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File: 333 KB, 1488x1488, natgeo-nov-1976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15257440 No.15257440 [Reply] [Original]

What caused the late 20th century mini ice age?

>> No.15257443

Greta traveled back in time and stopped the warming.

>> No.15257450

The sun, the same thing that causes all cyclical climate variation.

>> No.15257451

Earth's magnetic field actually

>> No.15257583
File: 366 KB, 1696x1325, cc_sun solar vs temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15257623

Same thing. Earth is electrically connected to the Sun.

>> No.15259216

So up to 1950 the short term peaks in solar irradiance is in anti phase with the short term temperature peaks, and then it inverts after 1950.

>> No.15259221

After 1950 the wandering of the poles kicked into overdrive and the Earth's magnetic field began to drastically weaken. At the same time irradiance declined but total solar energy entering the Earth system spiked due to electromagnetic forces from solar storms.

>> No.15259554

>the Earth's magnetic field began to drastically weaken
How can that cause such inversions?

>irradiance declined but total solar energy entering the Earth system spiked due to electromagnetic forces from solar storms
What electromagnetic forces? Some kind of electromagnetic phenomenon that somehow is not irradiance?

>> No.15259678

>What electromagnetic forces? Some kind of electromagnetic phenomenon that somehow is not irradiance?
Look up how solar particle discharges are coupled to the geomagnetic circuit. If you pay attention to NASA irradiance graphs during solar storms you can see total energy rises (in the form of charged particles) while irradiance plummets.

>> No.15261651

>solar particle discharges are coupled to the geomagnetic circuit
I did, found nothing relevant.
Secondly, the issue was electromagnetic forces, and you replied with particle discharges. And I still haven't gotten an answer to my questions in >>15259554.

>> No.15261976

>I did, found nothing relevant.
It's not my fault you're a stupid person.
>And I still haven't gotten an answer to my questions in
See point #1. You not understanding or not liking an answer doesn't make it false, it just makes you look bad.

>> No.15262301

So you haven't the faintest clue? Got it.

>> No.15262446
File: 417 KB, 1167x1629, Fotolia_62969225_Subscription_Monthly_M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we're just coming out of a late 1900s ice age then that means that ">muh global warming" is just a return to normal temperatures, not an end of the world scenario like the political classes keep on claiming

>> No.15263624

evidently so. the sun has to be earthed somehow.

>> No.15264421


>> No.15264425

I still find it hard to believe releasing all this CO2 in the atmosphere just does nothing. Climate alarmists are just victims of "nothing ever happens" axiom.

>> No.15264431

>I still find it hard to believe releasing all this CO2 in the atmosphere just does nothing.
It makes plants grow more vibrantly.

>> No.15265160

…And plants create a cooler environment. The forested city park in my town is routinely 10ºF or more cooler than downtown on hot summer days.

>> No.15266038
File: 476 KB, 492x1250, global cooling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Increased emissions of substances like SO2, which have the opposite effect of greenhouse gases. These were banned in most countries in the 60s and 70s by things like the Clean Air Act due to causing health problems. Although even without the bans, the cooling would have been temporary due to the longer half-life of GHGs like CO2, which leads to more GHGs accumulating over time.
Complete brainlet take. Even if you ignore man-made global warming, there are factors other than changes in solar output that affect global temperature such as Milankovitch cycles. This is why some planets will warm while others will cool at the same time.

However, we know that neither the sun nor Milankovitch cycles are the cause of current warming, because either of those would result in the upper atmosphere also warming. Yet the upper atmosphere is cooling, which is consistent with there being more heat trapped in the lower atmosphere by GHGs.

>> No.15266260

>rising CO2 levels = more plants = more evaporative cooling = lower global temperatures

>> No.15266533


>> No.15267003


>> No.15267344

>like the political classes keep on claiming
the political classes, their propaganda agents and their brainwashed stooges who are cucked enough to serve as unpaid volunteer propaganda agents

>> No.15267362

>the political classes, their propaganda agents and their brainwashed stooges who are cucked enough to serve as unpaid volunteer propaganda agents
Those are the worst of the worst of society and enemies of everyone and everything that is good.
Even murderers, rapists, pedos, cannibals, etc. are above those scum.

>> No.15267371

>Even murderers, rapists, pedos, cannibals, etc. are above those scum.
Because those scum are usually one or more of the above as well.

>> No.15267439

kek true.

>> No.15267700

Whens the next mini ice age? There was one in the late 1600s, the late 1700s, the late 1800s and the late 1900s.

>> No.15267704

Pretty soon. The temperature has already dropped since the early 2000s.

>> No.15267727
File: 85 KB, 400x290, image_preview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't an ice age see graph. The northern hemisphere temperature drop was peculiar to the nothern hemisphere at that time. There were especially strong La Niña for most of those years. https://ggweather.com/enso/oni.htm

Anyhow I don't know how deep you want to get into causation but there are of course a number of papers on this https://journals.ametsoc.org/view/journals/clim/27/21/jcli-d-14-00301.1.xml with a variety of opinions and models. This one proposes a conjunction of a few causes contributing to it.

>> No.15267748
File: 43 KB, 400x290, 1678584168972731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice photoshooped graph, troll.
heres the original

>> No.15267754

lol you need to namefag like the "virus don't real" guy that's funny.

>> No.15267781

Based truth purveyor.

>> No.15267826

>get into causation
CO2 has nothing to do with the climate. That's a scam.