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/sci/ - Science & Math

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15257334 No.15257334 [Reply] [Original]

What exactly is the missing link in the theory of abiogenesis?

>> No.15257341

We know amino acids can form spontaneously under the right conditions. How you get from that to a protein God only knows.

>> No.15257345

Virii predate LUCA

>> No.15257346

by quite a lot, actually

>> No.15257350
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I....dont really think it exists anymore and its just a logic problem for those capable to solve it.



>> No.15257352


>> No.15257353
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It's just nucleic acid chain reactions. The difference between "life" and a simple chemical reaction is information. What is "information"? It's a relative parameter.

The difference between the seemingly random entropy of a series of physical processes over time (e.g. chemical reactions) and organic progeny is our own synthetic distinction between those two. There are other forms of life that don't recognize us because their informational perspective is similarly different.

It's turtles all the way down, and up, and across, and inside out, etc.

>> No.15257360

Garbage citations. That shit belongs on network TV, not the lab.

>> No.15257513

Garbage because? He's debunking every study you evolution peddlers use

>> No.15257522
File: 2.00 MB, 375x199, 3F6u.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, any Geneticist or Evolutionary Biologist that genuinly engages Dave is a low hanging fruit scientist. He may or may not be right, I literally couldnt care less...that isnt the issue.

He is engaging in who he feels is a worthy opponent, thus neither of them are to me.

SEE; >>15257350
A whole dimension higher in research, both mine and the citation, as our works are very similar but at opposite ends of magnitude (when why Im shilling him...he is a proxy for my personal research.)

>> No.15257529

>A whole dimension higher in research, both mine and the citation, as our works are very similar but at opposite ends of magnitude (when why Im shilling him...he is a proxy for my personal research.)
Can I see some of your publications? I want to learn more than is in the video.

>> No.15257534
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Ah, his approach is from a Chemistry perspective, not a Biologist perspective. Im not Chemist, Im Bio, so Im not one to really "review" his works as its simply not my purview, but it IS the standard viewpoint to which I rail against pretty hard in most respects.

Sure, he may not be trash, but if you crawl in garbage...you're gunna get dirty...

>> No.15257540
File: 38 KB, 720x720, 2022-09-30_18.07.03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to learn more than is in the video.
>Please type out beyond cutting edge research in a 4chan post so I can be immediately confused by an entirely new paradigm of reality Ive never considered and neither has anyone Ive researched before.

Sorry, no...Im going to play vidya for a bit before going to the mall to buy some crap. He's posted a bunch in interviews the past year or so.
>My research was cemented years ago, far before his works hit the tube.

>> No.15257547

Goddammit! I knew those ice crystals were fucking with me. I knew it! I FUCKING KNEW IT!

>> No.15257551

You don't need to type anything, just link me to your publications and I'll read it myself.

>> No.15257554
File: 466 KB, 720x1480, Screenshot_20230308-140851_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15257555


>> No.15257558

Those don't look like publications... I want to read your original research, not youtube videos.

>> No.15257562
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You need to remember this.


"Making" you believe means nothing in Clown World. You need to make YOURSELF believe.

>> No.15257565

Youre not qualified. PERIOD. You watch professor dave videos. DUDE....YOURE PBS-SPACETIME TRYING TO BE A JUDGE OF NOVEL RESEARCH.


>> No.15257566

Anon, this is sounding a bit like a religion... I'd like research and factual observations. You seemed genuine at first but now I think you might be lying about doing research.

>> No.15257568
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>dodge the research scientist so you can try to "pwn" in a 4chan thread

You know what youre NOT doing?...RESEARCHING.

>> No.15257574

I would like to, but you won't give me any publications. I'm starting to think you don't have any and this is all a fraud.

>> No.15257579
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We are done here...BOY....walk away.

>> No.15257609
File: 323 KB, 1480x720, Screenshot_20230308-141743_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the link, I'll listen to this while I shitpost in real life. He seems like an all around good guy.
>Reviews his works because I can, not just be fed "tell me what to think".

He is doing God's work and I recant my comments, someone has to clean up this room...Our's is a philosophical divide, not a competency one.

>> No.15257613

Mine and Dr.Tour's...lol, not you. Our's (me and you) IS a competency divide.

>> No.15257703

Kek - are you pretending to be Michael Levin?

>> No.15257717

the anons with names like this are chatbots...
training new 4chan-tuned models at your expense. Don't help them out. If you're going to answer them and bump their threads, at least answer wrong.

Here's another one >>15257696 see the weird pseudorandom name again? That's a 4chan-gpt instance.

>> No.15257718

>are you pretending
Youre pretending to understand English, are smart or knowledgable, or have a soul.

Why do you hate Truth?

>> No.15257720

I stomped every one of you AND YOUR CITATIONS.


>> No.15257730

missing link?
more like missing landscapes, like huge chunks of the shit are unknown and unknown unknows.

>> No.15257738
File: 61 KB, 250x188, Rei_in_LCL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try. Maybe it will pass in math or physics, but you really can't do studies on the origin of life without the proper resources from a lab.
Like maybe a metastudy or a literature review, but that's it.

You telling me you have the primordial soup cooking in your kitchen or something?

>> No.15257742

That actually makes a lot of sense. I thought he was just a retard.

>> No.15257758

Damn, didn't read your post till I responded.
Thank you kind strager

>> No.15257765
File: 19 KB, 298x176, 2017-11-18_12.52.05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but you really can't do studies on the origin of life without the proper resources from a lab.
Its literally the opposite you fucking namefage dunce. We can check and verify math and physics (outside of heavy cosmological theory).
>Got a 4 billion year old DNA sample¿
>"Those dont exist."
Checkmate dunce. THEORY IS MY DIMENSION.


>> No.15257818
File: 12 KB, 275x183, images - 2023-03-08T174131.357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The chimp, looking at the human, says to himself "It must suck for him to be behind this fence, trapped..."

>> No.15257827
File: 10 KB, 255x198, images - 2023-03-08T175312.188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm fed, people clean up my shit....I'm a made chimp! But you...out there in the wilds? I pity you, human..."

>> No.15257828
File: 237 KB, 587x629, 2022-11-10_20.30.24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The mental prisons we live in are made from the heart's emotions superceeding reality itself, the pinnacle of hubris."

>> No.15257864

"God" aka the set of maths that makes cosmic energy flow more efficiently through proteins
Still God, but it needs not be a conscious being or thing

>> No.15258125

imagine being so dumb to think that math really make the universe go round and not just human model of the universe.
go back to your undergrad classes.

>> No.15258146
File: 98 KB, 750x500, flemings-right-and-left-hand-rule-9.8da9f2c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Direction, orthoganol, orthoganol, thats makes 3.
Just one more, Anon, one more geometric absolute and it goes 4D. Whats next, Anon...Im literally shaking...

>> No.15258834

Macro molecular assembly and the switch from binary fission to mitosis?

>> No.15258854

Why is this bot not banned yet?

>> No.15258881
File: 887 KB, 916x711, 2023-03-05_01.06.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why cant you learn past a highschool level? THAT should be bannable here...

..but also;

>> No.15258906

Oh....and THIS is why.