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15263120 No.15263120 [Reply] [Original]

Got bit by one of these little niggers and got a bullseye shaped rash. Doctor didn’t outright say it was Lyme but I’m pretty sure it is or something similar. Anyways I’m prescribed antibiotics now.

What am I in for Lymebros?

>> No.15263150

Lyme disease is absolutely catastrophic. You will wish you never hiked anywhere at all.

Don't look into any army or navy bases that did parasite research in the middle northeastern region in the 50s.

>> No.15263165

Got it when i was 5 and fucked me up so bad I had a NDE and had to be revived.
But it seems u got fixed early enough. Its only a problem undiagnosed

>> No.15263257

Amoxicillin is pretty effective. That's about it. B. burgdorferi isn't famous like K. pneumoniae or anything like that for expressing betalactamases.

>> No.15263273

>bullseye shaped rash
Erythema migrans is considered adequate for a Lyme diagnosis. I had the rash and one of the worst flu like illnesses of my life about six years ago. I was given two weeks of Doxycycline. It wasn't enough, I still have Lyme, I still test positive (which doctors dismiss, I was treated so it's impossible I still have active infection according to them), I feel awful at times and am developing new symptoms like numbness on the entire right side of my face. Now about to go the herbal route. Good luck, anon.

>> No.15263289

you have it without a doubt - the rash confirms it - it wraps tightly to your nerves and is hard to eradicate. it's a shit disease - good luck anon. we could have had a vaxx by now but faggots wrecked it for everyone.

>> No.15263294

>we could have had a vaxx by now but faggots wrecked it for everyone.
What is that supposed to mean?

>> No.15263302


>> No.15263311

>vaccine shown to cause long-term harm
>"we investigated ourselves and cleared ourselves of wrongdoing"
>still quietly pull the jab off the shelves to avoid lawsuits
Make something that doesn't cause chronic illness next time, egghead. I only wish they were this ashamed of Gardasil and the other crap they force kids to take now.

>> No.15263318

From what I understand, the vaccine was hell for the already infected. The problem with that is there's a lot of people who probably don't realize they are infected, and current tests for borrelia are terrible.

>> No.15263319

It also caused untreatable arthritis in uninfected people too, because it activated the same autoimmune response the infection does.

>> No.15263321

Hmm, I saw claims it was the actual bacteria digging into the cartilage to get out of the blood stream, but I never looked into it. Either way, sounds like the vaccine caused more problems than it solved.

>> No.15263322

Let me clarify that the article mentions that this happened, and just brushes it off like it's nbd. Same shit they do with ovarian failure and Gardasil.

>> No.15263390

AFAIK since you caught it right away and got antibiotics all will be fine. I know its not the same for everyone, when I grew up during summer I found a tick weekly. So that was considered normal and I was eventually diagnosed with lyme by coincidence. Who knows how long I had it. It was treated using antibiotics and no test for results was made. So at a later point during an unrelated blood test I asked them to check for lyme too because it was never confirmed gone. Turns out I don't have lyme anymore. If you get it an hero.

>> No.15263472


Something about Vitamin D helps clear it. A Canadian and Australian, I could not find it.

I found this guy about natural way to solve it


>> No.15263515

You're up for a course of antibiotics and then you'll be fine.
Lyme disease is only a problem if its diagnosed late. If you saw the rash then you caught it immediately after infection. Take the antibiotics and you probably won't even have any symptoms.
t. had Lyme disease

>> No.15263518

That’s what I’m hoping, caught the tick on my thigh yesterday morning and started doxy by dinner. Fuck me I don’t know how ticks are active already

>> No.15263670

breed possums

>> No.15263690

Shortsbros ...

>> No.15263708

For what it's worth, you're unlikely to test positive for borrielos unless you're actively taking something to kill it. Lyme is considered a stealth infection because it hides from both testing and the immune system. All that said, if you're not experiencing any symptoms then it's not worth worrying about.

>> No.15263715

good. eat pharma chems till you die.

>> No.15263756

What? When I went to the doc with the rash she went
>yep, probably borreliosis, we'll do a blood test to confirm
Did a blood test, confirmed, got antibiotics.

>> No.15263780

I don't get you lyme's disease people
I always notice ticks before they bite, I think they don't like my blood or something
I live in LI notorious for ticks

>> No.15263797
File: 84 KB, 1024x1024, Deer-Tick-Engorged-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never noticed the tick at all when I got Lyme. It's not like you can feel the little fuckers.
No idea where LI is, but I live in Czech Republic. They're fucking everywhere. Not just in the countryside either. Dog collects them just waking round the city.

>> No.15263800

I'm talking about your re-test. You will test positive initially, and for a while afterward, because it takes time for the bacteria to dig in and go stealth. After that it starts changing forms, moving around antigens, and entering cells, and then it directly destroys immune memory by attacking germinal centers. In other words, you can't accept a negative test as proof the antibiotics eliminated it, because it's almost guaranteed it didn't (recent studies with infected lab animals showed antibiotics did not clear the bacteria, they had active infection when they died and were autopsied). If you're asymptomatic then it's moot, for now anyway.

>> No.15263801

I got it once while camping in Poland. Went to a local hospital, no one on the staff spoke english, thankfully another patient helped me out and the doctor spoke french.
Anyway I got 21 days of antibiotics, the rash went away and I never had any other symptom. It's been a few years now.

That being said I'm a lazy neet so maybe I do have the fatigue problem but just don't notice it.

>> No.15263804

I swear mine started as a mosquito bite.

>> No.15263806

>for now anyway
It's been almost 20 years, I reckon I'm good.

>> No.15263816
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>I live in LI notorious for ticks
I too live in tick infested backwoods.
When you're aware of they're in the area you tend to be mindful and check yourself more than you would if you've never seen a tick in your life.

Do be careful of the smaller nymphs. They carry disease all the same but are harder to spot.

>> No.15263819

The prophylactic antibiotic works, if you got the red mark make sure you got it. Lymes is a bitch because it gets in the cartilage and blood flow doesn’t go there to transfer antibiotics in later infections

>> No.15263826

Doxycycline is preferred first line treatment to prevent the pathogen adapting to cell wall deficient forms.

>> No.15263832

Yeah, I usually catch ticks crawling up me but this one was tiny, didn’t feel it. It’s also not a time of year where ticks are typically out. I didn’t even go hiking, I had to have caught it walking through my field to feed by chicken flock. I blame my neighbors for assassinating my guineafowl

>> No.15263851

the difference is that, unlike the rona, lyme fucks you up for life. the downsides of the vaccine are unironically much better than being stuck with lyme.

>> No.15263853
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if they "carry disease", why aren't all animals living in woods already dead?

>> No.15263871

You get more retarded by the day.
Ticks don't just carry Lyme, they're little disease factories. The local ones here carry a form of encephalitis, and my new dog had anaplasmosis from ticks.

>> No.15263883

Well I dont know. First test it randomly popped up - they just tested for an additional set of things probably to be able to bill it or to be throughout.
Second test it didnt show up after treatment. Seems rather conclusive to me.

Regarding not being fucked up, gout and patella alta did that well enough. I dont even want to know what happens when you have gout and lyme disease for long. I guess you'd be wanting to look for a wheelchair and funky prescription meds.

>> No.15263887

What world are you living on? Amoxicillin is one of the most worthless antibiotics on the planet.

>> No.15263888

oh I see okay then consider the last reply as unsubstantial. But I believe the doctor would have mentioned the tests reliability issues. Are we certain there is 'one' test and not perhaps different tests with different sensitivity ? Not meaning to be rude but maybe things were updated and you missed that ?

>> No.15263893

That's probably about as good an outcome as you can hope for (well, other than not getting the tic at all). Just take a shitload of doxy and the usual stuff (Vit C/D/Zinc)

>> No.15263894

> my
oh, another personal story shill. you also caught omicron, lost smell, and swear it's true.

>> No.15263918


I discover something very interesting and use my one self to create this protocol I will describe bellow (NO WARRANTY):

FIRST: You need only two medicines during all the treatment: C Vitamin and Aroeira leaves

During all the treatment with the Aroeira leaves (described below) you need to maintain your immune system up-to-date and always working fine, and this is the job for the C Vitamin. Ingesting 2 g a day, divided in four applications of 500 mg, 4 times a day, so you can always keep forcing your immune system to be ready to fight. And don't worry because there is no overdosage problems with C Vitamin. C Vitamin is hydrophilic and all the excess will come out your body through your urine. But there is a method to potentialize its action in the organism. Only consume the pill format. Don't use the capsule format neither the soluble format, because it is a waste of money and it will be less efficient during the treatment. Over the time, using the pill format will grant a longer peak of C Vitamin in your organism.

SECOND: The tea made from Aroeira leaves.

To make tea from aroeira leaves, use only the old dark green leaves (the light green leaves are too young and don't have enough antibiotics inside).

First collect all the big dark green leaves you can find. Let them dry at the sun for 1-2 days, or until all the leaves are dry and crispy. After that you can even stock them forever if you need for future usage.

IMPORTANT: If you cannot identify an Aroeira tree find someone that can. You cannot risk your life making teas from trees you don't know.

To make the tea you will need 20 big dry dark green leaves per liter of water (aprox.). You can boil them in water until the water became tea colored.



>> No.15263921


You can (1) drink it (one cup of tea/day max) and (2) make a plaster on the entire affected region (the red spot, the circular white and the perimetral red mark of each infection area).

1 - Don't drink more than one cup a day to avoid intoxication (one of the signs is dizziness). Some people can only ingest even less then a cup/day. It depends on each person, and you can only discover it by trial and error. If you don't like the original flavor, you can put in the cup some sugar or even honey before drinking.

2 - For the dressing, you can do it several times a day (at least 4 times a day). First gentle scratch all the affected surface area with your nails and then apply the tea embedded in cotton. Keep pressing and gently moving the embedded cotton around the affected area for about 10 minutes. Properly discard all the used cottons later.

Repeat the entire process (1 and 2) daily up to all the marks disappear, PLUS ONE MORE WEEK. This "one more week" is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. It is necessary to grant that the infection underneat your skin will not erupt again in the same spot, or in an adjacent spot, and the microorganisms will not survive without erupt in the skin. Your organism will take care of it.

The prepared tea can be stored under refrigeration for TOPIC USAGE ONLY (you can use an empty drink bottle with the lid closed). BUT ALL DRINKABLE TEA MUST BE MADE FRESH DAILY (most because of the flavor). You can use 5 big dry dark green leaves for one cup of tea.

OBSERVATION: Also, in the case of the tea stored in the bottle in the refrigerator. If the same was affected by fungi over the time, don't worry, just pass through a paper filter all the liquid and re-store the same in another bottle. All the antibiotics are still there and the solution is still very efficient in the topic treatment.


>> No.15263923

I did some superficial reading and wow. Anons who say diagnosis can easily false positive or false negative and antibiotics can easily fail, also changing or remaining symptoms after antibiotics do not indicate success or failure seem to be right.
Maybe maybe I simply got lucky and dodged a bullet there with my coincidental diagnosis because I am pretty used to taking doxycycline for 2 weeks or so because of the girls nowadays.

>> No.15263924


Also, THIS PROTOCOL IS IDENTICAL FOR SPOROTRICHOSIS. And with the Aroeira protocol usage, the treatment is much faster, cheaper and safer than any other medical methods existent.

This protocol was created using my self as the guinea pig. In the past I was afflicted separately with both problems: Lime Disease and Sporotrichosis. Sporotrichosis was even worse but it was cured faster (2 weeks of treatment) than the actual medical procedure in the literature (06 months to one year of treatment).

This protocol I invented works very well for me, so I hope it will be useful to you all. If you all want, you can help reproduce this treatment and even try to fine tuning it in the future. I'm publishing this protocol in public domain.

>> No.15263963


Let me add some more information to the part I suggested to gently scratch the infected area (be it in Lime disease or Sporotrichosis). When you scratch before the dressing application,even if blood comes out of the infected area, it is ok. It will even help the antibiotics to act against the infection.

Don't worry but also don't exagerate in the scratching process to not hurt yourself unnecessarily.

In the case of the Sporotrichosis, you need to always remove the scab formed in the wound (the scab that never heals). That scab is the fungi way to protect itself while maintain itself "breathing" outside the body. To help erradicate it, you need to remove the scab before the dressing application, to optimize the effects of the antibiotics during treatment.

So the fungi always needs to be previously exposed before action.

NOTE: Only remove the scab that is easily removed. You need to understand what is only a fungi protection and what is a real scab that will properly heal.

>> No.15264407


Some more tips about what happened with me and how I created this protocol.


I have always rescued abandoned pets for more than 20 years, and in one occasion (around 2017) I found many cats with Sporotrichosis in its latests stage (and, unfortunately, they didn't survived). Probably one of them scratch my legs. At that time I was working with construction and notice that some wounds in my legs never properly heal (and it itched). And it continued like that for months and the problem was only growing. At that time I had not identified on my own that the symptoms was Sporotrichosis. Later someone told me what it was and how I could propably treat the wounds with Aroeira. So I created this protocol using myself as a guinea pig. And because the Sporotrichosis symptoms was in an advanced stage, the treatment lasted for two entire months. The process was tough with the original wounds healing and new adjacent ones appearing near the old spot, but I never desist and continued to treat the new wounds.

I notice that the fungi was very active inside my body and was trying to survive all the time. Also, in the ocasion I notice my immune system was practically down, so I also started intake large doses of C Vitamin. I also used very concentrated Aroeira tea in the treatment (as per description), and after 2 months I was cured.

>> No.15264412



After some time, I was treating some dogs with tick infestation, and later I notice in my body the presence of a red dot with an white halo and a red line circunferencing it (and it itched). Searching for images on the Internet I identified it was Lime disease and started the same treatment I did for Sporotrichosis and it works. And because it was very recent infection, in this case, in almost two weeks I was cured.

So, some of you will probably ask: Why didn't you go see a doctor? The answer is clear: I've always been poor, very poor.

In the Sporotrichosis case, right after I found out that I was infected, I discovered that there was a public treatment, but you had to travel long distances just to register and wait for too long until is your time to be treated. The drug was very expensive and needed to be imported, and there was always a lack of medicine. Also, the whole treatment lasted one entire year and at the end they weren't sure it could be cured.

Tipical of a 3rd world country where the supposed benefits do not reach the people in need, take too long, and there was always a chance to be discontinued. So, instead of creating bridges to help people, they build walls. So I started research about natural medicine and, NO, THERE IS NOTHING IN THE LITERATURE ABOUT THIS TREATMENT USING AROEIRA.

To be more specific, information about Aroeira being used for treatment in other diseases is very scarce, neither in books (old and good ones that I found), nor on the Internet (at that time). So I needed to fight this battle on my own. And I succeded.

>> No.15264569

Glad to hear it, anon. The fewer who get stuck with this crappy disease, the better.

>> No.15264633

>t. Not a physician

>> No.15264635

Post your source for that. Everything published says otherwise.

>> No.15264707

I've had lime before and I agree with the others, it totally fucked me up. I went to the doctor and he said it was too late and I'd just have to live with it. I wish I could go back because if I had the choice again I wouldn't have done it. I wouldn't have ordered lime in my cola, it tastes so bad. I might have just had a bit of lemon instead, or a dash of orange even, or straight I suppose like I usually have it

>> No.15264717

There's a 90s horror movie about ticks. It's called "Ticks". It's kind of gross really especially if you hate insects like I do, it's a bit like that arachnaphobia movie from the same period

>> No.15264866

yes, cattle must always go to a "doctor", npc must follow instructions. you did right.

>> No.15265281

so anyways, as I originally asked, what am I in for? The rash is seemingly fading after a day of taking doxycycline monohydrate, and besides the rash mark I’m pretty much asymptomatic. Am I going to go braindead/palsy for a few months or something? I really don’t know, doc didn’t tell me anything or even test me for anything

>> No.15265284

Um, one thing you could do is a topical antibiotic treatment. If it hasn't disseminated, you might be able to annihilate the bacteria locally. Lack of symptoms otherwise is probably a good sign.

>> No.15265303

>you have it without a doubt - the rash confirms it
100% this. If I were you, I'd do everything I could to get this treated ASAP. Buy antibiotics on the darknet if you have to (it's honestly not that difficult).

BTW stay far away from quinolone antibiotics. That shit is toxic and WILL fuck you up.

>> No.15265323
File: 17 KB, 474x273, boromir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit like this makes me scared of going outside and unironically touching grass. How can one small thing be so deadly?

>> No.15265368

He looks like he's sean bean

>> No.15265381

It's no life to live to be afraid of nature, but I'd consider an outer layer of permethrin coated clothing if you plan to go out in grassy areas. One caveat is it's dangerous to cats.

>> No.15265414


Also, a suggestion for those who cannot find Aroeira trees around yur place. The Aroeira trees produce what the food market calls PINK PEPPER. You can plant it easily. Just one pink pepper will generate a new Aroeira tree very fast. And the tree grows even faster in tropical regions. During growth the Aroeira tree loves water, so the more the merrier.

If you live in a cold place you can always try to cultivate it inside a greenhouse. A nutritious soil,a warm temperature, (artificial) sunlight (if needed) and water is all you need.

That way, you can have your own permanent supply of Aroeira leaves in your own yard, to use it anytime you want, whenever you want.

You need to try to find pink pepper originated from Schinus terebinthifolia (the Brazilian pepper). That way you will have access to the same Aroeira trees I have available in my country. The same I use to create this protocol.









>> No.15265426

>In 1982, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) banned the import of Brazilian peppercorns from France into the United States, asserting that people who eat the berries risk an array of acute symptoms, such as swollen eyelids and indigestion, similar to poison ivy.

>> No.15265492

So how would you lower the tick population?
Controlled periodical burning of the grassy areas?
Or is there some animal which eats these things?

>> No.15265498

breed opossum and chickens

>> No.15265574

good. that's the purpose of this shilled thread.

>> No.15265576

take methylene blue with the antibiotics also

if youre on amoxicillin consider stacking a tetracycline like doxycycline or minocycline on it

>> No.15265590


> In response, the Government of France maintained that the berries are safe to eat if grown in prescribed conditions.[5] The United States later lifted the ban.

>> No.15266409

You're very very likely good bro.
In my case (>>15263390) it can be safely assumed that it was discovered later than yours since it was a coincidental positive. I took the antibiotics the doc gave me for two weeks. This episode is years ago and I dont have conditions that I believe to be associated with lyme disease. Also retesting came back negative.
(I learned plenty through the discourse here and while I initially had a more positive outlook on lyme disease in general I believe my positivity about your case remains, at least supported by anecdote, unchanged.
Don't stress it. If you find yourself stressing it, ask yourself what you COULD do about it ? Take the meds. And live a healthy life. Eat healthy, exercise, stay hydrated. You should be doing all of those things if you care about your health, regardless of having lyme disease that sticks with you or not. And if you have it there is nothing more than this you could do either.
Also an hero ASAP before it becomes excrutiating pain.

>> No.15266454

>lyme disease has nothing to do with lime
I've been had

>> No.15267205

>Something about Vitamin D helps clear it.
Sunshine to the rescue yet once again.
No wonder the government healthcare systems constantly tells you to avoid sunshine.

>> No.15267236

Ticks kill wildlife all the time. Even moose.

>> No.15267250

Since fucking when you schizo

>> No.15267252

>why aren't all animals living in woods already dead?
Because most diseases just make life miserable for a long time.

>> No.15267261

Take antibiotics and stop worrying.
Very many people have it.
Some get joint problems 20 years down the line. No point in worrying about chances.

>> No.15267280

Basically, it has a slow progression and incubation period. Issue is that you dont know if you have it until it progressed quite far and that takes time - years. Erythrema migrans - bullseye - is good for diagnosis, but also what can happen is that you miss it because its in inconspicuous area or area that you have difficulty to see. Serology is necessary then for diagnosis. You should be also treated by antibiotics for 30 days (or one calendar month).

Idk if i have it. I had tickbites as a kid, and that one time one managed to stay attached to my head for like 1 or 2 full days. If i had erythrema migrans on my scalp - i would not have seen it because it would be covered by my hair. I also had a very very bad fever and sickness sometime later in that month. And when i mentioned the possibility and symptoms matching, my GP just dismissed it because it happened like 15 years ago.

>> No.15267284

Vigorously since the start of the covid-19 plandemic, but for years now with ozone hole propaganda.

>> No.15267310

>I also had a very very bad fever and sickness sometime later in that month.
That sounds suspicious for Lyme to me. Regarding Lyme complications down the road, the strains of bacteria in Europe are more prone to cause neurological issues, and the strains in N. America are more prone to cause joint issues. I was in the woods a lot as a kid, had plenty of ticks that were pulled off. Starting in my early teens I developed migrating joint pain, where I'd randomly have a joint swell and ache for 24 hours, then the pain would move to another joint. Apparently that's a pretty common trait of Lyme. I'd take the joint aches over the neurological symptoms any day.

>> No.15267529

I've been spending summers as a kid at my grandarent's - yes, Europe - Carpathian mountains, and they have a forest there with all the stuff you expect in a forest. Ticks were common enough, but not tick bites except for that one. I school we were drilled on necessity and precautions to be taken, because encephalitis was a high-risk thing. In any case, from my teens to this day - tired, low energy, random pains, joint pains (but no swelling), especially bad joint pain in hip area. Idk about neurological symptoms - thing is that the progress of the disease is slow, so one has a hard time to register changes.