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15257136 No.15257136 [Reply] [Original]

Thanks for playing, your genetic line is finished.

>> No.15257145

Even if that were true (it's not) that sounds like a good thing to me. Genetic immunity for future generations? Sign me up.

>> No.15257148

>Dr. Peter A. McCullough is a world-renowned MD — fighting against censorship and reprisal. He has teamed up with @twc_health, where he now serves as Chief Scientific Officer.
Kek imagine thinking you know more than him.

>> No.15257152

it's funny how chuds keep posting the same 3 or so hacks in the medical world

>> No.15257153

>Genetic immunity for future generations?
Can we get immunity for the original vaxies first? lmao

>> No.15257165
File: 182 KB, 900x900, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we've now gone from
>2 more weeks
>w-well...eventually...f-for your offspring definitely!

>> No.15257167

2 weeks to flatten the curve, right?

>> No.15257172

> During the COVID-19 pandemic, McCullough has promoted misinformation about COVID-19, its treatments, and mRNA vaccines.
kek, some "expert"

>> No.15257178
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>considering a tweet as a reputable and reliable source

>> No.15257185

it's been flattened...for 2 years. and yet you're still screeching and shitting and pissing your pants over it every single day. you'll be doing so 2, 5, 10, 20 years from now. it has permanently buckbroken your brain

>> No.15257187

I didn't get the vax but my genetic line is finished regardless because I am a 35 year old incel.

>> No.15257192

Are you sure about that?

>> No.15257214

Keep in mind a lot of the "misinformation" has proven to be correct, it just didn't fit the narrative of the time.

>> No.15257217

Only 35? Amateur.

>Genetic immunity for future generations?
Immunity via a constant production of rogue proteins? That doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

>> No.15257219

> source: anon's ass

>> No.15257220
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>> No.15257221
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imagine getting duped by Jews to inject genome changing mystery juice and coping this hard. stockholm syndrome is some crazy sheeeit

>> No.15257237

you've been doing it so far for 2 years and i don't see any reason why you'd change, so yeah i'm pretty sure of it. i think you know it to be true as well. you have nothing else going on in your life, you have no hobbies, you come on here and cry about politics to make it seem like you're apart of something bigger than yourself and like you're actually doing something with your life.

>> No.15257241

I've been flattening the curve for 2 years?

>> No.15257242

lost the argument so you revert to insults. genius.

>> No.15257244


>> No.15257255

I was against the midwitted maniacal push to force everyone and their dog to get this shitty mostly useless vaccine, but i'm convinced these fags like mccullough and malone are some controlled op to distract from all that real, shameful and embarrassing stuff and make any opposition to this bullshit look dumb and crazy in the eyes of normoid masses.

>> No.15257257

>the genetic code

>> No.15257293

why would I care what an old cardiologist says about vaccines

>> No.15257296

Was the SARS-CoV-2 fatality rate overstated? Yes. Can the vaccines cause myocarditis? Yes. Are there treatments available that when used early on can reduce severity of the illness? Yes. Are asymptomatic people the primary spreaders of disease? No. Do masks work to any noteworthy degree? No. Were school children responsible for most of the spread? No. A lot of what he was saying in 2020 are known to be correct now, yet it was considered blasphemy at that time.

>> No.15257299

Because if you got it, you're going to be getting very familiar with a cardiologist.

>> No.15257315

>yet it was considered blasphemy at that time.
No, but continue to play the eternal victim

>> No.15257321

Oh really? I'm glad none of that was blasphemy and there were no vaccine mandates, no mask mandates, no school closures...

>> No.15257325

Hey now, the original vaccines brought a ton of immunity
>Immunity for pfizer
>Immunity for moderna
>Immunity for J&J
>Immunity for AstraZeneca
>Immunity for Fauci
>Immunity for all the organizations funding the Wuhan Institute for Virology
>Immunity for all the politicians who pushed mandates
>Immunity for all the businesses who fired employees

Possibly the greatest amount of immunity ever provided by a vaccine in history

>> No.15257326

What argument? That was my first post itt schizo. Well second as I made the post above it. The fact that in the name field in both it says "bodhi" should have given it away if you aren't literally retarded

>> No.15257354

>it’s another “we don’t know jackshit about mRNA” thread
Oh great. I unironcially think the national average IQ would go up by double digits if we got rid of people like you guys.

>> No.15257355

I warned people buying vaccine passports that it was a bad decision

>> No.15257373

We need to filter out the mudbloods

Get the fuck away from us normal humans

>> No.15257382

>it's been flattened...for 2 years
Weird. Many islands exploded in cases after the vaccines.

Lockdowns didn't help the new Zealand people much either

>> No.15257387

>it’s another “we don’t know jackshit about mRNA” thread
Were you part of the group claiming the mRNA would degrade in days, if not hours?

>> No.15257394

>it's been flattened...for 2 years.
The fuck are you smoking? The curve turned into a wall in January 2022, and symptom reports indicate cases would have been just as high in January 2023 if not for home testing.

>> No.15257395

the party is so lucky to have gullible suckers like you who forever live in the present moment and continuously fall for every "akshually, nobody ever said/did ____" gaslighting campaign they push out

>> No.15257399

Twitter who quotes another twitter who. Clearly worth a thread

>> No.15257413
File: 78 KB, 944x678, 4ab6539538fdb4cc8cd455b5a163c6c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Considering mainstream media a reliable source

>> No.15258012
File: 448 KB, 1296x1296, spike-with-badge_1296x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine trusting a guy whose job is literally shilling for a snakeoil company.
Only $65.99 for a bottle of tablets that dissolve spike proteins! You need them for your children too! lmao

>> No.15258033

>parent to child
>"passed down to daughter cells"
That's not what that means.

>> No.15258053

>getting validation from anti-vax e-clowns
>feeling superior for making a contrary medical choice

>> No.15258067

Bro, the CDC job is shilling for billionaire pharmaceutical companies, one evidently has a bigger conflict of interest

>> No.15258087

Rightwingtards are always available for further grifting. I'm sure they'll start offering a combo discount if you'll buy a tube of apple flavored ivermectin, and it comes with a free tin foil hat, use promo code MAGA4LFE to receive 10% off and a lifetime of spam.

>> No.15258102

Completely moot. A cursory glance at the pro-Pfizer posts ITT will reveal to you that these people were nonreproducers to begin with.

>> No.15258140

>Dr. Peter A. McCullough is a world-renowned MD
So am I. You read it on the internet so it must be true.

>> No.15258274

Nice, better than a lifetime shortened by heart failure thanks to the vaccine.

>> No.15258276

That really doesn't make much sense when you can google his name and see his credentials. Searching "anonymous on 4chan" doesn't have the same results.

>> No.15258281

imagine if fauci started selling stuff like this, rightoids would have aneurysms left and right. but when their quack does it...crickets.

it's amazing how much bullshit they excuse, as long as they have the same political beliefs.

>> No.15258286
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>gone from "2 more weeks" to "w-well, it will get you eventually..."

>> No.15258299
File: 131 KB, 480x480, fuck you!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even the peddlers of the vaccine have admitted it doesn't confer immunity. Are you dense or just a paid shill?

>> No.15258322

Side effects of the vaccine were well known and published at the time they were administered. Nobody ever claimed or has claimed that vaccines are 100% safe. The only claim is that they're safer than the diseases they prevent. Which is absolutely true. Masks work and that has been proven again and again. You are referencing a single meta study you did not understand which stated that 'on a population level' that masks seemed ineffective. They never said that masks didn't work. In fact we have plenty of studies showing they do.


The problem is that people ignored mask mandates and continued meeting with family members and friends during the outbreak. That in no way says masks don't work. It says society is a bunch of dickheads.

We were uncertain if children spread the virus. The claims made during the pandemic were 'better safe than sorry'. And I hate to tell you, that is a valid statement that you are apparently too stupid to understand.

>> No.15258323
File: 141 KB, 880x962, descarga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picrel, it's good or maybe you believe that papain doesn't dissolve meat?
2 more weeks was born when people mocked a leftard and we used to laugh at vaxxcattle
We use 2 more weeks ironically and it was real because a tiny percentage of healthy people died of covid

>> No.15258684

If he knows so much, let him do a double-blind study. Use your brain, and stop falling for some guy’s supposed authority over actual evidence. The studies with decent sample sizes all show that the vaccines are safe.

>> No.15258738

Birth of the Psi Corp.

>> No.15259227

That was never the timeline, stop making shit up to try and excuse your bullshit agenda that has by now been so strongly disproven that only a complete retard would still defend it.

>> No.15259282

>That was never the timeline
Huh? Fauci literally said it.

>> No.15259330
File: 17 KB, 474x355, xf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thanks for playing, your genetic line is finished.
Extraterrestrial DNA is now in half the human population.
You best believe in dystopian alien invasions, because you are living in one.

Everyone was warned in the X-Files. The writer was silenced by the elite he was blowing the whistle on.

>> No.15259357
File: 9 KB, 250x250, spotted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but it actually does, just not once you transcribe it. The fact that you and others don't understand molecular biology is not embarrassing, not everyone is a molecular biologist, but stop pretending please. Also >>15257136
Getting into the nucleus doesn't mean anything, cancer completely ravages the DNA of thousands of cells every day but it doesn't impact the reproductive cells. Not that this guy is even a source, threads like this appear every day and then everyone forgets two weeks later and we're onto another flavour of the week, the mass die off we've been having for two years that's unreported and imperceptible outside of 4 channel dot org

>> No.15259489

>Genetic immunity for future generations?
It provided less immunity for everyone who took it, how would it grant "genetic immunity" for future generations? They're just going to have compromised immune systems even worse than their clotblood parents.

>> No.15260104

>Side effects of the vaccine were well known and published at the time they were administered.
No, we were specifically told myocarditis was not a risk during the initial rollout.

>Masks work and that has been proven again and again. You are referencing a single meta study you did not understand which stated that 'on a population level' that masks seemed ineffective.
Cochrane reviews are the gold standard, and they could not support that masks work.

>The problem is that people ignored mask mandates and continued meeting with family members and friends during the outbreak.
That happened in every country? Well then, it's completely moot whether masks work, because it's certain that mandates don't work.

>We were uncertain if children spread the virus. The claims made during the pandemic were 'better safe than sorry'.
Children were set back for two years because you wanted to be better safe than sorry. We knew very early on that they rarely had a severe infection. We also knew very early on that they tended to carry vary low viral loads compared to adults. It's a complete lie to act like "we didn't know at the time" when we knew A LOT my mid-2020.

>> No.15260107

>the mass die off we've been having for two years that's unreported and imperceptible outside of 4 channel dot org
And the national death stats, and millions of essential employment positions going unfilled, and...

>> No.15260116

mRNA is mRNA, all that matters is it's sticking around and causing a longer duration of spike production. See >>15260051. We were told a few hours for the mRNA and a few weeks for the spike protein. Turns out it's at least 2 months and 6 months, respectively.

>> No.15260143

15 million excess deaths during the pandemic period.
6 million of those "with covid" a very expansive category that includes deaths in automobile accidents if the person tests positive for covid postmortem.
The other nine million deaths? Apparently they all died of 4chan.

>> No.15261312
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ah, another nocebo thread

>> No.15261408

Do they inject the vaccine into the balls or something for it to be passed to the child? Even if the changes are permanent and not degraded, they won't somehow transfer from tissue to blood and then to your balls. It'll be the site where the injection was where the problems arise and will stay permanent because the stem cells and tissue resident cells remain changed.

>> No.15261802

They're probably a "limited hangout." They reveal part of the the picture when it becomes too obvious to the public that something big is going on.

>> No.15261808
File: 141 KB, 1195x936, Heres your athlete vacc deaths.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might know less but he surely is fucking retarded happener which becomes clear from this letter to editor.
"January 2021 to the time of writing, 1598 athletes suffered cardiac arrest, 1101 of which with deadly outcome."[8] citing this:
Ctrl+f suicide=15 results
Ctrl'+f cancer 64 results
Pic related.
Imagine taking this guy seriously.

>> No.15261967

The gene therapy bioconcentrates in the ovaries and testes.

>> No.15261998

Nothing yet another booster shot can't solve, innit vaxxed bro ?

>> No.15262006
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>> No.15262009


>> No.15262103

I literally lost all of my friends in 2020 and 2021 because they got caught up in the hysteria and outright insulted me for pointing out obvious shit which they disagreed with (with sources).

>> No.15262119

I'm a nationalsocialist and I don't buy anything shilled by ecelebs. Stick your strawman up your ass, leftcuck.

>> No.15262172

This moron has literally zero clue about biology.
Genetic changes only get passed down if they happen in the germ line.
Your progeny doesn't care your brain or heart is a spike protein factory.

>> No.15262439
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>> No.15262441

>Your progeny doesn't care your brain or heart is a spike protein factory.
It might care if the ovaries and testes are though >>15262006

>> No.15262472


>> No.15262822
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>> No.15262827
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>that sounds like a good thing to me
Correct, you just haven't figured out why exactly.

>> No.15262845

> many stupid numbers
nothing funny, regular propaganda

>> No.15262851

How is this thread still up lol

>> No.15262869
File: 1.35 MB, 1345x1904, Australians dying at levels not seen in 80 years & UK is seeing same phenomenon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15262874
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>> No.15262875

>oy vey jannies shut it down!!!!

>> No.15262900

its oky too regroot
u failed teh iq test suddenler lol

>> No.15262924

IQ is another psyop.

>> No.15262928

Close your mouth, you're leaking.

>> No.15262941
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>> No.15262943

Go get vaxxed.
It'll help the world (by killing you).

>> No.15262949
File: 195 KB, 1141x759, DDT-is-good-for-me-old-ad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe, shill

>> No.15262960

you gotta let go, anon. playtime is over

untreated psychosis will destroy you. get help before it's too late

>> No.15262963

Quoted the wrong post? I think you meant that for >>15257145

>> No.15262969

>its a vaxcattle kino episode

>> No.15262983
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Pureblood Chad's report in.

>> No.15263195


>> No.15263197

To flatten the curve?

>> No.15263198


>> No.15263205

Yes. That's how many weeks it takes to flatten the curve, right?

>> No.15263217
File: 2.48 MB, 2000x1335, 1657611614656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"limited hangout."
Huh, didn't know about this, thanks anon. Anyway, idk what to believe about them. I guess them just being grifters is most likely.

>> No.15263519

>I am le epic skeptic and free thinker who sees through what they are pushing, gazing down at the masses of gullible sheeple from the heights of my towering intellec-
>is that a tweet that says exactly what I want to hear? It must be true! It proves I'm right!

>> No.15263531
File: 584 KB, 1530x887, 2MoreWeeks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine trusting a race that is known the world over, all through history, as the most corrupt, deceitful and blood thirsty humanoids to ever walk the planet who have complete control of your media, government and medical institutions

>> No.15263979

Yea it's hard to say really. I used to listen to McCullough's podcast and I thought it was pretty good, but his supplement ads were always infuriating. They really do make him sound like a grifter and make the content impossible to share with anyone who's pro vax.

>> No.15263990

Who gives a fuck about shitholes that aren't the USA

>> No.15263993

Imagine being so genetically inferior a little vaccine kills you lmao

>> No.15264417

>Imagine being so genetically inferior a little cold kills you lmao

>> No.15264432

Covid alarmists who kept pointing at exponential graphs forgot one simple axiom of real life: nothing ever happens.
No matter how good and scary your data is just remember: NOTHING EVER HAPPENS
Not covid not climate change not WW2 not solar flares... nothing can stop you from going to work tomorrow

>> No.15264600

>don't believe vaccine disinformation, goyim! trust us (but not others)!

>> No.15264900
File: 55 KB, 738x500, 5zh9wq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

old meme

>> No.15265729

reminds me of climate hysteria

>> No.15265738
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>> No.15265811

I was worried at first then I read this post now I'm not.

>> No.15265847
File: 105 KB, 1154x1154, 144021_ts-736612657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine if Trump said to get the injections. Rightoids would be fighting each other to inject as much Pfizer into their veins as possible!
Oh wait, Trump did tell them to get the injections but they exercised independent thinking and decided not to get it. Wonder where you got the idea that "rightoids" mindlessly follow NPC programming?