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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15265884 No.15265884 [Reply] [Original]

I am honestly shocked by the insane level of ignorance here on /sci/ about ME/CFS in the latest threads about it. I can understand it on YouTube comments because average person etc. But here? Come on, you are supposed to at least read the Wikipedia article of a disease before you say it is X or Y or she is faking it etc.

So let me be perfectly clear: ME/CFS is not only real and debilitating and horrible and painful and scary, it is also VERY COMMON and there is NO CURE. Tens of millions of people have it, one in 250. It is _BY FAAAAAR_ the worst disease that a human being can _POSSIBLY_ get. It is hard to even imagine something worse. And here is why: Every time you overexert yourself, you take one permanent step closer to being a conscious vegetable in excruciating pain for decades. Once it becomes very severe, like for physics girl Dianna here, you can neither think coherently or focus or move. It is not deadly so you will not die. You will be in severe pain. Not even heroin+ketamine combined makes the pain bearable. You need to be like pic related to not get even worse. 24/7/365.2422/life. You are totally alone with your extreme pain and incoherent thoughts. Communication takes effort you can not produce.

A vegetable in severe pain, alone in silent darkness, for decades until you die of old age.


You want to be a nobel prize winner, go down in history, and become a billionaire from the donations of the tens of millions of people currently suffering from it?

Cure this shit.

>> No.15265891

Only anti-vaxxers get long covid. She wouldn't have his disease if she got her booster shots. 8 doses of Pfizer are scientifically proven by experts in peer reviewed studies to reduce the risk of severe illness for at least two weeks.

>> No.15265892
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bitch got what she deserved

>> No.15265894

What's the source for pic related?

>> No.15265895

Fuck this anti-vaxxer. She's selfishly putting everyone else in danger.

>> No.15265908

lmao what a pussy
just sleep it off like normal people

>> No.15265913

Looks like a screenshot from a BDSM porn video.

>> No.15265914

If she wants patreon money, the least she could do is show some vagene and boobs.

>> No.15265947

She's suffocating her brain I cant take the jab cattle anymore

>> No.15265959
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Obituary is noted: anti-vaxxer died of covid.

>> No.15265984

You said so many words but you didn't say what these mean. I have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.15265996

It's an umbrella term for hypochondriacs who psychosomatically induce fatigue onto themselves for attention. Which is why women have is more and the only men who have it are literal homosexuals or obese lardballs with disrupted hormones i.e. excess estrogen flooding their rolls and addling their brain just like a woman. Actually in hindsight I suspect trannies will have it too.

>> No.15266000

Hey do you guys think I have what it takes to be a doctor? I've never-

>> No.15266057
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Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), also called myalgic encephalomyelitis (ME) or ME/CFS.
Good videos about it and about how horrible it can get:
What an ultrahigh-IQ comment! Why did no one else consider this option before? Surely no one have tried it!
Textbook reaction of someone who can not accept how horrible this world can be so they gigacope by saying that others must be delusional about their suffering. Go watch another Disney movie or something.

>> No.15266061

>Cure this shit.
someone already did, it's called euthanasia

>> No.15266063

It is 100% psychosomatic. She just doesn't want to get better because she enjoys the attention.

>> No.15266065
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The average poster here is like 19 yo undergrad and functionally retarded in most respects

>> No.15266071

You are projecting again.

>> No.15266078

>writing some shitty strawmen next to a soijak picture qualifies as "meme" nowadays
I hate zoomers.

>> No.15266082

Not science. Estrogen addled brain detected. Woman, low T beta cuck male, or a tranny. I don't care which.

>> No.15266131

If only she got the jab, then she wouldn't have these debilitating long covid symptoms.

>> No.15266133

Shes not actually sick its just an act however she deserves it

>> No.15266166

I can tell she's a whore, deserved

>> No.15266268

Its not the curious or competent people here who engage with those threads. There is the anti-vaxxer climate change politicians that go into those. You can tell they don't know what they are talking about because its all cherry picking, arrogance, and emotion-fueled ad homs. Let them stay in their threads. They usually don't jump into the decent threads because they don't know what is happening in them.

>> No.15266281

sounds like a syndrome women made up for attention

>> No.15266284

Its a real disease but she doesn't have it.

>> No.15266292

>brain temperature of 102 F
>shes faking that shit dawg

>> No.15266440

>I am honestly shocked by the insane level of ignorance here on /sci/ about ME/CFS in the latest threads about it. I can understand it on YouTube comments because average person etc. But here?
Dude, /sci/ is not for serious discussion, especially post-pandemic. Most posters here fall into one or more of these categories:
- ironic schizo
- ironic nazi
- ironic anti-vaxxer
- ironic general retard
- unironic schizo
- unironic nazi
- unironic anti-vaxxer
- unironic general retard

I wouldn't worry much about /sci/ ignorance. I would focus instead on ignorance of society in general, and of the medical profession in particular. It's becoming quite clear from the latest studies that metabolism in ME/CFS is abnormal (see the work of Paul Fisher https://me-pedia.org/wiki/Paul_Fisher)), so a biomarker is probably not that far off into the future.

>> No.15266445

What makes you think that?

>> No.15266482

>got covid multiple times
>nothing happened
survival of the fittest. If she still lived in the jungle she would have been eaten by a bear for being a weak untermensch

>> No.15266557


>> No.15266564

She has 5 science juice injections.

>> No.15266634

Only 5? Is she a science denialist? The experts agree everyone needs at least 9.

>> No.15266985

This board is /pol/ most of the time.

I have not tested my hypothesis quantitatively (and regarding the quantitative testing have not done it randomised or in any other way respecting biases), however I think, banning extremely low quality posts and off-topic posts actually helps lower the /pol/ content on this board.

wrong. I am german, so let me show you the recommendations from germany (Source Epidemiological Bulletin of the RKI (german cdc) #8 /2023 [1]):

As you can see in Table 1 ([2]) the most vaccinations to reach baseline immunity ever recommended are for people aged 6mo-4y (3 shots) without recommendation for immune update and only for Comirnaty (BioNTech/Pfizer).

The most update vaccinations ever recommended (shown in Table 2 ([3])) are 2 and that is only for medical personnel, aged people in retirement homes and for immunocompromised people under 5 years of age.




>> No.15267010
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>A vegetable in severe pain, alone in silent darkness, for decades until you die of old age

>> No.15267059

*regarding the qualitative testing have not done it randomised

>> No.15267085

Intensive ECT would fix her right up.

>> No.15267087

>I am German
Salam aleykum!

Could you please point me to their scientific justification for shortening the expiration of covid recovery certificates from 6 to 3 months? Or generally for their insistence on forcing recovered persons to get vaccinated against a virus they already recovered from?

>> No.15267126

I appreciate your thoughts, what's your Patreon so I can donate?

>> No.15267130

Does RKI think 5 science juice injections should have prevented her from catching long covid? If not, how many does she need to recover?

>> No.15267134
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>> No.15267171


>Wissenschaftliche Begründung der STIKO für die Empfehlung zur Verkürzung des Impfabstands zwischen Grundimmunisierung bzw. Infektion und Auffrischimpfung auf einen Zeitraum ab 3 Monate
>Scientific justification of the STIKO (permanently standing vaccination commission) for the recommendation to shorten the vaccination interval between basic immunization or infection and booster vaccination to a period of 3 months or more
This points to Epidemiological Bulletin 2/2022 (page 3)

This is not exactly what you mean, however. It is only the vaccination recommendation. Nonetheless it actually provides a justification for changing the expiry date as well. In short:
>In view of the current evidence of infections [...] and the further exponential increase to be assumed in the near future, as well as the latest data on virus neutralization and the duration of protection [...]
As well as
>The aim is to intensify the booster vaccination campaign

It partially was a political consideration in light of the then following winter months in which more infections were to be expected, and so they wanted people to get vaccinated before that.

Covid restrictions generally are not anymore in place in germany. So they do not force recovered persons to get vaccinated. They did so for the reasons pointed out above.

>> No.15267185

RKI does not think that (in absolute terms), neither does the STIKO, which actually is responsible here.
There is no amount of vaccinations that will help her recover.

RKI likely thinks the same that wikipedia thinks:
15% risk reduction, not 100% as you were suggesting.

case in point.

>> No.15267193

>RKI likely thinks the same that wikipedia thinks:
>15% risk reduction, not 100% as you were suggesting.
Strange. So you're suggesting that being fully vaxed offers very little or no protection from the alleged dangers of Covid-19?

>> No.15267265

>1 in 250 people suffer from ME/CFS
>the disease is indistinguishable from the symptoms of malnourishment or hormonal imbalance
>vegans often report chronic fatigue
>the disease sets in usually after an injury, sickness, or lifestyle change

The picture this is painting is of a major nutrient deficiency in a period when the body is supposed to be recovering, probably from an event that depleted stored up energy/nutrient reserves.

Sounds like the body needs a boot up like a power grid black start. Pump these fuckers full of vitamins, other nutrients, and probiotics and shit. Maybe some hormones too, and take them to a gym.

>> No.15267267

No. I do however suggest that being fully vaccinated offers little protection against long covid.

Regarding another alleged danger of covid-19, death, I do not suggest that vaccination offers little protection.
Depending on the vaccination you receive and your age you are 73% to 99% less likely to die.
I suspect that long covid is an autoimmune-disorder whereas death is not. Autoimmune disorders are not prevented by vaccination. I have no idea whether that theory is correct, though, it is only virological speculation. I would be happy about actual virologists explaining that.

Autoimmune disorders happen, because the immune system is trying to search for antibodies against the spike protein and in searching them "makes an error" leading it to attack the body. Giving your immune system "antibody-blueprints" does not mean it stopping to try to find better blueprints, however it means you can fight the disease faster, because your immune system doesn't need to be successful on its own.

>> No.15267274

>Autoimmune disorders happen, because the immune system is trying to search for antibodies against the spike protein and in searching them "makes an error" leading it to attack the body. Giving your immune system "antibody-blueprints" does not mean it stopping to try to find better blueprints, however it means you can fight the disease faster, because your immune system doesn't need to be successful on its own.
So she got this disease from 5 shots of the science juice making her body a spike protein factory, and causing her own cells to become targeted by her immune system.

>> No.15267287

I'm always surprised how little empathy people
often have for people with different opinions. Maybe it's an low IQ thing.

I don't really know her but correct me if I'm wrong: She is probably just a normie liberal that got vaxxed and there probably is no evidence of her actually being a particular bad person, right?
And now /pol/tards wish her death and misery.

And don't get me wrong I know it's the same on the other side, on reddit as soon as any non-vaxxed Conservative dies it's also generally celebrated regardless if they by most metrics were actually a bad person or not.

>> No.15267292

>I don't really know her but correct me if I'm wrong: She is probably just a normie liberal that got vaxxed and there probably is no evidence of her actually being a particular bad person, right?
She made denigrating pro-vax posts on social media, declaring how virtuous and protected she was compared to the unwashed masses and how they needed to get vaxed ASAP.

>> No.15267294

she's also promulgated pro-trans rhetoric, which directly causes young girls getting double mastectomies.

>> No.15267295

>Autoimmune disorders happen, because the immune system is trying to search for antibodies against the spike protein and in searching them "makes an error" leading it to attack the body.
Why would that not pertain to the vaccines?

>> No.15267301

I think people are questioning her story and attempts to monetize her illness.

>> No.15267340

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As Arthur Fleck would ask, "She got what she deserved?"

>> No.15267345

No. What you are referring (long-covid-like symptoms from vaccines, because the immune system makes a mistake in producing antibody-blueprints from the vaccine leading to the autoimmune-yadda-yadda) to does exist,
it is not what she is suffering from however, that being long covid (the immune system makes a mistake in producing antibody-blueprints from the virus leading to the autoimmune-yadda-yadda).

This article might be about what you are thinking of

Again, I do not know about whether my virological speculation is correct and I would like a virologist to comment.

>> No.15267347

I do actually feel quite bad for her because I've been through the medical machine myself. But at the same time I can see why people aren't very charitable to people with her opinions. From their perspective, the majority of people in her situation got there due to a random and tragic accident that ruined their health, it wasn't gleefully self-inflicted.

>> No.15267356

>From their perspective, the majority of people in her situation got there due to a random and tragic accident that ruined their health, it wasn't gleefully self-inflicted.
That is why they are called leftists/sheeple/zombies/goys/etc. because they are incapable of thinking for themselves and will fall for the next psyop, and the next, and the next, dragging innocent people such as children and the elderly, along with them.

There is no place in the world for people like that. They are a danger to everyone and everything. Their "good intentions" and "institutions" and government control and overreach are what's caused most of the problems in the modern world.

>> No.15267364

your attempt at virtue signaling isn't signaling what you think; rather than signaling virtue it's signaling how you're a social parasite.

>> No.15267366

kek so you only have that deep empathy for people whom you see yourself in. it's fascinating how the people who babble about empathy all the time expose how truly self-centered they are.

>> No.15267367

What are you even saying?

>> No.15267385

ME/CFS cannot be diagnosed empirically, there is no test for it. Diagnosis relies entirely on the patients self-reported symptoms.

She's faking it.

>> No.15267392

"chronic fatigue syndrome"

aka lazy stupid bitches using a pseudo-scientific medical diagnosis as their excuse for being lazy.

>> No.15267393

She has severe vax side effects, which can be diagnoses, but doesn't want to admit it (and the doctors won't diagnose that).

>> No.15267395

The part where it effecting women twice as often as men is a big hint. It's psychosomatic. Women make up diseases more often then men.

>> No.15267398

>brain temperature of 102 F
Because they wrapped her up like a mummy.

>> No.15267400

>there probably is no evidence of her actually being a particular bad person,
She's an e-celeb, of course she's a bad person.

>> No.15267412

Very good point.
It does (see >>15267345 ).
I suspect the virological reasons for it being less likely in that case are

1. You are not infected while your immune system works
2. The vaccines are less of a mess generally (mRNA-Vaccines encode the spike-vaccine only and so your immune system will not be able to produce antibodies against the other virus parts such as the E,M or N proteins (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SARS-CoV-2#Virology).). Furthermore the mRNA-Vaccines are "streamlined" versions of the spikeproteins (See https://youtu.be/Pe4X5GcmHHM?t=607).). This might also suggest why non-mRNA-based vaccines tend to be more dangerous (e.g. AstraZeneca https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine#Post-vaccination_complications).).

Again, all of this is speculation, I will stop posting now.

>> No.15267413

here's what happened.
>two years ago dianna gets spooked by covid outputting videos on it
>11 months ago dianna concusses herself trying to surf
she probably got brain damage from the concussion, traumatizing her brain (in the literal sense of trauma, i.e. forming lesions) and reverting to one of her most recent fears: covid. this induced the psychosomatic treadmill of thinking she had long covid. her hysteria makes things worse, such as triple wrapping her face in masks (making her unable to breathe, also intaking her literal exhalations for a bit of oxygen, burning her temp up). so what you end up with are real, detectable symptoms due entirely to behavioral stupidity.

>> No.15267423
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>only have that deep empathy for people
Subhumans who blindly follow their leaders and don't think for themselves = non-people.

>> No.15267424

Basically, all the bitch needs to do is go outside, get some fresh air and [wo]man the fuck up. Brain damage isn't so bad, lots of people live healthy successful lives with brain damage. OP can tell us all about that I'm sure.

>> No.15267425

adding on, post-concussion fatigue is a thing.

>> No.15267429

>non-vaxxed Conservative
Most people who are not vaccinated are not conservatives. Most unvaccinated are blacks, Native Americans, Immigrants, 3rd worlders. Those demographics are usually not politically affiliated.

>> No.15267438

Very interesting. That would line up perfectly.

>> No.15267446

>This might also suggest why non-mRNA-based vaccines tend to be more dangerous (e.g. AstraZeneca https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/COVID-19_vaccine#Post-vaccination_complications).).
I'm not sure I believe the viral vectors are more dangerous. Some studies have failed to show a greater risk from the viral vectors, and also concluded they did a better job at reducing all-cause mortality. So we run into the issue of cynicism and questioning whether viral vectors were quashed unfairly because mRNA was considered the hot new technology.

>None of the vaccines showed evidence of a difference on serious adverse events, but observational evidence suggested rare serious adverse events. All the vaccines increased the risk of non-serious adverse events.
>The evidence suggests that all the included vaccines are effective in preventing COVID-19. The mRNA vaccines seem most effective in preventing COVID-19, but viral vector vaccines seem most effective in reducing mortality. >Further trials and longer follow-up are necessary to provide better insight into the safety profile of these vaccines.

>> No.15267449

I can't find a description of this condition online as you describe it(particularly how it always gets worse and people basically end like vegetables). I'm also finding a lot of people saying it's not real. Got any sources?

>> No.15267450

I would also bet that inflammation from the vaccines (and covid too if she was infected) is not ideal when recovering from a brain injury.

>> No.15267455


(the original lyrics also fit except if it was more about cuckery and loving being trapped)

>> No.15267463

Metal song thread!
That mask though, sure looks like something a metal band would wear. WTF is with it? And why does it say Patreon on it? Isn't that a Russia-financed organization?

>> No.15267466

Yeah maybe that is too speculative. Thank you for the paper.

>> No.15267470

>post-concussion fatigue
She bang her head on the headboard too many times?

>> No.15267478

>11 months ago dianna concusses herself trying to surf
Is there a video/source for this part?

>> No.15267480

To clarify: When talking about AstraZeneca I was referring to the "clotshot" part of them being more likely to produce adverse events, not their efficacy against infection/death(/hospitalisation).
Nonetheless you're right in taking it with a grain of salt.

>> No.15267484


>> No.15267488

Thank you, your theory is compelling.

>> No.15267491

"I fell down the stairs."

>> No.15267501

black eye from surfing. Yeah, never heard that excuse before. kek!
Broken nose, yes. But a black eye?

>> No.15267512

It could happen, but I'm deeply amused by the possibility that her soiboy husband has simply battered her half into a coma.

>> No.15267523

my head canon is now that she cheated on him so he beat her into a coma.

>> No.15267526

>beats his disloyal wife into a coma
>gets her simps to pay for it using her patreon
if true, he's unfathomably based.

>> No.15267575

Plot twist. Maybe it was the bull(s) that was/were cucking him that beat her?

>> No.15267585

yeah I believe this
"freak surfing accident first wave of the day!"
"I was surfing someone else's penis and I got smacked in the face when my husband caught me"

>> No.15267614

has a sex tape been released yet?

>> No.15268067

Goddamn a second transparent grift to collect some sympathy points and likely shekels from her simp base.
She is addicted to being a sufferer.

>> No.15268244
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>> No.15268327
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Wrong you ignorant piece of shit. You need at least 12 Covid boosters in each arm to protect Pfizer's profits. Now get the fuck out of here and get those boosters!

>> No.15268436

this isn't proof and the OP reads like bait but my mom has always had ME/CFS
she always tried to spend her much time doing familial duties and invariably ended up exhausted after the smallest tasks
it sucks and i have no doubt that the symptoms are real

>> No.15268439

>it's real because trust me my mom has it bro

>> No.15268443

>>it's real because trust me my mom has it bro
i say that but don't look like that

you can discard my example if you'd like, anyone can lie on the internet. but by my observations i concluded that it would be extremely improbable (and also completely nonsensical) for her to fake these symptoms. therefore i extrapolate this to other people who claim to have ME/CFS

>> No.15268468

all women do is cheat, lie and manipulate, but I'm sure your mother is different lol

>> No.15268477

i'm sorry you feel that way anon

>> No.15268506

Wouldn't it be amusing if she had a ball gag on under that mask haha

>> No.15268519

funny yeah, ha ha ha! wouldnt it be funny guys?

>> No.15268530

i have a far milder version of this condition. yes it's real, you retards. mine was definitely triggered by a virus, probably epstein-barr. it fucking sucks because apparently it just stays with you forever.

>> No.15268534

She definitely has.

>> No.15268536

>I'm depressed and tired of my life
>it's totally a virus bro

>> No.15268609

Hang in there bro, don't listen to the retards.

>> No.15268624

OP can't show the full pic because it's NSFW. She's wearing a straitjacket and someone is tickling her feet.

>> No.15268926

The symptoms are definitely real but ME/CFS is just a label, not an explanation. I would bet that 8/10 times the symptoms are actually caused by something that is well-understood but undiagnosed because doctors and the medical system as a whole are often pathetically incompetent and useless compared to what the general public who hasn't had to deal with them likes to imagine.

>> No.15268944

i even know exactly who i got the virus from. it started exactly like a viral infection, it was acute and severe. later it changed into a milder, chronic phase.

>> No.15268947

>I thought I had mono for an entire year, turns out I was just really bored

>> No.15268964

Its not depression you just are tired. You know how some people have chronic pain? Well some people have chronic tiredness. It just is. Its also a continuum, i bet most men just suck it up and keep working even if they are tired unless its a bad case, like they do with chronic pain. Hence why people think its a woman disease.
Its the type of tired that sleep wont fix.

>> No.15268966

you're probably trolling, but i'll entertain it anyway. one of my tonsils is quite clearly enlarged, and painful to the touch. i have persistent redness and tenderness around my eyes (like a mild, chronic blepharitis), and the worst thing is a dizziness that never goes away, which worsens when standing up. this is a biological disease.

>> No.15268967

It's a quote from a 30 year old movie you insufferable cunt

>> No.15268974

he's too tired to be cultured. though he can waste his days away posting on the 4chan while collecting disability checks.

>> No.15268978

thanks bro, at least there are some people such as yourself, with some sense and willing to believe something which really isn't hard to believe at all.

>> No.15268985

You don't want a cure. You just want validation. Further indications that it's a psychosomatic disease that impacts the mentally weak. The other possibility is that you literally have brain damage. Ever been dropped on your head?

>> No.15268997

it has ruined my life. inb4 "it's a quote xd" whatever mate.

>> No.15269004

All I'm hearing is "I'm a little bitch"

>> No.15269015

>The other possibility is that you literally have brain damage.
This is perfectly possible and doesn't contradict the biological reality of chronic fatigue.

>> No.15269032

I speak from personal experience.

>> No.15269036

sorry you have to deal with this nightmare as well then.

>> No.15269037

It's funny because if you actually bothered to learn about this illness you'd find that people with ME/CFS want two things:
- a cure
- a biomarker
If ME/CFS was psychosomatic the above wouldn't make sense.

>> No.15269041

I'm mild to moderate at the moment. I'm able to have some semblance of life, but I had to cut all the "fat" in my life. Just don't push it to hard if you can, bro.

>> No.15269043

Wanting things they'll never get isn't a very risky prospect.

>> No.15269063

I have some history of consumption of heroin and ketamine too, and I can say, it makes the pain the other feel without it somehow bearable.

>> No.15269069

You can already prove objectively that you have ME/CFS, it's just not commonly done because it's expensive and invasive (the procedure can potentially worsen your condition permanently). In a few years we might get blood based biomarkers that are cheap enough and not invasive, they already seem to work but they need to be "industrialized". I'm sorry you want to believe in psychobabble so much, but on the other hand I don't expect much from the resident /sci/ schizo.

>> No.15269077

>You can already prove objectively that you have ME/CFS
kek what is this cope

>> No.15269082

>>You can already prove objectively that you have ME/CFS
No, you cannot. There are no "biomarkers", no chemical tests, no empirical tests at all, nor even a consistent theory for a biological cause of CFS. CFS is diagnosed solely based on the symptoms reported by the patient.

>> No.15269135

>CFS is diagnosed solely based on the symptoms reported by the patient.
So is AIDS in many African countries.

>> No.15269137

>weird disease I’ve never heard of is suddenly super common
>makes you allergic to hard work
>”we only need 600gorillion in donations and govt funding to cure it!”
Yeah okay I may not be a genius but what the actual fuck is going on

>> No.15269140

Lab tests for AIDS exist. Lab tests for CFS do not.

>> No.15269143

I was referring to the 2 day CPET. I guess ME/CFS patients are able to psychosomatically influence their metabolism, they are that powerful. There are no commercial based biomarkers, yet, but the work of Paul Fisher is quite promising since it can already discern ME/CFS patients based on mitochondrial function alone. It's already abundantly clear that ME/CFS is a problem of disrupted metabolism (with immune system involvement), multiple groups are now working on it and if it all goes well there will be a commercial biomarker before the end of this decade, and maybe even some treatments.

>> No.15269146

Measures your general athleticism. Cannot diagnose CFS.

>> No.15269148

It surely has nothing to do with experimental injections that have been released in 2021.

>> No.15269152

>makes you allergic to hard work
It’s this. Lazy hamplanets realized they get gvt gibs if they have a debilitating disease and since CFS is diagnosed based on patients account of symptoms only it’s extremely easy to fake
>1 in 250 have it
More like 1 in 250 don’t want to work and found a way to make YOUR tax dollars pay for it.

>> No.15269154

Wagie seething

>> No.15269168

2-day CPET, not vanilla CPET. To simplify a bit, it measure your ability to recover from effort. It's abnormal in ME/CFS and it can't be explained by deconditioning. Keep believing what you want.

>> No.15269192

No, in fact I just made an important appointment to go see my doc, I think I’ve got a bad case of cfs coming on

>> No.15269413

>So is AIDS in many African countries.
And...? Go on, you know what that means.

>> No.15269426

is that the argument you want to make? those same african countries believe raping infants will cure them of aids. by your reasoning, we should legitimize such delusions.

>> No.15270304

so the jews literally made a torture disease shot and tricked normie goyim into taking it?

not surprised
I kinda feel bad that I don't care, but people don't have excuses anymore; this shit is so blatant

>> No.15270487

I am still waiting for medicine to catch up with what I have long suspected is the case. The etiology of CFS and similar syndromes like fibromyalgia are ultimately going to be discovered to be related to the etiology of ADHD, especially of the inattentive subtype. For most people I wager that treatments that work on the associated executive functioning impairments will also work to treat chronic fatigue and the chronic pain of things like fibromyalgia, because in most cases they will share a common etiology neurologically. CFS/Fibro/etc have the same etiology as ADHD.

Some people have clued in on this but I find the slow progress of research frustrating, or even not extant. In spite of the fact physiologic and cognitive presentations of all of them are so strikingly similar.

Sadly I cannot lay claim to discovering the obvious, as that award will go to Joel Young https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.3810/pgm.2013.01.2631

>> No.15271214

>people basically end like vegetables
Google "very severe ME/CFS", and/or check out the last video linked here >>15266057.

>> No.15271236

>mandated experimental gene therapy under falsified pretenses
>people suffer the consequences, demand me to suffer with them
covid-19 is just a flu. Whatever you have, you got by obeying, not from covid. You deserve everything happening to you, and it is very hard for me to relate to your pain when you blame me and demand I join you.

>> No.15271285

me/cfs isn't a psychological condition, imbecile.

>> No.15272179

Has someone slipped in her room and made a sex tape with her yet?

>> No.15272184

He said neurological. Neurology != psychology.

>> No.15272195

>Cure this shit.
Don't take covid vaccines

>> No.15272207

Avoid the Flu vaccines also, as they are slipping the same stuff into them or "mistakingly" giving people covid-vaccines instead of the flu vaccines. That happened to over 10,000 military personnel.

>> No.15272212

>It is _BY FAAAAAR_ the worst disease that a human being can _POSSIBLY_ get
I know a worse one

>> No.15272218

i know bro, they even "mistook it" for babies

>> No.15272221

just spent like 10 minuts looking in to this, and it's fairly obvious this bitch is faking it. possibly the entire family is in on it? expecting her to get better soon and milk everything out her "amazing fight against long covid". books and everything.

>> No.15272224

It's certainly one way for her to get a nest-egg now that she's post-wall and childless.

>> No.15272956


I've done a ton of research on ME/CFS (as I thought I may have had a mild form of it after having covid). There's a protocol she can follow called the "long covid" protocol that essentially involves taking an anti-histamine like levocitrizine and supplementing with niacin.
Supposodly the way that MECFS works is that there is severe dysregulation of the sympathetic/parasympathetic nervous system, and what happens is the SNS becomes the dominant NS. This leads to bizarre symptoms like post exertional malaise, food intolerances, severe unrelenting fatique, heart palpitations, extreme sentivity to light and sound. This is because the fight or flight NS becomes the new dominant NS. It's kind of like having a panic attack all day.

You can get out of ME/CFS but it's really really fucking hard, you basically have to supplement with the correct prebiotics/probiotics, avoid sugar but get your colors in when it comes to fruit. And you have to do a ton of fasting. I wish her all the luck in the world, it's a damn shame but it's absolutely real disease that I would not wish on my worst enemy.

>> No.15272963



The reason why you have to supplement is because the gut brain axis gets fucked up during an infection like covid. Once that happens, candida and opportunistic infections take hold of the gut which throws everything out of whack, to put it simply. If she took an OAT test, she would show clear signs of gut dysbiosis. Fix the gut, fix ME/CFS. It's still not easy at all.

>> No.15273006

>taking an anti-histamine like levocitrizine

>> No.15273015
File: 29 KB, 400x580, BdPBG_jCcAAXHry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Placebo and the ongoing evolution of what amounts to confirmation bias witch docotring

>> No.15273038


More of a long covid thing, for those with LC the mast cells (the immune cells) become overactive. Histamines significantly affect the mast cells, so antihistamines greatly help with symptoms. Low histamine diet also helps.

>> No.15273053

So vaccine injury is an autoimmune disease caused by spike overexpression?

>> No.15273082

That can potentially have some effect on inflammation related to histamines but does not relate to the etiology of either condition nor treat the neurological problems associated. Treating symptom not cause.

>> No.15273096


LC is just another name for "MCAS", or mast cell activation syndrome. The antihistamines help with relieving symptoms.

>> No.15273110

...No. No, I am talking about neurologically related damage and/or divergence. There's a reason I mentioned it likely shares etiology with ADHD. In that respect CFS is not at all related to LC excepting where related damage occurs sharing neural etiology with ADHD/CFS.

At no point does "give antihistamines" reverse that damage except indirectly where possibly mediated by autoimmunity -- anyhow doesn't reverse the damage already there.

>> No.15273318

That's called being an adult.

>> No.15273324
File: 740 KB, 647x1292, chrome_hHiSVzwbbF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>guys im just so tired all i can do is mope in bed all day, avoiding all sunlight, and take selfies
>why are my muscles so weak after i spent weeks lying in bed refusing to even feed myself
>it must be a totally real disease!!

>> No.15273338

i had it for years and it practically dissapeared after i got the wuflu, ironically enough. i think the high fever helped clean my body up.

>> No.15273340
File: 116 KB, 662x791, chrome_QbIrjhOJ90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These long covid fucks are one of the worst conspiracy groups I've ever seen. At least flat earthers aren't causing harm.

>> No.15273342

youre a midwit sociopath who is probably in medical school. you fit right in

>> No.15273351

>hey guys, I'm dying
>have a look at my cute selfie
Why are women like that?

>> No.15273936
File: 819 KB, 1242x2148, 1678804727992.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It can't be the vaxx. She works for WEF. She only got the placebo vaxx.

>> No.15274001

that is literally textbook depression

>> No.15274010

did she actually take this advice? top kek

>> No.15274146

Do any visible (via diagnostic imaging / contrast study / etc) brain changes occur?
If real, sounds like some form of MS or the like (which is itself an umbrella).
If someone I cared about was living this way (this persistent chronic pain and complete vegetative state) she'd be on hospice and getting an oral dose of analgesics until her pain stopped

>> No.15275639
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>mere pain that is treatable with medication and surgery
>somehow worse than being stuck in silent darkness, totally alone for life as a non-communicating vegetable in pain so severe not even heroin can alleviate it
Uhm... how, exactly?

>> No.15275654

Bottom tier WEF. They can't all live in Elysium. Have to cull the herd of even their own kind.

Every utopia has a border wall and a max-seating capacity, otherwise it is not exclusive.

>> No.15275802 [DELETED] 


>> No.15275985

You realize yuppie flu is highly treatable by forcing patients to get off their asses and exercise, right?

>> No.15276222

Hijacking this thread with no survivors.
About a year ago I started getting migraines (quite odd for a man, but that is besides the point), even though I mostly got them under control by means of nutrition, hydration and sports (daily swimming), shit still heavily interferes with my focus and mind in general while also fucking my sleep up.
Doesn't help much when considering ADD fucks my shit up too and that this all is somehow tied to low blood pressure causing constant lethargy.
It's getting too hard to study anons, what do?

Looking stuff up online is useless, I keep getting all these retarded Karen websites recommending crystals or whatever BS they come up with.

>> No.15276287


>> No.15276785

>You realize yuppie flu is highly treatable by forcing patients to get off their asses and exercise, right?
No, because it is more than just demonstrably false, it is also demonstrably extremely harmful, which is why ME/CFS is such a brutal disease to begin with. If it could be exercised away, it would never be a problem to begin with. And how immeasurably naïve and uncharitable do you have to be on top of your already demonstrated ignorance to think that none of the tens of millions of people who have ME/CFS have not considered that exercise might help them get rid of it, LOL?

If a person with ME/CFS exercise, they become _PERMANENTLY_ worse. There is no getting around PEM (Post-Exertional Malaise). Do you even know what PEM is and how it works?

>> No.15276809

Uhhh there's nothing in the literature saying they become permanently worse. I think you're the one who doesn't seem to know how any of it works.

>> No.15277176

>If a person with ME/CFS exercise, they become _PERMANENTLY_ worse.
This is like Big Yud saying that fat people don't lose weight if they stop eating.

>> No.15277573
File: 987 KB, 900x3055, sa4kkkgx71h51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is very much part of it, because we've gotten too far away from what food is and what it does.
100 years ago we knew that if someone looked weak as fuck like her then they needed lots of high quality nutrition, but today we just keep eating total garbage and act like nothing is connected.
even in the video, they showed the "caring" boyfriend putting fucking scrambled eggs and shit in the blender. hello?? make her some god damn soup like every other society in history and not whatever random concept that you'd never eat yourself.

>> No.15278762

>>Cure this shit.
>someone already did, it's called euthanasia
With that logic we already have the cure for every disease, illness, handicap, injury, mental health problem, etc. Then why do we have medicine, doctors, and hospitals, etc? According to you, as soon as any human being has the slightest health issue, just euthanize them! Cure for everything has been found guys! Give this genius all the Nobel prizes in medicine and physiology until the end of time for his infallible cure for all health problems!

>> No.15279530

How is it to wake up retarded every day? Its a real disease and it’s likely the vaccine or covid triggers the conditions that Pfizer would not want known.

>> No.15279740

>t. seething fatty

>> No.15279792

>Broken nose, yes. But a black eye?
I do boxing as a hobby and you can get black eyes from a nose break. To think otherwise is genuinely retarded.
>Link contains pictures of black eyes cause by a broken nose

>> No.15279798

She doesn't have a broken nose though, just a shiner and a contusion over her eye socket like someone gave her a knuckle sandwich. Maybe if the board hit her flat-side on right in the face?

>> No.15279801

how is this dumb thread still going? yes, me/cfs is real, and it is not psychosomatic. move on now.

>> No.15279806

I know 2 people who have CFS, though they all also have other issues like vitimin B12 deficiency and another suffers from a form of epilepsy and had a stroke at 20. I feel quite bad for them as I have watched them go from being normal teenagers to needing to use wheelchairs by their early 20s.

>> No.15279841

Because she has a vaccine injury and people are dancing around it.

>> No.15279862

i feel like my brain has become progressively worse since i got covid, i feel like less of a person every day. do i have me/cfs? i've been trying to work out but i just keep sleeping more every day. i have a hard time remembering words and ideas, my memory just feels like absolute shit.

>> No.15279867

How many shots?

>> No.15279877

had 2-part pfizer shot plus booster when I got it.

>> No.15279951

But she didn't break her nose. Just the black eye and concussion from "surfing". Probably she was in a gang-bang.
Anyone have videos of the gang-bang?

>> No.15280308

i am getting old

>> No.15282015

>Its a real disease but she doesn't have it.
So she is faking complete inactivity for months and months and all her friends and family are either in on it or fooled by her act too? How is that a more likely explanation than that she simply has it?

>> No.15282028

>and all her friends and family are either in on it or fooled by her act too
Says who? THEM? The people in on the scam? Surely you can trust them! KEK!

It is either vaccine damage or a scam. Pick one.

>> No.15282061
File: 75 KB, 632x760, ds00852_im03656_c7_anal_canalthu_jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does she poop? Do her poop muscles still work or do her friends have to push her stomach to squeeze the poop out?

>> No.15282094

Hahahaha it's made up bullshit.
This person wrote made up bullshit up about their made up psychosomatic bullshit to post on this bullshit forum.
What a world I'm living.
I hope you're a bot, that'd make more sense

>> No.15282454

From what I've seen in ER, all the "cfs" people manage to get up and use the toilet when they need to shit. Not once seen or heard of one soiling themselves. From the same people demanding an IV because they're "too tired" to drink water.

>> No.15283030


>> No.15283920

dumbfuck cunt I

>> No.15285166

>nooo you're not sick unless you shit in the bed

>> No.15285839

>It is either vaccine damage or a scam. Pick one.
How do people become like this? Why is it so hard for them to accept that ME/CFS is real? What causes the psychological refusal to do so?

>> No.15286979

My exact thoughts when I read it. All "hard to diagnose" symptoms. Most of it self reported stuff.

>> No.15286988

She wasnt healthy to begin with. Look at how pointy her cheeks are. I have no evidence to support it but a lot of people with pointy and exaggerated cheeks are sickly.

>> No.15286994

>It is either vaccine damage or a scam. Pick one.

>> No.15287010

People here don't read scientific literature or use their brain. They're just the 4chan variant of normies.

>> No.15287098
File: 24 KB, 244x299, 244px-Leo_Tolstoy_by_Nesterov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally someone is asking the important questions.

>> No.15287179

have you tried coffee?

>> No.15287417


>> No.15288691

>let's lie down in a dark room the rest of my life for the more attention I will get from it than if I had continued my life as a youtuber with millions of view per video
I doubt physics girl reasons like that anon

>> No.15288699

>thinking women are logical

>> No.15288718

>Cure this shit.
i think most of these (including long covid) are going to turn out to be inflammatory (autoimmune or infection) or vascular injuries of some kind
anecdotally i had a small skin infection that was stable (not growing but not healing) and after a few weeks i was ridiculously tired 24/7, couldn't think properly, tachycardia, O2 jumping 90-96, and all of it went away within a week of using topical antibiotics on the skin infection
prior to even thinking about doing something for the skin infection i had seen multiple doctors for the other symptoms including at 3 different hospitals, and the only diagnosis they could come up with was 'anxiety' (raised neutrophils & physical symptoms ignored)
this is in a city with 2+ mil people in a 1st world free healthcare country, so it wouldn't surprise me if all these fatigue-related diseases were just catchall misdiagnoses because the medical professionals don't want to think too hard and/or have a ton of other patients with easy visible stuff like broken bones to look at

>> No.15288750

>because the medical professionals don't want to think too hard and/or have a ton of other patients with easy visible stuff like broken bones to look at
It's actually much more that they have to triangulate each visit into the bounds of standard practice, especially within hospital systems. So how should some vague thing be fit into the paradigm of diagnosis-prescription-procedure-referral?
Unfortunately it ends up being a category mistake to see doctor visits as solutions to all ailments when really they only offer specific kinds of products and services.
I think you're right that there is a huge amount of inflammatory disease happening, and it's also why so many powerful anti-immune drugs are being pushed now. But those are worse solutions than figuring out how to establish tight control over lifestyle, which is extremely complex and not immediate.

>> No.15288820

That's a bit too much for me, but I'm reassured that my 5 booster weren't too many, thanks anon

>> No.15289116

The 6th boostie hits the sweet spot, and they get better from there.

Catch up and get jabbed, you get a cool sticker to show off in selfies and brag about on the gram if you get the 7th boostie.

>> No.15290359

Diane, just be honest and say you scammed us all for attention, you're just a woman after all.

>> No.15290515

That doesn’t mean they can complete any other tasks as well as other people. They might have orthostatic intolerance where they tire out.

>> No.15290517

This board is filled with mentally retarded teenagers.

>> No.15291202

This disease makes you cut your hair off in your sleep

>> No.15291494

Wow, very brave.

>> No.15291564

Now she needs to get naked on OF.
It's the only reason anyone has ever paid attention to her to begin with.

>> No.15292768

>women are not fun or interesting at all, ever, beyond their bodies
What it looks like when the coomer mindset takes over a person's entire worldview, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.15294023

This Stanford University PhD studies ME/CFS professionally and has a son who has had very severe ME/CFS for many years, long before Covid and its vaccines were around:


Listen to him describe his son's condition in the first 2-3 minutes. Does it sound like he too "just has a vaccine injury"?

>> No.15294218

He's a PhD who is totally committed to it and still has no idea what it is, so that's the problem. At least bullshit explanations have a chance compared to his hopeless non-explanation.

>> No.15294251

It’s more real than being an incel.

>> No.15294255

>Cooms to pictures of masked vaxx girl.

>> No.15294265

I am depressed and tired of my life, but I don't have chronic fatigue.

>> No.15294342

So this grifter ain't dead yet. Shame. I'll check back in another month. Let us all pray it'll be over in one month...

>> No.15294862
File: 37 KB, 823x781, patreon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no refunds

>> No.15295014

Don't engage with nigger-brained /pol/tards

>> No.15295031

Nah, it's even treatable nowadays
This is more of a contender

>> No.15295563

overshare dude we dont need to know

>> No.15295625

Copium ("this could never happen to me")
and occasionally just brain-rotten edginess and contrarianism

>> No.15295634

An "ironic nazi" is a fucking Nazi. There is no difference. Nazis are deliberately wrong and do not care about truth. So of course, you don't have to actually believe fascist talking points to be one.

>> No.15295973

this reads and sounds like absolute bullshit. the video someone posted above also had a plaster in a perfectly angled position on her face, for maximum attention.

>> No.15295978

watch sodium intake. though that is a cliched solution. make sure you aren't spending too much time looking at a screen, you can get migraines from constantly focusing on something close to you because your lens muscles tense up. not to mention the reduction of melatonin via blue wavelengths of light make things even worse over time.

>> No.15296664

Yeah. Also there's no such thing as an involuntary celibate male while 1/10 morbidly obese old women are still single.

>> No.15296670

>Nazis are deliberately wrong and do not care about truth.

>> No.15296673

I haven't used this board in 10 years but this is the exact kind of poltard electionnigger garbage I expected upon glancing at it

>> No.15296688


>> No.15296731

there was a time in my life where i thought "woah i think im starting to get fibromyalgia" but then i decided to stop staying inside all day looping my thoughts in introspection and went outside and it went away

im convinced its "mildly unhealthy middle aged woman" disease

>> No.15296733

i would love to see a CFS or fibromyalgia person that didnt have five butlers and an extremely active social media presence, would be interesting

>> No.15296761

today i learned that this illness originated in 2020 with the vaccine, thanks /sci/pol/

>> No.15296769

>couldn't even match the font when adding his faggy little /pol/tard addition
kill yourself

>> No.15296837
File: 180 KB, 5000x4390, ead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disease denialism is nothing new, especially for women who have more fragile bodies, say what you want about somebodies moral character but people don't just fake diseases, lying in bed all day isn't fun

>> No.15296887

To play Devil's advocate
Whitney Dafoe did a lot of international travel and has therefore had a shit ton of different vaccines, I guess it's not totally unthinkable that a reaction to a vaccine started his problems. Still pretty farfetched.

>> No.15298007

yeah pretty much. the more you see, the more you realize it's the contributing factors of poor diet, little exercise, high stress, disordered sleep, etc, and when they actually test vitamin status it's usually pretty shitty.

>> No.15299248

look at this newfag who doesn't understand greentext. kek

>> No.15299563

>though they all also have other issues like vitimin B12 deficiency
It's going to be something that government or one of its large backers did to the entire population and it's in the interest of too many people to keep it hidden. Maybe folic acid added to flour by government mandate interacting with relatively common genetic mutations. Or genetics and some particular cooking oil or other common highly processed product. Maybe glyphosate residue in higher concentrations in grain from desiccation.

>> No.15299571

>and the only diagnosis they could come up with was 'anxiety'
I hate how this is the default "go fuck yourself" diagnosis. It chases people into the arms of quacks, since at least a naturopath is more likely to look deeper into lifestyle fixes or run more tests even though results aren't likely to equal simply taking a pharma pill to make the condition go away.

>> No.15299582
File: 1.62 MB, 709x995, 89144905-671F-481E-8F57-83B69EBA41FE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true. we must continue to fund the production and distribution of vaxx and we must give the communist-controlled WHO full authority over the bodies of all humans on earth. clearly we have no choice. this is the new forever normal.


>> No.15299822

stop spreading misinformation, the science has changed, you need 18 boosters.
sci u disapoint

>> No.15301189

>no idea
He seems to have some idea though.

>> No.15302970
File: 65 KB, 435x508, 1679723870956595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what happens when you trust the science

>> No.15303038

>long covid
only lazy libs who dont want to work ever get long covid. more like long lazy.

>> No.15303107
File: 1005 KB, 1080x1350, 334930853_1293774738019464_8451834041980687285_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, she's too lazy to breathe

>> No.15304408

fragile? they're strong independent women that need no man, let them continue this fantasy

>> No.15304443

>But here? Come on, you are supposed to at least read the Wikipedia
you try to find logic in a site, that has most traffic on /pol/, which is 50% unironical nazis and 50% people trolling the nazis.

>> No.15304603

MCAS is associated wkth elevated tryptase levels, isnt it?

>> No.15304608

Man, you dont imagine how rigid doctors are.
Im struggling to get the cause of my condition at least diagnosed, but they keep saying its psychosomatics

>> No.15304651
File: 2.94 MB, 2781x3206, TIMESAND___ExideBusiness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if only you knew how quickly I would clean that shit up

>> No.15305181

>cure this shit
just don't get the fake vax lol lmao

>> No.15305246

no all she needs is me. i can fix her.

>> No.15305261

so that would include all Qfags and MAGAfags

>> No.15305765

>Qfags and MAGAfags
All government glowies.

>> No.15305781
File: 34 KB, 632x796, US government Drug War Failure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

99% of medical community.
"Doctors" are just government approved drug dealers.

Hardly anyone were drug addicts when the "war on drugs" got rolling in the 1980s-1990s and now western countries have the highest rate of drug addiction in history.

>> No.15306093

Based Tooker, big fan, hope your doing well

>> No.15306140

This sounds like depression anon? There is no cure

>> No.15306155

Face it, that's qualified as a meme since 4chan was founded.


>> No.15306168
File: 121 KB, 1480x1622, SouthKoreaComparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You still really have faith in these 'vaccines', don't you?

>> No.15306173
File: 207 KB, 1080x1123, excessdeathsbeforeafter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Up is down.
Lies are truth.
Science is faith.

>> No.15306178

>She is probably just a normie liberal

She's a WEF speaker and major youtube influencer that has been very pro-vax.

>> No.15306183

>I do actually feel quite bad for her because I've been through the medical machine myself.

I'm just recovering from 2 years of intense suffering due to malicious malpractice. I, however, was abused and my 'consent' wasn't important.

Many of my symptoms were very similar. I feel like I still cannot sympathize with these idiots who signed a waiver for an experimental gene therapy.

>> No.15306187

>She's a WEF speaker and major youtube influencer that has been very pro-vax.
Fuck her then. She gets what she deserves. Now for the rest of them....

>> No.15306193

Have you seen the data now released by FOIA showing that the lipid nanoparticles spread throughout the entire body?

>one of the many lies about the shots.

>> No.15306201

It's far more comforting to believe in the competence of the authority you blindly comply with than to believe you are complying with idiocy.

>> No.15306224

>as soon as any human being has the slightest health issue, just euthanize them!

I think that other poster is just Canadian.

>> No.15307298

>I think that other poster is just Canadian.
what does that have to do with anything

>> No.15307320

Terry dodged a bullet there

>> No.15308145

They've been very enthusiastic about euthanasia lately.