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15254461 No.15254461 [Reply] [Original]

>our ancestors hunted animals by following them until they got tired.

>> No.15254464

Raise crops and chickens

>> No.15254467

They hunted them however they could.

>> No.15254468

>.t what are arrows, spears, atlatls, slingshots, snares, pit traps, nets, or just hucking a plain old rock with your arm

>> No.15254539

how could that be true in europe where it was wooded.

>> No.15255456

so lets hear your method of hunting a dangerous animal when you're armed with a sharp stick

>> No.15255461
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>when you're armed with a sharp stick
Fukken stick it! Pyaww!!

>> No.15255491

>hunting a dangerous animal
Why? I like rabbit.

>> No.15255500

>our ancestors
OP is talking about all of humanity's ancestors who lived in Africa.

>> No.15255530

prehistoric rabbits were 10 feet tall and would eat your face off

>> No.15255625

Literally how stupid are people to not read a bear encounter with a meager knife or rifle
It's not that simple either, against a predator like that you might have to sacrifice a hand in it's maw to get clean repetitive stabs to the chest, anything that will break it's ribcage and puncture something quickly

>> No.15255638

People do that, like, right now.

>> No.15255648

decaprio got one without sacrificing anything

>> No.15255649

Just warning for future bear encounters
Always be ready

>> No.15255694

Persistence hunting is a myth. The calories used and need to drag the animal back to camp makes it pointless. It's a ritual right of passage for certain ancient tribes, but that's about it.

Cliffs. Herd animals are easily scared off cliffs.

>> No.15255818

Explains a lot about our developed societies t bee haych

>> No.15255829

>Persistence hunting is a myth. The calories used and need to drag the animal back to camp makes it pointless. It's a ritual right of passage for certain ancient tribes, but that's about it.
why would you assume they dragged them back to camp?

>> No.15255991

>animals are good sprinters but bad endurance
>yet people rode horses and camels

>> No.15256001

If we ran better, we ate it. If it ran better, we rode it.

>> No.15256004

>Persistence hunting is a myth
Guess how I know you're a 115-IQ subhuman who reads pop-science tabloids.

>> No.15256477


>> No.15256484

lmao u really believe that? grow up man

>> No.15256518

>If we ran better, we ate it. If it ran better, we rode it.
Need to do that with women. Might lower the obesity pandemic.

>> No.15256691

Why are humans so uniquely unequipped to deal with the natural world?

>> No.15256696

We are the tarded extraterrestrials that were marooned here on purpose.

>> No.15256971

Humans are uniquely equipped to deal with the natural world better than anything else that ever lived.

>> No.15257347
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 5CF6DA3B-DAAC-48A8-92E6-FD17AD13DA5C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>our ancestors were self replicating molecules and now we (conscious in a brain) exist in a hallucinated virtual reality constructed purely for the purpose of serving our self replicating molecule ancestors and making more of them

>> No.15259260


>> No.15259401
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wow Atheists think they're smart but their entire philosophy can be summed up in one sentence.

>> No.15259644

thats how i hunt females

>> No.15259648

Only a few tribes in Africa did that. European hunters used blinds and forced their prey into traps.

>> No.15262054

>500 years from now

“Our ancestors had factory farms, squishing thousands of scentient creatures into body sized cages, feeding them onions and steroids”

“Bro, you really believe that? Lmao”

>> No.15262409

you camp at the animal for a week. eat everything except the really fatty parts and carry those with you. EZPZ

>> No.15262548
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You ommit the fact that humans build infrastructure to mitigate their lower stamina.
It's a trope for all literature before the train age that they had stables every x km of the road and changed horses if they needed to move as fast as possible.
Alternatively step tribes had 4-6 horses per warrior so they just changed them like that.

>> No.15262555

>above average IQ
say it one more time for the folks in the back please

>> No.15262564
File: 27 KB, 640x400, 20230309_221308.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aside from our gigabrains?
As was previously mentioned, we are the best endurance runners of all species
Also we can throw stuff really good (even chimpanzees struggle with that)
Not to mention walking upright (superior awareness and free hands) and opposable thumbs

There are drawbacks of course (back problems, problems with childbirth, children are born defensless because their head needs to grow etc)
But we beat ants in our share of terrafoming, and ants are a tough opponent to beat in that regard.
Only bacteria surpass us as far as I know.

>> No.15262570

Isn't that a good thing?
Forgot to add my name to these two

>> No.15263751
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>> No.15263821

>unchallenged global apex predator
>"uniquely unequipped to deal with the natural world"

u wot m8?

>> No.15263903

>humans breed animals for the sole purpose of experimenting on them and/or killing them
Just imagine this being your fate from birth

>> No.15263989
File: 172 KB, 1280x907, IMG_20230310_221939_937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try Soviet union or Sparta for human experiment material

It's the song about Russian civil war of 1918 sung by a chorus of pioneers (children about 12 yo) in 1960s or even 80s where they say stuf like:
"We are all unbridled heroes and all our life is a struggle"
"In intoxicating battle give us Warshaw, give us Berlin and then we smashed into Crimea"

Songs and other stuff like this was a part of people's lives since kindergarten.

>> No.15265845
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I achieve something or other by posting frogs until uhhh something happens