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15253404 No.15253404 [Reply] [Original]

Why do scientist keep claiming a woman can infect a guy with AIDS, when is pretty clear at looking at the evidence, you can only get AIDS from more or less 500 random faggots you met at gay bars to cum in your ass?

You need to be in constact contact with gay infected AIDS cum in your ass to be infected, because it sucks dick at infecting others.

>> No.15253524


Does it mean you need a higher initial load than what's usually possible in vaginal sex?

(Asking because I just had raw vaginal sex with a prostitute 2 months ago lol)

>> No.15253526

*Viral load

>> No.15253541

you only get infected if it gets in your blood stream.

If you're a cut fag, you're basically inmune because your head of your dick is basically dry bark and lacks the conditions of humidity and smoothness that will help harvest ETS.

>> No.15253545

If I could beat you in person, I would. Why would you do that?
There's some protections offered with the vaginal microbiome, but having multiple sexual partners can increase bacterial vaginosis and fuck that protection up.

>> No.15253577
File: 83 KB, 1352x804, wef evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AIDS is a faggot dissease
Mostly true, yes. Also most cases are among blacks.

HOWEVER, most fags are closeted and hide, and often have a wife/"beard" to make them look normal.

That's how it is spread to hetrosexuals.

ALSO, Medical blood donation places have been accepting blood donations from GAYS. Can you believe that shit?

Just more proof the rich 1% elite want to reduce global populations by any means they are able.

>> No.15253599

so what you're saying is sexual promiscuity is the disease and aids is the cure?

>> No.15253601

No, It's a bio weapon to kill gays and blacks.

>> No.15253609

That's why they spliced it with covid to make Covid-19? Bioweapon 2.0.

>> No.15255857

If your donated blood has AIDS they burn the bag. Blood doesn't go past the collector's storage until after tests are ran. Sasuga, retard-kun.

>> No.15256444

>If your donated blood has AIDS they burn the bag.
Only a small % are tested.
They DO NOT test every donated sample of blood, that would be too expensive and time consuming.

That's how thousands of people each year in the USA alone wind up with Hep-C, HIV, etc. from transfusions.

It is playing russian roulette getting blood from unknown people. Best to store up your own blood in a blood bank or a private cooler, for emergency use, like the rich people ALL do.

>> No.15257289

So BBC should only fuck white women to stay safe? Roger, boss!

>> No.15257295


an american wrote this