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15269480 No.15269480 [Reply] [Original]

Why do shrinks kill themselves?

>> No.15269483

Why dont some shrinks kill themselves?

>> No.15269495 [DELETED] 

nurses have the lowest suicide rate because they have less of their personality wrapped up in their toxic, harmful profession. imagine you're a 56.3 year old psychiatrist, you've been practicing for a decade or two maybe and you see your regular patients and they're all drug addicts and they only come to you to get drugs, never listen to a word you say and then you realize what your job really is and what you've been tricked into, but its too late to quit and start over, what are you going to do?

>> No.15269500

>nurses have the lowest suicide rate because they have less of their personality wrapped up in their toxic, harmful profession.
I've met a surprisingly high number of narcissistic nurses. Do you think there's a correlation?

>> No.15269503

When you can understand everyone bit no one is able to understand you. Interacting with ALL humans becomes work, labor, for the pay of feeding your brain's need for human interaction, that only goes one way but every day is sustains a little less.

A vitamin deficiency, eventually it kills you after a long hill downwards.

>> No.15269513

>159 suicides
>Not even in the top 10
Maybe if so many psychiatrists weren’t faggots, there would be fewer suicides?

>> No.15269517 [DELETED] 
File: 76 KB, 1200x800, everyone is like me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone else is narcissistic
gosh, really? amazing that everyone else in your vicinity is always suffering from severe personality disorders, what are the odds?

>> No.15269528

Weird post tbqh. I didn't say any of those things.

>> No.15269536

t. offended nurse

>> No.15269540

The answer is that demons attack them.

Yeah it sounds ridiculous at first but, that's just what happens.

>> No.15269547

I'd buy it. Most shrinks are atheist or jewish so they lack protection against spiritual warfare.

>> No.15269595

IDK. They realize they were duped into hunting people and destroying their brains.

>> No.15269621

A lot of people go into the profession as a way to “fix themselves”. So right out of the gate psychologists statistically have higher rates of mental illness than the general public.

On top of that it’s most depressing, soul sucking activity you could do. Listening to loser drone on for hours on end about their problem. I can barely handle doing that with friends and family for more than 5 minutes and I actually love those people.

Also, the success rate is super low, so they probably feel like a constant failure.

Surprised more of them don’t kill themselves honestly

>> No.15269696 [DELETED] 

>t. emotionally triggered by accurate characterization
an inaccurate characterization wouldn't have triggered an emotional response on an anonymous imageboard, you don't have a social media profile to defend here

>> No.15269938

You have to be really naive to believe they care, even more so that it would affect them to the point of killing themselves. The reality is psychiatrists are encouraged by pharmaceutical companies to push their drug onto their patients and if they meet prescription quotas they get all expenses paid for vacation packages to “conferences” by the beach and they get to bring the whole family with them.

>> No.15270031

Nurses have more personality and less competence than psychiatrists. They do not know what they are doing, yet think they do. They have lower IQs and lack the meta cognitive awareness to have a reality bias and view things through optimism biases. Nursing should require no training. Better to take untrained people off the streets and put them in that role.

>> No.15270066

You lack self awareness entirely. You give an immediate emotionally charged response(“gosh,really?” Is an obviously sarcastic phrase.) and then project saying that others are being emotional. I assume that this is either a stupid person or you just wanted to “have fun” by pretending to be stupid to have an “argument”

>> No.15270077

Heh, Gottem!

>> No.15270164

>700k suicides per year
>which translates to one suicide every 40 seconds
fuck these mathematically illiterate retards. to wit:
>universe is about 10^18 seconds old
>estimated 10^24 stars in universe
>this translates to a million stars created every second
> :o