guvurmunt wanna take away my fentanyl
Fuck the guvurmunt, fuck junkies, fuck the cartel and fuck third world medicine. I wouldn’t be mad if it weren’t becase they already took my ketamine. Not even a chance to practice my opioid free anesthesia. Motherfuckers would rather let the whole system return to morphine and halotane than doing their work.

>> No.15277943

>Learning disability with """DID""" and psycho mom who treats the unit like a hotel and sleeps on the couch
>Complains about the poor quality of food and we won't fill her meds while she is camping in her daughter's room
>Demands hydromorphone for her daughter
>Opioid naive BPD learning disabled dipshit is on 12 mg IV hydromorphone a day for "stomach pain" (nothing on imaging, cultures negative, no fever, nothing)
>blitzed out of her fucking mind and puking from it
>Takes dimenhydrinate 50 mg IV prn after the hydromorphone to deal with the nausea
>"Alright, I've had enough of this bullshit. We're tapering"
>taper to 1 mg q4h, Mom says she is literally in a ball all night (never witnessed)
>taper to 0.5 mg q4h, barely any issues Mom says she is literally in a ball all night (never witnessed)
>stop the hydromorphone entirely, Mom says she is literally in a ball all night (never witnessed).
> Mom:"Where is the hydromorphone????"
>"We're trying new meds to try to address the root cause of her pain, instead of just treating her pain"
> Mom: "the problem is her stomach, she had strep right before she was admitted and she coughed up green balls so fix whatever the strep did and you'll fix her stomach pain"

I'm about to defenestrate this bitch.

>> No.15277950

To add to this, evidence may suggest one is better for different conditions, which is what (hopefully) informs practice.

For the atorvastatin v. simvastatin question, max dose simvastatin has no additional benefit than max dose atorvastatin and also comes with more side effects. Personally, I think simvastatin a shit and shouldn't be on the market. Pretty sure it only stays because "muh rhabdo non-cross tolerance" and ignorant third world shitters.

Speaking of third world shitters:
>orders ciprofloxacin 500 mg for any indication (per patient "could be a pain in the toe or a pain in the head").

>> No.15278010

Pre-med shitter here. Should I take immunology or abnormal psych this summer? Parasitology, med micro and microbial path all gave me a ton of immunology so I feel comfortable with it already.

>> No.15278333

saw my first lumbar puncture tonight. Does it usually take 8 tries?

>> No.15278341

immunology, psyche niggers should get the bullet

>> No.15278658
File: 32 KB, 600x600, fugg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Does it usually take 8 tries?

>> No.15278854

People on this board sure do hate psychiatry eh?

>> No.15278996

do NOT google 'medication/intervention number needed to treat'
it is extremely redpilling

>> No.15279004

Did I hear someone talking about psychiatry?
Yes, the treatment definitely helps. Why do you ask?

>> No.15279143

Jeez, what's wrong with morphine tho? Too little sedation relative to fent?
I hate so much I have to go to psych and not neurologist to get my adhd medication

>> No.15279260

have you ever dealt with a psyche patient?

>> No.15279264

Main problem with amphetamines is side-effects. If you have anorexia and you're tweaking, long term weight loss is no problem.
This can be intuitively seen by looking at actual long-term (meth)amphetamine addicts. They don't get their appetite back after 3 weeks.

>> No.15279275

I don't have anorexia (I thought I had BED, but it was just parasites making me rabidly hungry; now my hunger is back to being non existant regardless of my adhd meds). I was more so curious is there any benefit of glp 1 agonists over amphetamines, but if you say so then it doesn't seem so

>> No.15279285

The main benefit compared to amphetamines is the potentially huge addressable market. A full 4 in 10 burgers are obese. Unfortunately, you can't go to market with amphetamines for weight loss.

Now if you want to compare it to other weight loss pills, semaglutide is a big improvement. It has a real advantage against the competition. All the numbers look better.
In terms of side effects, people on glp-1 fare pretty well. Compare to Qsymia, which works in part by making food taste worse, and also causes cognitive issues.
It's an impressive drug.

>> No.15279296

I mean. They are great for t2 diabetics that's for sure (and I guess t1 as adjunct assuming they are the kind with fucked up amylin and never willing to skip on insulin)

>> No.15279382

I graduate this year and I feel like I don't know shit about fuck.

>> No.15279394

Despite controlled and therapeutic doses, what is the ETA on my brain shitting the bed from prolonged use of benzos? It doesnt feel like it, but the inevitable meltdown is inminent

>> No.15279467
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Dent jew here. Don't skip floss day

>> No.15279477

What's the best way to actually get a real diagnosis? I have severe back pain since more than 8 years and all the specialists don't even want to do an mrt. I always get a prescription for physiotherapy but it's not helping. I switched doctors and I don't know what else to do. I don't want medical advice it's just so tiring I'm not even 30 and pretty fit.

>> No.15279485

>has psychiatric disorder
>hates that he has it so therefore hates psychiatrists
ah, I see

>> No.15279497

It's neurologic ffs. I was retarded since childhood

>> No.15279552

Try a taper for a week or two, and see how bad it is.
Even at controlled doses, you can start to depend on them very easily.

>> No.15279576

>abnormal psych
join the brotherhood of abnormal psych takers
learning about personality disorders was interesting after seeing them shadowing psych the summer before

>> No.15279583

Well duh, exactly why the field of study called neuropsychiatry exists.

>> No.15279665

Hi, I don't see C1 in your drawing, why do I ask. I broke my neck in a logging accident 2 days ago. The hospital say it is vertebra C1, I saw the xray and scan . It's a small crack and I feel perfect fine. I looked at several websites what all can go wrong, it's bad. I don't want this. I told them here and they are extremely upset. I had serious arguments all day with several doctors. I don't want this and most medical websites even recommend just a neck brace for 8 weeks and no movement. How do I handle this?

>> No.15279672

C1 isn't normally connected to sensory neurons. The next one, C2, is bottom of your jaw and back of the head.
You handle this by listening to your doctors, and not random anons on boards dot 4channel dot org

>> No.15279675

I forgot to add, they want to operate me for this and I don't want this operation, I feel perfectly fine. The negative outcome from an operation is not good. They want this operation and are trying to force me to have it.

>> No.15279682

No one can force you to have an operation, so take a deep breath.
None of us here have seen the images, and most people here wouldn't be qualified to look at it anyways.

You can refuse the surgery. No one really cares if you do, it's fine.
But there's also probably a good reason if they're recommending it. Most small fractures don't need that, but it sounds like you might.
If you want to go against advice, you're entirely free to do that my dude. It is, quite literally, your funeral.

>> No.15279755

>round on complex undiagnosed patients, trying to come closer to a diagnosis, making a value judgement, talking to the family
>colleages rounding: just ordering basic labs (electrolytes and crp) for the next day and ignoring everything complicated or annoying since they won't be working tomorrow, let someone else sort it out
i hate this dumb job
tomorrow i'll just phone it in

>> No.15279761

Strong immuno, micro, and biochem background will set you up for an easy transition to med school

t. M1

>> No.15280062

psych. you want to keep a high GPA

>> No.15280152

All those classes I mentioned I took under the same MD professor who mentioned that his courses are rigorous for the exact purpose of preparing us for med school. The one I didn't mention that I took him for as well was pharm of infectious diseases.

>> No.15280512

you just have to keep switching

>> No.15280621

I can't wait until AI can write prescriptions or just fucking synthesize me some drugs. Fuck doctors.

>> No.15280725

Magical thinking. Synthesize from what starting materials? Bioreactors and sugar?
That'll be expensive and too hard to build yourself, so the bioreactors will just become illegal, and we'll have the same black market we have today.

>> No.15281125
File: 71 KB, 1044x1360, 61ie0gSZzsL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons is this book sufficient to have a good knowledge about medical statistics? I want to read papers and understand if the results have statistical validity or not and also manipulate datas and come to conclusions(I'm studying R too)
If not do you know any books to read?

>> No.15281257

Shelled out the $150 for a year of lecturio medical this year. It's been damned worth it so far.

>> No.15281287

If you like video tutorials look up Andrew Couch

>> No.15281403

How much is it to go to nurnsing school and how much do you make for it in your cunt?
Sincerely, an American

>> No.15281676

what kind of equipment/practice do I need before performing this on myself at home?

>> No.15281678


>> No.15281679

okay, thanks

>> No.15281706


>> No.15281820

If you can get taught a class by one of the best doctors you know on 10 topics, what would you choose? Here’s a list I came up with as an example:

1. Foley Catheter Insertion and Management
2. Wound Closure Techniques
3. Burn Management and Care
4. Vascular Access in tandem with an ultrasound device (also Intrajugular Access pls)
5. Joint Dislocation/Fracture Realignment with post alignment care
6. Intubations/Advanced Airway Management
7. Creating and Sustaining a Professional Environment with the patient
8. Pharmacology
9. Improvised Medicine for Austere Environments
10. Prolonged Field Care

Also any other whiskeys or corpsmen here? Have you gotten a chance to actually do your job?

>> No.15281986

Do it if you want to learn psych. preclinical psych isn't that difficult. Just memorizing mediciation and disorders. My school spent a week on it.

>> No.15282865 [DELETED] 

I have done dermatophagia my whole life. around my fingernails the skin is hard and damaged. is this autism?

>> No.15282883

is ultrasound specialization a meme? I figured something populated entirely by 45 year old women had to be stupid

>> No.15282972
File: 1.11 MB, 1024x930, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is this illustration from? Link to full atlas?

>> No.15283446

yeah, neurology is fucking COMPLEX.

but you're on to something anon.

neurologists are the most arrogant and entitled doctors I've interacted with. simultaneously, they're the most useless.
FUCK neurologists.

>> No.15283662

check out Larry Mellick on jewtube

>> No.15283703

Why does everyone here have such a negative opinion of emergency medicine? I'm just a premed two years away from the application cycle, but it seems like an appealing residency.

>> No.15283822

>I'm just a premed two years away from the application cycle
Why are you here?

>> No.15283835

I think I just might do that. Like I said, I have an interest in psychiatry as a "minor" to my main interest in infectious disease

>> No.15283908

Does anyone here feel a little "depresonalized" now that you're actually a doctor/resident? Finally got into residency and i feel like i should start acting and thinking differently, change my hobbies etc even though there's not much wrong with me aside from me being a little reserved.

I don't want to be like any other medical NPC. I know most people in this field have zero hobbies, I know some can't even watch netflix cuz they're that miserable.

So how do i avoid the boring NPC med personell trap that thinks and breathes his job.

>> No.15283945

>I don't want to be like any other medical NPC
This nigga thinks he's a main character.

>> No.15283959
File: 187 KB, 489x483, 1674677955991055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>main character syndrome
kek this dud.

>> No.15284024

Don't be rude

>> No.15284302

Fuck off apparitions of my consciousness. I AM the main character and as soon as I stop looking at your dumb fucking posts, you will cease to exist.

>> No.15284593

i hate EPIC so fucking much. i know these faggots bitch about how the previous electronic medical recording system was worse, but holy shit epic sucks cock.

>> No.15284641
File: 36 KB, 480x504, 1641053305782.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your existence is binded and limited to your senses. You are as imperfect (aka glitched) as you could ever be. This is in your code. This is what you were dealt. Not deal with it.

>> No.15284814

Can you check out my thread?

>> No.15285045

Gray's you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.15285379

idk what 'depersonalized' means - i do have less time for my hobbies now that i'm full time doctor
But you are right, doctors are NPC's
i've never met a doctor who watched anime. Not that anime is brilliant stuff, but at least it shows they followed a different trajectory in their childhood and youth

>> No.15285395
File: 61 KB, 658x613, 1675735000126458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can v line surgery significantly reduce width of lower mandible for cosmetic reasons? Or nah you're fucked if it's wide jaw/chin/face and not just squarish features?

>> No.15285709
File: 1.15 MB, 733x547, chrome_zvpM0QNAqU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no matter what probiotic I try, I continue to see cashews in my shit every time I eat a lot of them. What is the secret to fully reaping the benefits of eating this nut?

>> No.15285710

Idk, fecal transplant?

>> No.15285771

Oral fecal transplant.

>> No.15286205

Been thinking about doing pediatrics. Does anyone have any insight on why or why I shouldn't pursue this? I kind of hate dealing with retards desu. At least with kids, it's not really their fault.

As an aside, would any of you guys trust a pediatrician who is a lolicon?

>> No.15286263
File: 24 KB, 512x512, 1652768405557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grad with avg gpa
>want to get into med by studying for med school test
>turns out med schools also looks at your gpa and it needs to be much higher than what i got
How fucked am i, is there even a point in perusing this career path?

>> No.15286283

>would any of you guys trust a pediatrician who is a lolicon?
Obviously no. At best you'd be distracted, at worse, jesus fuck I don't want to think about it.

>> No.15286331

Wtf did i just read

>> No.15286357

I can't afford my mortgage and go to medical school. Loans aren't enough and even with HPSP (which excludes one from being able to take loans) it wouldn't be enough to cover my mortgage. This is going to sound delusional but if I can't get a million dollars in the next several years my life will be irreparable and impossible to set on any track other than immediate survival.

>> No.15286362

cope with bioinformatics or biomedical engineering or something

>> No.15286445

if youre american, just apply DO
>t. 3.3 GPA, sub 32. sGPA, shit EC's, 513 mcat

>> No.15286552

We put men on the moon, turned men into women and we're automating away all jobs with ChatGPT, yet we can't figure out a way to cure toenail fungus.

>> No.15286618
File: 46 KB, 202x206, wat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would any of you guys trust a pediatrician who is a lolicon?

>> No.15286868

I wasn't expecting such a negative reaction. This is surprising. My thought process that was a lolicon pediatrician would love kids so much that they would absolutely try to make the kids as happy as possible/provide them with the best possible care.

>> No.15287296
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>> No.15287299
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>> No.15287393
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>> No.15287437
File: 244 KB, 537x405, oragutan smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15287442 [DELETED] 

you're a homosexual pedophile that jacks off to children's cartoons

>> No.15287510

The whole game is rigged anyway. I can't get standard teaching in my uni because of the floods and hoardes of shiskins and asians. So I'm just attending class for credit and self teaching to get my As. They want females and nonwhites being doctors so just give up. You also likely need to take the covid vaccine too, and fuck that

>> No.15287515

>I can't get standard teaching in my uni because of the floods and hoardes of shiskins and asians
Skill issue

>> No.15287521

I still get As, its just a decayed system that panders to out of country fags

>> No.15287523

instagram and its consequences

>> No.15287550 [DELETED] 

clearly a desperate plea for more antibiotics

>> No.15287593 [DELETED] 

The best hospital in New York:
>24 hours of HELL in top NYC hospital:
>Patients left lying in hallways, urine soaked floors and staff incapable of providing answers for desperate family members - as city's healthcare system is stretched to breaking point
>pans of vomit left laying out for hours in overcrowded wards.
>A woman rushed her mother to the Mount Sinai Hospital on Madison Avenue on March 8 because she suspected the 67-year-old was having a stroke
>This was ruled out within 10 minutes - but then a nightmarish day for the cancer sufferer and her daughter began as they were left waiting in limbo at the ER
>'Every corner was filled with people,' she said, describing trash littering the floor, urine pots kicked over and homeless people seeking treatment left ignored

progress, this is the future

>> No.15287604

well you're at least autistic enough for medicine, good luck

>> No.15287607
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 7ccc919c-24b4-4aeb-9510-c990c7647a09_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how scared are you?

>> No.15288391

The same amount of bitches you get. 0 (zero).

>> No.15288433

They need to underpay nurses further. That way they can hire more to clean up the piss pots and vomit puddles. There will always be a ready stream of nurses.
It's simply the truth.

>> No.15288452

All the fault of the business grads and hr roasties in a hospital thinking they deserve pay even close to the doctors.
No bitch you should be making what a manager at walmart with the same amount of responsibilities make, 60k. You aren't the talent.

>> No.15288985

This. My hospital suffers from the same shit in a whole different country.
Only professionals with sanitary degrees should be allowed to work at hospitals.

>> No.15289083

>All the fault of the business grads and hr roasties in a hospital thinking they deserve pay even close to the doctors.
this shit needs to fucking change

>> No.15289180

based take desu senpai

>> No.15289440

i matched derm AMA

>> No.15289445

why not rural senpai med?

>> No.15289506


>> No.15289592

which issues can I expect when going to sleep in a room with carbon monoxide enriched air? what are the chances of failure?

>> No.15289623

Is this one of those traditional American gender reveal festivities?
Jk. Congratulations pal.

>> No.15289651

nice bro
chuck us a fiver for keeping your spirits up with shitposts eh?

>> No.15289769

Just saw my first resuscitative thoracotomy today, and there was probably 2 liters of blood all over the theatre floor. No ROSC.
Am I a psycho for getting a rush from all the spilled blood?

>> No.15290057

Interesting article concerning immunopsychiatry

>> No.15290355

tell me one (1) reason not to condense every single glomerulonephritis into "the kidney is inflamed due to antibodies/immune complexes/complement so you might piss proteins and/or blood" if you're not a nephrologist

>> No.15290636

Because millennials can't into /sci/ence, all they can do is BARELY fit the geometric blocks in the correct openings and like I said they can't even do that right.
Millennials are the most useless, pseudo, anti intellectual, moralistic anti moralistic generation you've ever seen. DO NOT TRUST a millennial to keep your food warm, let alone to be your dentist, medic, doctor, these retards can't even be good barbers and you expect them to be good medics? They'll fuck up the most basic of shit cause they are literal robots. At this point GPT-4 is more capable than a millennial.

>> No.15290901


>> No.15291061

Don't share this with the rest of /sci/, they'll have an autistic fit

>> No.15291139

when will paralysis from spinal cord injury be something we can fix?

>> No.15291148

not today

>> No.15291156

doctors are a joke

>> No.15291253

>Sleep deprived, the affordable high

>> No.15291258

What about it? I get a bit loopy when I don't sleep, gives me more "creative" (read: very low quality) thoughts

>> No.15291260

do you have any anecdata to support your DO NOT TRUST conclusion?

>> No.15291409

I'm a med student on my surgery rotation and we were called down to watch a trauma surgeon try to save some guy who got shot. Just seeing all the blood everywhere made me feel like it was an episode of Dexter, lol.

>> No.15291549

I've read mixed literature on recovery and restoration of cardiovascular function after prolonged use, with promising full recovery (as full as possible), partial recovery, and also deterioration/decompensation in instances of LVH and systemic disease like cardiomyopathies. What's interesting is the potential for recovery which is not seen in genetic and idiopathic causes generally. Besides abstinence being the biggest thing a patient can do to aid in a favorable outcome, what else can one do to improve circulation? The damage appears to be from vasospasms or vasoconstriction, not necessarily heart attack, would this be an indication of potential of reversibility? Diet, moderate exercise, meditation, 6 months minimum to induce recovery? Anything else one might do?
Asking for a fren.

>> No.15291570

please dont take it out on the patients, they can sense it, and it really makes a difference in care.

>> No.15291593

Sounds legit. I get an adrenaline rush when the vital signs and alarms on the monitor go apeshit. A saying goes “we are the most alive when we stand in front of death”.
T. Anesthesiologist

>> No.15291598

sleep deprivation induces altered states of consciousness, akin to long term fasting or general prolonged stress on the body. eastern monks have practices that include sleep deprivation, sensory deprivation (similar to float tank), and long term spiritual fasting.
it induces altered states, different brain wave states - gamma vs alpha, etc. some may call it psychedelic. sleep deprivation accentuates psychosis in stimulants, etc. some do get a creative wave out of it.

>> No.15291678

Whenever I get sleep deprived I start listening to voices. Multiple voices rambling random nonsense. Sometimes I can distinguish what they say, most of the time I don’t.
I’m tired of working in infrahuman conditions.

>> No.15291804

yeah, I'm a DOCTOR (pharma salesman)

>> No.15291893

shut the fuck up nursoid
he didn't mention anything about treating patients poorly.
stop moralizing you faggot
no one likes it

>> No.15291895

Absolutely based. Fuck psychiatric drugs. Take care of your health diligently and you won't have mental health issues.

>> No.15291960

what the fuck are you doing in medicine you sociopathic fuck, you're not hiding it beneath the veneer, if you lack compassion gtfo the fuck is wrong with you

>> No.15291963

that takes a lot of sleep deprivation and stimulants generally to induce stimulant psychosis anon, be weary

>> No.15291970

trust in doctors and medicine is gone you faggots dropped the ball hard, AI will replace the majority of you rote fucks
how are you going to fix it?

>> No.15291971
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>3 months into a tropical parasitology course

>> No.15291987

samefag bait

>> No.15292005

But anon, I don’t take any stimulant. Not even coffee.

>> No.15292014
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sleep more, machinist

>> No.15292018

Not a med fag, just a passer by, I used to be a 3rd shift retail manager and during those crunch times where I had like 24 hour long shifts and I saw shadow people and sometimes thought the managers under me where yelling to me stuff I couldn't quit make out when its just the floor buffer going by

Its not good but I'm not insane yet.

>> No.15292019

I love caffeine and nicotine because it ligates my nicotinic receptors so I can dump ass on kommand

>> No.15292064

neurodegenerative, use cacao instead

>> No.15292219

One time I shared my 5 mg vape with a friend. He sharted lmao.

>> No.15292337

I thought caffeine and nicotine were neuroprotective. There's established evidence smoking reduces risk of Alzheimer and Parkinson's. Smoking is very based. Endgame is being hired by big nicotine.

>> No.15292373

A fool saw a camel grazing, and said, Why is thy form all crooked?
Said the camel, In disputing thus thou censurest the sculptor; beware!

>> No.15292471

>not realizing the human body is a torus as is the earth and universe
science fags really

>> No.15292479

some tea but not because of the caffeine, the EGCG, nicotine is damaging long term, best bet is exercise and keto/IF to boost cognitive function efficiently and long term

>> No.15293584
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Do I have to wait whole two weeks again before 3rd round of antiparasitic?

>> No.15293818

Buy some wormwood capsules you filthy african

>> No.15293834
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>Watch hydatid cyst removal from 30 year 2 pack day smoker lungs

>> No.15293839
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I'm p*lish (which admittedly isn't a much higher level of existence). I've tried cloves and garlic prior, but only first dose of pyrantel (it's otc thankfully) actually helped, not sure about second one. Why would wormwood by any better?

>> No.15294004

You're right thar optimized diet and exercise are going to be the most beneficial for long term health. However, I have been considering how much genetics plays a role in smoking outcomes. For example, it seems genes related to the immune system and healing may modify risk. Also, the amount of mucus produced (MUC5B gene) seems to be another smoking risk modifier. I'm wondering if there is a specific patient population that's at risk for Alzheimers, Parkinsons, and ulcerative colitis, that can benefit from smoking if they have a lower risk of developing negative sequelae. I know smoking is horrible for you and a risk factor for a ton of diseases, but it would be funny if it had any utility.

>> No.15294081
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How do I go about choosing which med school to attend? I know absolutely nothing about the schools that accepted me since I just applied to 50 programs in desperate attempt to get in

>> No.15294090

that is being overly generous to medicine, a poorly poised enough problem you might as well go with monkeys and dartboards

>> No.15294111

Because metabolites in wormwood extract have anthelmintic properties. You're not dealing with a Protozoa are you? RIP if you are.

>> No.15294129

well, glp 1 agonist helps in satiety which translates to more likely losing weight.

>> No.15294170

Unless I have mix of worms in my gut (which I fucking hope not) then I have some kind of roundworms (most likely pinworms, but I'm not an expert on parasites) which I deducted from certain things that I'd rather omit to not cause distress for other anons in this thread

>> No.15294173
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Give it to me straight, am I dying?

>> No.15294179

Talk to your doctor about albendazole

>> No.15294207

what schools accepted you?
it depends on what you want. some people care about location since you'll be living near there for awhile, prestige, what that school's renowned for, etc.

>> No.15294221

I got into Creighton, VCU, and I’m waitlisted at Geisel. I would say what’s most important to me is being able to match a ROAD residency in a sunny location. So whichever school will have the best research and program director ranking I guess.

Also does it make sense to wait for Geisel over Creighton or VCU? It would be very convenient to be able to start moving to one of these schools now vs in July

>> No.15294295

>I would say what’s most important to me is being able to match a ROAD residency

you live on 4chan. you're not getting into a "ROAD" residency. radiology and anesthesia were also bloodbaths this year, lot of over-qualified applicants SOAPed

anyway, pick based on these
>attrition rate
>true P/F, or internal class rank and quartiles
>if they use NBME exams or if its lecture exams
>attendance policy

>> No.15294306

it's glover

>> No.15294399

Just because you didn’t match doesn’t mean I cant. And with that negative mindset it’s no wonder you didn’t. I don’t care what happened to other people in the match.

Try to have a more positive outlook in life lad. I bet it will completely change your life

>> No.15294509

>Just because you didn’t match doesn’t mean I cant

lol, im not a 4th year

>> No.15295227
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Tooker is in pain.

His blog posts are getting really visceral lately. His "implants" are no longer just in his genitals but also on his EYES as well? I'm worried he's going to hurt himself

What could be wrong with him? Is it psychosomatic or is there really something going on with him?

>> No.15295258
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Your font settings are much different that mine. Can I ask what you're viewing the page in or what your settings are? I intended narrow, newspaper-like columns.

>> No.15295266
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No, I edited the CSS so that I could take the screenshot. It's uncomfortable for me to read the text the way you have it, but that's just me.

I hope you get better! I'm sorry that you're in pain.

>> No.15295314


>> No.15295460

unnecessary crab mentality but good advice

>> No.15295526

>tfw disseminated mucormycosis

>> No.15295904

Anyone have any experience with SMP’s? As it stands my GPA isn’t cutting it.

>> No.15295911

Nigger, gray's have hundreds of editions.

>> No.15295934

What is your race? What is your GPA? Just score well on your MCAT.

>> No.15295956

Does a lotion exist that affects the electrodermal activity of the skin either inhibiting or arousing it?

>> No.15295974

Am I fucked if I score well on the MCAT, am Aryan, have letters of rec from MD professors who still practice part time, but my GPA isn't perfect? It's either MD or nothing, I'd rather die than become a DO.

>> No.15296053

Dude, what is your GPA? You can offset a low GPA if you kill it on your MCAT but we don't know your GPA.

>> No.15296107

is it possible to be allergic to a single type of potato or is it all or nothing type deal? e.g allergic to white potato but not sweet potato?

>> No.15296114

sweet potatoes aren't real potatoes, they're not in the same family, they are more similar to yams. real potatoes are nightshades; close relatives are tomatoes and eggplant.

>> No.15296266
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Who decided to call them NSAIDs and not COX blockers?

>> No.15296417

why does my mouth go numb when i eat a yam but not a sweet potato then huh?

>> No.15296423

why do you get reactions from one thing but not another? idk ask your doctor

>> No.15296496

Im white and had a 3.5 GPA and 509 MCAT and got into 5 mid tier MD schools. Could have probably gotten into more but I stopped attending interviews after October. In total I got about 16 interview invites out of 40 applications.

>> No.15296558

Good question. From now on I am going to start calling them that.

>> No.15296560

>More fat = less conductivity
>more water = more conductivity

>> No.15297879

I'm the original poster. My GPA won't be much higher than a 3.2 all said and done. Maybe like 3.3 for science courses.
Pretty confident I can do alright on the MCAT. Studying for it now and planning to take it this summer.

>> No.15297947

When I get out of Antarctica, the facility here is getting destroyed. Everyone here will die. I will round up the "graduates" that already left and get rid of them too.

>> No.15297959

You get to fly UFOs in New Swabia though, anon. That's surely cool, right?

>> No.15298392

that's pretty impressive with those stats

>> No.15298538

Hey anons, urgent request.
Somebody in our Christian community recently had a breakdown because she told her husband about an adultrous episode and he wants to divorce her.
Thursday last week she started taking mirtazapine (don't know dosage) and after a few days where she was quiet, my wife and I both had a chat back and forth where we both feel she's an entirely different and weird person. It's like a spiritual high, kind of like schizzophrenia. I already had a friend in the same community years ago who was disbalanced on his meds and started seeing God's hands in the most petty things, including the people he met on his way to the toilet.
I read online that this is supposedly super rare, but found some cases that were weird.. thought carousel, delusion of sin etc., apparently permanent damage.. then I'm thinking, what if mirtazapine causes this in a special type of mental situation, such as religious types with a crisis of conscience.
Anybody know anything about this?

>> No.15298754

Unfortunately at a 3.2 your app is dead in the water unless you score 95th percentile or better on the MCAT, have some crazy extracurriculars, and/or are black. There is also a slight difference between the 3.2 being from a state university vs a top 20. So undergrad institution does matter a little.

I’m the guy who posted about getting in with a 3.5 GPA and 509 MCAT, something happens around those numbers that are kinda the minimum that schools will consider. There’s people with 3.4 and like 516 who don’t get a single interview invite, and there’s also those with a 4.0 and 505 that don’t get a single interview. My local med school actually gave a speech where they said as long as you have at least a 3.5 you will be fine.

Anyways I would highly recommend doing an SMP with your stats if you really can’t bring it up to at least a 3.5. I think the one from Case Western Reserve is the best since it gives u a guaranteed interview at case if you do well enough

>> No.15298805

Are you gay and/or brown? There are a ton of postbacc programs specifically tailored for gay/browns with terrible GPAs and terrible MCATs who already failed to get into med school. They advertise themselves as this, I'm barely exaggerating.

>> No.15298877

Is medicine harder or easier than engineering?

>> No.15299121

She may have been misdiagnosed. You would have to elaborate on what you mean by "spiritual high", but it could be a hypo/manic episode secondary to anti-depressant. In this case, she might have bipolar rather than major depression.

>> No.15299197
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> DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor)
whats your advice on this OP

>> No.15299227

Aktion T4

>> No.15299242

Methamphetamine hydrochloride 25mg, per rectum, bis in die

>> No.15299324

Take the MRI to another trauma surgeon for a second opinion, if they charged you for it, it means its yours, and if they haven't already done it, I wouldn't trust them as doctors. If they're saying something about some artery near your spine you should get surgery done

>> No.15299329

treat your personnel right to break the cycle

>> No.15299334
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Makes more sense if you're a quadruped

(Another reason to return to monke)

>> No.15299364
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This happens to me too. Chew them for twice as long as you otherwise would to further increase their surface area and thus bioavailability.

WARNING: eating 1 pound of mixed nuts per week for 3 months was enough to give me a seriously massive kidney stone (I never get stones....was just trying to find a snacking alternative to sugary candy). Set me back nearly $10k in medical bills just trying to be healthier SMFH. Be really careful with nuts and drink lots of water, especially almonds which have the least nutritive value and the most oxalate (though all nuts will have oxalate).

Note: 1 pound is roughly two of pic related.

>> No.15299506
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I am not physically strong.
I am not stress resistant.
I have shaking hands.
I like talking.
I am lazy.
I like sleeping in.

Specializations for this feel?

>> No.15299567


>> No.15299725

depends on what youre good at.

>> No.15299729
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>> No.15299982

Anesthesia seems perfect?

>> No.15299993

I believe she was diagnosed with an acute depression and acute anxiety because with the talk about divorce her entire life is crumbling in front of her eyes. She married very young and is now in her late twenties, so she never knew a life alone.
Last Thursday, I had a chat with her, she was completely devastated and talking about how sometimes thoughts cross her mind how she would just like to drive her car into a tree and stuff, and she listened intently as I explained to her how I believe that superficial communication was always an issue in their marriage.
Yesterday, we had an exchange of messages that led to her saying things like that were all about how the devil is trying to find ways of sneaking into my life and distracting me, how some social media is of the devil himself, how she knows how the devil can creep into your life and distract you with one thing leading to the next, she wants to focus entirely on Jesus and God now and delete all her social media etc. etc.
Being Christian myself, these kinds of expressions are not strange to me at all, in fact, of course I believe in metaphysical influences myself.
But it's the adamant nature of how she suddenly sounded, one week after I was comforting her and giving her advice, she is now suddenly on this kind of manic spiritual trip that seriously feels drug-fueled. Also, the last time I saw her, her composure was unreal, head up high and everything, as if she's had an epiphany or something.
I really just worry that this will have a lasting impact or that when she stops taking this stuff, she will burn and crash after this kind of last-ditch straw-fire she seems to be making so much smoke with.
Hope this makes sense. Can it be said that if you have a bad feeling about someones meds after one week, it is not unlikely they are the wrong meds?

>> No.15300011
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>I think the one from Case Western Reserve is the best since
What the fuck
That’s where I’m at undergrad right now

>> No.15300106

Also, the Case Western Reserve program only guarantees and interview if you have
>AAMCAS Calculated Undergraduate GPA > 3.4
>Graduate GPA in our program > 3.5
>MCAT score > 515

>> No.15300129

Also I'm looking for a job. Any recommendations? Ideally it'll have a relatively flexible schedule as I'll be doing shadowing this summer as well.

>> No.15300137
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Specializations for an GF like this?

>> No.15300237

Looking for a good solvent for finasteride pills for topical application.

>> No.15300344

>(never witnessed)
based nursoids finally doing the right thing by being on their phones all night

>> No.15300352
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>> No.15300412

Fuck you

>> No.15300418

Just kidding, please don't gas me anesthesia <3

>> No.15300427

primary care

>> No.15300435

>>MCAT score > 515
If someone is able to score >515 on MCAT, they shouldn't even have had to go into that program lol.

>> No.15300440

Not necessarily. You can have a shitty gpa for one reason or another and still be able to get a high mcat score.

>> No.15300604

I had 99th percentile mcat and only got into one school since I applied late lol

>> No.15300620

late app gang
i finished my primary in july

>> No.15300645
File: 510 KB, 1200x1125, 2C563D3E-5B0F-4EC6-9EC8-170069503903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I take the mcat in august of this year, what’s the last application cycle that I’ll be able to use that score for?

>> No.15300960

Just blend them stupid nigger

>> No.15301051

Her insecurity would drive you insane.
>t. knower and infectious disease resident with a side hobby of psychiatry

>> No.15301055

Anesthesia so you can provide her with the ketamine/fentanyl fix. And make her addicted to you.
T. Totally not a crooked anesthesiologist

>> No.15301089

what is pain fellowship like? is anesthesia background preferred over PM&R?

>> No.15301156

Family Medicine

>> No.15301237

Can doctors treat themselves?

>> No.15301270
File: 99 KB, 1182x1182, D11050515-p10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I overheard a colleague mention that one should try and not empty their bladder after taking oral Fosfomycin. The argument seems to be that it has "more time" to do its thing. I am incredibly sceptical whenever someone at work claims something and always assume it's wrong (probably some kind of self-defense mechanism and character flaw where I cannot admit that others are better than me).

Does that make sense? I have read through a few medication package inserts and one study about the pharmacology of fosfomycin and couldn't find anything related, except to empty the bladder before taking it in. Does that imply that it's correct? I assume one is supposed to empty the bladder to get rid of the urine not containing fosfomycin, so that the new urine containing it can remain for as long as possible in the bladder.

>> No.15301334

When I fast I take one 120mg caffeine at 9 and 5, and 3mg of buccal nicotine every 2 hours. Literally brain dead easy, none of the side effects of amphetamines.

>> No.15301455

I'm currently rotating at pain medicine. It's frustrating.
If patient don't have anything major they're given tramadol for two months then sent back to primary care. Thing is they rather clog the specialist schedule so they make whatever possible to stay at pain medicine even if their meagre ass shit is already solved. Tiresome since they have to be explain as if they was borderline retarded, which is tiresome.
Then they chronified patients that refuse to take their medication as prescribed and then lash out at the pain specialist for not solving their pain. Tiresome for obvious reasons.
There's also the chronified patient that does everything as prescribed, take horse amount of opioids and their only hope is an interventional procedure that will give them a false illusion of being normal again just to end up as royally fucked as they once were four months ago. I've seen multiple patients cry of joy after a phasetal infiltration, but can't hold the feeling that they will be evergrowing miserable because they'll feel like their lost their health twice. Weird to word it in anglobarks.
My passion is ICU, but if I was forced to make a choice between gasmonkey and pain medicine I'd rather be a gasmonkey.

>> No.15301650

While I'm sure that different bladder voids will vary in concentration depending on when plasma concentration of fosfomycin peaks I highly doubt that different patterns of voiding have been studied for clinical outcomes (in part because you can't tell patients when to pee in the hospital) and if you're treating a bug with a low MIC it probably shouldn't matter even as a theoretical variable. I wouldn't make it a recommendation and burden people who are dealing with urgency and burning already

>> No.15301716

Why the fuck is an idc on the top of your list?

>> No.15301773

In general, yes. But Osler would say that a doctor who treats himself has a fool for a patient.

Peds ICU/Pulm here. Willing to answer questions. Got called to the NICU today to do a difficult intubation on a kid with unknown genetic syndrome born at 27 weeks with microstomia and retrognathia. Kid's mouth was maybe the diameter of my pinky and couldn't fit the 00 Miller. I ended up tubing him by loading the ETT on to a 2.2 bronchoscope. Tight fit but worked out. Who knows if the kid is neuro-gorked.

Also, had another interesting case in clinic of a kid with rare neuromuscular disorder who is one of five kids in the world with the disease. Got off the phone with a doc in Singapore, Duke, and Germany to discuss respiratory management which is pretty cool.

My research mentor (and, life mentor) from fellowship also invited me to join him on the Dept's dime to attend a super fucking exclusive conference in an incredibly niche field (something like 50 attendees). I'm very geeked. It's so niche that if I were to share the subject matter you could probably look me/him up in the brochure. It's also super nice because everyone sort of knows eachother in the field and we end up spending a nice week in europe as part of the experience. Looking forward to it.

>> No.15301781

plz mentor me anon

>> No.15301792

I'm already a mentor to a few medial students and a few residents. About to interview for an associate program director role for the residency too, which I hope goes well. Goal is to make residency not a fucking hellish experience in any way I can.

I do wish you the best in your journey, Anon. If I can help on here, I will.

>> No.15302275 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15302300
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>pt presents with hematemesis
>refuses endoscopy
>ct aortoesophageal fistula
>pt wants hospice asap
>continue fluids + transfusions
>shift ends
almost feel sorry for the next shift

>> No.15302333


>> No.15302352 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15302387

>be me
>my senior gets paged by ICU
>patient on mech vent with possible air leak
>follow resident into ICU room
>there's music blasting through speakers
>sweet old lady is desaturating to Only Time by Enya

That kind of fucked me up

>> No.15302407

Berlin - Take my breath away
Another certified ICU banger.

>> No.15302417

>walk onto in-patient psych ward for first time
>psychotic patients with schizophrenia and bipolar
>Friends theme is blasting on the TV

>> No.15302548

>blue code is paged at the OR
>anesthesiologist blasting survivor - burning heart

>> No.15302555

>the only man is an Asian man
I wonder how good his pedigree was to get in.

>> No.15302605
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You not expecting that reaction is the reason why you shouldn't be pursuing paediatrics.

>> No.15302611

are there people who find inpatient psychiatry rewarding

>> No.15302649

Any idea what hormones drive growth in chin area if testosterone is low? DHT or some other bizzare androgen metabolite

>> No.15302734

You kidding? Let him pass. I'm fully on board when patients want to let go.


Of course. Outpatient is mostly maintenance. Inpatient is where you get initial diagnosis and management which is very interesting. Also, one psych I know did a lot of group and individual therapy.

Most psychs i've met are happy with it.

I'm a board certified pediatrician. I think you should at least self select out of medicine. If you end up not doing so, I encourage you to consider suicide.

It's complex, but GH and ILGF-I are the big ones. Still, you can only battle genetics so much.

>> No.15302765
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>8% acceptance rate

>> No.15302784

Can I apply to med school as a cuckgineer
I only wanted to learn engineering so I could make cool shit for myself, not for bossman

>> No.15302804

Thanks. I guess electrolysis and rabid tweezing it is

>> No.15303567

I suspect engineers have higher than usual acceptance rates. You just need to complete the prerequisites. One of my colleagues was a former engineer.

>> No.15303577

I'm an idiot. I thought you were literally talking about your chin growth (like you wanted a manlier chin). Beard growth is mostly driven by androgens and lucky genetics.

>> No.15303605

Electrolysis and tweezing should still apply. I already take estrogen injections and dutasteride, not sure what else could tank the other metabolites as for my genetics... it's better to not talk about

>> No.15303642

>tripfagging in a pseudodead general that is just used for shitposting

>> No.15303936

any good reccs on medical statistics?

>> No.15304293

I got one of these but they put it right next to my nipple and it didn't even drain anything and hurt constantly and I could barely sit up from the searing pain when I did and they had to give me morphine to bear the pain when they injected the loosening stuff (I think it was just going into various tissues, not my chest cavity proper)
Luckily the one in my back just below the shoulderblade overperformed and got all the pus out
Chest infections are so fucking weird, you just feel run down at first and then you start getting aches in various muscles and can't breathe right and can't eat without throwing up and then you go to the clinic and get put in a pulmonary ward and everyone's acting all serious about it but you start feeling fine after one day of antibiotics and are just lying around waiting for everything to drain
Antibiotics are so based

Anyways here's a fun little thing for medfags
Yesterday I got a phlegmy cough and today I had a bit of congestion and runny nose, a bit more cough that made my head hurt bad, and also a headache all day sensitive to light, sound, coughing, movement. Barely moved all day and laid around with my eyes closed. Now it's bedtime and suddenly I feel fine again, all symptoms left over the last hour
Diagnose my most likely exact cold variant based on this down to the subspecies and fiercely defend your unsubstantiated postulations

>> No.15304492

SMP is a last resort, and usually expensive. its a useless degree if you don't get a high enough GPA. most schools will only "interview" the top 20%

we have a bunch of SMP kids in my class, some are near the top of the class but we've also lost a few. anyone who did an SMP had a huge edge in 1st year, but it evens out 2nd year
>Maybe like 3.3 for science courses

this puts you above the cutoff at most places at least. you'll need to apply DO schools if you're not a minority
crush the mcat, use anki because thats what everyone uses now. mcat has had a lot of score creep
mcat expires in 3 years

>> No.15305276

Thanks for the info. Hopefully I can do well on the mcat.

What about a non SMP masters degree? Would that be useful at all, or not?

>> No.15305752
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>Wake up at 6
>got to uni from 8am to 12 or 2pm
>eat lunch at the overpriced salad bar
>go to the library and read the syllabus + make anki cards
>go back home at 8
>"cook" some frozen pizza or noodles, shower, etc
>it's already 10
I fucking hate medicine so much it's unreal, i am going to drop out this year no cap

>> No.15305776

Did they inject me with hormones onto my armpit? I feel much worse this week after feeling better last week.

>> No.15305909

What do you guys think is the safest career path from AI? I’m thinking probably something unpredictable with lots of procedures like trauma surgery. Or maybe PM&R/pain fellowship since that’s very hands on with a large social component.

>> No.15305920

Personal health guru for the tech CEO selling the shovels in the AI gold rush.
Everyone else will be out of a job, except for the ruling class, who will need individual staff

>> No.15305922

imagine attending classes lmao git gud

>> No.15305934

Eurofags are so mindfucked that they want to drop out because of 4 hours of classes a day.
Feels bad doing medschool in a third word country, I have a 24 hour shift every 4 days, then 8 hour shifts on the days that I don't have 24 hour shifts, no weekends and additionally classes.
At the same time I have to learn a new language so I can fuck off from this shit country and move somewhere where doctors get paid well.

>> No.15306045

should have chosen a better spawn point, Rajeesh

>> No.15306049

Honestly I am kind of expecting a resurgence of alternative medicine / faith healers given the new crop of mental illnesses AGI will inevitably spawn. Lots of work for acupuncturists and chiropractors

>> No.15306180

Be ready to throw the sabots when the time comes.

>> No.15306352

It depends on the school you’re applying to. Some schools don’t give a damn about any masters, let alone an SMP. Others, like SLU and Wayne State, only consider the last 60 credit hours of your undergrad GPA. But the process is so competitive that you can’t rely on what just a few schools say and run with it. Not even those that you think you have the best chance at, since when I applied I was completely surprised by the schools that decided to interview and accept me.

If I were you and I really really wanted to go the MD route only I would consider an SMP that guarantees an interview. The only ones I know about currently are Case, Temple, and I think also Tulane has one? Otherwise I would just not bother at all with a masters degree. But don’t take my word for it, you should attend the AAMC virtual medical school fair and ask yourself

>> No.15306379

are there any physical conditions that would mimic symptoms of bipolar 1 or possible schizophrenia?
my life has fallen apart for my whole life and its been getting worse and worse
im seeing a dr and were working on medications but its not really helping

i've ruined my career my family my friendships and i just have this pipe dream where i have some tumor that gets removed and fixes me

is there anyway I can ask my dr to have a scan done or tests?

>> No.15306385

Yeah I think it's reasonable to ask your doctor if they've attempted to rule out organic causes of psychosis

>> No.15306416

Is it weird to feel sick when you bend over and have your head nearly perpendicular to the floor?

>> No.15306472

I'm taking step3 this week. Haven't studied for shit and I am 2 years removed from med school. Am I fucked?

>> No.15306559

At least write me a LoR, damn it.

I'm autistic (unironically) but have
been masking well enough to do ok in most of my
post-grad rotations, mostly by scoring extra brownie points from my residents by doing IT code monkey shit. They keep advising me to go into rads or patho. Are those fields future-proof or is AI gonna take over those jobs?

>> No.15306721

best better is to do an informal post-bacc and just get more credits. SMPs are too risky

med schools dont really care about a regular masters

>> No.15307111
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is there any fungus in the UK or shit like that where just inhaling near it will fuck me up? recently been going in the woods more and been coming across dead rotting animals and worried I might inhale some shit that kills me or makes me sick or some shit

>> No.15307114 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15307121

wish I didn't see this lad

>> No.15307130 [DELETED] 

but you said you wanted to know about the fungus thats hurting your health

>> No.15307864

My assignment was to do at least one comprehensive neurological exam, and she was the only patient on the schedule with a remotely neurological problem. I listened as she gave me a textbook description of carpal tunnel. I then proceeded to ask her name, the date, and our current location. I checked extraocular movements. I asked her to slide her heel down her shin and walk across the room on her tip toes.
She did everything I asked. But she interjected suddenly:
>You know, I went to medical school for 2 and a half years
Two and a half years of medical school is more than enough to know that symptoms of carpal tunnel do not warrant an examination of cranial nerves and cerebellar signs. She knew I was using her for practice.
I left the room feeling agitated, like I had just been caught. She had complied with everything I asked, knowing the whole time that I was using her for my own professional development. Why had I not been upfront with her from the beginning by telling her I wanted practice? If I just executed it with confidence, the patient would have no idea I wasted 20 minutes of their day by doing useless examinations. But perhaps that was not the best strategy.
We are always encouraged to answer with resolve. We learn to exude confidence, even if we do not know the diagnosis, so the patient will trust us. We tell ourselves that we are qualified.
Humility, a trait that we are trained to suppress, on the other hand, means admitting that I do not know. Exposing that I am a rookie, that I have never done this before. It means explaining to the patient that I am a first-year medical student, and I would really appreciate it if they would allow me to practice conducting the neurological exam on them. Just the thought of this makes me cringe. But the memory of leaving the patient’s room ashamed makes me cringe even more. I need practice in humility more than I need practice in the neurological physical exam.

>> No.15307865

I was watching a video explaining cholinergic receptors. What struck me was the imagined speed or timescale at which all that happens. Not just those, everything in the body. How fast does that really happen? Is it almost instantaneous? The talk about all those ions leaving and entering spaces, I just cannot comprehend that. Especially for something fast like muscle contractions. Is there anything I can read or watch to get a sense of timescale for all that?

>> No.15307909

I remember reading a paper about receotirs and carriers when I had biochem. I don't have the pdf no more otherwise I'd post it, but all of this happens in a fraction of a nanosecond. It's real fast.

>> No.15307926

it'll take me a ridiculous amount of credits to get to a 3.5, like 2 full years of a 4.0

>> No.15307985

Guyton's textbook of human physiology.

>> No.15308047


>> No.15308287

First of all, just fucking introduce yourself as a medical student.
Second of all, who gives a fuck what your patients think about you? Especially one who went to med school for 2 years only to drop out for whatever retarded reason

>> No.15308316

that was my sister you fucking faggot. i'm reporting you and this thread to our local hospital until we find who you are and get you fired for violating patient/physician confidentiality.

>> No.15308356

I'm a zoomer, nigger

>> No.15308389

I am a nigger, zoomer.

>> No.15308621

The worst part is that it continues well into residency and then even once you are an attending, especially if you are a specialist.
You will have patients where you really don't know exactly what the fuck is happening and you will have to lie to them to the face, acting as if the barrage of tests you are ordering is based on some kind of prior knowledge or experience.
Big reason why I want to become a FM. The option to just say fuck this and refer to a specialist seems based and a great way to live a honest life.

>> No.15309196

how serious is self extubation? i did it to myself earlier this month while i wasn't adequately sedated. ICU delerium is fucking insane. i hallucinated an entire fucking scenario that took me a day and a half to recover from, also during those days i was in a manic state talking nonstop a mile a minute for 3 straight entire days as i steadily regained my mental capacity
i was on a ventilator for 6 days and anesthesia for 9 days by the point they woke me up. anyone with ICU experience witnessed shit like this?

>> No.15309197

fellow 'when in doubt, refer it out' anon.

>> No.15309394

Failed my step 1, us MD. what options are left for me. Fuck am i going to match into

>> No.15310579

So is it just me or did anyone else just lose all their passion for medicine and energy once they started working in the field?

>> No.15310584

nice, thanks anon.

>> No.15310587

Probably because the med system in the US (and many other modern countries) is made to crush people, squeeze all the juice out of them because 'vocation' and 'passion', all under strong legal pressure and the same level of respect from the public that retail workers get.

But I wouldn't do, I did tech instead of med. I barely have to work to make my manager happy, and I never see the general public.

>> No.15310595

Once I am done with my country's version of the foundation program I am going into gp. I am so fucking done with night shifts.

>> No.15310599

Wishing you the best of luck, anon. Don't let them screw you over.
Compassion is for people, cynicism is for suits. Never make the mistake of anthropomorphizing the administration.

>> No.15310598

Nigger, just re-take it.

>> No.15310609

Are you autistic anon? Just say you needed a comprehensive neurological exam and she was the only remotely neurological case.

>> No.15310622

>my life has fallen apart for my whole life and its been getting worse and worse
Yeah, that's just called being bipolar or schizophrenic. Especially if you have had it for your whole life. Basically, we divide the etiology of psychiatric conditions into organic and non-organic, organic meaning they have a secondary cause. So yes it is possible and there are plenty of diseases. Go see a psychiatrist to see if he can evaluate you.

>> No.15310844

I think boomer doctors would try to sell out the profession to AI if they could earn more money by volume. However, younger docs *should* gatekeep the profession.

The most "AI proof" jobs are jobs that require technical skills like surgical subspecialties.

Fungi rarely cause disease in immunocompetent individuals.

Just filter me. I'm trying to offer consistent info for younger or soon-to-be medfags

Eh, you should be fine. I think I did a hot pass through UWorld a week before. Your rotations should be preparation enough.

Where was this at? Primary care office? If so, it doesn't matter. It might be a bit weird if they were in an ortho office or sport med lol. The world of medical education and using patients to "practice" skills is a necessary part of medical education. There's essentially no harm to letting the student perform a non-invasive exam and these skills are going to be important as you move forward in your career. The same ethical dilemma happens when a patient needs an airway- do I take the procedure, knowing that I'm the most likely person to succeed? No. I need to let my learners try first.

PICU here. It's primarily considered serious if you, due to your underlying medical status, needed ventilatory support. If you can imagine, taking a patient off of a ventilator too early is dangerous because re-intubating is always harder than intubating a native airway. Glad you recovered well. ICU delerium is a very well known and difficult to treat phenomenon; the real treatment is getting the patient out of the fucking hospital.

Re-take, be prepared to explain why. Dominate step 2. Consider extra research. Be realistic with your options and make yourself the best candidate you can.

>> No.15310857

>The most "AI proof" jobs are jobs that require technical skills like surgical subspecialties.
Not sure how long that'll last though. The robot hand never slips, and they already have remotely controlled surgery equipment in the field.
AI in surgery is mostly going to be limited by legal issues, as always. Who do you sue when the bot decides to poke your mom's pancreas?

>> No.15310900

It's hard to explain how unlikely it is that a robot could perform surgery without showing you surgery. There are just so many variables to consider. I suppose it *is* possible in the same sense that an AI with similar (or greater) learning capabilities compared to a human could do it... It's just a lot more involved when compared to other processes in the medical field.

>> No.15310962

I don't have the inside view, but I would worry that capabilities are currently advancing at unusual speed.
Vision and accurate movements are very well suited for AI. Surgery is a lot more complex than that, but what you want is an instance of a hard well-defined problem that AI can't solve.
If it's just a complex instance of capabilities like vision and movement, there is no fundamental blocker, which should be worrying.

I think legal will get the last laugh on this one, more than technical difficulty. AIs suck today, but it is the rate of improvement that should give pause.
They could barely do anything a couple years ago. Suddenly, psychiatrists are starting to see people having crises over losing their jobs to AI.
Translators, in particular, are in shambles. GPT-4 is no match for someone who spent years living in a country. Not because GPT-4 is more accurate, but because it gets your 99.99% of the way there for $0.05, and the translator's only task is now to proofread mechanically. Terrible situation.

Med workers could plausibly be relegated to watching over the AI, the same way drivers are supposed to keep a hand on the wheel while the Telsa goes and crashes into a parked truck.

>> No.15311252

>Med workers could plausibly be relegated to watching over the AI

I think you and I share similar concerns over the rapid expansion of artificial intelligence. I completely agree.

By the time AI subsumes medicine, I can see many other industries that will have already fallen before it (mostly for feasibility, practicality, and the legal risk you mention). Such a dramatic usurping of industries by AI would be catastrophic, no?