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15246946 No.15246946 [Reply] [Original]

What happens when a majority of people no longer consider credentials to be a sign of legitimate expertise?

>> No.15246953

A new source of legitimacy emerges, usually from a parallel institution that can gain the trust the original one lost.

>> No.15246956

Then you get legitimacy from results, not just your diploma

>> No.15246959 [DELETED] 

egg producing and non egg producing is a binary

>> No.15246961

Who are these "people" calling gender into question?

>> No.15246963
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>What happens when a majority of people no longer consider credentials to be a sign of legitimate expertise?
They start learning for themselves rather than believing the "experts" and government talking heads.

>> No.15246967

Calling women "egg layers" is misogynistic!

Also, excluding men who identify as women by saying they cannot lay eggs is probably racist! Reeee!

>> No.15246990


>> No.15247014

delete this chud

>> No.15247926

The Gnostic Hermetics are trying to do Dialectical Alchemy. They'll just mix the polar opposites of each binary over and over until somehow they're no longer binary. They're as clueless as the underpants gnomes from South Park.

>> No.15247945

That isn't wrong terminology, it's sill but not wrong

>> No.15247979

Diploma mill customers will have to start demonstrating their expertise through competence, not muh credentials

>> No.15247992

americans are mentally ill

>> No.15248015

ho boy another clickbait article quoting a literally who

>> No.15248026
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you will never produce any eggs
you will forever be a sperm producer warped into a crude mockery of an egg producer

>> No.15248127

No, it's wrong.

>> No.15248251
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>man = featherless biped
>woman = egg producing

After many centuries philosophers still can't define what a man or woman is ....... but why is it every time we try we end up describing a chicken?

>> No.15248376

Egg-producing is literally the same thing as female

>> No.15248418

Wuz we dinosaurs too?

>> No.15249633 [DELETED] 
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>> No.15249634

Based. Now I can call any sow i want a "Breeder".

>> No.15249637


We'z ruled da Errf!

>> No.15249643

Transphobe hush

>> No.15249649

Egg producing is correct and also happens to be the definition of female

>> No.15249748

That's why cumdumpster is a more appropriate term.
/b/ was right all along.

>> No.15249961

This. There is nothing scientific about the current retarded woke war against the meaning of words, it's just semantics not the real world.

>> No.15249962

It's an overcomplication of language for the sake of ideology.

>> No.15249973

How yo spot bullshit woke manipulation 101

>> No.15249988
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Anytime I see or hear the goycattle buzzwords “experts” or “scientists” I immediately know it’s bullshit.
Get pavlov’d you low IQ apes

>> No.15250039 [DELETED] 
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>What happens when a majority of people no longer consider credentials to be a sign of legitimate expertise?
We already passed that point quite a while ago

>> No.15250290

>Use 'egg-producing' not 'female', say eggsperts in call to phase out eggsclusionary language


>> No.15251176 [DELETED] 

nobody wants to go to a black doctor, not even blacks. so credentials are not a considered sign of legitimate expertise by the general public.
the loud vocal minority of people who have credentials which they didn't earn are the only people who think that credentials matter.

>> No.15253289 [DELETED] 

egg producing and non egg producing is a binary

>> No.15253315

Why was the other post deleted?

>> No.15253930

I’ve had it with these egg making mammals on this Monday to Friday forum.

>> No.15256489 [DELETED] 

>memorize this new woke jargon which will be superseded by something even more fake and gay as soon as we can think it up
why bother?

>> No.15256537


>> No.15256550

You either produce eggs or you don't.

>> No.15257744
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>> No.15257755

When one priest caste is discredited, a new priest caste will soon fill the void.

>> No.15257756

Diogenes was the ultimate Sigma Male.

>> No.15257757

This. If somebody calls themself a "Geologist" or a "Microbiologist" then I'll hear them out. But if they call themselves a generic "scientist" or "expert", then I know they're trying to bullshit me by insinuating a much broader credibility than they have any right to.

>> No.15257763


>> No.15257797


>> No.15257802

Thats fairly naïve, If somebody calls themself a "Geologist" or a "Microbiologist" then you should first ascertain if they earned their qualification or if they're an affirmative action beneficiary. If they appear to be white and male then you still need to make sure that they aren't jewish, homosexual or otherwise mentally ill, onlly once those hurdles are crossed may you hear them out. to do otherwise irresponsible

>> No.15257813

I am more interested in what they say than who they say they are. Claiming to be a geologist doesn't give you much of any credibility in my eyes, but neither does it confer a lack of credibility. But if somebody calls themself a "scientist", I know bullshit is coming out of their mouth.

>> No.15258145

>They start learning for themselves

>> No.15258151
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Yurp, if they hint at being any kind of scientist I will know I can at the very least understand the basic of their job, if they hide it theyre hiding the truth.

>"I'm a scientist."
>Is a sociologist specializing in political science or some shit.....

>> No.15258202

I honestly think, that there are man, woman and that third thing, which would make bad name of 'man' collective, that are not man because of that.

>> No.15258307
File: 1.34 MB, 1420x939, Siense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say people will start to think for themselves and stop outsourcing their thinking to "authority" figures, but we know that isn't gonna happen.

>> No.15259405


>> No.15260365
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>> No.15261781

>stop saying female and male
>instead say egg producing and... non-egg producing?
>surely this will phase out binary language
do they know what the word binary means?

>> No.15261968

Bullshit don't propagate the church build your own