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15270235 No.15270235 [Reply] [Original]

>kys coome-

>> No.15270238

It's weird how quickly the medical field shifted from shilling anti-masturbation pseudoscience to shilling pro-masturbation pseudoscience

>> No.15270256

I'm positive this is just another outlier study article. Reading the title alone I can tells it's the community not nofaping .

>> No.15270270
File: 55 KB, 580x504, kekkek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's weird how quickly the medical field shifted from shilling anti-masturbation pseudoscience to shilling pro-masturbation pseudoscience
They got BTFO by Chad-baters who exposed Nofap as a psyop.

>> No.15270276

I doubt it's an outlier simply as a matter of self-selection. Makes the most sense that people unhappy with their lives will seek a large variety of means and methods to improve it, especially if any of those means and methods comport with cultural notions on improving ones life. That is usually religion but not necessarily.

If you take a step back and consider it as a whole, "fad chasers" are what they are. That is, regardless of the fad being chased, odds are "someone motivated to chase after a fad" is someone seeking an answer to something unpleasant.

>> No.15270282

I mean, the same thing could be applied to Alcoholics Anonymous. Doesn't mean the organization is a bad thing or that drinking alcohol is secretly good for you.

>> No.15270287

Isn't there some small benefit gained from drinking like a pint or glass of wine or beer?

>> No.15270294

>Isn't there some small benefit gained from drinking like a pint or glass of wine or beer?
Generally speaking any supposed benefit is outweighed by additive risks and can be best gained by exercise and good diet.

>> No.15270309

Maybe, but, knowing the absolute state of psychology, that article probably had similar flaws. In any case the point is that the study is practically meaningless unless it filters mental distress due to masturbation addiction from mental distress brought on by engaging with a support group/quitting masturbation. In doing so it presupposes that masturbation is a net positive in any quantity which likely aligns with the author's preconceptions. The same dishonest and pseudoscientific argument could be applied to almost any addictive behavior.

>> No.15270388

>shilling anti-masturbation pseudoscience
When did this ever happen apart from the odd article about it. I would think the threshold to be considered shilling would be at least an article per week on a topic. The only people that talk about nofap are zoomer sheep that live their life doing what other people say they should do

>> No.15270390

>medical field shifted from shilling anti-masturbation pseudoscience
That never happened. Medical field consistently acknowledged the benefits of masturbating.

>> No.15270397

Masturbating occasionally and getting blind drunk and losing all your money and destroying your body and abusing your family etc I think are on fairly different levels. No-one should be suicidal from masturbating, even if they're doing it several times every day.

>> No.15270452
File: 9 KB, 258x193, EYMX1QyXsAARCsc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. God couldnt make a "companion" because God is a degenerate retard. Literally cannot control itself. Thats why the Bible emphisises so hard about turning the other cheek. I have to "put up with" creation, I will enjoy it if God lacked Pride and Envy, as my creation would be far better.

>"I cant help myself, please forgive me."

No, go way, you hivemind invalid. You never knew me AND NEVER WILL.

>> No.15270519

No and yes. Any study would find the same correlation because no one who has a good life is going to try nofap.

>> No.15270522

I have no wang yet I must jerk

>> No.15270694

If you look at the paper, they're not saying 'masturbation good'. They're saying that the culture of the NoFap forums they looked at is the problem. It sounds a lot like here, based on the way they described it. The underwhelming conclusion is that when some kid has anxiety, depression and erectile dysfunction, joining a support group where he is regularly told to
>kys faggot
is not going to improve his mental health.

>> No.15271438

Masturbating for 3h per day is healty? (True story)

>> No.15271450

Selection bias. Who do you think reaches out to anti-masturbation groups? People who masturbate excessively.
IIRC this was also based on flawed data because the "non-drinkers" group included people who had quit entirely after sustained periods of habitual excessive drinking, which had already deteriorated their health.

>> No.15271453
File: 279 KB, 1120x935, 3243554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Militant nofappers are usually ex-coomers trying to get their life under control. Most of these people were suffering from anxiety and depression to begin with, which is only exacerbated by becoming a coomer.

>> No.15271455

I don't think there is a group of posters that imitate me more than no fappers. Not even the christian moralfags.

>> No.15271461

The problem was not being a "coomer", but all the other things that come with that. You need to accept that not touching your dick won't turn your life around.

>> No.15271476

I don't care about anything you and your likes have to say. My point stands completely unchallenged.

>> No.15271492

Then why do you hate your life?

>> No.15271500

Because consciousness isn't real, free will isn't real, human life is meaningless, AI will replace us soon, climate change will wipe all life on this planet within this decade and antinatalism is the only rational and moral worldview, which you would knew if you weren't a pseudoscience-believing antivaxxer retard.

>> No.15271501

I do believe he was agreeing with you

>> No.15271503

bro got the twink jawline

>> No.15271504

Sure, time for your hourly jerkoff session cuck

>> No.15271505

I do believe you are incapable of basic reading comprehension.

>> No.15271507

They didn't. The mechanistic studies continue to show detriments of sexual excesses whether through onanism or coitus.
It's a fair premise. Once you realize you have competing influences on your behavior over will and ultimately action you question agency in life and if you lack it the only conclusion is suicide. That's why intelligent people who can't stop cooming really would kill themselves.

>> No.15271508

Whatever, christtard. You idealists need to fuck off with your science-denying antifap fairytale. I will masturbate as much as I want. We live in 2023. We have freedom to do whatever we want unlike your religious dystopia.

>> No.15271510

Man, you're such a dickwad, in every thread.

>> No.15271512

You are losing your mind with rage over being reminded that being a coomer is bad for your mental health.

>> No.15271514

I have two MAs in English and took semantics as an elective

>> No.15271517

That just adds a whole new ironic layer of worthlessness to your education.

>> No.15271537

What is your point?

>> No.15271543

Every single time the topic of nofap comes up you tell us that we are mad but the tone of your posts always reveals this as a projection

>> No.15271548

NoFap will prevent you from turning into this guy, kids

>> No.15271549

>Every single time the topic of nofap comes up you tell us that we are mad
You sound literally deranged. I don't even remember the last time I saw a nofap thread on this board, let alone cared to participate in it.

>> No.15271550

Yet they still mutilate the male babies. Curious.

>> No.15271551

Well that's embarassing

>> No.15271555

>I don't care about anything you and your likes have to say. My point stands completely unchallenged.
This was not written by a calm person

>You sound literally deranged
No I don't

>> No.15271556

Slavery to a maldaptive habit isn't freedom. You're on the same level as homosexuals and christcucks.

>> No.15271557

That "anti-masturbation groups" consist mostly of coomer or ex-coomer types who were anxious and depressed to begin with and getting rid of their coomer habits would be good for them.

>> No.15271558

Yes, you do. You have some delusions of persecution and think someone is following you around just to BTFO you in nofap threads, which you clearly participate in a lot for some reason. Talk about projection. :^)

>> No.15271561

>You need to accept that not touching your dick won't turn your life around.
It turned my life around.

>> No.15271562

Both of those posts are saying that nofap obviously attracts coomers and that coomers suffer from anxiety and depression even without touching their dicks, the implication being that's why they became coomers in the first place. The first post simply says that being a coomer may exacerbate it, and the other says that ceasing to be a coomer won't magically fix it. These statements are not at odds with each other but rather complement each other, so >>15271476 was weirdly hostile.
But I may be missing some history.

>> No.15271564

You seem to think that if you keep saying that someone is mad, that will mean they are mad
> :^)
Literally proving my point, you have to resort to inserting smileys to make your post not look aggressive

>> No.15271567

Sounds like a silly placebo effect, if it even has ever worked

>> No.15271570

I am saying that becoming a coomer is partly responsible for the depression and anxiety that "anti-masturbation group" members experience. The coomer is clearly upset by this notion and tries to imply that stopping the over-indulgence in pornography and masturbation will have no positive effect. Now stop being retarded.

>> No.15271575

You can always spot a slave-minded nonsentient by its tendency to use "placebo effect" in a derogatory manner, especially in a context where it makes no difference even if it is just a placebo effect.

>> No.15271577

>partly responsible
Sure, and the majority of the responsibility can be attributed to autism, NEETdom and high internet use.

>> No.15271578

You seem to think that someone is hounding you across all the nofap threads you participate in. You seem to be a mentally unstable, degenerate coomer. I prescribe 6 years nofap. You're welcome. You can pay me with another (You).

>> No.15271579

>slave-minded nonsentient
If you weren't angry and were thinking clearly you'd realize how ridiculous you sound

>> No.15271581

Ok. Glad we both agree I was right.

>> No.15271583

I don't think that
If I did that would actually go against my original point that nofappers are angry and aggressive for no reason

>> No.15271586

It was a sarcastic tone but I'm glad you partially conceded here >>15271570

>> No.15271588

>I don't think that
>Every single time the topic of nofap comes up you tell us...

>> No.15271591

"You" is both singularly and plural ESL fren

>> No.15271593

Look, all I can say is that I'm glad to know you spend every day wanking your little cock to cuck porn and then contemplating suicide. My point stands completely unchallenged. Your opinions don't matter.

>> No.15271594

Stop arguing with the cumbrain

>> No.15271596

Your deep desperation is palpable. I feed off of your impotent rage and self-hatred. You will never feel the inside of a woman, have a scientific education, or impress anyone with any kind of intellectual accomplishment. Reply again to confirm.

>> No.15271597

>My point stands completely unchallenged.
You've already conceded that it's only "partly" responsible for your own admitted depression, that at least subconscious admittance your lifestyle is the cause.

>> No.15271598

It would make sense to concede, you are the smartest nofapper

You sound pretty mad here desu

>> No.15271599

>You've already conceded that it's only "partly" responsible
You are clearly mentally ill. I've maintained it from the very beginning so I never "conceded" anything.

>> No.15271601

So why promote nofap so aggressively when it's clearly a lifestyle issue?

>> No.15271603

He's sying it doesn't address the underlying issues responsible for their initial anxiety and depression, which you agreed was there. I think you're having a miscommunication. Sounds like maybe studying semantics isn't so worthless.

>> No.15271605

Because they can't just accept masturbation doesn't need to be studied
You were built to figure it out
The real problem is slicing half your dick off

>> No.15271607

>So why promote nofap so aggressively
Another one of your psychotic delusions.

>> No.15271609

You can at least assess how many insults you've written and compare it to my posts

>> No.15271610

>He's sying it doesn't address the underlying issues responsible for their initial anxiety and depression, which you agreed was there
Ask him if he thinks coomers should stop cooming.

>Sounds like maybe studying semantics isn't so worthless.
It clearly is, since every post you churn out makes you sound like even more of a cretin.

>> No.15271617

I'm assessing is your recurring psychotic delusion. It seems to be very severe, since you keep hallucinating that I'm following you across nofap threads, that I claim your coom obsession is the main reason for your being a lowlife and that I'm aggressively promoting nofap, none of which is true or implied in any of my posts.

>> No.15271616

>Ask him if he thinks coomers should stop cooming.
I think a "coomer" who faps more than twice a day should stop, your strawman has failed

>> No.15271621

You are very aggressive and I told you I was using you in the plural

>> No.15271624

>I think a "coomer" who faps more than twice a day should stop, your strawman has failed
If someone has an obsession, they should stop indulging it altogether. Your parents have failed.

>> No.15271625

So fat people should stop eating any food?

>> No.15271627

Animals like you need to be treated with aggression. What does it have to do with the fact that none of your delusional accusations have any basis in reality?

>> No.15271629

>Animals like you need to be treated with aggression.
So you are now admitting to being aggressive. What does that say about what you are promoting here?

>> No.15271632

>i will literally shrivel up and die if I don't coom every day
Good job exposing yourself.

>> No.15271633

>every post you churn out makes you sound like even more of a cretin
What was that about irony, before?

I do think it's funny that you've finally worked out that you're in agreement with each other about the claims made in the posts in question.

>> No.15271634

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15271636

Nothing, you mentally ill cretin, because I'm not promoting anything. I don't care what degens like you do with their miserable lives.

>> No.15271638

We are not in agreement, he thinks masturbation is bad, I think it's good in moderation, unless I am mistaken

>> No.15271640

Call me back when you have an education, inbred.

>> No.15271647

Sure, that remains a point of contention, but the original claim only pertained to

>> No.15271649

Masturbating in moderation is okay and fun

>> No.15271651

I'm saying if you're a depressed and anxious coomer, you should stop cooming because it's part of the problem. The coomer attacks my post because it's bargaining because it wants to keep cooming. I don't know what kind of cretin you have to be to keep trying to impose your mongoloidal interpretation of no-disagreement over a disagreement that both parties explicitly confirm.

>> No.15271655

Because you keep arguing about "conceding" things that both parties claimed from the start.

>> No.15271656

You have a severe mental illness. Both parties acknowledge the disagreement you keep denying. Imagine being so psychotic you keep going even after this has been pointed out to you.

>> No.15271659

I am aware of the nature of your disagreement, the point is you were actually in agreement about the initial claim, which is why you ran into a weird moment where one side believed that the other "conceded" something they claimed from the start. Which surely didn't help your disagreement.

I'm sure you can think of other situations where a problem already existed but was potentially made worse by the introduction of further problems which were not addressed.

>> No.15271660

Take your meds, then contemplate how worthless your education is and fuck off to >>>/lit/ where plebs like you belong.

>> No.15271665

If you insist on talking past each other in perpetuity, don't let me stop you.

>> No.15271667

He concluded correctly that I think coomers should first stop cooming to get their lives back under control. I concluded correctly that he (clearly a coomer) thinks coomers should keep cooming. You are the only one here confused about anything.

>> No.15271669

I'm not confused about any of that. You're clearly confused about what I'm telling you because it has nothing to do with that.

>> No.15271671

>I'm not confused about any of that.
You are deeply confused about it, because that disagreement was apparent to both of us after my first post and his first reply, while your poorly programmed language model continues to be confused about the """semantics""" of it. Mental illness.

>> No.15271672

I'm not "bargaining". Masturbation in moderation is okay and a lot of animals do it. Too much of anything is bad.

>> No.15271677

And yet I perfectly predicted your misunderstanding here
I saw it, you didn't.

>> No.15271679

>I'm not "bargaining". Masturbation in moderation is okay and a lot of animals do it.
If you're a coomer and you say this, this is textbook bargaining. I'm not having any kind of discussion with you about that.

>> No.15271681

Chronic masturbation is a symptom

What is a coomer?

>> No.15271682

I perfectly predicted your low IQ, the inbreeding in your family, your failure to get a proper education and the classic inability to comprehend anything you read that goes along with all that. Your infantile and impotent rage just won't give you a rest. You have to reply to me again. You just have to prove yourself to me. You need me to acknowledge and approve of you because I am your intellectual superior and you have an inferiority complex over wanting to go into STEM and getting filtered.

>> No.15271683

>What is a coomer?
Someone who masturbates and consumes pornography to an excess.

>> No.15271684

So not me

>> No.15271687

So you're probably in denial, but that's besides the point. OP's article is actually about coomers as I've pointed out from the start.

>> No.15271688

If you sort out your life you won't need nofap because you'll be too exhausted from doing real life things to want to fap

>> No.15271694

Ok, cretin. You already said that. That's called bargaining. If you know you're obsessively overindulging something, you need to cut it out of your life. That's not up for discussion.

>> No.15271699

I don't know what bargaining means nor how it is relevant to my post. Chronic masturbation is a symptom of NEETdom or some other stupid lifestyle choice.

>> No.15271701

>I don't know
I accept your full concession.

>> No.15271702

You used a buzzword I don't know the meaning of and your response is to refuse to explain what it means and claim victory? Lel

>> No.15271705

Your concession is full, like you mom. Your concession is direct, like your sister. I accept them both of these whores and I accept your concession.

>> No.15271707

I conceded nowhere, you have failed

>> No.15271712

The echoes of your concession will continue to resonate in the Hall of Fail forever.

>> No.15271713

Ignoring the fact that the people turning to nofap probably already have a higher rate of depression and shit, the problem here is the same problem as with diet fags. People jump to one extreme or another. It is not healthy nor constructive to spend all day every day jacking off, and denying ANY urge at all to masturbate doesn't turn you into a superhero. There is a happy medium that allows men to fap away sexual frustration and stress without it being all coomsuming.

>> No.15271716


>> No.15271717

I do not concede and I would like to know what bargaining means

>> No.15271720

Low IQ take. Conquering a compulsion is healthy and constructive, especially for depressed people.

>> No.15271722

>I concede and I want you to remind me of it
I accept your concession, child. My acceptance of your concession is the only acceptance you will ever receive from anyone. Cherish it.

>> No.15271730

You know that you lost this argument don't you?

>> No.15271733

There was never any argument. Just me making a point that still stands undisputed.

>> No.15271734

What was your point?

>> No.15271738

That coomers should stop cooming to be less depressed.

>> No.15271745

Your point was disputed earlier. Chronic masturbation is a symptom of the same thing that causes your depression.

>> No.15271746

That is working from the assumption that all masturbatory acts are compulsions.

>> No.15271749

>Chronic masturbation is a symptom of the same thing that causes your depression.
That doesn't dispute my point in any way. Just how braindamaged are you?

>> No.15271753

It does dispute your point. Ceasing masturbation will not cure depression, that sounds so ludicrous typing it.

>> No.15271760

>Ceasing masturbation will not cure depression
Never said it will. You are stunningly retarded.

>> No.15271773

>That coomers should stop cooming to be less depressed.
I look forward to your pilpul oo the "actual" meaning of this sentence

>> No.15271778

No, it isn't. It's working on the assumption that the people who end up doing nofaps are mostly coomers, which is a pretty good assumption.

>> No.15271784

The actual meaning of it is literal: if you're a depressed coomer and you want to stop being depressed, first stop cooming. I'll let your tiny, low-IQ mind to ponder why this doesn't imply "stop cooming and your depression will be magically cured".

>> No.15271789

I'm continually baffled by this website's ignorance of history.


>> No.15271794

That is not the literal meaning of that sentence, it doesn't even involve the word "first"
>if you're a depressed coomer and you want to stop being depressed, first stop cooming.
The first step is to go outside and socialize, I don't know what disease is causing you to think not touching your dick will solve your problems but judging by your attitude it obviously isn't working

>> No.15271795

>there is heavy inbreeding and miscegenation in my family tree
Oh. That explains a lot.

>> No.15271800

I don't know who you are quoting but it looks like you've given up here. Your point was disputed, and you clearly aren't going to attempt to justify not masturbating as the first step to improve ones life.

>> No.15271819

>looks like you've given up
I have given up. You are too much of an imbecile for any kind of rational discussion and my point still stands completely unchallenged.

>> No.15271826

Why is not masturbating more important than socializing?

>> No.15271843

Show me where I said it was. You see? You're an utter cretin. No two ways about it.

>> No.15271849

>if you're a depressed coomer and you want to stop being depressed, first stop cooming.

>> No.15271851

Okay. Now show me where you found the word "socializing" or any related word in that post. You really need to kill yourself, but before you do, make sure you sterilize every female family member of yours.

>> No.15271853

Why is not masturbating so important you list it as the first thing to do to fix ones life instead of talking to people, getting a job etc.? You seem really afraid to answer this.

>> No.15271855

>Why is not masturbating so important you list it as the first thing to do
Because the context is a discussion about coomers. Now kill yourself.

>> No.15271860

What causes someone to be a "coomer"? Why do you give these replies that answer so little and are so aggressive?

>> No.15271870
File: 716 KB, 800x7200, Jesus is watching you masturbaste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God Himself put in an auto mode so you could let off some steam, but just like everything else you shouldn’t abuse it. If you don’t abuse it it can even be beneficial for your health.

>> No.15271874

what is cause, what is effect?

>> No.15271882

>What causes someone to be a "coomer"?
Who cares?

>> No.15272209

More like people with underlying mental disorders seek out pseudoscientific explanations like nofap to blame all their issues on rather than going to a doctor or therapist to have scientifically backed and proven treatments like therapy and medication. CBT and SSRIs as an example.

>> No.15272305

Kinda like incels and wrist size/brow shape/whatever the fuck

>> No.15272367

Probably because people who see out "anti-masturbation groups" are too far gone to begin with.

>> No.15272745

Your link doesn't refute shit.

>> No.15272815

>depressed weirdos desperate for anything that can make the pain and emptiness stop concentrate themselves into a silly cult
Now that's a shocker.

>> No.15272820

>thread about nofap
>14 year old going through his edgy phase posts

>> No.15272827

watch me fuck your crush and you'll stop having these retarded opinions, not your wife she's already a hoe

>> No.15273052

Masturbation correlates with:
Lack of partner, thus general bad fitness
Constant anxiety that needs relief(OP's propaganda takes advantage of this)
Lack of interest in anything else, thus low productivity
Primitive reproductive thinking, thwarts applied higher level cognition
Arrogance, being disrespectful towards random males or females
Lack of self-efficacy

In general understand that low-quality research signals desperation from their side.

>> No.15273904

>20+ months of nofap
>feeing awesome
once you stop fucking your hand while watching flashing images on your computer screen, you actually get in touch with your sexuality, allowing you to be more confident, develop self-control and manage to be a normal functioning human being that doesn't have his mind filled with coomer fantasies each time you look at the real woman

>> No.15273908

>*Remove blinders to how fucked up things have gotten*
>*Get extremely depressed now that there's nothing to distract you*
>"OMG guys! Don't let your distractions stop and pay attention to reality! It makes you too depressed!"

>> No.15273933

you are pointless, therefore there is nothing to be challenged, but the jury is still out whether the same applies to your mental capacity

>> No.15273935

please, refrain from engaging in conversation with mentally handicapped individuals.

>> No.15273937

>a nonsentient animal barely able to slap a few words together into a coherent sentence